Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

So because Glen points out that this gunman was a 9/11 truther, which is accurate. He is somehow lying about it?

The man was an avid "Truther'. He had blogs and websites devoted to that. He was fighting their cause. So he wasnt a hero of the group? Why? Because he decided to take a gun to people?

Whether he is a hero now or not is irrelevant. But I dont see how you can say Glen was lying for pointing out that he was one.

Besides, I dont see any evidence that they arent all people who are willing to attack people randomly.
So because Glen points out that this gunman was a 9/11 truther, which is accurate. He is somehow lying about it?

The man was an avid "Truther'. He had blogs and websites devoted to that. He was fighting their cause. So he wasnt a hero of the group? Why? Because he decided to take a gun to people?

Whether he is a hero now or not is irrelevant. But I dont see how you can say Glen was lying for pointing out that he was one.

Besides, I dont see any evidence that they arent all people who are willing to attack people randomly.

no... he was someone who believed 9/11 was carried out by jews...not a belief held by those that identify themselves as the 9/11 truth movement
So because Glen points out that this gunman was a 9/11 truther, which is accurate. He is somehow lying about it?

The man was an avid "Truther'. He had blogs and websites devoted to that. He was fighting their cause. So he wasnt a hero of the group? Why? Because he decided to take a gun to people?

Whether he is a hero now or not is irrelevant. But I dont see how you can say Glen was lying for pointing out that he was one.

Besides, I dont see any evidence that they arent all people who are willing to attack people randomly.

He implies that all 911 truthers are like this 88 yr mad man and that this is something that all 911 truthers like...THAT IS A LIE!!!
Hate to break it to you, but Glenn didn't lie. Check out Scott Baker's investigative reporting video (link posted below). Of course you won't hear another word on this from ABC, Barbara or Whoppi. Maybe the girls should check their facts before calling someone a liar. » Seven-Minute Slam: The Inside Story of Glenn Beck’s ‘Ambush’ on ‘The View’

Hate to break it to you, he did lie and admitted to it on the video. Watch it again.

You're kidding right? Listen again! Scott reported he spoke with a top guy at Amtrak. HE CONFIRMED that ABC contacted Amtrak for special accommodations for Barb and Whoop. The guy at Amtrak also confirmed that train cabinet attendants will sometimes reserve seats for certain individuals. The issue here is Barb and Whoop claimed they didn't get special treatment and called Glenn a liar. Guess having a police escort doesn't constitute special treatment to them either.

So the "logic" is, if ABC got a police escort, and some attendant on their own reserved a seat (an assumption never proven) then ABC, Whoopie and Barbara must have reserved the seat. BRILLIANT
Remember Scott admitted that attendants SOMETIMES save seats ON THEIR OWN, but never proved that they did this time and admitted that even if they did this time Whoopie and Barbara may not have known it and, of course ABC may not have requested anything more than security. CON$ervative spin requires that if calling a request for security "special treatment" or "special arrangements" therefore it should be assumed ABC reserved the seats and Amtrak agreed.
What I love is how Scott downplayed the importance of the story while admitting he had made an ISSUE of it BEFORE Beck was ever on The View!!!! BRILLIANT
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Maggie, I have no idea what Fairmont said. Can you explain it to me?

I think he is trying to be witty with only half the necessary equipment.

I think the valid issue is that there is a huge disconnect among conservatives about jews and Israel. There is religious imperative that Israel is a sign of the coming of Christ, therefore Israel is a good thing. But they don't like actual jews very much.... for all the usual reasons that people dislike other ethnic/religious minorities in general and jews in particular.

So I think the point is that conservatives like Israel and Jews only when it is convenient/useful/ and a less messy way of getting them away from here.

That is my best guess. YMMV :cuckoo:

Now for what it is worth, there are lots of anti semites out there in right-land. I dropped a board I used to like because the admin went nuts on the "Israel is not a true friend" meme. (this is not really news. It is part of the reason for Israel's existence as a state that they have no reliable friends among the other nations, even the US. Nevile Chamberlain and his umbrella are a potent symbol there.) And there anti semites in right land who do think defending Israel as a state is important for really goofy reasons.

But not all of us are like that. And those that are, are pretty lonely

As for the issue with the Amtrack train. From what I saw up topic, it is against Amtrack policy to reserve seats. However, the staff of the train is given customer manifests before the train goes off, and it may have been a thing where the staff, knowing the customers, who seem to be repeat customers, have put aside a special table that the view girls like for their use. The staff is now in trouble, I guess. It is against policy. So the view girls did not know the table was reserved, Amtrack did not know the table was reserved. But the staff, trying to be nice to regular customers who have been nice to them in the past went the extra mile to be helpful to good customers. This is not special treatment for media elites, this is just good customer service. Which is probably at an end.

Now for the nut job. Anti Semitism is a common sins on both edges of the political spectrum. Trooferism is pretty much a lefty thing. So I don't think you can honestly call him a right wing nut job. He is just a bad guy who did a bad thing for a bad reason. the politics don't make any sense where he is, as he is just in la la land anyway.

Now Jeremiah Wright is a lefty nut job anti-semite. The next time we get some guy with a screw loose who shoots up a jewish place of buisness, are we going to blame it on Wright? Makes as much as blaming this guy on the right.
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Hate to break it to you, he did lie and admitted to it on the video. Watch it again.

You're kidding right? Listen again! Scott reported he spoke with a top guy at Amtrak. HE CONFIRMED that ABC contacted Amtrak for special accommodations for Barb and Whoop. The guy at Amtrak also confirmed that train cabinet attendants will sometimes reserve seats for certain individuals. The issue here is Barb and Whoop claimed they didn't get special treatment and called Glenn a liar. Guess having a police escort doesn't constitute special treatment to them either.

So the "logic" is, if ABC got a police escort, and some attendant on their own reserved a seat (an assumption never proven) then ABC, Whoopie and Barbara must have reserved the seat. BRILLIANT
Remember Scott admitted that attendants SOMETIMES save seats ON THEIR OWN, but never proved that they did this time and admitted that even if they did this time Whoopie and Barbara may not have known it and, of course ABC may not have requested anything more than security. CON$ervative spin requires that if calling a request for security "special treatment" or "special arrangements" therefore it should be assumed ABC reserved the seats and Amtrak agreed.
What I love is how Scott downplayed the importance of the story while admitting he had made an ISSUE of it BEFORE Beck was ever on The View!!!! BRILLIANT

First of all, this topic doesn't belong here but you seem to have a fascination with this story, since I noticed you posted the same garbage on another thread regarding Glen. I found your "spin" to be very amusing. Scott stated Amtrak WAS contacted by ABC in regard to special accommodations for the ladies. But for fun, lets say Amtrak was never contacted by ABC. The FACT remains an Amtrak attendant reserved seating for the ladies. It is a non-issue whether Barbara or Whoopi knew it. I would bet these ladies have a predisposed dislike of Glen, so it wasn't hard for them to take offense to how Glen told the story on his show. IMO, I think Barb and Whoop are full of shit. They know they are going to get special accommodations. And the bottom line is, Amtrak gave it to them. Whether the request came from ABC or not, isn't the issue. Glen saw it and commented on it. Where is the big lie?
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You're kidding right? Listen again! Scott reported he spoke with a top guy at Amtrak. HE CONFIRMED that ABC contacted Amtrak for special accommodations for Barb and Whoop. The guy at Amtrak also confirmed that train cabinet attendants will sometimes reserve seats for certain individuals. The issue here is Barb and Whoop claimed they didn't get special treatment and called Glenn a liar. Guess having a police escort doesn't constitute special treatment to them either.

So the "logic" is, if ABC got a police escort, and some attendant on their own reserved a seat (an assumption never proven) then ABC, Whoopie and Barbara must have reserved the seat. BRILLIANT
Remember Scott admitted that attendants SOMETIMES save seats ON THEIR OWN, but never proved that they did this time and admitted that even if they did this time Whoopie and Barbara may not have known it and, of course ABC may not have requested anything more than security. CON$ervative spin requires that if calling a request for security "special treatment" or "special arrangements" therefore it should be assumed ABC reserved the seats and Amtrak agreed.
What I love is how Scott downplayed the importance of the story while admitting he had made an ISSUE of it BEFORE Beck was ever on The View!!!! BRILLIANT

First of all, this topic doesn't belong here but you seem to have a fascination with this story, since I noticed you posted the same garbage on another thread regarding Glen. I found your "spin" to be very amusing. Scott stated Amtrak WAS contacted by ABC in regard to special accommodations for the ladies. But for fun, lets say Amtrak was never contacted by ABC. The FACT remains an Amtrak attendant reserved seating for the ladies. It is a non-issue whether Barbara or Whoopi knew it. I would bet these ladies have a predisposed dislike of Glen, so it wasn't hard for them to take offense to how Glen told the story on his show. IMO, I think Barb and Whoop are full of shit. They know they are going to get special accommodations. And the bottom line is, Amtrak gave it to them. Whether the request came from ABC or not, isn't the issue. Glen saw it and commented on it. Where is the big lie?

First of all, that was my only post on this.
Second I said ABC contacted Amtrak about SECURITY and you CON$ try to imply that means ABC reserved the seats by using the words "special accommodations" instead of "security arrangements."
And third it is NOT a FACT that an attendant reserved the seat, only an assumption made to cover Beck's lying ass.
I think the level of heat on this from the View girls is kind of out of proportion. But I think it also something that they feel they never requested, and they, like most rational americans, would despise anyone who would request that kind of special service. So they feel offended that they were accused of playing like queens of all creation, when they know they didn't do that.

What they got was good customer service.

Glen reported exactly what he saw. Which is not necessarily exactly what happened. Glen has told stories like this before, and there was a radio guy who specialized in this kind of story, where there was a lot more to a story then the first viewing or telling.

As for the police escort, rational behavior. There are lots of John Hinckly and Mark Chapman types out there. There have been three really bad cases of that kind of stupidity in the last two weeks, just for example.

So he did not lie. He told the exact truth as he knew it. Which was not the story. There is always another detail.
I completely believe that 2 planes hit the twin towers as do most truthers.

I guess you didn't watch loose change or improbable collapse huh?

Did I say something about the towers?
Did I say something about the pentagon?

I don't know what hit the pentagon but it wasn't a 757 flown by some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon...That just didn't happen.
Why should he break the habit, some people will always want to believe people like Mr Beck
You need to remember that the planes were not flown by
some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon
These guys were from upper class families and all had college educations. They did go to flight school. The seem to have done badly and made a bad impression on the CFI's, but they did learn how to do turns, they learned the instruments, and basic theory. I forget how many hours they all had, but a reasonably intelligent person can solo in as few as 12 hours, if you practice often enough. They also did flight simulations on their computers.

Don't make the mistake that since they were insane, they were therefore dumb. Also don't make the mistake that since they were arabs, they were therefore stupid and uneducated.

Just because their reasoning skills left something (darn near everything) to be desired, does not mean they were untrainable or unproficient.
So the "logic" is, if ABC got a police escort, and some attendant on their own reserved a seat (an assumption never proven) then ABC, Whoopie and Barbara must have reserved the seat. BRILLIANT
Remember Scott admitted that attendants SOMETIMES save seats ON THEIR OWN, but never proved that they did this time and admitted that even if they did this time Whoopie and Barbara may not have known it and, of course ABC may not have requested anything more than security. CON$ervative spin requires that if calling a request for security "special treatment" or "special arrangements" therefore it should be assumed ABC reserved the seats and Amtrak agreed.
What I love is how Scott downplayed the importance of the story while admitting he had made an ISSUE of it BEFORE Beck was ever on The View!!!! BRILLIANT

First of all, this topic doesn't belong here but you seem to have a fascination with this story, since I noticed you posted the same garbage on another thread regarding Glen. I found your "spin" to be very amusing. Scott stated Amtrak WAS contacted by ABC in regard to special accommodations for the ladies. But for fun, lets say Amtrak was never contacted by ABC. The FACT remains an Amtrak attendant reserved seating for the ladies. It is a non-issue whether Barbara or Whoopi knew it. I would bet these ladies have a predisposed dislike of Glen, so it wasn't hard for them to take offense to how Glen told the story on his show. IMO, I think Barb and Whoop are full of shit. They know they are going to get special accommodations. And the bottom line is, Amtrak gave it to them. Whether the request came from ABC or not, isn't the issue. Glen saw it and commented on it. Where is the big lie?

First of all, that was my only post on this.
Second I said ABC contacted Amtrak about SECURITY and you CON$ try to imply that means ABC reserved the seats by using the words "special accommodations" instead of "security arrangements."
And third it is NOT a FACT that an attendant reserved the seat, only an assumption made to cover Beck's lying ass.

Sorry on saying you posted on this topic on another thread. My oversight as I thought it was Tinktink replying back to me. But I am amazed how you are splitting hairs on this. If I walk onto a train and take a seat and then told you cannot sit there and then another person boards the train and takes that same seat, wouldn't you ASSUME it was reserved for them? Seems you just want to believe Glenn made up the story. So go ahead and knock yourself out if it makes you feel better that Glenn would make up a lie on such a stupid thing.
So because Glen points out that this gunman was a 9/11 truther, which is accurate. He is somehow lying about it?

The man was an avid "Truther'. He had blogs and websites devoted to that. He was fighting their cause. So he wasnt a hero of the group? Why? Because he decided to take a gun to people?

Whether he is a hero now or not is irrelevant. But I dont see how you can say Glen was lying for pointing out that he was one.

Besides, I dont see any evidence that they arent all people who are willing to attack people randomly.

no... he was someone who believed 9/11 was carried out by jews...not a belief held by those that identify themselves as the 9/11 truth movement

Care to directly respond to anything I said on "9/11 truth" above? Or do you wish to remain happily in your fog of lies and conspiracies on the subject?
Did I say something about the towers?
Did I say something about the pentagon?

I don't know what hit the pentagon but it wasn't a 757 flown by some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon...That just didn't happen.

Really Poli? That was me drawing him out and narrowing the discussion to what I wanted to talk about not what he wanted to talk about. I see you were conspicuously silent about how the remainder of the responses in the thread played out.

Are you another 9/11 nutter?
well, personally I think a 9-11 "truther" is kinda like a moronicoxy! sorta..
So because Glen points out that this gunman was a 9/11 truther, which is accurate. He is somehow lying about it?

The man was an avid "Truther'. He had blogs and websites devoted to that. He was fighting their cause. So he wasnt a hero of the group? Why? Because he decided to take a gun to people?

Whether he is a hero now or not is irrelevant. But I dont see how you can say Glen was lying for pointing out that he was one.

Besides, I dont see any evidence that they arent all people who are willing to attack people randomly.

no... he was someone who believed 9/11 was carried out by jews...not a belief held by those that identify themselves as the 9/11 truth movement

Care to directly respond to anything I said on "9/11 truth" above? Or do you wish to remain happily in your fog of lies and conspiracies on the subject?

your the one in the fog of lies and conspiracy's...the white house lied and told you a conspiracy theory...and you swallowed whole without question
no... he was someone who believed 9/11 was carried out by jews...not a belief held by those that identify themselves as the 9/11 truth movement

Care to directly respond to anything I said on "9/11 truth" above? Or do you wish to remain happily in your fog of lies and conspiracies on the subject?

your the one in the fog of lies and conspiracy's...the white house lied and told you a conspiracy theory...and you swallowed whole without question

So you think a "100 ton jetliner" disappeared into thin air 3 seconds before it hit the Pentagon?

OK....and I'm swallowing a conspiracy? :cuckoo:
Care to directly respond to anything I said on "9/11 truth" above? Or do you wish to remain happily in your fog of lies and conspiracies on the subject?

your the one in the fog of lies and conspiracy's...the white house lied and told you a conspiracy theory...and you swallowed whole without question

So you think a "100 ton jetliner" disappeared into thin air 3 seconds before it hit the Pentagon?

OK....and I'm swallowing a conspiracy? :cuckoo:

I think eyewitness testomony of pentagon employees and eyewitnesses was omitted from the 911 commission report ...I think the people have the right to see the 84 surveillance tapes still classified...and I think the truth has been covered up

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
your the one in the fog of lies and conspiracy's...the white house lied and told you a conspiracy theory...and you swallowed whole without question

So you think a "100 ton jetliner" disappeared into thin air 3 seconds before it hit the Pentagon?

OK....and I'm swallowing a conspiracy? :cuckoo:

I think eyewitness testomony of pentagon employees and eyewitnesses was omitted from the 911 commission report ...I think the people have the right to see the 84 surveillance tapes still classified...and I think the truth has been covered up

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

I believe one person that I personally know and I can vouch for the integrity of that saw the plane fly over him 3 seconds before it hit the Pentagon. Until you can account for what happened to that plane, we have nothing to talk about.

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