Glenn Reynolds: Raise Voting Age To 25 After Yale, Mizzou…

Why are Conservatives always so into preventing people they don't agree with from voting? is the democrats who did that....we simply want to keep the democrats from cheating all the time...voter i.d.....a drivers license...yeah..simply to show that you are who you are...and if you are unable to get a drivers license the state will drive to your home, and give you an i.d. for free...yeah..a real burden to protect the vote.

My idea....we should do as they do in Iraq and Afghanistan....after you vote they dip your finger in ink...then you don't have to worry about any i.d......and you just show your fingers before you vote to show you aren't trying to cheat......

Are you under the impression that a "democrat" started this thread? Or are you just deflecting?
There might not be a draft, but young men and women under the age of 25 fill the ranks of our military. The day after Veterans Day the OP is suggesting that one of these young Americans be disqualified from voting after coming home from military service, possibly injured and facing life-long difficulties from those injuries.
They don't have to volunteer. The op referenced the vietnam war and 18 year olds because there was a draft and 18 yr olds could be drafted.

save all the pseudo indignation and outrage...
Why would it make a difference if a person volunteered? The end result is the same. The suggestion is still that active-duty military and returning veterans would not be allowed to vote.
After how these KIDS were duped into voting for Obama and seeing how they can allow themselves to be USED as pawns for outside agitators. I think this is a good idea. Who wants some CHILD to make all your life's decisions for you? My 18year old wouldn't be making mine. There isn't a draft anymore so lets RAISE it like yesterday.

How can students too spoiled to tolerate debate weigh opposing political arguments? They can't.

In 1971, the United States ratified the 26th Amendment, lowering the voting age from 21 to 18. In retrospect, that may have been a mistake.

The idea, in those Vietnam War years, was that 18-year-olds, being old enough to be drafted, to marry and to serve on juries, deserved a vote. It seemed plausible at the time, and I myself have argued that we should set the drinking age at 18 for the same reasons.

But now I’m starting to reconsider. To be a voter, one must be able to participate in adult political discussions. It’s necessary to be able to listen to opposing arguments and even — as I’m doing right here in this column — to change your mind in response to new evidence.

But now the evidence suggests that, whatever one might say about the 18-year-olds of 1971, the 18-year-olds of today aren’t up to that task. And even the 21-year-olds aren’t looking so good.

Consider Yale University, where a disagreement over what to do about — theoretically — offensive Halloween costumes devolved into a screaming fit by a Yale senior (old enough to vote, thanks to the 26th Amendment) who assaulted a professor with a profane tirade because the professor's failure to agree with her made her feel ... unsafe.

all of it here:

Glenn Reynolds: After Yale, Mizzou, raise the voting age — to 25

Thanks for giving credence to the charge that conservatives are anti-democratic.

Good points. Especially the reasoning to lower the voting age to 18 because of the draft for the vietnam war.

It'll never happen, though...the marxists are too deeply infiltrated into our gvmt and have too much power now, partly because of naive, immature, easily manipulated, emotionally fragile, "angry" kiddies like these, to expect them to give it up. Those kids have seen that "social activism" can be a career if they create enough disturbances and get enough attention.
The target du jour is white culture, heritage and traditions...because they're all "racist"...and since "racism" is merely a blanket excuse for any negro dysfunction the "fight" against "white racists" can be eternal...
As it is they're tactic is to define/redefine the terms and set the parameters of the narrative to suit them and their "cause".

Typical angry children throwing tantrums to get their way...and the adults stand aside and wring their hands and fret over how not to offend the kiddies.

Or, rather than whining, you can find a way to win Presidential elections rather than bitching and complaining non-fucking-stop.
It would take a Constitutional Amendment, AND it is a very very stupid stupid stupid idea.

Conservatives need to STOP THISS BULL CRAP, of trying to win elections by disenfranchising the votes of American citizens....

GET some ideas, run better candidates..... is always out of the's always them trying to find a way to CHEAT by disenfranchising voters.....shame on you all....

What a load of horse shit.
18 year olds for the most part are dumb as stumps and susceptible to feel good notions yet totally ignorant of the cost to society be it fiscal or social.
And 25 year olds aren't much better.
Why are Conservatives always so into preventing people they don't agree with from voting?


Because they keep losing.

And rather than addressing their failings, they want to rig the system.

Weed really messes with the short term memory.
But I cant believe you've already forgotten the midterms.

You mean the national election with the lowest voter turnout since the 50s? Is that the election you're referring to?
Why are Conservatives always so into preventing people they don't agree with from voting?


Because they keep losing.

And rather than addressing their failings, they want to rig the system.

Weed really messes with the short term memory.
But I cant believe you've already forgotten the midterms.

You mean the national election with the lowest voter turnout since the 50s? Is that the election you're referring to?

Yeah...the one where no dems showed at the polling booths because even they dont like what your messiah is doing? Yeah thats the one....
Why are Conservatives always so into preventing people they don't agree with from voting?


Because they keep losing.

And rather than addressing their failings, they want to rig the system.

Weed really messes with the short term memory.
But I cant believe you've already forgotten the midterms.

You mean the national election with the lowest voter turnout since the 50s? Is that the election you're referring to?

Yeah...the one where no dems showed at the polling booths because even they dont like what your messiah is doing? Yeah thats the one....

So how does that contradict the point that Conservatives want to suppress voters who disagree with them?
It would take a Constitutional Amendment, AND it is a very very stupid stupid stupid idea.

Conservatives need to STOP THISS BULL CRAP, of trying to win elections by disenfranchising the votes of American citizens....

GET some ideas, run better candidates..... is always out of the's always them trying to find a way to CHEAT by disenfranchising voters.....shame on you all....

What a load of horse shit.
18 year olds for the most part are dumb as stumps and susceptible to feel good notions yet totally ignorant of the cost to society be it fiscal or social.
And 25 year olds aren't much better.

Nor are morons who think Obama was born in Kenya.

So they too shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are too fucking stupid.
Why are Conservatives always so into preventing people they don't agree with from voting?


Because they keep losing.

And rather than addressing their failings, they want to rig the system.

Weed really messes with the short term memory.
But I cant believe you've already forgotten the midterms.

Win the Presidency when so many more people vote.

Then get back to us.

Bernie and the Hildabeast....:lmao:
Bernie could very well be dead by election time and Hillary will be lucky to stay out of a federal pen.
Why are Conservatives always so into preventing people they don't agree with from voting?


Because they keep losing.

And rather than addressing their failings, they want to rig the system.

Weed really messes with the short term memory.
But I cant believe you've already forgotten the midterms.

Win the Presidency when so many more people vote.

Then get back to us.

Bernie and the Hildabeast....:lmao:
Bernie could very well be dead by election time and Hillary will be lucky to stay out of a federal pen.
Good thing O'Malley is on standby.
It would take a Constitutional Amendment, AND it is a very very stupid stupid stupid idea.

Conservatives need to STOP THISS BULL CRAP, of trying to win elections by disenfranchising the votes of American citizens....

GET some ideas, run better candidates..... is always out of the's always them trying to find a way to CHEAT by disenfranchising voters.....shame on you all....

What a load of horse shit.
18 year olds for the most part are dumb as stumps and susceptible to feel good notions yet totally ignorant of the cost to society be it fiscal or social.
And 25 year olds aren't much better.

Nor are morons who think Obama was born in Kenya.

So they too shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are too fucking stupid.

What does that have to do with 18 year old voters?
If you want to go that route any liberal who whines about jobs and stagnant wages yet still has no problem with the massive influx of immigrants shouldnt be able to vote.......which is pretty much all of you.
It would take a Constitutional Amendment, AND it is a very very stupid stupid stupid idea.

Conservatives need to STOP THISS BULL CRAP, of trying to win elections by disenfranchising the votes of American citizens....

GET some ideas, run better candidates..... is always out of the's always them trying to find a way to CHEAT by disenfranchising voters.....shame on you all....

What a load of horse shit.
18 year olds for the most part are dumb as stumps and susceptible to feel good notions yet totally ignorant of the cost to society be it fiscal or social.
And 25 year olds aren't much better.

Nor are morons who think Obama was born in Kenya.

So they too shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are too fucking stupid.

What does that have to do with 18 year old voters?
If you want to go that route any liberal who whines about jobs and stagnant wages yet still has no problem with the massive influx of immigrants shouldnt be able to vote.......which is pretty much all of you.

You - "18 year-olds are dumb"
Me - "twoofers are dumb"

I hope that\s clear.

Sadly - and predictably - it will sail right over yoar head.
It would take a Constitutional Amendment, AND it is a very very stupid stupid stupid idea.

Conservatives need to STOP THISS BULL CRAP, of trying to win elections by disenfranchising the votes of American citizens....

GET some ideas, run better candidates..... is always out of the's always them trying to find a way to CHEAT by disenfranchising voters.....shame on you all....

What a load of horse shit.
18 year olds for the most part are dumb as stumps and susceptible to feel good notions yet totally ignorant of the cost to society be it fiscal or social.
And 25 year olds aren't much better.

Nor are morons who think Obama was born in Kenya.

So they too shouldn't be allowed to vote because they are too fucking stupid.

What does that have to do with 18 year old voters?
If you want to go that route any liberal who whines about jobs and stagnant wages yet still has no problem with the massive influx of immigrants shouldnt be able to vote.......which is pretty much all of you.

You - "18 year-olds are dumb"
Me - "twoofers are dumb"

I hope that\s clear.

Sadly - and predictably - it will sail right over yoar head.

I see you managed to ignore the main content of my post...
You capitulation is noted and accepted.
It would take a Constitutional Amendment, AND it is a very very stupid stupid stupid idea.

Conservatives need to STOP THISS BULL CRAP, of trying to win elections by disenfranchising the votes of American citizens....

GET some ideas, run better candidates..... is always out of the's always them trying to find a way to CHEAT by disenfranchising voters.....shame on you all....

What a load of horse shit.
18 year olds for the most part are dumb as stumps and susceptible to feel good notions yet totally ignorant of the cost to society be it fiscal or social.
And 25 year olds aren't much better.
the average age of those 50000 soldiers killed in Viet Nam was 19.... they are old enough to vote.

If they commit a crime, they are old enough to do the same time as an older person.

their parents can kick them out, no longer held responsible for them.... :D

sure, they will make plenty of mistakes, voting for someone might be one they regret 20 years down the road... but we ALL have voted for politicians that have failed us and we regret, even when older...and more wise, (so we think).

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