Global Cooling Theory picks up Steam

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the oceans control the climate. if I am to believe that a few tenths of a degree Celsius can be converted into multiple degrees in the atmosphere I need to know where the fulcrum point is. the balance point.

if the oceans cooled a few tenths would that convert into multiple degrees of atmospheric cooling? because there appears to be a lot of evidence that the oceans have less heat content than they have had in a long time.

The problem is heat transfer. The boundary layers are not inductive to heat conduction downward. Upward warming is quite different in that water vapor contains heat and by simple physics rises.

Major areas of ocean warming in the mid latitudes are near river outlets into the oceans. the water over land (which conducts much more heat) will warm the water on top of it as it flows.

One must use commonsense in this.
The problem is heat transfer. The boundary layers are not inductive to heat conduction downward.

A complete misunderstanding of how heat flow works in the ocean. That would be why nobody takes such nonsense seriously.

The boundary layers don't need to conduct heat down. Visible and UV light does that. The boundary layers, by heating up, inhibit heat conduction up into the atmosphere, and thus cause more heat to remain in the ocean.
Don't blame me.. The announcement was out of the UK Met office.. 50% in the next 100 years..

Natural cooling of the Sun will not be enough to save Earth from global warming warn scientists - Science - News - The Independent

Over the past several decades, the Sun has been in a “grand solar maximum” but it is quickly becoming less and less active, with an increasing probability of it entering a grand solar minimum by the end of the century, according to calculations based on radioactive isotopes affected by solar radiation over the past 9,300 years.

“The trajectory at the moment is on a path towards a Maunder minimum in the next 50 years but with an overall probability of about 20 per cent. However, over the next 100 years the probability rises to about 50 per cent,” said Professor Mike Lockwood, a solar physicist at Reading University.

“There is a significant probability that within the next half century we’d be entering another grand solar minimum and although that doesn’t make much difference to global average temperatures it might cause us in Europe to suffer more extreme cold winters,” Professor Lockwood said.

The last grand solar minimum – known as the Maunder minimum after 19th Century solar astronomers Annie and Walter Maunder – occurred between about 1645 and 1715 and was marked by the virtual disappearance of the 11-year cycle of sunspots, accompanied by a small but significant decline in the total solar radiation reaching the Earth.

My only issue with this MET assessment versus the Ruskies and other Solar Labs around the world -- is their statement about how this Solar Min would not compete with their dearest GWarming campaign.. So they ran it thru the SAME models that repeatedly UNDERestimated natural variations to be able say that GW would indeed prevail... They are DieHard fanatics.

Ignore that part. But this makes all of these cooling warnings a little more interesting dont it?
Yes, everyone ignore the key phrase.
Almost July and its still freezing here in New York. What a joke. Not even getting to 70 degree's and tonight one is going to need a fleece if they are out!!:ack-1:

The k00ks come on here and go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about oceans, heat conductions, UV light, CO2, retention of heat............yada............yada...............yada.............


Who is caring about this shit? Record number of houses foreclosing, people more worried than ever about the bottom dropping out of the economy, confederate flags, riots in urban area's, rainbows and gays, Jade Helm, trade agreements, ISIS, sharks, escaped prisoners, racial gheyness, jobs, healthcare..........

Only the AGW nutters are obsessed with the temperature of the ocean ( fuck the satellite data, right:up:) and what might happen in 100 years.

Who else?

Almost July and its still freezing here in New York. What a joke. Not even getting to 70 degree's and tonight one is going to need a fleece if they are out!!:ack-1:

The k00ks come on here and go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about oceans, heat conductions, UV light, CO2, retention of heat............yada............yada...............yada.............


Who is caring about this shit? Record number of houses foreclosing, people more worried than ever about the bottom dropping out of the economy, confederate flags, riots in urban area's, rainbows and gays, Jade Helm, trade agreements, ISIS, sharks, escaped prisoners, racial gheyness, jobs, healthcare..........

Only the AGW nutters are obsessed with the temperature of the ocean ( fuck the satellite data, right:up:) and what might happen in 100 years.

Who else?

I'll bet even fewer people care about whatever you don't care about.
So flac, how many more years of warming will it take for you to admit your global cooling theory was wrong?

If you won't give us a number, it means your theory is not disprovable, and therefore falls under the classification of pseudoscience, or even a religious belief.
The problem is heat transfer. The boundary layers are not inductive to heat conduction downward.

A complete misunderstanding of how heat flow works in the ocean. That would be why nobody takes such nonsense seriously.

The boundary layers don't need to conduct heat down. Visible and UV light does that. The boundary layers, by heating up, inhibit heat conduction up into the atmosphere, and thus cause more heat to remain in the ocean.

If Visible and UV are your primary conductors of heat into deeper layers, Then the Ocean Didn't Eat your Warming.
Typical lackwitted OP failed to read beyond the headline!

The Met Office have been at pains to add this return of a solar minimum is not going to halt global warming, although it would slow it a little. The study, published in Nature Communications, found overall cooling of the Earth of 0.1C, but the Northern Hemisphere could expect much harsher winters.

Temperatures in Britain, northern Europe and North America could drop by up to 0.8C.

That’s still enough for a Met Office spokesman to warn the amount of light and warmth emitted by the Sun would drop to levels “not seen for centuries”.

At the very least, northern regions could expect more frosty days between 2050 and 2099. In the same period, climate change is expected to see temperatures running up to 6.6C higher of carbon emissions are not slowed.​

Read more: Our cooling sun could deliver another Little Ice Age like the time in the 17th Century when the Thames froze over Business Insider
The problem is heat transfer. The boundary layers are not inductive to heat conduction downward.

A complete misunderstanding of how heat flow works in the ocean. That would be why nobody takes such nonsense seriously.

The boundary layers don't need to conduct heat down. Visible and UV light does that. The boundary layers, by heating up, inhibit heat conduction up into the atmosphere, and thus cause more heat to remain in the ocean.
Boundary layers are impediments to warming of any kind. Visible light 0.2um to 1.3um are what heat water and land. The black body spectrum 6um to 15um are the primary areas of return energy from the atmosphere and are not absorbed by water beyond 0.1mm.

You really dont know what your talking about. But we knew that already.
The problem is heat transfer. The boundary layers are not inductive to heat conduction downward.

A complete misunderstanding of how heat flow works in the ocean. That would be why nobody takes such nonsense seriously.

The boundary layers don't need to conduct heat down. Visible and UV light does that. The boundary layers, by heating up, inhibit heat conduction up into the atmosphere, and thus cause more heat to remain in the ocean.

If Visible and UV are your primary conductors of heat into deeper layers, Then the Ocean Didn't Eat your Warming.

I believe the phrase "Its the Sun, Stupid" Applies to snagletooth on this one. IT doesn't realize that IR in the longer wave lengths can not get beyond the initial boundary layer of sea water.
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So flac, how many more years of warming will it take for you to admit your global cooling theory was wrong?

If you won't give us a number, it means your theory is not disprovable, and therefore falls under the classification of pseudoscience, or even a religious belief.

Ain't MY Global Cooling theory bud. I'm just watching all the science that's fit to watch. But when you look at graphs and realize that the past two times the sun cycles have behaved in this fashion --- led to "little ice ages" --- It kinda feels right to me. UNLIKE your horsecrap, moving goal post AGW predictions -- this one is tied to SPECIFIC sun cycles and we know how many 12 yr periods need to be watched.

As for your 2nd question about how many years "of continued warming" :bsflag: it will take ---- the past 2 decades have made it PERFECTLY CLEAR that all the modeling and hysteria severely UNDERestimated the dynamics of the earth's climate and natural cycles. That's really all I needed to do an end zone dance on your stupic cat head... I'm at peace with Climate Science at the moment. Til they get all uppity and pushy again..
Typical lackwitted OP failed to read beyond the headline!

The Met Office have been at pains to add this return of a solar minimum is not going to halt global warming, although it would slow it a little. The study, published in Nature Communications, found overall cooling of the Earth of 0.1C, but the Northern Hemisphere could expect much harsher winters.

Temperatures in Britain, northern Europe and North America could drop by up to 0.8C.

That’s still enough for a Met Office spokesman to warn the amount of light and warmth emitted by the Sun would drop to levels “not seen for centuries”.

At the very least, northern regions could expect more frosty days between 2050 and 2099. In the same period, climate change is expected to see temperatures running up to 6.6C higher of carbon emissions are not slowed.​

Read more: Our cooling sun could deliver another Little Ice Age like the time in the 17th Century when the Thames froze over Business Insider

Just like the MET you refuse to acknowledge history and how the earth has reacted to grand solar minimums in the past. You are aware the pacific decadle oscillations are all cold and that the MET is hedging their bets and placing markers across the board.

How stupid will you look when the MET and you are proven wrong....AGAIN!
The problem is heat transfer. The boundary layers are not inductive to heat conduction downward.

A complete misunderstanding of how heat flow works in the ocean. That would be why nobody takes such nonsense seriously.

The boundary layers don't need to conduct heat down. Visible and UV light does that. The boundary layers, by heating up, inhibit heat conduction up into the atmosphere, and thus cause more heat to remain in the ocean.

The Blob! Tell them how the Blob ate the Warming!!! Blob Denier!!
Typical lackwitted OP failed to read beyond the headline!

The Met Office have been at pains to add this return of a solar minimum is not going to halt global warming, although it would slow it a little. The study, published in Nature Communications, found overall cooling of the Earth of 0.1C, but the Northern Hemisphere could expect much harsher winters.

Temperatures in Britain, northern Europe and North America could drop by up to 0.8C.

That’s still enough for a Met Office spokesman to warn the amount of light and warmth emitted by the Sun would drop to levels “not seen for centuries”.

At the very least, northern regions could expect more frosty days between 2050 and 2099. In the same period, climate change is expected to see temperatures running up to 6.6C higher of carbon emissions are not slowed.​

Read more: Our cooling sun could deliver another Little Ice Age like the time in the 17th Century when the Thames froze over Business Insider

Yeah -- That's their claim. But their evidence is from the same models that have been consistently underestimating natural cycles and variations like the sun for a couple decades now.. I wouldn't bet the farm on their "evidence" for that.

BTW -- that 6.6degC higher by 2050 to 2099 ? It's largely hysteria and stretching the claims of what the LATEST estimates actually are... No surprise there.
Same old same old. None of the deniers are willing to name a single thing that could disprove their religious beliefs. We've been asking for years, and they never respond.

In direct contrast, we on the rational side have named many things, over and over, that would disprove global warming theory. It's real science, so it can be disproved. Unlike the wheeled and motorized goalposts of the deniers, ours are set in concrete.

That's why the world correctly defines denialism as a pseudoscience cult. If deniers don't mind being the butt of the world's jokes, they should keep acting like they do. And I can see the twisted logic of it, from the denier POV. If your goals are getting emotional warm fuzzies from your fellow cultists, getting reasons to hate the dirty liberals who beat you up on the playground and stole your girl, and having an excuse to proclaim yourself to be brilliant and independent even though you just brainlessly parrot kook blogs, then denialism allows you to achieve all that. If that's all important to you, then the humiliation that goes along with denialism will be considered a worthwhile price to pay.
Typical lackwitted OP failed to read beyond the headline!

The Met Office have been at pains to add this return of a solar minimum is not going to halt global warming, although it would slow it a little. The study, published in Nature Communications, found overall cooling of the Earth of 0.1C, but the Northern Hemisphere could expect much harsher winters.

Temperatures in Britain, northern Europe and North America could drop by up to 0.8C.

That’s still enough for a Met Office spokesman to warn the amount of light and warmth emitted by the Sun would drop to levels “not seen for centuries”.

At the very least, northern regions could expect more frosty days between 2050 and 2099. In the same period, climate change is expected to see temperatures running up to 6.6C higher of carbon emissions are not slowed.​

Read more: Our cooling sun could deliver another Little Ice Age like the time in the 17th Century when the Thames froze over Business Insider

Yeah -- That's their claim. But their evidence is from the same models that have been consistently underestimating natural cycles and variations like the sun for a couple decades now.. I wouldn't bet the farm on their "evidence" for that.

BTW -- that 6.6degC higher by 2050 to 2099 ? It's largely hysteria and stretching the claims of what the LATEST estimates actually are... No surprise there.

Funny you should mention this.. Christopher Monckton has posted an essay on the making of the climate sensitivity number. It is really revealing how their own numbers show them frauds when you do the math..

His math is correct and this would lower the sensitivity to below 0.3 deg C per doubling of CO2.. Its just wild that someone hasn't exposed the math errors of the IPCC and all of the works out there on climate sensitivity.

If you sit down and do the math, you find that all of the IPCC claims are lies...

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