Global Cooling Theory picks up Steam

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Hell, Monkton is a proven liar about his being a British Lord, and a whole bevy of other issues. Here is an example of his lies;

Monckton and Watts inadvertently reveal global warming Pause to be clumsy fraud

The idiot climate denialist website, run by the idiot climate denialist Anthony Watts, is fond of running graphs proclaiming NO GLOBAL WARMING FOR ‘XX’ YEARS ‘X’ MONTHS. Most of these entries are written by another ignoble denier, Christopher Monckton. The British Daily Mail does similar things.

Below are some recent examples from Watts/Monckton. (I've linked the WUWT articles, if you want to read them.) What Monckton did is to produce identical-looking graphs, month after month, with the time of the "pause" in global warming lengthening, ever lengthening, implying that since the time he started, the world has not warmed one tiny jot.

Below are the graphs from March 2014, November 2014, and April 2015. For each graph, Monckton took a carefully-selected stretch of time and added a linear regression line. Look closely though. Without meaning to, he has revealed his fraud. I'll have one graph above the fold and two below. Notice anything odd? Join me underneath after you've thought about it ..

Christopher Monckton
is a non-scientist AGW denier, who has had articles published in The Guardianand in a non-peer-reviewed newsletter[1] of the American Physical Society (whose Council subsequently disagreed with Monckton's conclusions)[1] claiming that global warming is neither man-made nor likely to be catastrophic. Monckton has made various false claims in the past such as that he is a member of the British House of Lords.[2], a Nobel Prize winner, inventor of a cure for HIV, winner of a defamation case against George Monbiot and writer of a peer-reviewed article. He was deputy leader of the far right United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) before being sacked from the party in 2013.

Christopher Monckton - SourceWatch

Dear Lord Monckton

My predecessor, Sir Michael Pownall, wrote to you on 21 July 2010, and again on 30 July 2010, asking that you cease claiming to be a Member of the House of Lords, either directly or by implication. It has been drawn to my attention that you continue to make such claims.

In particular, I have listened to your recent interview with Mr Adam Spencer on Australian radio. In response to the direct question, whether or not you were a Member of the House of Lords, you said "Yes, but without the right to sit or vote". You later repeated, "I am a Member of the House".

I must repeat my predecessor's statement that you are not and have never been a Member of the House of Lords. Your assertion that you are a Member, but without the right to sit or vote, is a contradiction in terms. No-one denies that you are, by virtue of your letters Patent, a Peer. That is an entirely separate issue to membership of the House. This is borne out by the recent judgment in Baron Mereworth v Ministry of Justice (Crown Office) where Mr Justice Lewison stated:

"In my judgment, the reference [in the House of Lords Act 1999] to 'a member of the House of Lords' is simply a reference to the right to sit and vote in that House ... In a nutshell, membership of the House of Lords means the right to sit and vote in that House. It does not mean entitlement to the dignity of a peerage."

I must therefore again ask that you desist from claiming to be a Member of the House of Lords, either directly or by implication, and also that you desist from claiming to be a Member "without the right to sit or vote".

I am publishing this letter on the parliamentary website so that anybody who wishes to check whether you are a Member of the House of Lords can view this official confirmation that you are not.

David Beamish
Clerk of the Parliaments

15 July 2011

Source: A letter to Viscount Monckton of Brenchley from the Clerk of the Parliaments - News from Parliament - UK Parliament

Really, looking at that photo, don't let this man have a gun near a movie theater.
Hell, Monkton is a proven liar about his being a British Lord, and a whole bevy of other issues. Here is an example of his lies;

Monckton and Watts inadvertently reveal global warming Pause to be clumsy fraud

The idiot climate denialist website, run by the idiot climate denialist Anthony Watts, is fond of running graphs proclaiming NO GLOBAL WARMING FOR ‘XX’ YEARS ‘X’ MONTHS. Most of these entries are written by another ignoble denier, Christopher Monckton. The British Daily Mail does similar things.

Below are some recent examples from Watts/Monckton. (I've linked the WUWT articles, if you want to read them.) What Monckton did is to produce identical-looking graphs, month after month, with the time of the "pause" in global warming lengthening, ever lengthening, implying that since the time he started, the world has not warmed one tiny jot.

Below are the graphs from March 2014, November 2014, and April 2015. For each graph, Monckton took a carefully-selected stretch of time and added a linear regression line. Look closely though. Without meaning to, he has revealed his fraud. I'll have one graph above the fold and two below. Notice anything odd? Join me underneath after you've thought about it ..

Oh c'mon OldyRocks -- DailyKos.. Picking nits about whether the pause is 17yr 8 months or 17 yr 5 months??

You serious? So the start and end dates are not as described exactly. Doesn't change the general concept. NOT AT LEAST as much as the devious and sloppy and evil graph trick they play at the end of this screed. The one where they paste up the Temperature from 1850 and attempt to actually refute the MICRO details of the pause with comparing 20 yr graphs to 180 yr graphs.
Hell, Monkton is a proven liar about his being a British Lord, and a whole bevy of other issues. Here is an example of his lies;

Monckton and Watts inadvertently reveal global warming Pause to be clumsy fraud

The idiot climate denialist website, run by the idiot climate denialist Anthony Watts, is fond of running graphs proclaiming NO GLOBAL WARMING FOR ‘XX’ YEARS ‘X’ MONTHS. Most of these entries are written by another ignoble denier, Christopher Monckton. The British Daily Mail does similar things.

Below are some recent examples from Watts/Monckton. (I've linked the WUWT articles, if you want to read them.) What Monckton did is to produce identical-looking graphs, month after month, with the time of the "pause" in global warming lengthening, ever lengthening, implying that since the time he started, the world has not warmed one tiny jot.

Below are the graphs from March 2014, November 2014, and April 2015. For each graph, Monckton took a carefully-selected stretch of time and added a linear regression line. Look closely though. Without meaning to, he has revealed his fraud. I'll have one graph above the fold and two below. Notice anything odd? Join me underneath after you've thought about it ..

You really are an idiot..

Linear regression starting from TODAY going back wards until you could no longer show a zero trend. 18 years 7 months of NO WARMING.

You cant figure out simple math and statistics?

That really doesn't surprise me however, You fail in understanding every aspect of what Monckton has stated. Then to make matters worse, you use the Daily KOS, a left wing radical socialist web site in an effort to discredit Monckton.

You cant grasp his positions because it shows your own a lie and a failure. What is really sad is your devotion to a pack of lies from your cult leaders and you have closed off all cognitive thought.
Did you look at the linked article? Did you read it all the way through? Monckton repeatedly varied his endpoints to get that flatline trend.
Hahahahaha. Old Rocks and crickham are either retards that don't understand the concept, or dishonest hypocrites who will go along with anything that smears 'deniers'.

Let's discuss the concept first. How long has it been since there was warming in the temperature record? First we have to choose which temp dataset. Monckton and others have given the results for ALL the datasets but RSS and UAH, the satellite products, give the longest pauses. Next, what is the start date? Obviously it is the present, the most recent month with published data. What is the end date? The month farthest back into the history of the datasets that gives a zero trend for temperature. There is no arbitrary choice for start and end dates, they are defined by looking for the longest period of time from NOW and then backwards.

The DailyKOS accused Monckton of cherrypicked start and end dates between versions of his graphs. How could they NOT have a different start date? Every new month of data is a new starting point that leads to a new calculation of length for the Pause.

Anyone who supports and recommends the DailyKOS hit piece either doesn't understand the concept of graphing the Pause, or are willing to ignore the misrepresentation because it smears the reputation of someone they dislike.

So which one is it, Old Rocks and crickham? Ignorance or hypocrisy?
Bottom line?



Nobody knows shit about shit!! None of them. All of it is based upon flimsy "science"............if you want to call it that.:2up:

Anybody who is certain one way or another doesn't have their feet planted firmly on the ground!!:spinner:
Let's discuss the concept first. How long has it been since there was warming in the temperature record?

There's been constant ongoing warming for many decades. Only the most deeply brainwashed of the true believers will still pretend "the pause" ever existed.

Ian, in your mind, is there any data that could disprove denialism? We've asked before, and you never answer. Unlike real science, your beliefs can't be disproved, and that pushes your beliefs into the religious pseudoscience category.
Yet more failing hard for coal, which will send skook running for the bottle.

This Carbon-Intensive Form Of Coal Plant Is Being Slashed In Germany ThinkProgress
On Thursday, the German government decided to phase out some 2.7 gigawatts of brown coal-fired power in order to meet the country’s 2020 climate goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent compared to 1990 levels — a target that the rest of the EU hopes to reach a decade later.


Renewable sources accounted for 27.8 percent of power consumption in 2014, up from 6.2 percent in 2000, and carbon emissions dropped 4.3 percent year-over-year.

Ayye its their worst nightmare
Ok, one more time for Kosh:

Human civilization is not significantly more than 12,000 years old. Current temperartures are by far the highest during that period and , as YOUR graphic shows, higher than at any sustained level in the last TEN MILLION YEARS.

Can you stop ranting long enough to think about what that actually means?
Ok, one more time for Kosh:

Human civilization is not significantly more than 12,000 years old. Current temperartures are by far the highest during that period and , as YOUR graphic shows, higher than at any sustained level in the last TEN MILLION YEARS.

Can you stop ranting long enough to think about what that actually means?

Not by far the highest since man arrived.. Go check yourself.. That's why the Marcott study had to be pushed for the highest RATE of temp.. --- not the highest temperature.. And as Marcott himself has said -- the study was incapable of "seeing" 60 or 80 yr spikes --- like the one you are panicked about...

IN FACT -- go back and look at the paste-up from Kosh.. NONE of that old data shows temperature spikes of less than a couple 100 years in duration -- because they CAN'T...
Many of the last interglacials have higher temps than ours. What is this millions of years stuff?
Ok, one more time for Kosh:

Human civilization is not significantly more than 12,000 years old. Current temperartures are by far the highest during that period and , as YOUR graphic shows, higher than at any sustained level in the last TEN MILLION YEARS.

Can you stop ranting long enough to think about what that actually means?

Read it again, carefully this time.
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