Global Food Prices Skyrocket

The pattern goes back way further than 2008.

Our economic system was built to have periodic downturns as a means to control growth. There is a good book out there "Fragile by Design" on the topic.

That said, it does not follow that things like COVID and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine are orchestrated events to bring about class warfare.

It is also interesting that there is a thread about wealth disparity in the economy section and the consensus from the right is that it is not a problem at all and people only care because they are jealous. Do you agree with that view?
I do not agree with that view. Many times more often than not, it is a result of government action. We're not manipulated by government control, and equilibrium results.

Again, this is all a government imposed effort by those who control government (the elite) to consolidate power.
...the erosion of Western Culture?

Enter, Critical Theory and its re-adjusted bastard child, CRT.
Absolute erosion of western culture.
Replaced by a society dependent on them for everything.
Look at how many small businesses simply evaporated during the Covid shutdowns.
The investor class L O V E this. LOVE IT.
Why? Because all of the money exchanging hands in small business is uninvestable. They can't get their cut. They want EVERY local business to die and be replaced by a corporate box - they can get a cut off of.
By design to crush the lower and middle classes into total submission. UN and 1st world leaders tell you the biggest crisis is you using fossil fuels while 1/3 of the world struggles to feed their families.

View attachment 629474’s%20benchmark%20food%20and%20commodity%20prices%20index,-%20a%2028.1%20per%20cent%20increase%20over%202020.
Sheet. EXPENSIVE here
Absolute erosion of western culture.
Replaced by a society dependent on them for everything.
Look at how many small businesses simply evaporated during the Covid shutdowns.
The investor class L O V E this. LOVE IT.
Why? Because all of the money exchanging hands in small business is uninvestable. They can't get their cut. They want EVERY local business to die and be replaced by a corporate box - they can get a cut off of.
And shut down if the peasants misbehave.
Some disturbing news coming from Joe Biteme's EPA. Lets burn some more food so "supposedly" gasoline prices come down, the engines turn to shit, all for green and farmers. Do you think the poor who usually drive the old gas guzzlers will like it when their cars take a crap on the roads?

EPA to try to fight high gas prices at the pump with ethanol blend

Ethanol damages the integrity of plastic and rubber in small engines resulting in parts failing, higher running temperatures, and poor reliability. Other known issues include phase separation, vapor lock, corrosion, oxidation, and altering of the combustion and compression ratios. What Is Ethanol?

Ethanol And The Growing Issue Of Small Engine Problems - Thriving Yard
Anyone that didn't know to use marine fuel for your lawn mower's shouldn't be operating one.

Other than 1992 it was republicans that signed on to the energy act and loving ethanol.
Anyone that didn't know to use marine fuel for your lawn mower's shouldn't be operating one.

Other than 1992 it was republicans that signed on to the energy act and loving ethanol.
So establishment Republicans like George Bush 41 and others do it, but you are okay with the establishment Democrats doing it today. Man you really got to be fucktard stupid to marginalize this shit, that can really damage cars.

Binet-Simon_scale.jpg<----fucktard stupid
The OP lead-in is: "Global Food Prices Skyrocket"

So, let's talk about food.
For those who wanna discuss some consiracy-nuttery over class warfare and intionally created starvation, well, is the right thread for such? Rubber Room? or QAnon

Anyway, the Washinton Post has been hosting a Q&A with it's eyes-on,feet-on-the-street reporters who have been reporting on their observations in Ukraine. It's a pretty interesting series...again, from on-the-scene trained reporters.
They've been covering a variety of topics but today I will do a copy & paste of only one of the exchanges. The one about Ukraine's wheat situation.

Here it is. Perhaps it will offer some insight and nuance that can better our discussions.

Ukraine's Wheat Fields
.......from reader Joanna Denis

Question: "Ukraine has been known as the bread basket of the world. The loss of its wheat produce will greatly impact world hunger. My question is this: Will Ukraine's rich earth that produces wheat be ruined by all types of missile attacks? Will that earth be able to produce wheat in the future or will it take generations for the earth to become healthful enough to produce wheat. Is there the possibility that the soil will never recover from the devastation now inflicted upon it?"
Answer: (by reporter Max Bearak) Correspondent in Kyiv

"I traveled through Ukraine's agricultural heartland seeking to answer this question and our story is here . The question, as I see it, is not whether fields will be destroyed, but whether any of the wheat that Ukraine produces in the upcoming harvest will be able to leave the country. For now, the answer is no, and as you point out, that has enormous implications for global food prices and hunger.

Farmers we spoke to are actually planning to go through with their harvest, albeit at a shrunken scale because of the difficulty in procuring fertilizer, diesel and labor. While farm workers are exempt from conscription, many, of course, are opting to join the army and local militias.

Meanwhile, millions of tons of wheat are stuck in storage facilities, and that is the fate much of this year's harvest will meet, too, if Russia's blockade on Ukraine's ports isn't lifted. There's just no viable way for most of Ukraine's grain to be exported via rail — the capacity simply isn't there."
Inside analyst predict this summer we will have 50 year inflation increases,

BUT NO WORRIES... Our President has endorsed sex change surgery for minors last week... so that will fix it!! Glad to see his priorities are straight.... er... maybe straight isn't the right word..
If there are oil based extra artificial parts in those surgeries than that would not be green.
I do not agree with that view. Many times more often than not, it is a result of government action. We're not manipulated by government control, and equilibrium results.

Again, this is all a government imposed effort by those who control government (the elite) to consolidate power.
Paranoid fantasy
Some people. We call them"experts". They warned us about food prices almost 2 years ago.
I am one of them. (Who said this was going to happen)
If you was inclined, you can find many posts where I said the covid bailouts is going to cause inflation. You cannot give away that much money for nothing and not create a false demand that produces shortages and inflation.
I was against it from day one. Including the first one from Trump, who was doing it (IMO) to buy votes.
I am one of them. (Who said this was going to happen)
If you was inclined, you can find many posts where I said the covid bailouts is going to cause inflation. You cannot give away that much money for nothing and not create a false demand that produces shortages and inflation.
I was against it from day one. Including the first one from Trump, who was doing it (IMO) to buy votes.
Then no, you weren't one of them, because you are dead ass wrong.
Exposing you evil Leftards for what you do to the poor brings me to great joy, fucktard
Not even a tiny bit.

These people are happy as fuck about this as it helps their political team.

All this pain will bring them a few more votes in Nov and that is truly all they care about.
You’re full of shit, no one is happy with how things are. You just can’t handle the failure that you voted for, all to get trump out of office. I honestly hope all of you idiots feel the pain that you’ve caused so many innocent people.
You’re full of shit, no one is happy with how things are. You just can’t handle the failure that you voted for, all to get trump out of office. I honestly hope all of you idiots feel the pain that you’ve caused so many innocent people.

Since I did not vote for the winner, it was not my vote that caused any problems.

As for me and mine, we will be fine. All of my family is well situated to ride this out .
Since I did not vote for the winner, it was not my vote that caused any problems.

As for me and mine, we will be fine. All of my family is well situated to ride this out .
Nothing you could say would convince me you didn’t vote for old JB. :rolleyes:

And I know, you've said it before, you don’t give a damn about anyone else but yourself, yet you’re in here on your high horse and moral superiority accusing others of the same thing.
Golfing Gator
2008 - Economy collapsed. Millions lost their homes. Many of the banks that owned the homes, were not only bailed out 100 cents on the dollar... but also got to keep the property. From 2008 -2012... the wealth gap grew faster and wider than any time in American history. The wealthy - got a LOT wealthier.
2019 - Covid 19. Largest single employment losses since the depression. Guess what pal? The rich did VERY WELL during Covid.

We keep suffering, they keep getting richer.
If you can't see that is a pattern... then you are blind.
I did great during COVID and still continue to do as such.
Nothing you could say would convince me you didn’t vote for old JB. :rolleyes:

And I know, you've said it before, you don’t give a damn about anyone else but yourself, yet you’re in here on your high horse and moral superiority accusing others of the same thing.
Then prove that he did.
Nothing you could say would convince me you didn’t vote for old JB

I would be happy to show you the picture I took of my ballot before sticking it in the mail. But it really does not matter what you think.

And I know, you've said it before, you don’t give a damn about anyone else but yourself, yet you’re in here on your high horse and moral superiority accusing others of the same thing.

This from the guy that was just wishing pain on me and my family.

So, how about your just go fuck yourself.
I did great during COVID and still continue to do as such.

COVID was a boon for us as well. I no longer had to drive 70 mile round trip to work saving me both time and money. My wife was getting OT plus Hazard pay for working in the COVID Unit, that alone added close to 10 grand to her pay for the year.

We realized early on we were lucky and that not everyone was. We did what we could to help. There were a lot of good local charities helping local people and businesses. The local Rock station was working it non-stop, was a good thing they did.

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