Global Warmers Stopped by Arctic Ice

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except that they're experiencing ice and have to route around it. Why do you keep leaving that part out. It isn't ice free. you lied. admit it lunetunes.I posted their own blog stating so. Are you calling them liars?

No, I'm calling you a liar, because you posted a log entry from several days ago, yet you're pretending it's happening right now.

Look at the maps. There's no ice anywhere near the spot where they're currently at. There was ice in the spots where they were a couple days ago.

Now, if you'd like to protest that you're not a liar, and you're just a retard who can't understand concepts like "the passage of time" and "moving from an area with ice to an area without ice", I think everyone will accept that.
SHIPS LOG from Thursday UTC 19.00 18 August (04.00 19 Aug local time)
Well I came up on watch this morning at 0800. ice, ice and more b****t ice.
good thing there isn't any ice eh?
except that they're experiencing ice and have to route around it. Why do you keep leaving that part out. It isn't ice free. you lied. admit it lunetunes.I posted their own blog stating so. Are you calling them liars?

No, I'm calling you a liar, because you posted a log entry from several days ago, yet you're pretending it's happening right now.

Look at the maps. There's no ice anywhere near the spot where they're currently at. There was ice in the spots where they were a couple days ago.

Now, if you'd like to protest that you're not a liar, and you're just a retard who can't understand concepts like "the passage of time" and "moving from an area with ice to an area without ice", I think everyone will accept that.
so have you had the time to coordinate your post to show my quote where I claimed the day of the log I posted yet? Or are you going to stay silent and let everyone see the liar you really are?
so have you had the time to coordinate your post to show my quote where I claimed the day of the log I posted yet?

You think _not_ quoting the old date is supposed to excuse the way you posted old data and pretended it was current? On the contrary, it just makes you look more guilty.

Anyone can look at the ice map now, compare it to the ship's current position, and see they're sailing in ice-free water. I have no idea why you think your lying campaign is going to fool anyone, because anyone can look at the map and see you're full of crap. They're going east steadily, and are south of the New Siberian Islands now, and the area is entirely ice-free.

Now, stop pout-stalking me. It makes you look like a crybaby.

Tracking - The Polar Ocean Challenge

so have you had the time to coordinate your post to show my quote where I claimed the day of the log I posted yet?

You think _not_ quoting the old date is supposed to excuse the way you posted old data and pretended it was current? On the contrary, it just makes you look more guilty.

Anyone can look at the ice map now, compare it to the ship's current position, and see they're sailing in ice-free water. I have no idea why you think your lying campaign is going to fool anyone, because anyone can look at the map and see you're full of crap. They're going east steadily, and are south of the New Siberian Islands now, and the area is entirely ice-free.

Now, stop pout-stalking me. It makes you look like a crybaby.

Tracking - The Polar Ocean Challenge

You act like the loss of ice is something terrible. That is illogical.
Venus has strong winds that circle the planet every couple days, constantly renewing the heat on the dark side.

Left that out, did we? After all, you've been informed of that before. It's just your usual lying-by-omission fraud, one of your favorite tactics. Boring. You're not ignored because you're smart. You're ignored because everyone knows you're a fraud, a person who endlessly repeats crap pseudoscience propaganda, even though it's been debunked many times.

There was no point in mentioning it because it doesn't even begin to explain why the temperatures would be the same on the day time and night time sides. We have our own rivers of wind that circle the earth every few is called the jet stream and it certainly doesn't make our night time side the same temperature as the day time side.

I've got a little time now. If you'd like to present a particular piece of crap pseudoscience which is a particular favorite of yours, we can relive the old days. You know, I'll debunk it, then you'll hurl bitter whiny insults, right before you run.

Well goodie...since I have been asking for years for some observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supports the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis, perhaps you can find it...none of your fellow warmer wackaloons seem to be able to come up with any such data.
Venus has strong winds that circle the planet every couple days, constantly renewing the heat on the dark side.

Left that out, did we? After all, you've been informed of that before. It's just your usual lying-by-omission fraud, one of your favorite tactics. Boring. You're not ignored because you're smart. You're ignored because everyone knows you're a fraud, a person who endlessly repeats crap pseudoscience propaganda, even though it's been debunked many times.

There was no point in mentioning it because it doesn't even begin to explain why the temperatures would be the same on the day time and night time sides. We have our own rivers of wind that circle the earth every few is called the jet stream and it certainly doesn't make our night time side the same temperature as the day time side.

I've got a little time now. If you'd like to present a particular piece of crap pseudoscience which is a particular favorite of yours, we can relive the old days. You know, I'll debunk it, then you'll hurl bitter whiny insults, right before you run.

Well goodie...since I have been asking for years for some observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence that supports the anthropogenic component of the AGW hypothesis, perhaps you can find it...none of your fellow warmer wackaloons seem to be able to come up with any such data.


Venus Atmosphere
Surface pressure: 92 bars
Surface density: ~65. kg/m3
Scale height: 15.9 km
Total mass of atmosphere: ~4.8 x 1020 kg
Average temperature: 737 K (464 C)
Diurnal temperature range: ~0
Wind speeds: 0.3 to 1.0 m/s (surface)
Mean molecular weight: 43.45
Atmospheric composition (near surface, by volume):
Major: 96.5% Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 3.5% Nitrogen (N2)
Minor (ppm): Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) - 150; Argon (Ar) - 70; Water (H2O) - 20;
Carbon Monoxide (CO) - 17; Helium (He) - 12; Neon (Ne) - 7

2,412.5 times the CO2 content of the Earth
Venus is again, an example of a relatively extreme version of this effect. Since its atmosphere is 100 times thicker than ours it does a very good job of transporting heat from one place to another, even at relatively low wind velocities, so that despite its relatively long night (about two Earth months long), and its very high temperatures (which mean that even a small percentage difference in temperature could be a large difference in the actual number of degrees), it has a surprisingly small temperature range. In fact from Equator to Pole and from day to night, temperature variations are rarely more than 50 F° at the surface of the planet. This small temperature difference causes relatively low wind velocities (close to zero at the surface), but the thickness of the atmosphere allows even those low velocities to be quite adequate to produce a remarkably even temperature.
Atmospheric Effects on Planetary Surface Temperatures

The temperature of Venus is not the only extreme on the planet. The atmosphere is constantly churned by hurricane force winds reaching 360 kph. Add to that the crushing air pressure and rainstorms of sulfuric acid, and it becomes easy to see why Venus is such a barren, lifeless rock that has been hard to explore.
What is the Average Surface Temperature on Venus? - Universe Today

Venus Atmosphere
Surface pressure: 92 bars
Surface density: ~65. kg/m3
Scale height: 15.9 km
Total mass of atmosphere: ~4.8 x 1020 kg
Average temperature: 737 K (464 C)
Diurnal temperature range: ~0
Wind speeds: 0.3 to 1.0 m/s (surface)
Mean molecular weight: 43.45
Atmospheric composition (near surface, by volume):
Major: 96.5% Carbon Dioxide (CO2), 3.5% Nitrogen (N2)
Minor (ppm): Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) - 150; Argon (Ar) - 70; Water (H2O) - 20;
Carbon Monoxide (CO) - 17; Helium (He) - 12; Neon (Ne) - 7

2,412.5 times the CO2 content of the Earth

Irrelevant....the atmospheric pressure is what drives the temperature on venus....the albedo of the planet is so high that little energy from the sun actually reaches the ground to drive a greenhouse effect as described by climate science and the fact that the temperature on the day and night side of the planet are the same despite a night that last 58 of our days completely eliminates the possibility of a greenhouse effect as described by climate science being responsible for the temperature there.
Venus is again, an example of a relatively extreme version of this effect. Since its atmosphere is 100 times thicker than ours it does a very good job of transporting heat from one place to another, even at relatively low wind velocities, so that despite its relatively long night (about two Earth months long), and its very high temperatures (which mean that even a small percentage difference in temperature could be a large difference in the actual number of degrees), it has a surprisingly small temperature range. In fact from Equator to Pole and from day to night, temperature variations are rarely more than 50 F° at the surface of the planet. This small temperature difference causes relatively low wind velocities (close to zero at the surface), but the thickness of the atmosphere allows even those low velocities to be quite adequate to produce a remarkably even temperature.
Atmospheric Effects on Planetary Surface Temperatures

Sorry are missing the boat....first off, the albedo of venus is such that only 25% of the incoming solar radiation even penetrates the atmosphere....then there is the fact that most of the atmosphere, as you pointed out is made up of so called greenhouse gasses...which are invisible to the incoming short wave from the sun...there isn't enough light reaching the surface to be converted to IR to drive the sort of greenhouse effect that you claim exists on venus....and then again, the temperature doesn't change from day to night....there are high winds which are fine at transporting the energy that results form the gravito thermal effect all around the planet which explains why the temperature is the same on the day light side as on the night time side....the atmospheric pressure doesn't decrease at night...
...and this article hits today, but then again it is meaningless since it references NASA scientist right?

"By some accounts we have lost more than two-thirds of the ice that used to be back in the 1980s," Wagner said. "This looks to be a very, very long-term trend and we are only going to be losing more ice.

Arctic sea ice is vanishing far faster than anyone thought possible

Tell me..what do you think the arctic ice looked like during the Holocene Optimum periods 8000 and 4000 years ago respectively....or the Roman warm period 2000 years ago.....or the medieval warm period a thousand years ago.....Look at the end of that graph, even allowing mikey mann's fraudulent hockey stick how historically insignificant the modern warming is when compared to the guys post up those graphs starting in 1880 and attempt to show how serious the warming is when in fact, the present warming is nothing in comparison to the past...and even the highest temperatures shown on the graph below are quite low compared to the average global temperature just before the earth descended into the ice age from which it is still exiting....if you look at a long history of the earth you will see that ice at one or both of the poles on planet earth is the anomaly...not the norm. The hard stark fact is that the earth is presently damned cold compared to the temperatures it has been for most of its history.

To portray melting ice as some sort of unprecedented tragedy is pure bullshit alarmism playing on the fears of people who apparently lack the intelligence to look beyond those laughable global temperature grasp which begin in 1880.


Here compare this graph to what the climate community is pushing now and see the face of handwaving, hysterical, alarmism.

Is there some valid reason for you to use Greenland ice core temperatures as a proxy for global temperatures?

I strongly suggest anyone impressed by that GISP 2 graphic read the following article: Most of the last 10,000 years were warmer.

That one was handy and since we were talking about the arctic...why not use ice cores from the nearest location.....the ice cores from antartica show the same warming periods as do peer reviewed studies from across the globe.
But you're not talking about the Arctic. You're comparing Greenland ice core data to global data.
But you're not talking about the Arctic. You're comparing Greenland ice core data to global data.

Read for comprehension crick....the post I responded to with the graph of the greenland ice core data was talking about melting arctic want to claim that greenland isn't near the arctic?

And really doesn't matter...there are studies from all over the globe that verify that the warming periods shown in the greenland cores were warmer than the present and global in nature....feel free to name a region of the globe and I will gladly provide you with a peer reviewed study or two showing that the warming was greater than the present warming.
so have you had the time to coordinate your post to show my quote where I claimed the day of the log I posted yet?

You think _not_ quoting the old date is supposed to excuse the way you posted old data and pretended it was current? On the contrary, it just makes you look more guilty.

Anyone can look at the ice map now, compare it to the ship's current position, and see they're sailing in ice-free water. I have no idea why you think your lying campaign is going to fool anyone, because anyone can look at the map and see you're full of crap. They're going east steadily, and are south of the New Siberian Islands now, and the area is entirely ice-free.

Now, stop pout-stalking me. It makes you look like a crybaby.

Tracking - The Polar Ocean Challenge

Looks like quite a bit of ice for being ice free, don't you think?

Wow...a graph going all the way back to if that proved anything about the historic levels of ice in the arctic...again...refer to the graph... and tell me what you think the arctic ice looked like during the summer 8000, 7500, 3300, 2000, and 1000 years ago...Do you think there was ice during those warm periods? think greenland is so far removed from the arctic that ice cores taken there have no story to tell about historic arctic temperatures?

Arctic ice is disappearing. The trends over the last 35 years indicate that we are very likely to have our first ice-free summer in less than a decade - likely less than 5 years.
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