Global Warmers Stopped by Arctic Ice

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Are you all so keen to laugh at them, but none of you have the slightest hint of evidence that the Arctic's ice extents are increasing or even just stable, do you.
I'm proud of them. Showing everyone that Arctic is still growing ice. Hmmm, I thought it was in a melt?
30% sea ice levels have remained at or above average.. Only the 15% levels have had any negative flux.. Funny that they don't want to admit that. The idiots up north were caught by the >30% ice levels because their models said it didn't exist..

DMI stopped their active plot as it didn't meet the agenda driven CAGW UN crap.. The data is still available, just not in plot form. Its really rather stunning that it remains at or above average even though we have just went through a warming trend with ocean temps. Now that they are going cold the sea ice will stabilize and return.


So, Gentlemen, Billy Boy, what do you think is happening that could cause extents to shrink as they have


and produce this drop of total volume?



BTW, there is very little deviation between your data and what I see here. It shows roughly 2.4 million km^2 lost in the last decade. I guess you just prefer the scale.

And who is it that can't read a fucking graph?

AS to a stability seen in 30% coverage ice, the obvious conclusion is that it is being produced by the disintegration of 100% coverage ice. Jesus.

FCT, if you're actually comforting yourself with the thought that a La Nina will bring it all back, try to remember it has been shrinking through La Ninas for decades now.

If you think the Arctic ISN'T actually melting or that the losses can be made up in short order, you're simply lying to yourself.
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This is from your buddy Bob Tisdale, Massage Therapist Extraordinaire.

"There is a closer correlation of the AMO to Arctic Temps. The biggest change in the sea ice started in 1995 and 2002 which is about the time the AMO started ...

It looks to me as if the Arctic is being melted by rising temperatures. Now there's an amazing conclusion.
Are you all so keen to laugh at them, but none of you have the slightest hint of evidence that the Arctic's ice extents are increasing or even just stable, do you.
I'm proud of them. Showing everyone that Arctic is still growing ice. Hmmm, I thought it was in a melt?
30% sea ice levels have remained at or above average.. Only the 15% levels have had any negative flux.. Funny that they don't want to admit that. The idiots up north were caught by the >30% ice levels because their models said it didn't exist..

DMI stopped their active plot as it didn't meet the agenda driven CAGW UN crap.. The data is still available, just not in plot form. Its really rather stunning that it remains at or above average even though we have just went through a warming trend with ocean temps. Now that they are going cold the sea ice will stabilize and return.

makes sense to me.
Are you all so keen to laugh at them, but none of you have the slightest hint of evidence that the Arctic's ice extents are increasing or even just stable, do you.
I'm proud of them. Showing everyone that Arctic is still growing ice. Hmmm, I thought it was in a melt?
30% sea ice levels have remained at or above average.. Only the 15% levels have had any negative flux.. Funny that they don't want to admit that. The idiots up north were caught by the >30% ice levels because their models said it didn't exist..

DMI stopped their active plot as it didn't meet the agenda driven CAGW UN crap.. The data is still available, just not in plot form. Its really rather stunning that it remains at or above average even though we have just went through a warming trend with ocean temps. Now that they are going cold the sea ice will stabilize and return.


So, Gentlemen, Billy Boy, what do you think is happening that could cause extents to shrink as they have


and produce this drop of total volume?



BTW, there is very little deviation between your data and what I see here. It shows roughly 2.4 million km^2 lost in the last decade. I guess you just prefer the scale.

And who is it that can't read a fucking graph?

AS to a stability seen in 30% coverage ice, the obvious conclusion is that it is being produced by the disintegration of 100% coverage ice. Jesus.

FCT, if you're actually comforting yourself with the thought that a La Nina will bring it all back, try to remember it has been shrinking through La Ninas for decades now.

If you think the Arctic ISN'T actually melting or that the losses can be made up in short order, you're simply lying to yourself.
so, it's funny. The observed doesn't match the graph, the graph is shut down, makes one wonder if it was ever accurate. for me now anyway. So, you can post up all the other charts and graphs you want, they can't be trusted. The observed tells us something different than the graphs period. Funny eh?
It looks to me as if the Arctic is being melted by rising temperatures. Now there's an amazing conclusion.
The data says your hype is pure BS...

Most of us understand that the 30% coverage areas have not diminished and remain at average or above as they have now been increasing for 3 years. DMI stopped publishing their graph because it showed the AGW meme a false narrative and it was not receding like they needed it to be, to make their model assumptions to be true.. The real data shows the models in serious error..

When the real data shows your model assumptions false you have a problem with the model and YOUR ASSUMPTIONS WHICH DRIVE IT. They choose to remove the data from public view rather than fix their failed models. This shows a complete lack of integrity and falsified scientific work.. In more precise terms... Political Activism and Political agenda...
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Its rather amazing (and funny) the Russians had to let them use an ice breaker to escape from nonexistent ice....
Even if the ice is "melting" how can you eliminate variables like aldebo (soot from China -- its a filthy polluter, remember?) or changes in our magnetic field (is 10% weaker over the last 2 decades)
Even if the ice is "melting" how can you eliminate variables like aldebo (soot from China -- its a filthy polluter, remember?) or changes in our magnetic field (is 10% weaker over the last 2 decades)
There you go Frank... Confusing the situation with facts.. potential causes and the like that are not CO2.....
what do you think is happening that could cause extents to shrink as they have

Well, since Antarctic sea ice is growing, whatever is causing it is NOT GLOBAL...

Try this - the Arctic Ocean is growing....

yeah, THAT!!!
It looks to me as if the Arctic is being melted by rising temperatures

Then WHY is Antarctic sea ice GROWING???

Why is Arctic sea ice GROWING??

Global Warming

Why is Antarctic sea ice GROWING??

Climate Change
Frank, I can't believe the warmers don't understand that the earth tilts one way and then the other and that sunlight doesn't hit the north or south poles during each of those tilts. Ice will always develop. The Antarctic will always have more ice because it is land. The warmers use the ignorance of humans who haven't figured that out. it is funny though.
The Antarctic will always have more ice because it is land.

Land moves. The Arctic likely had more ice than the Antarctic 50 million years ago, when the Arctic Ocean really did not exist.
yep, ground stays cold, water not so much. If the Antarctic continent moves out of the pole area, it will thaw, I agree. and the water that replaces it will still freeze. my point with the tilting.
The "ice free" polar circle has no land. We have limited current data on mix of land and water (Arctic), but clearly as the Arctic Ocean grows, the sea ice will shrink. Another major factor is that, when the Arctic Ocean expands, it releases magma from the floor dramatically melting sea ice on the surface. The 2005 and 2007 Arctic Sea Ice melts were just directly over Gakkel Ridge, the Arctic "coming in" fault. The sea ice by North American through Greenland's west coast is still the same - all the melt is on the other side - Alaska through the east coast of Greenland.
Even if the ice is "melting" how can you eliminate variables like aldebo (soot from China -- its a filthy polluter, remember?)

I can eliminate it because you'd have to be an imbecile to include it.

China is not near the poles.

Winds blow from the west, primarily. Hence, soot doesn't go far north.

The Greenland ice sheet and some other glaciers, being further south, do get affected by soot. That's well-studied.

More southerly sea ice melts out completely each year, hence soot can't build up on it.

Sea ice in the high arctic is too far north to get much soot. And it partially melts out each year, and gets rolled over a lot, which removes any soot that could build up.

Not being imbeciles, scientists have also figured this out.

The magnetic stuff you babbled about was even dumber.
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