Global Warming (Again)


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
I don't remember the exact date, or his exact words, but during the recent cold snap Trump lamented "what happened to global warming, where is it when you need it. Please come back," or words to that effect.

Well, it's early February, and the temperature in my part of North Carolina is 75 degrees with a forecast high today of 78 degrees, well above normal February temperatures. So, a heartfelt Thank You to our President for bringing back global warming and those toasty temps. I never get tired of winning! Bigly!
If it's unseasonably warm, it's global warming. If it's unseasonably cold, it's crickets.
Currently there is no observable proof that the small amount of warming attributed to mans burning fossil fuel has altered weather patterns, hurricane strength or frequency, or wild fires. A small amount of ocean rise. 3 inches in 25 years.

Not saying there is no effect, just none that we can observe. Nor am I saying that there will not be in the future either.
Polar vortex busts back in next week so the nut sack warmers will again be in vogue. So will peoples perception that climate change is not that big of a deal. When its 65 degrees for a whole month of February in the northeast, people might care. But not a moment sooner.:113:
If it's unseasonably warm, it's global warming. If it's unseasonably cold, it's crickets.

70's all week in SE Texas. No big deal really. Getting colder tonight, but only for a while, then it's gonna be hot, again.
I don't remember the exact date, or his exact words, but during the recent cold snap Trump lamented "what happened to global warming, where is it when you need it. Please come back," or words to that effect.

Well, it's early February, and the temperature in my part of North Carolina is 75 degrees with a forecast high today of 78 degrees, well above normal February temperatures. So, a heartfelt Thank You to our President for bringing back global warming and those toasty temps. I never get tired of winning! Bigly!
Three days ago here in Wichita KS it was 65° and sunny, unseasonably warm. Right now it's 12° and last night we had thundersleet.

Weather is wacky thanks to climate change.
Currently there is no observable proof that the small amount of warming attributed to mans burning fossil fuel has altered weather patterns, hurricane strength or frequency, or wild fires. A small amount of ocean rise. 3 inches in 25 years.

Not saying there is no effect, just none that we can observe. Nor am I saying that there will not be in the future either.

And that's just it.....nobody is going to be moved by the equivalent of watching paint dry. The climate hystrical dont get that dynamic. They think folks will be happy to open up their wallets to get taxed $5.00/gallon because some scientists are guessing what the climate will be in 2100. Yuk....yuk.....

When Alaska is having outdoor bikini contests in mid-January for a few weeks then we can talk.....until then, it's a public snoozefest s0ns!:bye1:
From what I've read....
"Climate Change" is natural and has been going on since the dawn of Earth time.
It's deceptive to call "Climate Change" a man-made disaster (especially since they dropped 'Global Warming" a few years back.)

SCIENCE PROVES the Earth goes through cyclical periods of heating and cooling, largely due to the SUN's cyclical changes ie Solar Grand Maximums and Minimums.

There may be "some" small, measurable change to Earth climate due to man made causes, but it's insignificant compared to the changes brought about by the Sun. Glaciers and frozen Polar Caps and Arctic regions have come and gone due to the SUN long before man walked the planet.

If you firmly believe "Climate Change" is a man made disaster of serious concern you are simply ignorant and gullible.
and are not able to logically understand why some want to feed you with radical Climate nonsense. The post above tries to point it out for you nicely.
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I don't remember the exact date, or his exact words, but during the recent cold snap Trump lamented "what happened to global warming, where is it when you need it. Please come back," or words to that effect.

Well, it's early February, and the temperature in my part of North Carolina is 75 degrees with a forecast high today of 78 degrees, well above normal February temperatures. So, a heartfelt Thank You to our President for bringing back global warming and those toasty temps. I never get tired of winning! Bigly!
Keep this Chart handy

Warming = Global Warming
Cooling = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat
I don't remember the exact date, or his exact words, but during the recent cold snap Trump lamented "what happened to global warming, where is it when you need it. Please come back," or words to that effect.

Well, it's early February, and the temperature in my part of North Carolina is 75 degrees with a forecast high today of 78 degrees, well above normal February temperatures. So, a heartfelt Thank You to our President for bringing back global warming and those toasty temps. I never get tired of winning! Bigly!
In Washington State, we are getting more snow than weve had in many years.
I don't remember the exact date, or his exact words, but during the recent cold snap Trump lamented "what happened to global warming, where is it when you need it. Please come back," or words to that effect.

Well, it's early February, and the temperature in my part of North Carolina is 75 degrees with a forecast high today of 78 degrees, well above normal February temperatures. So, a heartfelt Thank You to our President for bringing back global warming and those toasty temps. I never get tired of winning! Bigly!
Keep this Chart handy

Warming = Global Warming
Cooling = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat
keep telling yourself that.

Fossil fuel companies have been responsible for 71 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions released since 1988.

To date, nine cities have sued the fossil industry for climate damages. California fisherman are going after oil companies for their role in warming the Pacific Ocean, a process that soaks the Dungeness crabs they harvest with a dangerous neurotoxin. Former acting New York state attorney general Barbara Underwood has opened an investigation into whether ExxonMobil has misled its shareholders about the risks it faces from climate change, a push current Attorney General Leticia James has said she is eager to keep up. Massachusetts attorney general Maura Healey opened an earlier investigation into whether Exxon defrauded the public by spreading disinformation about climate change, which various courts — including the Supreme Court — have refused to block despite the company’s pleas. And in Juliana vs. U.S., young people have filed suit against the government for violating their constitutional rights by pursuing policies that intensify global warming, hitting the dense ties between Big Oil and the state.

These are welcome attempts to hold the industry responsible for its role in warming our earth. It’s time, however, to take this series of legal proceedings to the next level: we should try fossil-fuel executives for crimes against humanity.
From what I've read....
"Climate Change" is natural and has been going on since the dawn of Earth time.
It's deceptive to call "Climate Change" a man-made disaster (especially since they dropped 'Global Warming" a few years back.)

SCIENCE PROVES the Earth goes through cyclical periods of heating and cooling, largely due to the SUN's cyclical changes ie Solar Grand Maximums and Minimums.

There may be "some" small, measurable change to Earth climate due to man made causes, but it's insignificant compared to the changes brought about by the Sun. Glaciers and frozen Polar Caps and Arctic regions have come and gone due to the SUN long before man walked the planet.

If you firmly believe "Climate Change" is a man made disaster of serious concern you are simply ignorant and gullible.
and are not able to logically understand why some want to feed you with radical Climate nonsense. The post above tries to point it out for you nicely.
Of course "the earth goes through cyclical periods of heating and cooling." Those periods take place over very long periods of time, hundreds and thousands of years. What we are experiencing has occurred since the 1950's, a blink of an eye in geological time. Most climate scientists agree that homo sapiens is largely responsible for the global warming that is taking place. I won't be around to see it happen, but if you live on a coast anywhere, get gone before 2050.
If it's unseasonably warm, it's global warming. If it's unseasonably cold, it's crickets.

70's all week in SE Texas. No big deal really. Getting colder tonight, but only for a while, then it's gonna be hot, again.
Thanks for the weather report.

Been the winter forecast since we moved here in the late 70's too.

It's 59 degrees where I'm at here in SE Texas. Was in the 70's right before lunch.

Typical Texas weather!

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