Global Warming Causes Droughts And Fires In California

Everyone else got the point. Are you admitting to being mentally slower than everyone else?

Everyone else?

Well, there's JackOfNoTrades, Tipsycatlover and Old Rocks. That's it. Three posts beyond mine and yours. And you're acting like the whole damn world's behind you.

Tipsycatlover doesn't write anything that implies she got what you said.

Old Rocks doesn't talk about what you wrote.

JackOfNoTrades seems to think that global warming is increasing BOTH drought and flooding.

So.... you don't have a lot to back up your statement, and you have even less to back up your attempts at insult.

This is your post and it's going to be one of those shit threads that goes nowhere because the OP doesn't seem to know what the thread is about, and everyone else is keeping clear because they're like "dude!!!"
Everyone else?

Well, there's JackOfNoTrades, Tipsycatlover and Old Rocks. That's it. Three posts beyond mine and yours. And you're acting like the whole damn world's behind you.

Tipsycatlover doesn't write anything that implies she got what you said.

Old Rocks doesn't talk about what you wrote.

JackOfNoTrades seems to think that global warming is increasing BOTH drought and flooding.

So.... you don't have a lot to back up your statement, and you have even less to back up your attempts at insult.

This is your post and it's going to be one of those shit threads that goes nowhere because the OP doesn't seem to know what the thread is about, and everyone else is keeping clear because they're like "dude!!!"
If you can't figure it out then you aren't worth debating with. You can't see past your own biases.
I see CrusaderFrank is at the top of his game ... that's got me laughing all day now ... thank you ...

The term is Climate Change. And the increase in ferocity of the rains, floods, fires, winds, and heat are symptoms of it. And it's real. If your own Department of Defense thinks it's an probably is. :)

Wow ... you seem completely unfamiliar with California weather ... ferocious rains, floods, fires, winds and heat are all pretty normal ... California's climate is overwhelmingly dominated by topography ... that's volcanic arc territory, and all that goes with the orographic lifting westside and orographic subsidence eastside ... and we have every reason to believe it's been this way for the past 100 million years ...

Having normal weather year after year is evidence of climate NOT changing ... I question your sense of reality ... because never having "bad" weather is fanciful in the extreme ... it was 134ºF in California in 1913, today that would be 136ºF ... so slight a difference isn't a symptom of anything ... that's arguably within instrumenation error to be honest ...
If you can't figure it out then you aren't worth debating with. You can't see past your own biases.

If you can't write an OP properly, if you can't make a point.....

You talk about my biases, and yet, what biases, we haven't even got to the part of the debate where we know what the hell this thread is about to have any biases about.
If you can't write an OP properly, if you can't make a point.....

You talk about my biases, and yet, what biases, we haven't even got to the part of the debate where we know what the hell this thread is about to have any biases about.
Everyone else knows what the thread is about but you.
Nobody cares about the California fires. d0y.......they see it there every 5 months but it doesnt happen anywhere else.

Drought comes and goes........always has.........always will. A look at any drought map of California going back 100 years makes it very self-evident. Periods wet as hell........periods dry as hell.

Except for the climate nutters, nobody cares about this..........
Everyone else knows what the thread is about but you.

The OP is written well enough to be wrong ... global warming brings hotter and wetter conditions ... drought will become less frequent, although slightly so, well within the first deviation ... it would take a dozen statisticians with 500 years of data to tease out the difference ... we've only 360 years to wait to find out ...

More rain increases fire risk in California ... open your eyes and watch ...
It's not even close to a record.

The floods of 1964 occurred during a period of global cooling ... that was more of a Northern California event though ... SoCal is more exposed to flash flooding from the Monsoon flow they get ... the Salton Sea is flood water from early in the 20th Century ...
The term is Climate Change. And the increase in ferocity of the rains, floods, fires, winds, and heat are symptoms of it. And it's real. If your own Department of Defense thinks it's an probably is. :)
Define "climate change".

What is your baseline value for your claim of "increased ferocity of rains/floods/fires/winds/heat"?? Why did you choose that baseline value over any other baseline value? What was your methodology for measuring all of these things??
What you dealing with on this board is a bunch of people that think ignorant opinion is equal to decades of research. You will never convince them to change their mind, because that requires mental effort, something they avoid at all costs.
You need to first unambiguously define your terms... WTF even IS "climate change"??

Additionally, why should any rational adult believe that the Earth is increasing in temperature, whether "catastrophically" or otherwise??
Define "climate change".

What is your baseline value for your claim of "increased ferocity of rains/floods/fires/winds/heat"?? Why did you choose that baseline value over any other baseline value? What was your methodology for measuring all of these things??
Definitions are right here.
Now, do I believe that man causes climate change? That happens naturally, in cycles.
Does man exacerbate climate change?...oh yeah. Does man make the swings in and the ferocity of weather more extreme??? Uhh yeah.
It's an issue. Again, if your own Department of Defense thinks it's an issue, it probably is. :)

Definitions are right here.
Now, do I believe that man causes climate change? That happens naturally, in cycles.
Does man exacerbate climate change?...oh yeah. Does man make the swings in and the ferocity of weather more extreme??? Uhh yeah.
It's an issue. Again, if your own Department of Defense thinks it's an issue, it probably is. :)

Ahhhhh, so you are blindly appealing to NASA's attempted definition without examining it?? Got it... NASA's attempted definition is not acceptable and here's why:
[1] Weather does not have "patterns". If it did, then you'd be able to tell me what the weather will be at Lambeau Stadium on 11/15/21.
[2] There is no such thing as a "regional" or a "global" climate. Climate, just like weather, is very hyper-localized. If there IS a such thing as a "global climate", then is the Earth a tropical climate? A desert climate? A marine climate? Please let me know...

You still need to define what "climate change" even IS, explain to me what values you are using as baselines to "measure" these supposed "swings in ferocity", and explain why you chose THOSE baseline values as opposed to any other baseline values.

I don't care what the Department of Defense thinks. They can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.
Oh, wait a minute. Global Warming causes record rains and floods in California.

Notice how the "global warming" grift absolves the incompetent state government of ALL responsibility for the failing infrastructure, the failure to provide adequate water storage, and the failure to protect the residents? Very convenient...California's "leaders" are basically blaming God for their problems.
The OP is written well enough to be wrong ... global warming brings hotter and wetter conditions ... drought will become less frequent, although slightly so, well within the first deviation ... it would take a dozen statisticians with 500 years of data to tease out the difference ... we've only 360 years to wait to find out ...

More rain increases fire risk in California ... open your eyes and watch ...

Rain always causes fires here. The more rain, the more fires. A hurricane once nearly burned down the entire State
I see CrusaderFrank is at the top of his game ... that's got me laughing all day now ... thank you ...

Wow ... you seem completely unfamiliar with California weather ... ferocious rains, floods, fires, winds and heat are all pretty normal ... California's climate is overwhelmingly dominated by topography ... that's volcanic arc territory, and all that goes with the orographic lifting westside and orographic subsidence eastside ... and we have every reason to believe it's been this way for the past 100 million years ...

Having normal weather year after year is evidence of climate NOT changing ... I question your sense of reality ... because never having "bad" weather is fanciful in the extreme ... it was 134ºF in California in 1913, today that would be 136ºF ... so slight a difference isn't a symptom of anything ... that's arguably within instrumenation error to be honest ...

History has always been the enemy of leftism.
Rain always causes fires here. The more rain, the more fires. A hurricane once nearly burned down the entire State

Winter rains in California grow lush green growing grasses all spring long ... more rain -> more grass ... come summer dry season, all that grew and set seed in spring dries up and burns ...

A lack of rain in winter severely cuts back the fuel load ... thus less fires during drought ...

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