Zone1 Global Warming Denial vs IQ Denial

Back in the late 15th Century .. an Italian monk named Savanarola thought the people of Florence had too many nice things which he called "vanities ". So, in the name of his beliefs, he and groups of armed street thugs, mostly children, went to the houses of the rich demanding they give up those treasure so they could be burned on The Bonfires of the Vanities.

Within a year, people had enough of his nonsense and he himself was burned at the stake as a heretic.
But, if you believe YOUR "truth" entitles you to MY stuff...

... You had better come strapped, and pray you're a better shot than me.
You provide evidence of why we need for gun ownership to be a privilege granted reluctantly by the government, rather than a right granted by the Constitution. The Second Amendment is a dangerous anachronism that should have been overturned long ago. In civilized countries, even conservatives ask, "Why would anyone want to own a gun?"

Civilization is only secure when the government has the effective monopoly on the legitimate use of violence.
This OP is an odd Mulligan’s Stew that seems to mix “science affirming” on global climate change with faith in “scientific racism” … in a concoction meant to tempt rightwingers and “conspiracy enthusiasts” to “taste test” the chef’s special offering.

But most conspiracy theorists and even ordinary rightwingers don’t seem to want to taste this brew. Or else they get all over-dramatic and rush to “strap on” at the first hint that there may be no “free lunch” after all … assuming we want the planet and “human race” to live together, prosper and survive.

To a better — and less crazy — future for our children and grandchildren!

Why a sudden surge of broken heat records is scaring scientists​

Scientists say to brace for more extreme weather and probably a record-warm 2023 amid unprecedented temperatures, The Washington Post, July 6, 2023​

A remarkable spate of historic heat is hitting the planet, raising alarm over looming extreme weather dangers — and an increasing likelihood that this year will be Earth’s warmest on record.

New precedents have been set in recent weeks and months, surprising some scientists with their swift evolution: historically warm oceans, with North Atlantic temperatures already nearing their typical annual peak; unparalleled low sea ice levels around Antarctica, where global warming impacts had, until now, been slower to appear; and the planet experiencing its warmest June ever charted, according to new data.

And then, on Monday, came Earth’s hottest day in at least 125,000 years. Tuesday was hotter.

“We have never seen anything like this before,” said Carlo Buontempo, director of Europe’s Copernicus Climate Change Service. He said any number of charts and graphs on Earth’s climate are showing, quite literally, that “we are in uncharted territory.”...

In recent weeks, weather extremes have included record-breaking heat waves in China, where Beijing surpassed 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) for the first time, and in Mexico and Texas, where officials were once again struggling to keep the electricity grid up and running.

Did Obama, Kerry and Al Gore recently buy beachfront mansions?
Do they fly private jets?


Hypocrisy on the part of some wealthy environmentalists does not mean that environmental concerns are invalid.
Yes, but it is very unusual. People with high IQ's usually have excellent social skills because it is easy for them to learn what kinds of behavior are appropriate in various situations. For that same reason they usually have excellent communication skills. They can easily figure out how best to talk to someone.
On the contrary .. high IQ individuals are typically introverted (70%) and are not socially engaged .. they prefer privacy, alone time and accelerated interactions with others.


A neuroscientist shares the 4 ‘highly coveted’ skills that set introverts apart: ‘Their brains work differently’

The realities of global warming and IQ differences present extremes of the right and the left with existential challenges.

The reality of global warming means that we need major restrictions on private property rights and economic growth.

The reality of IQ differences means that economic equality and racial equality cannot be achieved without a tyrannical government.

Nevertheless, those on the right do not try to suppress the discussion of global warming. Those on the left do try to suppress the discussion of the reality and importance of IQ differences.
Omg, you need to read up on what IQ is.
The effects of el nino become more severe when combined with the growing percentage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Next I guess you'll want to kill all the people to reduce CO2 emissions, right?
The scientific experts agree with me. I understand the science. During the time dinosaurs lived the earth's climate was much warmer. Much of what is now the United States was underwater. Tropical plants lived closer to the north pole and the south pole. This was because the carbon dioxide contend of the atmosphere was higher.

Over a period of hundreds of millions of years plants removed carbon from the atmosphere in the process of photosynthesis. When the plants died they eventually became coal, petroleum, and natural gas. We can tell the climate cooled by the kinds of plants and animals that thrived.

By consuming fossil fuels we are reversing a process that took hundreds of millions of years in a few centuries. Consequently, the earth's climate is becoming warmer. This has been measured.

Ignoring that a 1/5th of a degree increase in average temperature in a single summer month with El nino is WEATHER not climate aren't we? I mean even the report acknowledges that El Bitcho is a driver in this increase. warming is a scam exploited by leftists to take money and power from gullible people.......

And the nature of your post should really place it in a different category......
Don't Appeal to Conservative Plutocrats. Greenies Are Their Spoiled-Rotten Sons.

Warmalarmism is also motivated by degenerate upper-class slumming inducing a dumb-savage worship of Nature. Since everything is given to these brats, they have a jealous hatred of the achievements created by developing previously worthless resources. No wonder they also want feral races to replace intelligent races.

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