Zone1 Global Warming Denial vs IQ Denial

The Washington Post

This July 4 was hot. Earth’s hottest day on record, in fact.​


By Leo Sands
Updated July 5, 2023 at 9:53 a.m. EDT

Tuesday was the hottest day on Earth since at least 1979, with the global average temperature reaching 62.92 degrees Fahrenheit (17.18 degrees Celsius), according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

As a result, some scientists believe July 4 may have been one of the hottest days on Earth in about 125,000 years, due to a dangerous combination of climate change causing global temperatures to soar, the return of the El Niño pattern and the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the United States, 57 million people were exposed to dangerous heat on Tuesday, according to The Washington Post’s extreme heat tracker. At the same time, China was gripped by a sizzling heat wave, the Antarctic is hotter than usual during its winter, and temperatures in the north of Africa reached 122F, Reuters reported.

Whenever some over educated clown says the earth's temperature has risen they never say why its a bad thing.... oh they predict more powerful storms and wildfires... hell we have had bad storms and fires my whole life... before any earth's temperature rise my parents up on the roof with a hose with the hillside in flames is in my memory...
If its going to destroy the earth they need to tell us how.... and so far they have not been accurate in their predictions of doom...
Whenever some over educated clown says the earth's temperature has risen they never say why its a bad thing.... oh they predict more powerful storms and wildfires... hell we have had bad storms and fires my whole life... before any earth's temperature rise my parents up on the roof with a hose with the hillside in flames is in my memory...
If its going to destroy the earth they need to tell us how.... and so far they have not been accurate in their predictions of doom...

Worse, they tell you we need to create a certain hell on earth for people to save the planet from a very unlikely hell on earth.

Climate change​

In common usage, climate change describes global warming—the ongoing increase in global average temperature—and its effects on Earth's climate system. Climate change in a broader sense also includes previous long-term changes to Earth's climate. The current rise in global average temperature is more rapid than previous changes, and is primarily caused by humans burning fossil fuels.[2][3] Fossil fuel use, deforestation, and some agricultural and industrial practices increase greenhouse gases, notably carbon dioxide and methane.[4] Greenhouse gases absorb some of the heat that the Earth radiates after it warms from sunlight. Larger amounts of these gases trap more heat in Earth's lower atmosphere, causing global warming.

Due to climate change, deserts are expanding, while heat waves and wildfires are becoming more common.[5] Increased warming in the Arctic has contributed to melting permafrost, glacial retreat and sea ice loss.[6] Higher temperatures are also causing more intense storms, droughts, and other weather extremes.[7] Rapid environmental change in mountains, coral reefs, and the Arctic is forcing many species to relocate or become extinct.[8] Even if efforts to minimise future warming are successful, some effects will continue for centuries. These include ocean heating, ocean acidification and sea level rise.[9]

GlobalWarming 1.png

GlobalWarming 2.png

The realities of global warming and IQ differences present extremes of the right and the left with existential challenges.

^^^ This moron even disagrees with photographic evidence! :laughing0301:

You show him there's been no appreciable sea level change since 1932 and he denies the photos! :laugh2:

The epitome of brainwashed.
The realities of global warming and IQ differences present extremes of the right and the left with existential challenges.

The reality of global warming means that we need major restrictions on private property rights and economic growth.

The reality of IQ differences means that economic equality and racial equality cannot be achieved without a tyrannical government.

Nevertheless, those on the right do not try to suppress the discussion of global warming. Those on the left do try to suppress the discussion of the reality and importance of IQ differences.

The world just recorded its hottest day ever​

The record for highest temperature ever recorded on Earth could be broken again very soon​

Ananya Bhattacharya

Researchers in the US reported that the Earth experienced the hottest day ever recorded by humans on July 3. Unofficial data from University of Maine scientists at the Climate Reanalyzer project first suggested the record had been broken, an observation later confirmed by scientists at the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP).

No it isn't the hottest the earth has ever been. If you want to say the hottest the earth has ever been then you need to look at the mean temperature.

And it was the hottest paleo ecocene when the earth was so hot the north and south poles were at tropical temperature.

It's why they have discovered rainforest evidence under the ice in the antarctic

You also seem to be forgetting that the earth is not static. It is in a constant state of flux. That's why it's called climate change because it's been changing for billions of years. Everyone knows about several ice ages, world wide floods, world wide droughts, world wide fires, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, total reversal of the poles, mass extinctions, complete depletion and regeneration of the ozone layer and a lot more that happened way before man was even a neanderthal.
You post one small bit of evidence. I post massive evidence in favor of global warming.

Photos don't lie, niblik. You post charts and numbers produced by the same people who years ago were caught in their emails saying to each other that they were fudging the data on purpose because they had a financial interest in seeing climate change being taken as real.

The climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. There is nothing this country can do to affect it so long as countries like China and India are POURING pollution out like there is no tomorrow creating 75% of the world's GHGs anyway.

Get real. Grow a brain.
The realities of global warming and IQ differences present extremes of the right and the left with existential challenges.

The reality of global warming means that we need major restrictions on private property rights and economic growth.

The reality of IQ differences means that economic equality and racial equality cannot be achieved without a tyrannical government.

Nevertheless, those on the right do not try to suppress the discussion of global warming. Those on the left do try to suppress the discussion of the reality and importance of IQ differences.
Gang Green

Nature is nothing but raw material for High IQs to transform for mankind's use, safety, or even pleasure. Man didn't invent the wheel, one man did.

The Greens deify nature, so their primitive superstition is the enemy of intelligence.
And it was the hottest paleo ecocene when the earth was so hot the north and south poles were at tropical temperature.

It's why they have discovered rainforest evidence under the ice in the Antarctic.
also seem to be forgetting that the earth is not static. It is in a constant state of flux. Everyone knows about tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, total
Liberals Are Agents of the Right Wing They Were Born In

Antarctica is a continent; its land mass underneath the ice is as large as our 48 contiguous states. It used to be in the tropics, but like all continents it migrated to where it is now. Besides being chock full of minerals, its prehistoric position filled it with hydrocarbon deposits.

Development of natural resources creates high-paying jobs and inexpensive products based on abundant supply. It is also the only thing that creates class mobility, which used to be the story of America until the HeirHead guillotine-fodder took over and pushed us down the slide of failure.

Closing off that continent from development in 1960 was a plutocratic scheme to create artificial scarcities. Green is the color of their Daddies' money. Outlaw that whole class and its unearned privileges.
The Washington Post

This July 4 was hot. Earth’s hottest day on record, in fact.​


By Leo Sands
Updated July 5, 2023 at 9:53 a.m. EDT

Tuesday was the hottest day on Earth since at least 1979, with the global average temperature reaching 62.92 degrees Fahrenheit (17.18 degrees Celsius), according to data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

As a result, some scientists believe July 4 may have been one of the hottest days on Earth in about 125,000 years, due to a dangerous combination of climate change causing global temperatures to soar, the return of the El Niño pattern and the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

In the United States, 57 million people were exposed to dangerous heat on Tuesday, according to The Washington Post’s extreme heat tracker. At the same time, China was gripped by a sizzling heat wave, the Antarctic is hotter than usual during its winter, and temperatures in the north of Africa reached 122F, Reuters reported.

Aren’t the glaciers and icebergs in Alaska and North Pole melting at alarming rates?

In many cases they are growing.

Fact check: No, the glaciers are not growing in Glacier National Park​

A fictional ‘university’ incorrectly claims that glaciers are growing in the Montana park.
Karin Kirk

ebutting myths about climate change is an endless game of whack-a-mole. But one side-effect is that each dose of misinformation can prompt a look at the real science, and offer a reason to share credible, up-to-date information that might not have gotten much attention were it not for the myth.

After encountering several social media references that glaciers are growing in my home state of Montana, I dug in to find the origin of the myth, and check in with scientists for an update on the status of Glacier National Park’s namesake features.

The myth: Glaciers are growing in Glacier National Park, and the National Park Service doesn’t want you to know about it.
This alluring falsehood appeared in a denialist blog earlier this summer (June 2019) and quickly spread to several others. The “government is quietly seeking to conceal some of its hysterical claims,” reads one claim. “It appears that the National Park Service is trying to hide the fact that the glaciers are growing!”

The reality: The glaciers in GNP are shrinking.


Fact check: No, the glaciers are not growing in Glacier National Park​

A fictional ‘university’ incorrectly claims that glaciers are growing in the Montana park.
Karin Kirk

ebutting myths about climate change is an endless game of whack-a-mole. But one side-effect is that each dose of misinformation can prompt a look at the real science, and offer a reason to share credible, up-to-date information that might not have gotten much attention were it not for the myth.

After encountering several social media references that glaciers are growing in my home state of Montana, I dug in to find the origin of the myth, and check in with scientists for an update on the status of Glacier National Park’s namesake features.

This alluring falsehood appeared in a denialist blog earlier this summer (June 2019) and quickly spread to several others. The “government is quietly seeking to conceal some of its hysterical claims,” reads one claim. “It appears that the National Park Service is trying to hide the fact that the glaciers are growing!”

I didn't say glacier. I said MANY ARE growing, and indeed they are.
Global warming/climate change (or whatever BS term currently in use) is the biggest hoax foisted upon mankind since religion......BTW.....That's were common sense and IQ meet.

Prove me wrong.
How hot will the weather need to get before you realize that global warming is real, and a major problem?

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