Zone1 Global Warming Denial vs IQ Denial

Like I said, if the funding is for support of a chosen hypothesis, then fudge the data to get the funding.
BTW, still doesn't PROVE the case for CO2 as the main cause/driver of either ACC or AGW.
If you believe such then stop emitting CO2.

I'll agree with natural CC/GWbut it's factors other than CO2, which is about 1/2,500 of the atmosphere
Almost 200 scientific agencies agree its AGW
so hardly qualifies as the hottest day on Earth in it's 4.5 BILLION year history!

Don't be too rough on them, they HAVE to say things like that.

Just like a cannibal who says the volcano will explode if you don't throw virgins in it. Or the shaman who claims the sun will disappear if you don't give him half the tribe's silver.

They have to try to scare you to get you to comply with their agenda.

So, from now on, every day will be the hottest day since The Big Bang, every storm will be the worst storm since The Flood, and we are all doomed to certain death if the taxpayers don't foot the bill for new EVs for everyone.

Just smile and wave, Boys.
Don't be too rough on them, they HAVE to say things like that.

Just like a cannibal who says the volcano will explode if you don't throw virgins in it. Or the shaman who claims the sun will disappear if you don't give him half the tribe's silver.

They have to try to scare you to get you to comply with their agenda.

So, from now on, every day will be the hottest day since The Big Bang, every storm will be the worst storm since The Flood, and we are all doomed to certain death if the taxpayers don't foot the bill for new EVs for everyone.

Just smile and wave, Boys.
So nasa is lying?
So almost 200 scientific agencies are part of an international conspiracy?

There are over 5,000 organized religions world wide ... they all believe with absolute certainty that what THEY believe is 100% correct and they will see everything in a way that supports that belief.

Are they part of a conspiracy? Or, are they just part of a completely human desire to have everyone else believe the same things they believe, and will say or do anything to make that happen.
There are over 5,000 organized religions world wide ... they all believe with absolute certainty that what THEY believe is 100% correct and they will see everything in a way that supports that belief.

Are they part of a conspiracy? Or, are they just part of a completely human desire to have everyone else believe the same things they believe, and will say or do anything to make that happen.
Do they use scientific evidence?

I believe in scientific evidence not faith

How about you?
Do they use scientific evidence?

I believe in scientific evidence not faith

How about you?

I believe in verifiable scientific evidence and not computer models riddled with confirmation bias.

I also believe that once political power and personal wealth become part of the discussion then SCIENCE goes out the window.

Even the greatest scientist in the world will say and do anything it takes to keep the funding gravy train rolling.

Even Einstein had to eat...

I believe in verifiable scientific evidence and not computer models riddled with confirmation bias.

I also believe that once political power and personal wealth become part of the discussion then SCIENCE goes out the window.

Even the greatest scientist in the world will say and do anything it takes to keep the funding gravy train rolling.

Even Einstein had to eat...

View attachment 802606
Then you can't accept any science

But you do.. ...everyday
1979 is only @44 years ago, so hardly qualifies as the hottest day on Earth in it's 4.5 BILLION year history!
My article said 1979 was the hottest day on record. No one was taking records 4.5 billion years ago.
The realities of global warming and IQ differences present extremes of the right and the left with existential challenges.

The reality of global warming means that we need major restrictions on private property rights and economic growth.

The reality of IQ differences means that economic equality and racial equality cannot be achieved without a tyrannical government.

Nevertheless, those on the right do not try to suppress the discussion of global warming. Those on the left do try to suppress the discussion of the reality and importance of IQ differences.
Look clown I have lived in the desert for over 40 years. I have seen the mercury go over 126 a few times but not in the last 10 years. This year has been the coldest in all the time I lived here. If you got to have that doom and gloom shit have at it but don't try pull that total bull crap on me. We also have instruments in our seas that start on the surface then dive to the bottom. When they return to the surface they send their data to a satellite. But that data show the waters cooling. So they disallow that data and give a drunk sailor a bucket, rope, and a thermosat. I can't count the times these doom seers have been caught cheating the books. Why don't you ask an Eskimo? Because it's alot better than the info you are getting now. You probably believe Biden isn't a pedafile and doesn't makes love to jungle boys. Damn!

Earth reaches hottest day ever recorded 4 days in a row​

Even higher temperatures are expected in July and August as El Niño strengthens, ABCNews, July 7, 2023
ByJulia Jacobo
July 7, 2023, 9:14 AM

For four days in a row, the planet reached its hottest day ever recorded as regions all over the world endure dangerous heat.

Earth warmed to the highest temperature ever recorded by human-made instruments when the average global temperature reached 17.18 degrees Celsius, or 62.92 degrees Fahrenheit, on Tuesday, as millions of Americans celebrated the Fourth of July, data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction shows.

On Wednesday, the record was tied as global temperatures again reached 17.18 degrees Celsius. That record was broken on Thursday as global temperatures climbed to 17.23 degrees Celsius, or 63.01 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the NCEP.

The record was first set on Monday, when average global temperatures measured at 16.2 degrees Celsius, or 61.16 degrees Fahrenheit, but it only took one day to surpass that temperature.

The heat blanketing much of Earth has been driven by El Niño in combination with the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for global warming, researchers say.

Almost 200 scientific agencies agree its AGW
Because their paychecks require they agree.
If you had common sense, logic, and real science knowledge you'd see this is another sham, scam, and pseudo-science.

Meanwhile, since you really believe this nonsense we can expect you to personally stop emitting that CO2 "pollution" when ???
Because their paychecks require they agree.
If you had common sense, logic, and real science knowledge you'd see this is another sham, scam, and pseudo-science.

Meanwhile, since you really believe this nonsense we can expect you to personally stop emitting that CO2 "pollution" when ???
So I should believe you instead of them?

My article said 1979 was the hottest day on record. No one was taking records 4.5 billion years ago.
Nor were they talking about anything more than @44 years ago(1979) other than a blind assertion with no data about 125,000 years ago.
I was trying to open your eyes, but more importantly inform others reading here, that going back less than half a century is not the same as going back through 4.5 billion years if one is going to claim "EVER".
If you don't grasp and understand this than just remain a lemming. Please don't vote since you have no knowdge or grasp of key issues.
Yup, so have I. I presented scientific reports. Argue with them.

So have I.

So have I.

Big whoop. They spew opinion. Opinion based on computer models

NOT data.

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