Global Warming Explained so even a BRAIN DEAD LIBERAL should understand it!

Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced global warming. He proposed a relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature. He found that the average surface temperature of the earth is about 15oC because of the infrared absorption capacity of water vapor and carbon dioxide. This is called the natural greenhouse effect.

Read more: History of the greenhouse effect and global warming

What Grant was he awarded before he came up with his theory?

Well, did you see the word you posted in your sentence MAY?

It was a theory, now please show where there is PROOF CONCLUSIVE of the theory

You don't even realize it, but you have just demonstrated your total ignorance of the scientific method with these words. :lol:

Please provide evidence that every climate scientist who has worked on the global warming hypothesis has received a government grant.

Thanks ahead of time.

Generally speaking, it is brain dead people who think a cartoon panel explains a complex issue.

This cartoon is a big old pile of a conspiracy theory for dummies with the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker.

An unsupported conspiracy theory at that.
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Arrhenius observed that burning fossil fuel emits CO2. He was the first to theorize that it could eventually cause a warming effect.

Therefore your little diddie is just that, a little diddie.

BooBoy, do emit CO2?...Then by all GW theory, YOU are a cause of it!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Nope. Living organism are part of the carbon cycle. The carbon emitted from what we burn for fuels has been trapped, sequestered and not part of that cycle for millions of years.

Nice try.


But BooBoy, what we burn WAS part of living organisms, and what about huge forest fires, and volcano eruptions, and what about PLANT LIFE requiring CO2 to live?.... All part of as you libs like to call the living planet!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
One must wonder if G.500000 and baby pony are getting grants from the government?

Seems that small chart has made a dent in subversive armor, besides hitting the nail on the head! LOLOL!
BooBoy, do emit CO2?...Then by all GW theory, YOU are a cause of it!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Nope. Living organism are part of the carbon cycle. The carbon emitted from what we burn for fuels has been trapped, sequestered and not part of that cycle for millions of years.

Nice try.


But BooBoy, what we burn WAS part of living organisms, and what about huge forest fires, and volcano eruptions, and what about PLANT LIFE requiring CO2 to live?.... All part of as you libs like to call the living planet!:eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

And instead of decomposing into CO2 as part of the cycle it was trapped for millions of years. Huge forest fires are still neutral, that is the carbon that is released is carbon that was extracted during the life of the trees. Not so for volcanoes. A couple of massive eruptions could throw up enough particulate matter to offset some of the warming. You never know. The melting ice in Greenland might uncork a super-volcano and cause a long period of cooling. What about plant life? They account for the ups and down on the CO2 concentration graphs.
Republicans explaining "science".

Doncha love it?

My mistake, the title "Global Warming Explained so even a BRAIN DEAD LIBERAL should understand it!" Deano just proves some brain dead liberals are beyond help!
good one stupid

and all but a handful of the earth's countries are EXEMPT from ANY carbon reduction standards

what kind of idiot is suprprised scientists from those countries would "conclude" the other countries need costly regulations on their industry?

Links, asshole. Not knowthing flap yap from an obvious ignoramous.:badgrin:

lol poor unhinged and angry idiot

try decaf!! lol

like i said where are these "drastic changes" to the global economy?

Bedoninny, you stupid fuck. You and your ignorant kind are the ones claiming that the GW believers are the ones causing drastic changes to the worlds economies because of all the money being spent on carbon credits and reducing emissions.

Why the hell you keep asking where the "drastic changes" are in the global economy?
I thought your kind thought they new all this shit.
How can anyone say it does or doesn't exist? There simply isn't enough evidence on either side to say with any certainty one way or the other. Let's call it an experiment. Is polluting smart? Common sense says no. Both sides will agree to that. Is having environmental regulations good? If a country values its citizens health then both sides would agree. Problem with rolling back regulations is the vast percentage of large American companies would willfully pollute... case in point the company who let the toxins leak into the river.
We're seeing climate change up close in the Caribbean. Water rising wasn't a surprise but increased salinity and colder water are killing off certain plankton which are considered keystone species.

There's nothing to argue or debate with those who stubbornly hold on to their ignorance of the difference between weather and climate.

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We're seeing climate change up close in the Caribbean. Water rising wasn't a surprise but increased salinity and colder water are killing off certain plankton which are considered keystone species.

There's nothing to argue or debate with those who stubbornly hold on to their ignorance of the difference between weather and climate.

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Yes, you idiot, Mother Nature is funny that way, like the ICE AGE when all that air pollution caused everything to freeze, those smoke stacks, cars, and others are going to kill us. So let's just stop everything like the deranged assholes in here want us to do, all the while, China, India, and other OUTSIDE POLLUTERS continue RAMP UP their industries in an effort to catch up to the economy we once had...makes perfect sense!:cuckoo:
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