Global Warming is such Wooly Mammoth Crap.

Where is the bitter cold(18 deg) coming from if the Arctic Polar Regions are melting(above 32 deg)

  • I am a liberal, and it is Global Warming, err i mean Global Climate Change, you racist...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am a Conservative who understands the global warming scam and it is to take away our money..

    Votes: 7 100.0%

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400 ppm is 400 ppm. Are you saying that 400 ppm doesn't matter?

are you some kind of Christian retard.

Here's the thing. We can probably live with 400 PPM. But when it gets to 500 PPM or 600 PPM, then you reach a point of no return. At that point, the permafrost melts and all that biomatter starts rotting and creating even more CO2.
Really? CO2 and not methane? Do you want to check on that and get back to me?
I bet good ole Joe doesn't even know that for most of earth's history, the earth has been a greenhouse world and it's only been about the last 5 million years that the earth has become an ice house world.

And if we still had Dinosaurs, that might be a point.

But essentially, we are releasing millions of years of CO2 in a few decades, that's the problem.
Have you ever done a material balance on CO2, Joe?
I bet good ole Joe doesn't even know that for most of earth's history, the earth has been a greenhouse world and it's only been about the last 5 million years that the earth has become an ice house world.

And if we still had Dinosaurs, that might be a point.

But essentially, we are releasing millions of years of CO2 in a few decades, that's the problem.
Were there dinosaurs 5 million years ago, Joe?

Do you want to check on that one too and get back to me?
So why did the added CO2 cool us in the 70s while the larger amount added by now has warmed us?

are you some kind of fucking retard?

We have more CO2 now than we had in the 70's.
We have more high temperatures now than we had in the 70's.

Seriously, are you some kind of fucking complete retard inbred that you can't see this?

We have more CO2 now than we had in the 70's.

Were the 70s unusually cold? Colder than the 60s? Colder than the 50s?
What about the 40s?
400 ppm is 400 ppm. Are you saying that 400 ppm doesn't matter?

are you some kind of Christian retard.

Here's the thing. We can probably live with 400 PPM. But when it gets to 500 PPM or 600 PPM, then you reach a point of no return. At that point, the permafrost melts and all that biomatter starts rotting and creating even more CO2.

But when it gets to 500 PPM or 600 PPM, then you reach a point of no return.

Everything dies?
Were the 70s unusually cold? Colder than the 60s? Colder than the 50s?
What about the 40s?

again, are you some kind of retard?

Look, the problem with you deniers is not that you understand the science, because you don't.

The problem is, that you don't want the science to be true, because that might require you to change your lifestyle as a matter of survival. You are pretty much the guy who stuffs his face with hamburger and ignores his doctor when he tells him to change his diet.
Were the 70s unusually cold? Colder than the 60s? Colder than the 50s?
What about the 40s?

again, are you some kind of retard?

Look, the problem with you deniers is not that you understand the science, because you don't.

The problem is, that you don't want the science to be true, because that might require you to change your lifestyle as a matter of survival. You are pretty much the guy who stuffs his face with hamburger and ignores his doctor when he tells him to change his diet.

again, are you some kind of retard?

No, I'm not a liberal believer in AGW.

The problem is, that you don't want the science to be true

Were the 70s unusually cold or not? Use the science for your answer.

because that might require you to change your lifestyle as a matter of survival.

I'm willing a build an entire new fleet of nuclear power plants to reduce CO2.
Are you?
Were there dinosaurs 5 million years ago, Joe?

Do you want to check on that one too and get back to me?

Missing another point, Bible Boy?
No. I don't think I am, Joe. Are you?

400 ppm is 400 ppm. Are you saying that 400 ppm doesn't matter?

are you some kind of Christian retard.

Here's the thing. We can probably live with 400 PPM. But when it gets to 500 PPM or 600 PPM, then you reach a point of no return. At that point, the permafrost melts and all that biomatter starts rotting and creating even more CO2.

But when it gets to 500 PPM or 600 PPM, then you reach a point of no return.

Everything dies?
No. Joe turns into a pumpkin.
Joe, do you even know the formula for associated temperature from associated atmospheric CO2?
No, I'm not a liberal believer in AGW.

Right, you are right and 95% of Ph.D's in Climate Science are wrong. Got it.

As a GHG Methane is like 50 times worse than CO2, Joe.

Your point being? That the permafrost melting would be really bad? Yes, yes, it would, Bible Boy. We should probably do something to keep that from happening.
For a supposed scientologist, Joe, sure don't know jack.

I'm an atheist... and I'll admit, I don't know all the science.

but the people who DO know the science, 95% of them say, yes, Global Warming is real and people are responsible.

The other 5% are being paid by the Koch brothers to get stupid people like you to enjoy your denial.
Joe thinks dinosaurs roamed the earth 5 million years ago. Silly old, Joe.

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