Global Warming propaganda and this White House- Article by American Thinker

Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately
Edge, I agree.. it's a money making scheme at best.. Who the hell ever heard of charging for AIR?? If the government can find a way, they will tax something.. they have a herd of useful IDIOTS to support their criminal activity so long as they're getting their 991.00 to pay their trailer rent.
I doubt this thread will get a lot of traction but I applaud your trying.

Maybe if you would have found a way to use 'Gay' or 'Abortion' in the title
Here is the thing. Climate is changing. It has been changing or over 4 billion years.

It cannot be disputed.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on this planet due to climate change. Some say we may be in the beginning of another one.

It may be we can do something about it, it may be that we cannot.

But lets all be honest here. When we talk climate change in places like this, what we are doing is advocating that mankind is causing it (so ludicrous its laughable), or we are arguing that mankind is not causing it.

Given the overwhelming historic facts of climate change on this planet, I simply cannot believe people are willing to give up prosperity for a fantasy that mankind can affect climate in any manner whatever.
Here is the thing. Climate is changing. It has been changing or over 4 billion years.

It cannot be disputed.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on this planet due to climate change. Some say we may be in the beginning of another one.

It may be we can do something about it, it may be that we cannot.

But lets all be honest here. When we talk climate change in places like this, what we are doing is advocating that mankind is causing it (so ludicrous its laughable), or we are arguing that mankind is not causing it.

Given the overwhelming historic facts of climate change on this planet, I simply cannot believe people are willing to give up prosperity for a fantasy that mankind can affect climate in any manner whatever.

You're missing the point in two instances.

A) When you're talking about climate change in the past, you're talking about changes that occurred over tens of thousands to millions of years. AGW talks about changes over ~200-300 years.

B) If it's ludicrous that humans couldn't possibly be having an effect on climate, please explain where the 30-40% increase in CO2 observed since the advent of the Industrial Revolution is coming from.
Here is the thing. Climate is changing. It has been changing or over 4 billion years.

It cannot be disputed.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on this planet due to climate change. Some say we may be in the beginning of another one.

It may be we can do something about it, it may be that we cannot.

But lets all be honest here. When we talk climate change in places like this, what we are doing is advocating that mankind is causing it (so ludicrous its laughable), or we are arguing that mankind is not causing it.

Given the overwhelming historic facts of climate change on this planet, I simply cannot believe people are willing to give up prosperity for a fantasy that mankind can affect climate in any manner whatever.

You're missing the point in two instances.

A) When you're talking about climate change in the past, you're talking about changes that occurred over tens of thousands to millions of years. AGW talks about changes over ~200-300 years.

B) If it's ludicrous that humans couldn't possibly be having an effect on climate, please explain where the 30-40% increase in CO2 observed since the advent of the Industrial Revolution is coming from.
go dig it up. there have been plenty of instances in which CO2 has increased by more than that in very short times.

Tell Me, are you aware that climate change without the aid of mankind manged to take a lush green region of the world and turn it into the largest desert on the planet in less that a 100 years? all on the basis of a minor warble in rotation.

Save yourself the time in this argument. You have an agenda to follow and it will not allow for you to see reason. Climate changes. It is proven that it changes with or without us. Only arrogance thinks that we are responsible for it.
Here is the thing. Climate is changing. It has been changing or over 4 billion years.

It cannot be disputed.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on this planet due to climate change. Some say we may be in the beginning of another one.

It may be we can do something about it, it may be that we cannot.

But lets all be honest here. When we talk climate change in places like this, what we are doing is advocating that mankind is causing it (so ludicrous its laughable), or we are arguing that mankind is not causing it.

Given the overwhelming historic facts of climate change on this planet, I simply cannot believe people are willing to give up prosperity for a fantasy that mankind can affect climate in any manner whatever.

You're missing the point in two instances.

A) When you're talking about climate change in the past, you're talking about changes that occurred over tens of thousands to millions of years. AGW talks about changes over ~200-300 years.

B) If it's ludicrous that humans couldn't possibly be having an effect on climate, please explain where the 30-40% increase in CO2 observed since the advent of the Industrial Revolution is coming from.
go dig it up. there have been plenty of instances in which CO2 has increased by more than that in very short times.

Tell Me, are you aware that climate change without the aid of mankind manged to take a lush green region of the world and turn it into the largest desert on the planet in less that a 100 years? all on the basis of a minor warble in rotation.

Save yourself the time in this argument. You have an agenda to follow and it will not allow for you to see reason. Climate changes. It is proven that it changes with or without us. Only arrogance thinks that we are responsible for it.

I'm the one with an agenda?!?! I was just pointing out the flaws in your logic and you proceeded to throw new fallacies on top of the old. :lmao:
Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately

Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!
Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately

Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!


But here's the facts of the matter.

There are two great powers in the world today.... Big Government and Big Business.

Let's think about Big Government for a minute....

Hitler, Stalin, Mao. A few dead there, huh? Nearing a hundred million murdered.

But so far as I can tell, Big Business hasn't murdered anyone yet. Maybe one or two or a dozen or accidentally or through negligence cause a few hundred deaths, but sure as FUCK not anywhere near 100,000,000.

You choose to side with Big Government. The side that has murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout history.

You're their bitch.

If you want to say I'm the bitch of Big Business? I can live with that.

My pimp doesn't go around murdering people by the Millions and hundreds of Millions.

Yours does.

Think about it.
Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately

Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!


But here's the facts of the matter.

There are two great powers in the world today.... Big Government and Big Business.

Let's think about Big Government for a minute....

Hitler, Stalin, Mao. A few dead there, huh? Nearing a hundred million murdered.

But so far as I can tell, Big Business hasn't murdered anyone yet. Maybe one or two or a dozen or accidentally or through negligence cause a few hundred deaths, but sure as FUCK not anywhere near 100,000,000.

You choose to side with Big Government. The side that has murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout history.

You're their bitch.

If you want to say I'm the bitch of Big Business? I can live with that.

My pimp doesn't go around murdering people by the Millions and hundreds of Millions.

Yours does.

Think about it.

"Depraved indifference" is usually murder 2. So, Big Business' hands aren't as clean as you'd have us believe. With regard to AGW, the fact that there are such things as GHGs and business uses its resources to downplay their effects, also plays into that category. Then there's the "useful idiots" who trumpet their message without regard for the underlying science and the fact that we're talking a couple of hundred years, not thousands to millions like climate changes in the past.
Here is the thing. Climate is changing. It has been changing or over 4 billion years.

It cannot be disputed.

There have been 5 mass extinction events on this planet due to climate change. Some say we may be in the beginning of another one.

It may be we can do something about it, it may be that we cannot.

But lets all be honest here. When we talk climate change in places like this, what we are doing is advocating that mankind is causing it (so ludicrous its laughable), or we are arguing that mankind is not causing it.

Given the overwhelming historic facts of climate change on this planet, I simply cannot believe people are willing to give up prosperity for a fantasy that mankind can affect climate in any manner whatever.

You're missing the point in two instances.

A) When you're talking about climate change in the past, you're talking about changes that occurred over tens of thousands to millions of years. AGW talks about changes over ~200-300 years.

B) If it's ludicrous that humans couldn't possibly be having an effect on climate, please explain where the 30-40% increase in CO2 observed since the advent of the Industrial Revolution is coming from.

Climate change has never been a straight line affair. It occurs with peaks and valleys, and these peaks and valleys do occur over a 200-300 year span. We have no evidence that we have not been experiencing a natural variation. In fact, that possibility became so clear, that we now refer to climate change and not global warming.

It is possible that humans are affecting climate is some very minor way, but unlikely to be having any major impact on temperature. Not even close to the point that we should be thinking of destroying our economy in a vain effort to curtail CO2.
Well they are right in that a colder earth meant misery for millions, however, another little Ice age? I doubt it. It is possible if no sun spot appeared for what, 70 years or so......

Global Warming Standstill. The 5-year running mean of global temperature has been flat for the past decade. It should be noted that the "standstill" temperature is at a much higher level than existed at any year in the prior decade except for the single year 1998, which had the strongest El Nino of the century. However, the standstill has led to a widespread assertion that "global warming has stopped". Examination of this matter requires consideration of the principal climate forcing mechanisms that can drive climate change and the effects of stochastic (unforced) climate variability.

Yes they cover solar cycle 24 too.
I'll go with ALL the non bought off scientists and EVERY political party in the modern world BUT the greedy idiot GOP and the silly dupes, thanks.
I am surprised that in a dozen or so posts so far, no one has denigrated and dismissed the article because it was featured in American Thinker, a proudly right oriented publication.
Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!


But here's the facts of the matter.

There are two great powers in the world today.... Big Government and Big Business.

Let's think about Big Government for a minute....

Hitler, Stalin, Mao. A few dead there, huh? Nearing a hundred million murdered.

But so far as I can tell, Big Business hasn't murdered anyone yet. Maybe one or two or a dozen or accidentally or through negligence cause a few hundred deaths, but sure as FUCK not anywhere near 100,000,000.

You choose to side with Big Government. The side that has murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout history.

You're their bitch.

If you want to say I'm the bitch of Big Business? I can live with that.

My pimp doesn't go around murdering people by the Millions and hundreds of Millions.

Yours does.

Think about it.

"Depraved indifference" is usually murder 2. So, Big Business' hands aren't as clean as you'd have us believe. With regard to AGW, the fact that there are such things as GHGs and business uses its resources to downplay their effects, also plays into that category. Then there's the "useful idiots" who trumpet their message without regard for the underlying science and the fact that we're talking a couple of hundred years, not thousands to millions like climate changes in the past.

did you bother to read post #7? Again the soil samples off the coast of Africa indiccated the Great Sahara went from tropics to desert in only a few hundred years....
Just for clarification, has "Climate Change" officially replaced "Global Warming" as the Left's cause du jour?
Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately

Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!


But here's the facts of the matter.

There are two great powers in the world today.... Big Government and Big Business.

Let's think about Big Government for a minute....

Hitler, Stalin, Mao. A few dead there, huh? Nearing a hundred million murdered.

But so far as I can tell, Big Business hasn't murdered anyone yet. Maybe one or two or a dozen or accidentally or through negligence cause a few hundred deaths, but sure as FUCK not anywhere near 100,000,000.

You choose to side with Big Government. The side that has murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout history.

You're their bitch.

If you want to say I'm the bitch of Big Business? I can live with that.

My pimp doesn't go around murdering people by the Millions and hundreds of Millions.

Yours does.

Think about it.

How many human beings do you think pollution kills every year?

Has any government recently killed 2 million people every year?
Edge, I agree.. it's a money making scheme at best.. Who the hell ever heard of charging for AIR?? If the government can find a way, they will tax something.. they have a herd of useful IDIOTS to support their criminal activity so long as they're getting their 991.00 to pay their trailer rent.

[ame=]The Beatles - Taxman (remastered) - YouTube[/ame]
Energy is everything. I mean.... Everything.

Whoever controls it, controls life on Earth.

Think about it.

We use energy to farm and grow our food. We need energy to take that food to market and process it. We need energy to transport the finshed products to the store.

You need energy to drive to the store to get the food. You need energy to cook the food. You need energy for your hot water, for lighting, for transportation, for clothing.

Life on this Earth would not be possible without energy. Oil, coal, gas... You name it.

If dimocrap scum can place restraints on energy, if they can control energy -- They control life on Earth itself. Every single aspect of your life will be under their control

THAT is what this is about. Control.

Anybody that doesn't see that is just too stupid to live and should commit suicide immediately

Let's explore your theory regarding human motives a little bit. You don't think that fossil fuel owners, and producers, and all the people who have massive financial interests (trillions of dollars) in maintaining the status quo wouldn't do whatever they thought was required (including lying about the existence and dangers of climate change), in order to maintain their control over the current system?

If that's what you think, you're their bitch!


But here's the facts of the matter.

There are two great powers in the world today.... Big Government and Big Business.

Let's think about Big Government for a minute....

Hitler, Stalin, Mao. A few dead there, huh? Nearing a hundred million murdered.

But so far as I can tell, Big Business hasn't murdered anyone yet. Maybe one or two or a dozen or accidentally or through negligence cause a few hundred deaths, but sure as FUCK not anywhere near 100,000,000.

You choose to side with Big Government. The side that has murdered hundreds of millions of people throughout history.

You're their bitch.

If you want to say I'm the bitch of Big Business? I can live with that.

My pimp doesn't go around murdering people by the Millions and hundreds of Millions.

Yours does.

Think about it.

Why is it that conservatives can never stay on topic? Talk about Trayvon, and they want to talk about murders in Chicago. Talk about human motivations regarding fossil fuels and whether we should exhaust them or ween ourselves off them, and they start talking about how totalitarian gov'ts were killing millions of people 70 years ago.

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