Global Warming Scientist Get Stuck in Growing Antartic Ice

Global Warming Scientist stuck in the ice, here is the experiment, lets test and see if AGW Scientist have at least a basic understanding of how Ice forms in the Antarctic, for if they do not understand how simply, day to day, or even hour to hour Ice Forms, they demonstrate that they do not have the knowledge of Ice to properly theorize AGW.
Yeah it is. Do you even know how to do a correlation? Tell me, what is the difference between the R^2 value and the coefficient of correlations? What does the R^2 value mean, exactly?

Yeah, it is proof.

leaves fall off the trees in the fall

children return to school in the fall

so by your standards

the children cause the leaves to fall off the trees in the fall

Wow... Mr Kosh, you're just unstoppable.

Obviously you can not read as someone else posted this, but that is par for the course of a known AGW troll.
So the troposphere doesn't show rising tems? Yeah, so? The troposphere isn't the globe.

And, it turns out that Peter Thorne comment was quite dated. After some buoy and satellite calibration issues were sorted out, turns out the tropical troposphere is indeed warming as theory predicted.

From Wikipedia, Global Warming:

Temperatures in the lower troposphere have increased between 0.13 and 0.22 °C (0.22 and 0.4 °F) per decade since 1979, according to satellite temperature measurements.

From Wikipedia, Global Warming Controversy

Instrumental record of tropospheric temperature
General circulation models and basic physical considerations predict that in the tropics the temperature of the troposphere should increase more rapidly than the temperature of the surface. A 2006 report to the U.S. Climate Change Science Program noted that models and observations agreed on this amplification for monthly and interannual time scales but not for decadal time scales in most observed data sets. Improved measurement and analysis techniques have reconciled this discrepancy: corrected buoy and satellite surface temperatures are slightly cooler and corrected satellite and radiosonde measurements of the tropical troposphere are slightly warmer.[117] Satellite temperature measurements show that tropospheric temperatures are increasing with "rates similar to those of the surface temperature", leading the IPCC to conclude that this discrepancy is reconciled.[118]

CO2 does NOT drive climate.
leaves fall off the trees in the fall

children return to school in the fall

so by your standards

the children cause the leaves to fall off the trees in the fall

Wow... Mr Kosh, you're just unstoppable.

Obviously you can not read as someone else posted this, but that is par for the course of a known AGW troll.

A occurred(more CO2) then B occurred(Planet warmed)

therefore A caused B

is a post hoc ergo propter hoc logical fallacy

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