Global warming strikes again folks!!


Tbh, those that are credulous and lack common sense seem to get sucked in to this man made climate crap.
If it’s changing ,where? You know data supporting it?

Ha ha
Please, you’ve tried twice and failed. The climate always changes by your own admission. Now, ask the question correctly in a way that indicates you know what climate Science is all about. If you don’t even know what they are saying, how the Fk can you critique it, especially when no university, govt, major corporation or climate science institute in the ENTIRE world agrees with you. You’d think that if you had that much opposition, you’d know what it’s about. Give it another try.
~ Absolutely ridiculous ... but keep the faith. :icon_rolleyes:

" All the scientists agree ."
Of course all Climate science institutes agree on the evidence. That goes without saying. Do you even know what they agree on ? Probably not. You can’t be science illiterate and know how to disagree. Like really, do you know how a cell phone operates well enough to disagree with it‘s management ?
what's been proven?

Sea hasn't raised a fking inch dummas.

If I'm not mistaken, both arctic and antarctic still covered with ice?
The evidence has been agreed upon by all science nstitutes, govts and related corporations. There is not one major sector, including religions that are deniers. . The likely hood we as a race are facing catastrophic consequences because of it is so high, YOU deniers have no credible evidence to refute it. Especially when, you don’t have a fking clue what it actually is.
”If I'm not mistaken, both arctic and antarctic still covered with ice?”
This statement in particular is an alarming indicator of your science illiteracy.
The evidence has been agreed upon by all science nstitutes, govts and related corporations. There is not one major sector, including religions that are deniers. . The likely hood we as a race are facing catastrophic consequences because of it is so high, YOU deniers have no credible evidence to refute it. Especially when, you don’t have a fking clue what it actually is.
”If I'm not mistaken, both arctic and antarctic still covered with ice?”
This statement in particular is an alarming indicator of your science illiteracy.
nope, not even close. but thanks for playing.
Geesus, you have have a few facts on your side to even have any “ common sense”.
You tell me the climate and the co2 levels when the dinosaurs roamed the planet.

Then you tell me what ppm co2 is too low for life. Then you tell me if we're VASTLY closer to low levels compared to the levels where the dinosaurs thrived. Oops, I've given a clue away.

What I propose is, the idiots that believe the planet is doomed because of humans, please save it by jumping off a cliff.
You tell me the climate and the co2 levels when the dinosaurs roamed the planet.
That’s dumb. Modern man wasn’t even alive then. Another science illeterate’s comparison. You are strange one. High CO2 levels have nothing to do with “the planets” survival. You’re hilarious. You don’t know the differences between planets and the species that occupy them. It’s like conversing with an eight year old.
That’s dumb. Modern man wasn’t even alive then. Another science illeterate’s comparison. You are strange one. High CO2 levels have nothing to do with “the planets” survival. You’re hilarious. You don’t know the differences between planets and the species that occupy them. It’s like conversing with an eight year old.
Don't cherry pick, answer my post.

It's the climate idiots like you that claim the earth is doomed.
Don't cherry pick, answer my post.

It's the climate idiots like you that claim the earth is doomed.
Name one climate science institute, university or even, one govt official or one major corporation who said the “earth was doomed” because of AGW. Go ahead, keep making bogus claims. The earth was fine even when man wasn’t around to inhabit it….for millions of years. WTF gives you the idea that the ”earth will be doomed” if man disappears or struggles to survive . Are you crazy ? Try again. You’re failing miserably coming up with question that makes any sense at all.
What year was it when we were told they would be ice free by now?

What kind of ice are you talking about ? And most importantly, how thick ? There is sea ice and snow ice, plus, the ice grows and recedes according to the seasons and the influx of fresh water. Ice free ? Hilarious. Gee, there is plenty of ice on our lake right now and we’re not even at the poles. I bet you’d say it's proof that AGW is supporters are wrong ? Hilarious.
You science illiterates can even ask a sensible question ?
I bet you don’t even know what “you are denying”. Hilarious.
You smart as heck demofks can’t talk correctly. Reread your first sentence dummass

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