Global warming strikes again folks!!

You noticed something ? Thatā€™s an improvement.
The 2nd thing I noticed is, you're full of shit as well.

As the debate has been going on for years, little graphs posted, the replication crisis in full effect, scientists getting defunded and cancelled if they don't follow the climate narrative, all you get is, "All scientists confirm man made climate.....". Then in the news, "We're reaching tipping point". Then they're claiming it's getting too late to save the planet.

Then idiots like yourself come along and claim, "Which scientists claim the earth is doomed, which bla bla bla is bla bla".

All I can say is to retards like yourself, go fuck yourself. If you've been paying attention to all this climate shite over the years, then you wouldn't be pleading ignorance.
The 2nd thing I noticed is, you're full of shit as well.

As the debate has been going on for years, little graphs posted, the replication crisis in full effect, scientists getting defunded and cancelled if they don't follow the climate narrative, all you get is, "All scientists confirm man made climate.....". Then in the news, "We're reaching tipping point". Then they're claiming it's getting too late to save the planet.

Then idiots like yourself come along and claim, "Which scientists claim the earth is doomed, which bla bla bla is bla bla".

All I can say is to retards like yourself, go fuck yourself. If you've been paying attention to all this climate shite over the years, then you wouldn't be pleading ignorance.
What do you think ā€œclimate changeā€ is ? Iā€™ve yet to get an answer from a denier that makes sense.
Iā€˜ve NEVER heard a scientist say the ā€œ earth is doomedā€. Where do you get your ideas from ? They arenā€™t even the ones voiced by the AGW crowd. What is ā€œ climate shitā€ ?
What do you think ā€œclimate changeā€ is ? Iā€™ve yet to get an answer from a denier that makes sense.
Iā€˜ve NEVER heard a scientist say the ā€œ earth is doomedā€. Where do you get your ideas from ? They arenā€™t even the ones voiced by the AGW crowd. What is ā€œ climate shitā€ ?
You're someone who's well aware of the climate debacle over the years, but you just try to pick arguments for argument sake. I ain't biting, so feck off.

I thought 2Aguy was the forum Pollock, you're giving him a run for his money.

Next you will claim, "What dinosaurs"
You're someone who's well aware of the climate debacle over the years, but you just try to pick arguments for argument sake. I ain't biting, so feck off.

I thought 2Aguy was the forum Pollock, you're giving him a run for his money.

Next you will claim, "What dinosaurs"
More babble.Wtf do you think it is ? I know what every country in the world, every university and major corp is saying ? Do you ? It says nothing about Dinoā€™s ..Just asking. I donā€™t know what you deniers are against ? What are you saying about dinasours and what do they have to do with AGW now ? The idea behind AGW is simple with abundant evidence. So explain what youā€™re against.

Still sticking with the dumb consensus crap no wonder you are deep in error over the stupid AGW conjecture that is impossible to exist, oh there is no dispute that CO2 can absorb IR but most of it actually goes right by that small CO2 absorption range while Positive Feedback Loop doesn't exist outside modeling fantasies.

I have showed you many consensus failures thus you have been refuted on this for a long time already.

You science illiterates can even ask a sensible question ?
I bet you donā€™t even know what ā€œyou are denyingā€. Hilarious.
Well, you still canā€™t tell us can you ?
Wow, a contrived list with no actual names by Guus Berkhout
An employee if the gas and oil industry.

Now, actually go to an Exxon web site and see what they have to say ā€¦afraid ?
Still sticking with the dumb consensus crap no wonder you are deep in error over the stupid AGW conjecture that is impossible to exist, oh there is no dispute that CO2 can absorb IR but most of it actually goes right by that small CO2 absorption range while Positive Feedback Loop doesn't exist outside modeling fantasies.

I have showed you many consensus failures thus you have been refuted on this for a long time already.

AGW is not a conjecture. It is a very widely accepted theory. You have refuted absolutely nothing I have ever said about the consensus among climate scientists supporting AGW and the conclusions of the IPCC.
Still sticking with the dumb consensus crap no wonder you are deep in error over the stupid AGW conjecture
Wow. Conjecture ? Itā€™s a theory science illiterate. . You also donā€™t believe in consensus. Where does that leave you. First, you donā€™t believe in evidence because thatā€™s the only way an accepted topic becomes a theory. Secondly you donā€™t believe in consensus so you only believe in shit the the vast majority of EXPERTS do NOT agree with.

What a foolish way to make a decision. If all your doctors agree on your treatment for a decease, youā€™re instead going for the one outlier in corner who didnā€™t graduate from medical school or the single mechanic without being certified to work on your car.

geesus, who does your plumbing ? Couldn't be a plumber.

Itā€˜s not unusual. Subjectively speaking, the majority of conservatives I know are Strange dudes making most of their decisions.
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Obviously not. You need to go to any university web site in the world or any climate research facility which is hard to do with tucker screaming in your ear.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Fact is, Mable, I never listened to Tucker until you libtards started screeching about him. Now I watch his videos daily. Thank you.
/ā€”ā€”-/ Fact is, Mable, I never listened to Tucker until you libtards started screeching about him. Now I watch his videos daily. Thank you.
Thanks for admitting. This is the web. You can make up any kind of shit you want. Anyone who like flat earth idiots who doubts the validity of science can BS all the time. You donā€™t know shit and neither does your main squeeze Tucker compared to climate science institutes.
Can you explain why almost every scientist on the planet accepts it? Or why we should take YOUR opinon over THEIRS?
No one can, cause you lie about it! No such thing as majority here.

77 isnā€™t the number of scientists in the world
A common opinion among science illiterates
/ā€”ā€”/ So teach us science illiterates what is the ideal climate. What is your climate goal? Is it the same worldwide or does science have targets for each hemisphere? And once you achieve climatic nirvana, how do you stop the climatic adjustments? In other words, how do you prevent going too far in the opposite direction? Do we start burning fossil fuels and shut down some windmills? How do science literates explain it?

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