Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most

Liberals are "DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO" because they think they are all better than US, so we must give up ours, but they can keep theirs for their rewards of being so great. Shame (Folks, morons who don't believe in cleaning up the messes) dont really see who the enemy of the people really are. The Democratic Socialist Workers Party(NAZI's) had brainwashed their people to the fanatical point to have them think they were the greatest people on the planet that would last at least 1000 years, but after 14 years their world came tumbling down. Liberals world is tumbling down the same, and their heretical rantings are getting more desparate.

Now that you've gotten THAT out of your system....don't forget to flush, wipe and wash your hands thoroughly.
Liberals are "DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO" because they think they are all better than US, so we must give up ours, but they can keep theirs for their rewards of being so great. Shame (Folks, morons who don't believe in cleaning up the messes) dont really see who the enemy of the people really are. The Democratic Socialist Workers Party(NAZI's) had brainwashed their people to the fanatical point to have them think they were the greatest people on the planet that would last at least 1000 years, but after 14 years their world came tumbling down. Liberals world is tumbling down the same, and their heretical rantings are getting more desparate.

Now that you've gotten THAT out of your system....don't forget to flush, wipe and wash your hands thoroughly.

Again, nothing but childish attempts at insulting. You're horrible at this Faux Professor
Liberals are "DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO" because they think they are all better than US, so we must give up ours, but they can keep theirs for their rewards of being so great. Shame (Folks, morons who don't believe in cleaning up the messes) dont really see who the enemy of the people really are. The Democratic Socialist Workers Party(NAZI's) had brainwashed their people to the fanatical point to have them think they were the greatest people on the planet that would last at least 1000 years, but after 14 years their world came tumbling down. Liberals world is tumbling down the same, and their heretical rantings are getting more desparate.

Now that you've gotten THAT out of your system....don't forget to flush, wipe and wash your hands thoroughly.
Notice how my articles of Al Gore and the Dictator in Chief of polluting the world were left out, as he avoided the debate on "DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO"? Just typical of the goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, useful idots, who voted not once for Obama, but twice. No wonder the World is on Fire, while Obama Golfs.
"Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most"

for libertards it is G.W., for Conservatives it is TERRORISM !!

you liberturds can thake that G.W. either way. :up:

AND.., who is "WE" ??
You're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. The hysterical fear is completely unnecessary. You'll survive them both. Bet on that.

I probably will survive global warming in the sense that by the time the planet is uninhabitable I'll be dead. However, it's a highway to hell in the meantime.

If I must be honest though, my post wasn't written for the anti-science crowd, especially when they don't bother to engage with the content of my post.

Live each day like it's your last. Life really is too short. Lots of ways to die, but Global Warming and Terrorism aren't likely to be one of those ways.

Personally, i value my Freedom & Liberty much more than i fear the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. But that's just me. We already have too much Government in our lives. We don't need more. I refuse to live in fear.
You're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. The hysterical fear is completely unnecessary. You'll survive them both. Bet on that.

I probably will survive global warming in the sense that by the time the planet is uninhabitable I'll be dead. However, it's a highway to hell in the meantime.

If I must be honest though, my post wasn't written for the anti-science crowd, especially when they don't bother to engage with the content of my post.

Live each day like it's your last. Life really is too short. Lots of ways to die, but Global Warming and Terrorism aren't likely to be one of those ways.

Personally, i value my Freedom & Liberty much more than i fear the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. But that's just me. We already have too much Government in our lives. We don't need more. I refuse to live in fear.

good points, I agree.

But the question was whether the hoax of global warming or the real danger of terrorism is a bigger threat to the USA.

Americans have been killed by terrorists, no one has died from a false theory of man made global warming.
You're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. The hysterical fear is completely unnecessary. You'll survive them both. Bet on that.

I probably will survive global warming in the sense that by the time the planet is uninhabitable I'll be dead. However, it's a highway to hell in the meantime.

If I must be honest though, my post wasn't written for the anti-science crowd, especially when they don't bother to engage with the content of my post.

Live each day like it's your last. Life really is too short. Lots of ways to die, but Global Warming and Terrorism aren't likely to be one of those ways.

Personally, i value my Freedom & Liberty much more than i fear the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. But that's just me. We already have too much Government in our lives. We don't need more. I refuse to live in fear.

good points, I agree.

But the question was whether the hoax of global warming or the real danger of terrorism is a bigger threat to the USA.

Americans have been killed by terrorists, no one has died from a false theory of man made global warming.

I hear what you're sayin, but the odds of you dying from Global Warming or Terrorism are incredibly slim. You're gonna die from countless other causes. So there is no need to live in fear of either.

Fear = Control. And that's what Big Brother is all about. His worst nightmare is the notion Americans are gonna chill and not live in fear. I recommend living life to the fullest. Ya truly never know when it's gonna end.
Global warming, another fraud from the same idiots who told us radiation from holes in the ozone layer were deforming frogs and that we were all gonna die. Turns out it was some mite deforming the frogs.

Liberals are liars that's all you really need to know. Things like global warming are simply how they pursue their liberal agenda. Money, power, and control. Remember the spotted owl? They used that to attack the timber industry which the left hates with a passion. Many of their lies are rooted in who they hate and how to attack them.
Global warming, another fraud from the same idiots who told us radiation from holes in the ozone layer were deforming frogs and that we were all gonna die. Turns out it was some mite deforming the frogs.

Liberals are liars that's all you really need to know. Things like global warming are simply how they pursue their liberal agenda. Money, power, and control. Remember the spotted owl? They used that to attack the timber industry which the left hates with a passion. Many of their lies are rooted in who they hate and how to attack them.

It's clearly a World Government agenda. If you scare the Sheeple enough, they'll beg Government to save them. Just like after 9/11, so many Americans begged Big Brother to pass ugly Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA.

'Global Warming' is a NWO Globalist Elite power-grab. That's why i always say i value my Freedom & Liberty much more than i fear the Global Warming Boogeyman.
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?

First you need to get your terminology straight, it's climate change now, the left changed it when warming flat lined. Second, I fear neither, terrorism is a concern, climate change, not so much. Only the leftist control freaks are arrogant enough to think they can alter natural earth cycles.
First you need to get your terminology straight, it's climate change now, the left changed it when warming flat lined. Second, I fear neither, terrorism is a concern, climate change, not so much. Only the leftist control freaks are arrogant enough to think they can alter natural earth cycles.

OH, you Tex will NOT die because of GW and probably not from terrorism either (unless, of course, you decide to take a vacation in beautiful Yemen)...The point here is that GW preventative methods would only benefit our grandchildren and great grandchildren......but since you sound like the type of guy who doesn't give a shit for anyone but himself........never mind.
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making

Actually liberals don't believe that. None of your solutions address it. Liberals simply thing global warming is a convenient excuse to get socialism. That's why you propose sending trillions to poor people and regulating anything that moves in business. If you believed it was real, you would reach out in fear, but instead you just use it as a political hammer
First you need to get your terminology straight, it's climate change now, the left changed it when warming flat lined. Second, I fear neither, terrorism is a concern, climate change, not so much. Only the leftist control freaks are arrogant enough to think they can alter natural earth cycles.

OH, you Tex will NOT die because of GW and probably not from terrorism either (unless, of course, you decide to take a vacation in beautiful Yemen)...The point here is that GW preventative methods would only benefit our grandchildren and great grandchildren......but since you sound like the type of guy who doesn't give a shit for anyone but himself........never mind.

Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.
Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.
Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.

Fuck you and your Alinski tactics. My opinion is just as valid as yours, and if the scientist are so fucking great why have they gotten it so wrong so far? Their computer models can't predict the weather accurately for 10 days much less predict what the climate will do over the next few decades.
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?

First you need to get your terminology straight, it's climate change now, the left changed it when warming flat lined. Second, I fear neither, terrorism is a concern, climate change, not so much. Only the leftist control freaks are arrogant enough to think they can alter natural earth cycles.

In terms of actual damage to the United States our biggest concern right now should be the millions of illegals pouring across our borders and the traitors in our own government who want to reward them with citizenship for doing so.
The thing that I fear the most is that the government will invade my state and lock me in a Walmart...and I have already done my monthly shopping!

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