Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most

Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.

We should look past the argument and loook toward the benefits.

Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.

We should look past the argument and loook toward the benefits.


That is an utterly stupid and very liberal like suggestion. In fact its possibly the stupidest thing I have read in a year. Tell me where do you think the trillions of dollars this will cost is going to come from? Have you calculated the jobs cost for poor and middle class Americans? Of course you haven't. Typical liberal approach propose some half baked not thought out feel good idea that does more damage than good.
Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.

We should look past the argument and loook toward the benefits.


That is an utterly stupid and very liberal like suggestion. In fact its possibly the stupidest thing I have read in a year. Tell me where do you think the trillions of dollars this will cost is going to come from? Have you calculated the jobs cost for poor and middle class Americans? Of course you haven't. Typical liberal approach propose some half baked not thought out feel good idea that does more damage than good.

trillions? Hyperbole much?

It doesn't have to cost trillions. A twenty year infrastructure upgrade will go a long way towards these goals. Simply passing legislation that cuts through the red tape surrounding home solar would go a long way. It's on the rise but facing hurdles from providers Who don't like the idea of people's meters spinning backwards.An upgraded grid with this capability in mind will over time reduce the needed amount of centralized power generation. Seems reasonable to me.
Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.

We should look past the argument and loook toward the benefits.


That is an utterly stupid and very liberal like suggestion. In fact its possibly the stupidest thing I have read in a year. Tell me where do you think the trillions of dollars this will cost is going to come from? Have you calculated the jobs cost for poor and middle class Americans? Of course you haven't. Typical liberal approach propose some half baked not thought out feel good idea that does more damage than good.

trillions? Hyperbole much?

It doesn't have to cost trillions. A twenty year infrastructure upgrade will go a long way towards these goals. Simply passing legislation that cuts through the red tape surrounding home solar would go a long way. It's on the rise but facing hurdles from providers Who don't like the idea of people's meters spinning backwards.An upgraded grid with this capability in mind will over time reduce the needed amount of centralized power generation. Seems reasonable to me.

You are living in a fantasy world, refrain from voting until they find a cure.
One has more of chance to die from the horrid far left polices than either of these two.

You are more likely to be hit by an asteroid while being bit by a shark discovering that you just won the lottery than dying from "Global Warming"..

Well at least for the next 500 million years..
Actually it's the left that could give a shit about future generations, you want to destroy whole economies based on GW cultist religion. It has been proven the data has been manipulated all climate change models have been astoundingly wrong, but hey your cult leader is laughing all the way to the bank.

This is where you come off as a forum's idiot....

There are GREAT economic opportunities in cleaning up our planet and stops its pollution....and even in the face of 95% of scientists stating otherwise, you'll go with the other 5% who deny GW......WHY?
Well, because it fits your sick agenda.

We should look past the argument and loook toward the benefits.


You act as if there is no cost to these pipe dreams.
while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

proving the fact libertards are 100% sheeple who will swallow the spoon-fed libturd swill and garbage.., how disgusting ! i'll bet you are one of the 9.

i am surprised it is not 10 of 10, i'll bet the 10th one did not understand the question :lmao: :up:
LOL. Economics are going to solve this problem.

Why the Death of Coal in America Is Saving You Money - DailyFinance

Electricity costs go up nearly every year because utilities need to make investments in maintaining the grid to serve customers, and those costs rise with inflation. So, it's no surprise that electricity rates have gone up over the past decade on a regular basis.

What is surprising is that the rate at which electricity prices have increased has actually slowed at the same time as coal plants are being shut down. Between 2001 and 2008, when coal usage was still growing, the price of electricity increased 4.2 percent a year in the U.S. In the six years since, electricity prices have increased just 1.2 percent a year.


Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration
That's partly due to the falling cost of natural gas and partly because wind and solar energy are now lower-cost than coal or natural gas. Investment bank Lazard issues ban annual report called Lazard's Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis that analyzes the cost to build new power plants, and coal at 6.6-15.1 cents per kWh is now more expensive than wind at 1.4-6.7 cents per kWh and even utility solar at 5.6-8.6 cents per kWh.
In terms of actual damage to the United States our biggest concern right now should be the millions of illegals pouring across our borders and the traitors in our own government who want to reward them with citizenship for doing so.
You mean the future Democrat voters that are needed to keep the liberals in power? Whoops Congressman Accidentally Reveals Why Democrats Really Want Amnesty - The Political Insider
Elections. Specifically, amnesty would bring in 4-5 million new Democrats.
Liberalism has the rules of PARTY 1st, THEMSELVES 2nd, THE EARTH 3rd, and there is no God. when you understand their way of thinking, everything they do, shows their ends justify the means.
So, it's no surprise that electricity rates have gone up over the past decade on a regular basis.
Barack Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (January 2008)
Another lie from another liberal. If all this GREEN energy is being introduced into the grid, then energy prices would go down, but since the WAR on Coal(and Women) from Obama energy has necessarily gone up, so HE can give billions of dollars to his special elite liberal cronies, so they can make their millions, even when they go bankrupt.(SOLYNDRA). But as long as the liberals keep on saying 0.04% of the Atmosphere is the cause of global warming and the low information voters continue to believe them, we will CONTINUE to see escalating energy prices.
I provided links to sources that state that the price increases have declined as we are switching from coal to other sources of generation. So now provide something other than flap-yap that contradicts that. And aren't you glad that President Obama's prediction of increased costs was off, and that he funded the research that is now paying off for all the citizens of this nation?

In Texas, Austin Energy signed a deal this spring for 20 years of output from a solar farm at less than 5 cents a kilowatt-hour. In September, the Grand River Dam Authority in Oklahoma announced its approval of a new agreement to buy power from a new wind farm expected to be completed next year. Grand River estimated the deal would save its customers roughly $50 million from the project.

And, also in Oklahoma, American Electric Power ended up tripling the amount of wind power it had originally sought after seeing how low the bids came in last year.

“Wind was on sale — it was a Blue Light Special,” said Jay Godfrey, managing director of renewable energy for the company. He noted that Oklahoma, unlike many states, did not require utilities to buy power from renewable sources.

“We were doing it because it made sense for our ratepayers,” he said.

According to a study by the investment banking firm Lazard, the cost of utility-scale solar energy is as low as 5.6 cents a kilowatt-hour, and wind is as low as 1.4 cents. In comparison, natural gas comes at 6.1 cents a kilowatt-hour on the low end and coal at 6.6 cents. Without subsidies, the firm’s analysis shows, solar costs about 7.2 cents a kilowatt-hour at the low end, with wind at 3.7 cents.

Damn those liberal states of Texas and Oklahoma. Looks like they just blew what you stated right out the window.
And then there is this. And suddenly, wind and solar are 24/7.

Oncor proposes giant leap for grid batteries Dallas Morning News

Utility-scale batteries have been a holy grail within the energy sector for years. With enough storage space, surplus electricity can be generated at night, when plants usually sit idle, to be used the next day, when demand is highest. Power outages would become less frequent. Wind and solar power, susceptible to weather conditions, could be built on a larger scale. The only problem has been that the price of batteries has been too high to make economic sense. But if they’re purchased on a large enough scale, that won’t be the case for long, said Oncor CEO Bob Shapard.

“Everyone assumed the price point was five to six years out. We’re getting indications from everyone we’ve talked to they can get us to that price by 2018,” he said in an interview Wednesday.

The Dallas-based transmission company is proposing the installation of 5,000 megawatts of batteries not just in its service area but across Texas’ entire grid. That is the equivalent of four nuclear power plants on a grid with a capacity of about 81,000 megawatts.

Ranging from refrigerator- to dumpster-size, the batteries would be installed behind shopping centers and in neighborhoods. Statewide, Oncor estimates a total price tag of $5.2 billion. A study commissioned by Oncor with the Brattle Group, a Massachusetts consulting firm that provides power market analysis for state regulators, says the project would not raise bills. Revenue from rental of storage space on the batteries, along with a decrease in power prices and transmission costs, should actually decrease the average Texas residential power bill 34 cents to $179.66 a month, the report said.
Spain s Green Disaster a Lesson for America - Finance - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 -
BARCELONA, Spain -- It was just last year that President Obama was touring Solyndra headquarters and telling us green technology was the future:
"The future is here. We are poised to transform the ways we power our homes and our cars and our businesses," Obama said.
American liberals are always about 10 years behind what Europe has done. Over the past few years, i have seen no drop in electricity costs, but an increase even with all the solar and wind being added(because it takes more money to maintain these systems) which make those alternative special interst groups very rich at our expense. You liberals keep saying how smart you are, yet you cant see who the real enemies of the American Citizens are, while Obama doubles the national debt from 9 trillion to 18 trillion, the Clintons give 1/2 of our uraniun to Russia, for $150,000,000 and Obama jets around golfing and vacationing on our tax dollars using millions of our tax dollars which our children and grandchildren will have to pay for.

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