Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most

'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)
I provided links to sources that state that the price increases have declined as we are switching from coal to other sources of generation. So now provide something other than flap-yap that contradicts that. And aren't you glad that President Obama's prediction of increased costs was off, and that he funded the research that is now paying off for all the citizens of this nation?

Declined. Still going up but the rate of increase is declining. Isn't that what you meant to say?
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.
Tell me where do you think the trillions of dollars this will cost is going to come from?

a better question is, "where will all those trillions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ actually go ?

Into the pockets of the super rich and those who wish to join that group. The poor and middle class will be reduced to slavery yet again because they will no longer be able to pay the fees that the one percenters demand of them. In other words it will be a perfect world for a progressive. The super rich will control everything and the government will be in everyone's business telling them what to eat, how to eat it, what to read, how to read it.

Utopian slavery at its finest.
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.

And it is factual, unlike your silly little diatribe.
I provided links to sources that state that the price increases have declined as we are switching from coal to other sources of generation. So now provide something other than flap-yap that contradicts that. And aren't you glad that President Obama's prediction of increased costs was off, and that he funded the research that is now paying off for all the citizens of this nation?

Declined. Still going up but the rate of increase is declining. Isn't that what you meant to say?

they are claiming that they can measure the temperature of the planet to tenths of a degree. its total bullshit. the results can be controlled by how and where and when the measurements are taken.

its junk science aimed at controlling the way humans live and taking away another list of freedoms. Do you really want some GS 9 sitting in DC controlling the thermostat in your house?
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You do realize that the cost of coal energy has gone up, because there is less of it? At one time coal electricity was around 2 cents but since we have closed many of them the increase has been noticable? My youtube video of Obama telling the TRUTH for once, was a factor for that increase, so he could get you libtars off of that energy and move towards GREEN. Then again, Spain is down the shitter because of that GREEN energy, but once again, you all want to be like socialist spain, where everyone will be equal, equally poor and equally miserable. Unless you are Bill Clinton, Warren Buffet, Bill's wife, Al Gore, Bill Gates, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, or any other WEALTHY LIBERAL ELITE, who rides around in limos, lives in mansions, or flies on Jumbo Jets, spreading their words of GLOBAL WARMING. A box of rocks has more intelligence than those that vote Demorcrat.
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.

Don't live in fear. The Global Warming & Terrorist Boogeymen aren't likely to get you. You'll survive. Don't be so quick to beg Government to step in and save you. That's how you end up with egregious assaults on your rights like the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.

Don't live in fear. The Global Warming & Terrorist Boogeymen aren't likely to get you. You'll survive. Don't be so quick to beg Government to step in and save you. That's how you end up with egregious assaults on your rights like the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.

Don't live in fear. The Global Warming & Terrorist Boogeymen aren't likely to get you. You'll survive. Don't be so quick to beg Government to step in and save you. That's how you end up with egregious assaults on your rights like the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.

The odds of you dying from Terrorism are incredibly slim. You'll be dying from something else for sure. So it's time to scrap the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

And you won't be dying from 'Global Warming' either. So there's no need to allow the World Government Elites their massive power-grab. Fear = Control. Remember that.
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.

Don't live in fear. The Global Warming & Terrorist Boogeymen aren't likely to get you. You'll survive. Don't be so quick to beg Government to step in and save you. That's how you end up with egregious assaults on your rights like the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.

The odds of you dying from Terrorism are incredibly slim. You'll be dying from something else for sure. So it's time to scrap the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

And you won't be dying from 'Global Warming' either. So there's no need to allow the World Government Elites their massive power-grab. Fear = Control. Remember that.

your position on terrorism is very naive. it is very possible that your life has been saved by the patriot act. I agree with you on NDAA and NSA.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.[/QUOTE]

Typical dumb response trying to get others to shout "YEAH" in support....

If you wanted to avenge the 3000 Americans' deaths, we should have invaded Saudi Arabia....
'Global Warming' is a World Government power-grab. It's as simple as that. The Globalist Elites fully realize that if you scare the People enough, they'll beg Government to step in and save them. They'll accept awful Government intrusions like the 'Patriot Act' and NDAA. They'll even thank evil entities like the NSA for violating their rights daily.

Fear does = Control. And Government Elites know that all too well. The reality is, you're not gonna die from 'Global Warming' or Terrorism. The odds of that occurring are slim & none. You'll be dying from something completely unrelated. So living in fear of either, is completely unnecessary. We need less Government intrusion in our lives, not more. So don't live in fear and don't beg Government to save you. Just live and try to be happy. Ok, sermon over. Have a good one. :)

Great that could just as EASILY be attributed to terrorism....Cheney would be proud of you.

Don't live in fear. The Global Warming & Terrorist Boogeymen aren't likely to get you. You'll survive. Don't be so quick to beg Government to step in and save you. That's how you end up with egregious assaults on your rights like the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.

The odds of you dying from Terrorism are incredibly slim. You'll be dying from something else for sure. So it's time to scrap the 'Patriot Act', NDAA, and NSA.

And you won't be dying from 'Global Warming' either. So there's no need to allow the World Government Elites their massive power-grab. Fear = Control. Remember that.

your position on terrorism is very naive. it is very possible that your life has been saved by the patriot act. I agree with you on NDAA and NSA.

The 'Patriot Act' is the most Un-Patriotic act ever perpetrated against the American People. Its time is up. Period, end of story.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.[/QUOTE]

Typical dumb response trying to get others to shout "YEAH" in support....

If you wanted to avenge the 3000 Americans' deaths, we should have invaded Saudi Arabia....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the usual suspects should begin screeching 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' any minute now. Wait for it...

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.

Typical dumb response trying to get others to shout "YEAH" in support....

If you wanted to avenge the 3000 Americans' deaths, we should have invaded Saudi Arabia....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the usual suspects should begin screeching 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' any minute now. Wait for it...[/QUOTE]

Indeed...actually when I hear that rant....I know that the ranter has nothing to add to the discussion.

tell that to the 3000 americans who were murdered on 9/11.

Typical dumb response trying to get others to shout "YEAH" in support....

If you wanted to avenge the 3000 Americans' deaths, we should have invaded Saudi Arabia....[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the usual suspects should begin screeching 'YOU HATE AMERICA!!' any minute now. Wait for it...[/QUOTE]

your opinions are based on ignorance, is you are not a would-be terrorist, you have nothing to fear from the patriot act.
There are some who make more money on scaring people about terrorism that will never make it to our shores than on saving the planet for our grand children and their grand children.

We saw the same thing with Ebola. The nutters went all to pieces - over nothing.

If we don't aggressively address climate change, none of the rest of it will matter.


If we don't aggressively address climate change, none of the rest of it will matter.

So we are supposed to address something that is based on lies, misinformation, and fraudulent science or none of the rest of it will matter. :cuckoo:

You sure are gullible if you believe that crap. :laugh:
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.

If your Global Warming Boogeyman truly does exist, it's too late to do anything about it. That's the consensus now. So, just accept that and live your life to the fullest. There's no need to beg Government to seize complete control of your life. You'll survive.

I didn't ask gov't for anything. That's your hang up.

Your hysterical fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman = begging Government to seize more control of your life. You're begging Big Brother to save you.

But regardless, the current consensus is that there's nothing we can do now. It's too late. So just chill out and live your life like everyday's your last day. Life really is so short and precious. Don't wast anymore time living in fear.

Your hysterical fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman = begging Government to seize more control of your life. You're begging Big Brother to save you.
You're right.

AGW/CC is nothing more then a massive scam to push a political agenda to introduce more taxation, more regulations, and more government control all in the name of "saving the planet". :cuckoo:

And who loves big government and more taxes? Liberals and Progressives.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.

If your Global Warming Boogeyman truly does exist, it's too late to do anything about it. That's the consensus now. So, just accept that and live your life to the fullest. There's no need to beg Government to seize complete control of your life. You'll survive.

I didn't ask gov't for anything. That's your hang up.

Your hysterical fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman = begging Government to seize more control of your life. You're begging Big Brother to save you.

But regardless, the current consensus is that there's nothing we can do now. It's too late. So just chill out and live your life like everyday's your last day. Life really is so short and precious. Don't wast anymore time living in fear.

Your hysterical fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman = begging Government to seize more control of your life. You're begging Big Brother to save you.
You're right.

AGW/CC is nothing more then a massive scam to push a political agenda to introduce more taxation, more regulations, and more government control all in the name of "saving the planet". :cuckoo:

And who loves big government and more taxes? Liberals and Progressives.

It's become pretty obvious it's a World Government massive power-grab. And the only way to achieve such a massive power-grab, is to scare the People into doing anything.

The 'Left/Socialists/Communists', whichever term you prefer, have been the driving-force behind it. And that makes sense, since they're all-in on total Government control of the People. But it doesn't really matter. They're just a tool. The real power behind the deception are the NWO Globalist Elites.
Smartest President Ever Now Blaming Global Warming For ISIS and Boko Haram
Smartest President Ever Now Blaming Global Warming For ISIS and Boko Haram.

OK, so we defeat ISIS by what, recycling? Composting your trash? Oh, also dismantling the economic engine of the world through EPA regulations. That’ll stop ISIS dead in its tracks!!
The real threat to the world is out golfing on the US taxpayer's money. This first homosexual muslim president and his lickspittle lapdog media are as clueless as Neville Chamberlain was with Hitler. ISIS has been killing, raping, and BURNING, and even enslaving people over in the middle east, and the only threat that the moron in the white house he can come up with is 0.04% of the earths atmosphere called CO2 which rose from 0.03%. So today, in the later parts of May 2015 our temperature is 61 degrees. I wonder with the EARTH warming up year after year, does that cold spell come from? The meltic Arctic Sea Ice that has increased in the past few years, causing polar vortex to FREEZE the Great Lakes which just thawed out in the middle of April. And now with N. Korea saying that they have miniturized nuclear material to fit on ICBM's(which the Obama admin denies, they also said ISIS was jr. varsity team) when L.A. or S.F. go up in a mushroom cloud, will the state department then blame George Bush, for said attack? It always takes people dying(like in NYC) to have America wake up.

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