Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most

I hate to disagree with you paulitcian, here are examples of not be aware of the Fundamentalist Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist "Boogeyman". Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News
MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.
Woolwich attack terrorist proclaimed an eye for an eye after attack - Telegraph
A British soldier has been butchered on a busy London street by two Islamist terrorists, one of whom proclaimed afterwards: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The French cartoonists killed at Charlie Hebdo Wolinski Charb Tignous and Cabu.
The attack on Charlie Hebdo is shocking for its brutality and because it is an assault on the very idea of free expression.
And when people go out of their way to expose the Islamic Threat around them , this will happen. Texas Police Change Major Detail in Story of How Muhammad Cartoon Contest Gunmen Were Killed
The key details surrounding the deaths of the two gunmen who were killed during their assault against a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this month are changing, with police now saying that it was a SWAT team — and not a sole officer — who killed the suspects.
As i said before 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells in America. Maybe the U.S. should have a national day of Cartooning the Prophet Mohammad Day, and put swat teams around the events, so when these Rabid Animals in white sheets show up, we can put an end to those sleeper cells. What those people did in Texas were brilliant. Global Warming, yeah sure, tell that to my snowblower that worked overtime this winter.

You're far more likely to die of just about any other cause, than killed by the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. It's all about the fear mongering. Fear is a form of control. First you scare the Sheeple, then you ride in on that white horse and claim you're gonna save em. That's what Big Brother is all about. Fear = Control. Period, end of story.

Exactly. How could today's govt work if it didn't have a closet full of boogeymen.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)
I hate to disagree with you paulitcian, here are examples of not be aware of the Fundamentalist Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist "Boogeyman". Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News
MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.
Woolwich attack terrorist proclaimed an eye for an eye after attack - Telegraph
A British soldier has been butchered on a busy London street by two Islamist terrorists, one of whom proclaimed afterwards: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The French cartoonists killed at Charlie Hebdo Wolinski Charb Tignous and Cabu.
The attack on Charlie Hebdo is shocking for its brutality and because it is an assault on the very idea of free expression.
And when people go out of their way to expose the Islamic Threat around them , this will happen. Texas Police Change Major Detail in Story of How Muhammad Cartoon Contest Gunmen Were Killed
The key details surrounding the deaths of the two gunmen who were killed during their assault against a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this month are changing, with police now saying that it was a SWAT team — and not a sole officer — who killed the suspects.
As i said before 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells in America. Maybe the U.S. should have a national day of Cartooning the Prophet Mohammad Day, and put swat teams around the events, so when these Rabid Animals in white sheets show up, we can put an end to those sleeper cells. What those people did in Texas were brilliant. Global Warming, yeah sure, tell that to my snowblower that worked overtime this winter.

You're far more likely to die of just about any other cause, than killed by the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. It's all about the fear mongering. Fear is a form of control. First you scare the Sheeple, then you ride in on that white horse and claim you're gonna save em. That's what Big Brother is all about. Fear = Control. Period, end of story.

Exactly. How could today's govt work if it didn't have a closet full of boogeymen.

Yup. The odds of you being killed by the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen are incredibly slim. You'll die by way of something else for sure. But Fear does = Control. Big Brother knows his subjects well.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.

If your Global Warming Boogeyman truly does exist, it's too late to do anything about it. That's the consensus now. So, just accept that and live your life to the fullest. There's no need to beg Government to seize complete control of your life. You'll survive.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.

If your Global Warming Boogeyman truly does exist, it's too late to do anything about it. That's the consensus now. So, just accept that and live your life to the fullest. There's no need to beg Government to seize complete control of your life. You'll survive.

I didn't ask gov't for anything. That's your hang up.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.

If your Global Warming Boogeyman truly does exist, it's too late to do anything about it. That's the consensus now. So, just accept that and live your life to the fullest. There's no need to beg Government to seize complete control of your life. You'll survive.

I didn't ask gov't for anything. That's your hang up.

Your hysterical fear of the Global Warming Boogeyman = begging Government to seize more control of your life. You're begging Big Brother to save you.

But regardless, the current consensus is that there's nothing we can do now. It's too late. So just chill out and live your life like everyday's your last day. Life really is so short and precious. Don't wast anymore time living in fear.
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?

It appears we are beyond the tipping point, the next 50 years are going to see changes regardless of how much we conserve or use renewable energy sources. With an ever growing world population it's going to be difficult to reduce the amount of CO2 produced and we aren't even talking about the shit that's already up there. I think we still need to do all those things if for anything to extend our time.

I think our real hope is in removing carbon from the atmosphere just as much if not more than reducing what we produce.

Here is some wiki reading
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) methods refers to a number of technologies which reduce the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.[1]Among such technologies are bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, biochar, direct air capture, ocean fertilization and enhanced weathering.[1] CDR is a different approach than removing CO2 from the stack emissions of large fossil fuel point sources, such as power stations. The latter reduces emission to the atmosphere but cannot reduce the amount of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere. As CDR removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, it creates negative emissions, offsetting emissions from small and dispersed point sources such as domestic heating systems, airplanes and vehicle exhausts.[2][3] It is regarded by some as a form of geoengineering,[1] while other commentators regard it as a form of carbon capture and storage.[4]

The likely need for CDR has been publicly expressed by a range of individuals and organizations involved with climate change issues, includingIPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri,[5] the UNFCCC executive secretary Christiana Figueres,[6] and the World Watch Institute.[7] Institutions with major programs focusing on CDR include the Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy at the Earth Institute, Columbia University,[8] and the Climate Decision Making Center,[9] an international collaboration operated out of Carnegie-Mellon University's Department of Engineering and Public Policy.

The mitigation effectiveness of air capture is limited by societal investment, land use, and availability of geologic reservoirs. These reservoirs are estimated to be sufficient to sequester all anthropogenically generated CO2.[10]

Here is another article from Al-Jazeera

The downside to CDR, it's all very theoretical at the moment and it would be expensive and require the world to get it's shit together relatively soon.
EDIT: The article is a good read and it's not all negative about CDR, that's just the portion that I posted.
CDR is a blanket term for umpteen potential approaches to extracting CO2 from the atmosphere. They range from planting forests and creating biochar to spurring more algae growth in the ocean and chemically pulling CO2 from the air. Many of the strategies have been discussed for years, but almost none have been used on a large, organized scale, leaving their potential theoretical. There are no U.S. government agencies or national laboratories with research programs devoted to furthering CDR, and only a handful of universities are looking into it. By all accounts, the strategies that the IPCC suggests are essential to preventing dangerous levels of climate change are poorly understood and undeveloped.

“There’s really no reason to believe they [CDR technologies] can be applied on that [a global] scale,” says Tim Kruger, founder and program manager for the University of Oxford’s Geoengineering Programme.

The challenges to developing and adopting CDR appear to be monumental. Any CDR effort that could meaningfully lower the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere by the end of the century would have to be deployed on a massive scale. Such a large endeavor would have byproducts (including indefinitely storing CO2, in some instances) and drawbacks to contend with. And the cost of a massive undertaking, while highly speculative, would require substantial funds from many nations sustained over decades. Just drumming up the research money to study the technical feasibility of each technique, let alone its governance, biodiversity and agricultural implications has proved challenging.

“We need to understand what the costs and the side effects of these techniques are to understand if they’re deployable and to what level they’d be deployable,” says Kruger. “If you can use them, that influences policy. If you can’t use them, we should recognize that the scenarios that include them are not valid.”

So, it's expensive and untested. However so was solar at one time, I just don't think we have decades to wait.
You're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. The hysterical fear is completely unnecessary. You'll survive them both. Bet on that.
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?

It's 2015. The majority of the bias population just learned Global warming is real after repeating the propaganda the Koch Brothers paid for.

And we all just saw the Documentary "Dirty War" where we aren't too worried about absolute targets.

We all heard Ron Paul say that if we kill non-Absolute targets their families might get a little mad at us.

The obvious answer is we need to fear people who refuse to inform themselves of obvious situation due to political bias or un-education.
You're gonna die from anything but the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. The hysterical fear is completely unnecessary. You'll survive them both. Bet on that.

I probably will survive global warming in the sense that by the time the planet is uninhabitable I'll be dead. However, it's a highway to hell in the meantime.

If I must be honest though, my post wasn't written for the anti-science crowd, especially when they don't bother to engage with the content of my post.
400 ppm that is 400 parts per million or once again 0.04% (4 hundreths of 1 percent)Carbon dioxide in Earth s atmosphere - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia and you still think the sky is falling? I know i am wasting my time here, on showing this graph and its relation to the rest of the gases 0.17% yet the liberals assume that because CO2 has gone from .03% to .04% that the EARF is doomed. Once again Water Vapor is the real reason for heat trapped in the atmosphere, but the liberals havent figured out how to tax that yet, but dont worry they are still trying. Really disgusts me to see how little the liberals actually know about the EARTH. (correction on above post when i said it was 0.4% CO2 , supposed to be 0.04%)

Yes. 100% more than in the last 3 million years.
What do warmer oceans produce? Water vapor.
I don't assume anything I know. Doubling CO2 is taking our atmosphere out of the balance that provided a stable climate and allowed the predictability of seasons that allowed man to thrive and inhabit the entirety of the planet.
Where the hell did you come up with this "balance" bullcrap?

Do you worship Al Gore or something? Are you one of his mindless drones?
After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?

That's because it isn't. Climate change is as natural as the changing of the seasons. When will anti science people like you actually look at real data and not the science fiction of the computer models.
Climate research e-mail controversy simmers -
George Monbiot, a well-known environmentalist who writes for the United Kingdom's newspaper The Guardian, called for re-examination of all the data discussed in the stolen notes and said Jones "should now resign" because of a message saying he would keep climate skeptics' papers out of the benchmark 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
Climategate 2.0 More Emails Leaked From Climate Researchers Fox News
<1939> Thorne/MetO: Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest.
<3066> Thorne: I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it, which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.
<4755> Overpeck: The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid[e] what’s included and what is left out.
The Fanatical Religious Zelots who believe that the world is warming, see the rest of us as heritics, but over and over, the GW argument isnt working, more people dont believe it, and like the Muslim Fanatics, these GW followers are getting ..... well fanatical. The left realizes that 10 years isnt a good milestone to use, as what happened back in 2000 when Al Gore predicted the world would burn up, when it didnt, egg was on Al's Face, which is why you dont see much of him anymore. So now the 100 year mark is being used, because the sociopaths wont be around and they cant be blamed for the continued cooling of the planet, but more TAXES on energy.
Climate research e-mail controversy simmers -
George Monbiot, a well-known environmentalist who writes for the United Kingdom's newspaper The Guardian, called for re-examination of all the data discussed in the stolen notes and said Jones "should now resign" because of a message saying he would keep climate skeptics' papers out of the benchmark 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
Climategate 2.0 More Emails Leaked From Climate Researchers Fox News
<1939> Thorne/MetO: Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest.
<3066> Thorne: I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it, which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.
<4755> Overpeck: The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid[e] what’s included and what is left out.
The Fanatical Religious Zelots who believe that the world is warming, see the rest of us as heritics, but over and over, the GW argument isnt working, more people dont believe it, and like the Muslim Fanatics, these GW followers are getting ..... well fanatical. The left realizes that 10 years isnt a good milestone to use, as what happened back in 2000 when Al Gore predicted the world would burn up, when it didnt, egg was on Al's Face, which is why you dont see much of him anymore. So now the 100 year mark is being used, because the sociopaths wont be around and they cant be blamed for the continued cooling of the planet, but more TAXES on energy.

You defeat your OWN argument when you go from GW to your pet peeve of, "I love my guns."
Climate research e-mail controversy simmers -
George Monbiot, a well-known environmentalist who writes for the United Kingdom's newspaper The Guardian, called for re-examination of all the data discussed in the stolen notes and said Jones "should now resign" because of a message saying he would keep climate skeptics' papers out of the benchmark 2007 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report.
Climategate 2.0 More Emails Leaked From Climate Researchers Fox News
<1939> Thorne/MetO: Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest.
<3066> Thorne: I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it, which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run.
<4755> Overpeck: The trick may be to decide on the main message and use that to guid[e] what’s included and what is left out.
The Fanatical Religious Zelots who believe that the world is warming, see the rest of us as heritics, but over and over, the GW argument isnt working, more people dont believe it, and like the Muslim Fanatics, these GW followers are getting ..... well fanatical. The left realizes that 10 years isnt a good milestone to use, as what happened back in 2000 when Al Gore predicted the world would burn up, when it didnt, egg was on Al's Face, which is why you dont see much of him anymore. So now the 100 year mark is being used, because the sociopaths wont be around and they cant be blamed for the continued cooling of the planet, but more TAXES on energy.

You defeat your OWN argument when you go from GW to your pet peeve of, "I love my guns."

At least he/she had an argument, you just spew the same old redundant left loon shit in post after post. Boring at best
Folks, morons who don't believe in cleaning up the messes we now find in our planet to be experiencing, remind me of the old hermit who was asked why he didn't bathe and responded, "why should I, I'm going to be dirty again tomorrow.)
It is all right, i know the Rules for Radicals book and how they must call US names to try to put US on the defensive. But, and the liberals are big BUTTS, here is some more hypocrital information for you to disseminate. Al Gore s Inconvenient Truth -- A 30 000 Utility Bill - ABC News
"If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn't care," says the Center's 27-year-old president, Drew Johnson. "But he tells other people how to live and he's not following his own rules."
Earth Day hypocrisy CBS News Mark Knoller catches Obama s carbon footprint widening Twitchy
Earth Day hypocrisy! CBS News’ Mark Knoller catches Obama’s carbon footprint widening
Liberals are "DO AS I SAY NOT AS I DO" because they think they are all better than US, so we must give up ours, but they can keep theirs for their rewards of being so great. Shame (Folks, morons who don't believe in cleaning up the messes) dont really see who the enemy of the people really are. The Democratic Socialist Workers Party(NAZI's) had brainwashed their people to the fanatical point to have them think they were the greatest people on the planet that would last at least 1000 years, but after 14 years their world came tumbling down. Liberals world is tumbling down the same, and their heretical rantings are getting more desparate.

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