Global Warming vs. Terrorism--Which do we Fear Most

After almost half century of celebrating an Earth Day, we still have almost 2/3 of conservative republicans denying that climate change is man's doing...while 9 out of 10 progressive democrats believe it is a global catastrophe in the making.

The disparity is simply amazing...Sure, a terrorist can kill any of us in a crowded shopping mall, but if we really care about our children and grandchildren, shouldn't we be even more concerned about how we are destroying the only planet that we have?

So the question is rather simple as it is important: Which do we fear most, Terrorism or Climate Change?.......and, equally important......where should our resources be allocated?

No one disputes the climate changes...we just don't think man is doing it....and we don't plan on letting you leftists use it as a bludgeon to get more control over our lives.....

democrats don't want to actually fight real evil.......that is why they distract themselves with fake issues like global warming...then they just have to recycle, and plant a tree one day a year...vs. ...dealing with people who cut the heads off of other people.......
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.

Just a few facts to help

-We have recently surpassed a average monthly CO2 concentration of 400ppm.
- pre industrial revolution the average was 300 ppm during ice ages and 200ppm during warm periods like we are in now.
-CO2 concentrations have grown 24% since 1958. Half of that growth has occurred just since 1980.

During that same period we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man.

And we haven't had any warming in 18 years going on 19 years.....
I live in a place that used to have mile high glaciers........and that was long before man showed up....the glaciers are long gone......
Back 10,000 ago, before man created the industrial revolution, the Earth had warmed considerably from an Ice Age into a more moderate temperature. Could it be that the Earth goes through cooling and warming cycles every so often? But then this goes against the liberal agenda, so it must be ignored.
I suppose but where is the evidence for that?
I'm talking about warming related directly to CO2.
As I posted
- Average CO2 levels prior to the industrial revolution were 300ppm during ice ages and 200ppm during warm period.
- we are currently at 400ppm.
these levels have not been observed steadily at this rate since the pliocene.

The Pliocene, 5.3 to 2.6 million years ago,* was a time of global cooling after the warmerMiocene. The cooling and drying of the global environment may have contributed to the enormous spread of grasslands and savannas during this time. The change in vegetation undoubtedly was a major factor in the rise of long-legged grazers who came to live in these areas.
If we had complete control of the average temperature of the world, at what temperature would we set the thermostat? Is 0.5 C below the current average the best ever average temperature for the planet? If the temperature does increase by 1.5 C over the next hundred years, will humanity be able to adapt?

On the other hand, what will happen if terrorist get their hands on some nukes?

My guess is they will die from radiation poisoning!

My biggest fear are other drivers. Terrorism and mankind's contribution to the change in climate are way down on the list.
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.

Just a few facts to help

-We have recently surpassed a average monthly CO2 concentration of 400ppm.
- pre industrial revolution the average was 300 ppm during ice ages and 200ppm during warm periods like we are in now.
-CO2 concentrations have grown 24% since 1958. Half of that growth has occurred just since 1980.

During that same period we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man.

And we haven't had any warming in 18 years going on 19 years.....

Warming where?
In the air or water?
Fear is the key. Big Brother keeps the Sheeple in fear. Because when they live in fear, they're much more likely to accept more & more Government control of their lives. I advise not fearing Big Brother's manufactured fear mongering schemes. Just don't live in fear. We're all only here for a brief moment. It's best to enjoy every bit of that moment.

The Global Warming Boogeyman and Terrorist Boogeyman aren't likely to get ya. But don't expect Big Brother to tell ya that. He'd rather you live in fear and beg him to save you. Just live and enjoy life to the fullest. Have a good one. :)
I hate to disagree with you paulitcian, here are examples of not be aware of the Fundamentalist Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist "Boogeyman". Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News
MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.
Woolwich attack terrorist proclaimed an eye for an eye after attack - Telegraph
A British soldier has been butchered on a busy London street by two Islamist terrorists, one of whom proclaimed afterwards: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The French cartoonists killed at Charlie Hebdo Wolinski Charb Tignous and Cabu.
The attack on Charlie Hebdo is shocking for its brutality and because it is an assault on the very idea of free expression.
And when people go out of their way to expose the Islamic Threat around them , this will happen. Texas Police Change Major Detail in Story of How Muhammad Cartoon Contest Gunmen Were Killed
The key details surrounding the deaths of the two gunmen who were killed during their assault against a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this month are changing, with police now saying that it was a SWAT team — and not a sole officer — who killed the suspects.
As i said before 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells in America. Maybe the U.S. should have a national day of Cartooning the Prophet Mohammad Day, and put swat teams around the events, so when these Rabid Animals in white sheets show up, we can put an end to those sleeper cells. What those people did in Texas were brilliant. Global Warming, yeah sure, tell that to my snowblower that worked overtime this winter.
I hate to disagree with you paulitcian, here are examples of not be aware of the Fundamentalist Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist "Boogeyman". Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News
MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.
Woolwich attack terrorist proclaimed an eye for an eye after attack - Telegraph
A British soldier has been butchered on a busy London street by two Islamist terrorists, one of whom proclaimed afterwards: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The French cartoonists killed at Charlie Hebdo Wolinski Charb Tignous and Cabu.
The attack on Charlie Hebdo is shocking for its brutality and because it is an assault on the very idea of free expression.
And when people go out of their way to expose the Islamic Threat around them , this will happen. Texas Police Change Major Detail in Story of How Muhammad Cartoon Contest Gunmen Were Killed
The key details surrounding the deaths of the two gunmen who were killed during their assault against a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this month are changing, with police now saying that it was a SWAT team — and not a sole officer — who killed the suspects.
As i said before 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells in America. Maybe the U.S. should have a national day of Cartooning the Prophet Mohammad Day, and put swat teams around the events, so when these Rabid Animals in white sheets show up, we can put an end to those sleeper cells. What those people did in Texas were brilliant. Global Warming, yeah sure, tell that to my snowblower that worked overtime this winter.

Don't forget the Boston bombing, the Fort Hood Shooting, the attack on Pamella Gellar just last week, the underwear bomber......and to think that the mall attack in Nairobi couldn't happen here..or an attack like the one in Mumbai............

or you could worry about the weather changing..........
I hate to disagree with you paulitcian, here are examples of not be aware of the Fundamentalist Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorist "Boogeyman". Woman beheaded at Oklahoma workplace police say - CBS News
MOORE, Okla. - Police say a woman who was killed by a co-worker at a food distribution center in suburban Oklahoma City was beheaded and that witnesses have said the suspect had been trying to convince co-workers to convert to Islam.
Woolwich attack terrorist proclaimed an eye for an eye after attack - Telegraph
A British soldier has been butchered on a busy London street by two Islamist terrorists, one of whom proclaimed afterwards: “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”
The French cartoonists killed at Charlie Hebdo Wolinski Charb Tignous and Cabu.
The attack on Charlie Hebdo is shocking for its brutality and because it is an assault on the very idea of free expression.
And when people go out of their way to expose the Islamic Threat around them , this will happen. Texas Police Change Major Detail in Story of How Muhammad Cartoon Contest Gunmen Were Killed
The key details surrounding the deaths of the two gunmen who were killed during their assault against a Muhammad cartoon contest in Garland, Texas, earlier this month are changing, with police now saying that it was a SWAT team — and not a sole officer — who killed the suspects.
As i said before 49 out of 50 states have ISIS sleeper cells in America. Maybe the U.S. should have a national day of Cartooning the Prophet Mohammad Day, and put swat teams around the events, so when these Rabid Animals in white sheets show up, we can put an end to those sleeper cells. What those people did in Texas were brilliant. Global Warming, yeah sure, tell that to my snowblower that worked overtime this winter.

You're far more likely to die of just about any other cause, than killed by the Global Warming and Terrorist Boogeymen. It's all about the fear mongering. Fear is a form of control. First you scare the Sheeple, then you ride in on that white horse and claim you're gonna save em. That's what Big Brother is all about. Fear = Control. Period, end of story.
I guess you didnt see what happened in Baltimore, Ferguson and NYC? Many of those protestors were communists, Muslims and NBPP. Muslim Activists Use Ferguson Protests For Radical Agenda
Muslim Activists Use The Ferguson Protests For Their Radical Agenda, Warns Watchdog Group
Back before the 1st homosexual muslim president took office in 2008, i would never even imagine that these groups were in the US. paul, you can just ignore the fact that there is a movement happening that is going to fundamentally transform America, and you may be right, that this is all smoke and mirrors, nothing to see here, move along, move along, but i always believe in the saying "PREPARE FOR THE WORST, BUT HOPE FOR THE BETTER". What is happening, doesnt give me much hope.

Bears repeating.......
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.

Just a few facts to help

-We have recently surpassed a average monthly CO2 concentration of 400ppm.
- pre industrial revolution the average was 300 ppm during ice ages and 200ppm during warm periods like we are in now.
-CO2 concentrations have grown 24% since 1958. Half of that growth has occurred just since 1980.

During that same period we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man.
I'm fairly certain a legion of global warming skeptics would disagree with you on the "we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man" claim specifically.

Right or wrong, the skeptics (and there are indeed countless scientists among them) do, in their literature, hypothesize myriad other factors to account for the increase.

And as I opined back on page 1: Give us predictive models that work. Give us a plan that doesn't involve ceding national sovereignty or funneling trillions through carbon credits exchanges. Give us some reasonable means of solving the problem that doesn't reek of a globalist power grab, and you'll have brought me on board at least.
Sort of "glad" to see right wingers' OPEN admission that they're moronic enough that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

An admission of their naivete and constant suspicions may be the first step toward rehabilitation.
Sort of "glad" to see right wingers' OPEN admission that they're moronic enough that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time.

An admission of their naivete and constant suspicions may be the first step toward rehabilitation.

People have responded to you with facts but as usual you choose to tuck tail and hurl your childish insults, you'll never change
Sort of "glad" to see right wingers' OPEN admission that they're moronic enough that they can't walk and chew gum at the same time.
An admission of their naivete and constant suspicions may be the first step toward rehabilitation.
Rules for Radicals #13. Instead of bringing up FACTS to support your argument(there arent facts about GW only lies and deciet) you resort to name calling, as typical of the low information voters who are goosestepping, koolaid drinking, mindnumbed, useful idiots.
The libtardians cannot distinguish between pollution,which is bad, and man made global warming, which is a hoax.

I do not understand why they don't take on the real problem of pollution rather than the false cause of AGW.

But if some terrorists ignite a nuke in NYC or chitown, none of it will matter.
Also do you notice that the low information voter is avoiding the issue about the ISIS threat, that he is more concerned with his FAUX religious beliefs? When ISIS does rear their ugly faces, they will soon separate his head from his shoulders, but i do hope he will at least, have pulled it out of his ass before then.
I agree that mans actions have an impact on the climate what I question is how much of an impact they have.

Just a few facts to help

-We have recently surpassed a average monthly CO2 concentration of 400ppm.
- pre industrial revolution the average was 300 ppm during ice ages and 200ppm during warm periods like we are in now.
-CO2 concentrations have grown 24% since 1958. Half of that growth has occurred just since 1980.

During that same period we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man.
I'm fairly certain a legion of global warming skeptics would disagree with you on the "we have not seen any factors that contribute to that rate of growth other than man" claim specifically.

Right or wrong, the skeptics (and there are indeed countless scientists among them) do, in their literature, hypothesize myriad other factors to account for the increase.

And as I opined back on page 1: Give us predictive models that work. Give us a plan that doesn't involve ceding national sovereignty or funneling trillions through carbon credits exchanges. Give us some reasonable means of solving the problem that doesn't reek of a globalist power grab, and you'll have brought me on board at least.

There isn't a "myriad" of other sources of CO 2 emissions on the scale of man. If there were we would have recorded it by now.

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