Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

What bullshit.

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and
1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is
consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar
luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend
of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the
century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on
climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North
America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West
Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the
fabled Northwest Passage.

You idiots constantly stating how wrong the climate scientists predictions have been. Yet all the predictions of the denialists have been dead wrong. Not just a little off, but dead wrong.

Up to 2000 you jackasses were saying that nothing at all was happening, then when everyone could see it out there back door, you changed your lies to, well, yes, but it is natural cycles. But none of you can tell us what those natural cycles are.

We have been in a period of low Total Solar Irridiance, strong La Ninas, and very much increased atmospheric aerosols, due to the industrialization of India and China. Yet what we see is a pause in temperature, not a cooling. We should be seeing a strong cooling, like we saw for a while in the 60's and 70's.

The one common denominator of all of your posts is they are all desperate for the money that the fraud will give them. What a joke.
It's a handful of scientists who take money from the right to deny climate change.

If you want to learn look up the Examiner article I posted earlier in the thread. If you want to pretend that agreeing with a bunch of people makes you smart keep on keeping on.
I take it you believe "Global Warming" only refers to actual warming in spans of ten planet years, correct?
No, I think global warming refers to something people with too much time on their hands gives them something to think about?

How in Gods name can you calibrate our modern weather tracking equipment with those of 100, 200, 300 years ago?
Wake me up in a couple hundred years when you get that figured out?
You posted something saying it hasn't gotten warmer in the last 10 to 17 years as proof, you say, there is no Global warming.
So you think "global warming" only refers to actual warmer temps in spans of 10 years or less, right? It's such a stupid train of thought that I suspect you will never answer the question directly for fear of either contradicting yourself or sounding like a complete idiot.
Just read some of the Forbes article posted by the OP and of course he thinks global warming is a dream. He believes that global warming is all about wearing short sleeves all year around and sipping lemonade in November.

That is a dream, because he dreamt up the idea that Global Warming is all about warming. Every year warming. Getting hotter in 2,4, 10 or 20 years and since henbane wear a short sleeve at Thanksgiving then scientist and their extensive scientific research has been proven wrong. How awesome is that? Science beaten by some guys ignorance. Planets don't exist because...uhh..I don't see them, derp!
I take it you believe "Global Warming" only refers to actual warming in spans of ten planet years, correct?
No, I think global warming refers to something people with too much time on their hands gives them something to think about?

How in Gods name can you calibrate our modern weather tracking equipment with those of 100, 200, 300 years ago?
Wake me up in a couple hundred years when you get that figured out?
You posted something saying it hasn't gotten warmer in the last 10 to 17 years as proof, you say, there is no Global warming.
So you think "global warming" only refers to actual warmer temps in spans of 10 years or less, right? It's such a stupid train of thought that I suspect you will never answer the question directly for fear of either contradicting yourself or sounding like a complete idiot.

No I didn't. I could care less. Please point that out.
Just read some of the Forbes article posted by the OP and of course he thinks global warming is a dream. He believes that global warming is all about wearing short sleeves all year around and sipping lemonade in November.

That is a dream, because he dreamt up the idea that Global Warming is all about warming. Every year warming. Getting hotter in 2,4, 10 or 20 years and since henbane wear a short sleeve at Thanksgiving then scientist and their extensive scientific research has been proven wrong. How awesome is that? Science beaten by some guys ignorance. Planets don't exist because...uhh..I don't see them, derp!

Well closed lets see how stupid you are...First Global Warming....kinda indicates warming......just sayin

Second of all the earth has gotten warmer than 10, 000 years ago and cooler than 700 years ago, then warmer than 240 years you tell me, what is the baseline tempature of the Earth supposed to be?
And second what time of reference do you use? 20 years? 100 years? 500 years? 5000 years? 50000000 years? which one are you using? Seems pretty subjective is you ask me.....but on behalf of the working poor, I want to thank people like you for making the prices of food, gas, and something as simple as a lightbulb go up!
Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

One can hope.

I won't be looking to FORBES for the real story on ANY issue, though.

Not economic issues and certainly not for my POV on Climatology.
Global Warming: Was It Just A Beautiful Dream After All?

One can hope.

I won't be looking to FORBES for the real story on ANY issue, though.

Not economic issues and certainly not for my POV on Climatology.

Right, as a good dem/lib you must deny the truth on all subjects and repeat the mantra given to you by your masters. :clap2:
Just read some of the Forbes article posted by the OP and of course he thinks global warming is a dream. He believes that global warming is all about wearing short sleeves all year around and sipping lemonade in November.

That is a dream, because he dreamt up the idea that Global Warming is all about warming. Every year warming. Getting hotter in 2,4, 10 or 20 years and since henbane wear a short sleeve at Thanksgiving then scientist and their extensive scientific research has been proven wrong. How awesome is that? Science beaten by some guys ignorance. Planets don't exist because...uhh..I don't see them, derp!

Well closed lets see how stupid you are...First Global Warming....kinda indicates warming......just sayin

Second of all the earth has gotten warmer than 10, 000 years ago and cooler than 700 years ago, then warmer than 240 years you tell me, what is the baseline tempature of the Earth supposed to be?
And second what time of reference do you use? 20 years? 100 years? 500 years? 5000 years? 50000000 years? which one are you using? Seems pretty subjective is you ask me.....but on behalf of the working poor, I want to thank people like you for making the prices of food, gas, and something as simple as a lightbulb go up!

Get ready to see any type of energy source, other than greenie, go way up as the EPA is on a rampage as they have been emboldened by executive orders and are using the IPCC's recommendations -
The title "global warming" kinda indicates warming if you refuse to look pass the title. Sure yea! And Catapillars kinda indicates cats!

But the science doesn't say that yet you mock the science for what YOU think it indicates.

Pop, do you believe or not that "Global Warming" refers to only warming in the past 10-20 years? Does anyone believe that, because that is what the Forbes article is about. Anyone?
The title "global warming" kinda indicates warming if you refuse to look pass the title. Sure yea! And Catapillars kinda indicates cats!

But the science doesn't say that yet you mock the science for what YOU think it indicates.

Pop, do you believe or not that "Global Warming" refers to only warming in the past 10-20 years? Does anyone believe that, because that is what the Forbes article is about. Anyone?

He is referencing his experience over a short period of time.
Florida as still here. The doom and gloom, for some reason never happened.

Do I think global warming refers to the past couple decades? Again, what makes you think I care what you want it to refer too?

So tell me, if man had never set foot on this planet, what would be the average temperature today, 100 years ago, or for any given period the last million years or so be?
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Pops do you believe global warming is only about warming and only about warming within the span of 10-20 years or not?
I know you don't care, but if you check this thread, hit reply, type out a message then you care in some capacity. If you don't care what global warming refers to then how can you have an opinion on something you don't care to know more about? I mean, a real opinion, based on what you don't care to know about?

3rd time I'm asking. I know you're embarrassed to answer because it's such a stupid line of thought.
I take it you believe "Global Warming" only refers to actual warming in spans of ten planet years, correct?

That's your purview darling. I look at the planet in terms of millenia and millions and billions of years. You clowns ignore any history of the Earth that occurred prior to 30 years ago.
What bullshit.

Summary. The global temperature rose by 0.20C between the middle 1960's and
1980, yielding a warming of 0.4°C in the past century. This temperature increase is
consistent with the calculated greenhouse effect due to measured increases of
atmospheric carbon dioxide. Variations of volcanic aerosols and possibly solar
luminosity appear to be primary causes of observed fluctuations about the mean trend
of increasing temperature. It is shown that the anthropogenic carbon dioxide warming
should emerge from the noise level of natural climate variability by the end of the
century, and there is a high probability of warming in the 1980's. Potential effects on
climate in the 21st century include the creation of drought-prone regions in North
America and central Asia as part of a shifting of climatic zones, erosion of the West
Antarctic ice sheet with a consequent worldwide rise in sea level, and opening of the
fabled Northwest Passage.

You idiots constantly stating how wrong the climate scientists predictions have been. Yet all the predictions of the denialists have been dead wrong. Not just a little off, but dead wrong.

Up to 2000 you jackasses were saying that nothing at all was happening, then when everyone could see it out there back door, you changed your lies to, well, yes, but it is natural cycles. But none of you can tell us what those natural cycles are.

We have been in a period of low Total Solar Irridiance, strong La Ninas, and very much increased atmospheric aerosols, due to the industrialization of India and China. Yet what we see is a pause in temperature, not a cooling. We should be seeing a strong cooling, like we saw for a while in the 60's and 70's.

The one common denominator of all of your posts is they are all desperate for the money that the fraud will give them. What a joke.
It's a handful of scientists who take money from the right to deny climate change.

You have that backasswards old boy. There are a very few scientists who have made millions and millions fo dollars from the fraud. They have engaged in a multi year program of poor science funded by government taxpayers to promulgate this crap in an effort to garner power for the governments, take money from the taxpayers of wealthy countries and give it to despots in third world countries and finally make trillions from an entirely new and fictitious energy program.

I dare you to look at who has been getting the money for these so called "green" industries...

Dr. Ball was sued by Mann (who is funded by several wealthy green groups) and Dr. Ball has had his bills paid by thousands of scientists like me who have banded together to support him in his battle against the AGW goliath.....guess who's winning?

Here's a ain't your side...
Well, here it is from another source:

Warming and worry go AWOL

Anthony Watts, April 6, 2013

Some stories this week that show global warming aka climate change is beginning to fade away as an issue.

From the 3C Headlines blog:

Global satellite temperatures confirm hiatus of global warming, while the general public and mainstream press are beginning to recognise what climate sceptics long ago identified…global temperatures are trending towards cooling, not accelerating higher.

Read more @ Prison » Warming and worry go AWOL

Oh, I know – it's a right wing blog so the graphs and links can't possibly be true!

Prison Planet??

Well, here it is from another source:

Warming and worry go AWOL

Anthony Watts, April 6, 2013

Some stories this week that show global warming aka climate change is beginning to fade away as an issue.

From the 3C Headlines blog:

Global satellite temperatures confirm hiatus of global warming, while the general public and mainstream press are beginning to recognise what climate sceptics long ago identified…global temperatures are trending towards cooling, not accelerating higher.

Read more @ Prison » Warming and worry go AWOL

Oh, I know – it's a right wing blog so the graphs and links can't possibly be true!

Prison Planet??


Every time I run into you, I hear the almond joy song. Man oh man you are one crazy soul.

Its simple for me.:eusa_angel:

Next time they get a 5 day freaking forecast right, I might buy in.

When was the last time for you the weatherman was right? They are the only bloody bastards on the planet who continually get predictions wrong and are not only allowed to live but are revered.

They suck worse at a crystal ball for 5 days and I'm supposed to believe them over 50 years?



Royal Society issues new climate change guide that admits there are 'uncertainties' about the science

By Niall Firth
UPDATED: 07:26 GMT, 7 October 2010

The UK’s leading scientific body has been forced to rewrite its guide on climate change and admit that it is not known how much warmer the Earth will become.

The Royal Society has updated its guide after 43 of its members complained that the previous version failed to take into account the opinion of climate change sceptics.

Now the new guide, called ‘Climate change: a summary of the science’, admits that there are some ‘uncertainties’ regarding the science behind climate change.

And it says that it impossible to know for sure how the Earth's climate will change in the future nor what the possible effects may be.

Royal Society issues new climate change guide that admits 'uncertainties' | Mail Online
I take it you believe "Global Warming" only refers to actual warming in spans of ten planet years, correct?

That's your purview darling. I look at the planet in terms of millenia and millions and billions of years. You clowns ignore any history of the Earth that occurred prior to 30 years ago.

Actually that's the purview of the OP and article from Forbes and a number of posters as well. Sorry sweetie, but I didn't make them say it.
Pops do you believe global warming is only about warming and only about warming within the span of 10-20 years or not?[/QOUTE]
Dude, what you don't get is that I ain't buying what you are selling. Do I think the article only references what the writer has experienced within his lifetime? Yeppers.

I know you don't care, but if you check this thread, hit reply, type out a message then you care in some capacity. If you don't care what global warming refers to then how can you have an opinion on something you don't care to know more about? I mean, a real opinion, based on what you don't care to know about?

Oh, don't get me wrong, I do care when people try to sell a line go bull, the line that tries to influence the political and economy of Billions of people so they can look like they are smarter then us dumb hicks.

3rd time I'm asking. I know you're embarrassed to answer because it's such a stupid line of thought.

Keep asking? It's got to be a helluva lot more productive than mulling over the dozens of charts and bazillion of words it takes to try to justify such tripe.

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I take it you believe "Global Warming" only refers to actual warming in spans of ten planet years, correct?

That's your purview darling. I look at the planet in terms of millenia and millions and billions of years. You clowns ignore any history of the Earth that occurred prior to 30 years ago.

Actually that's the purview of the OP and article from Forbes and a number of posters as well. Sorry sweetie, but I didn't make them say it.

Wrong again Tojo. The whole meme of AGW "theory" could exist only by ignoring what occurred prior to 30 years ago. Every claim that what happened in the 90's, 00's, and now was "unprecedented" is easily refuted if one just looks 50 years ago.

It got to be so bad that Hansen and Co. had to go back and falsify the historical record to try and prop up the fraud. The problem kept not warming up again like they hoped and prayed it would.

Finally they had to admit there has been no warming fro at least a decade....which means that all of these supposed things that have occurred over the last decade due to warming couldn't have.

Do you see yet how that totally screws your mantra?
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