Global Warming? Where?

“The Abstract bluntly declares that ‘standard climate models are rejected by time series data on global temperatures’ while the conclusions state ‘the results imply that the effect of man-made CO2 emissions does not appear to be sufficiently strong to cause systematic changes in the pattern of the temperature fluctuations.'”

Plus: “‘To what extent are temperature levels changing due to greenhouse gas emissions?’ may prove to be the most important scientific paper in the last 10 years.”

The “climate change” nonsense is not about controlling the earth’s “climate,” it’s about controlling the earth’s inhabitants. Most telling is they demand to gut the world economy and control it (aka Communism) while telling you they don’t have a clue as to what, if any, impact they’re demands will have on the environment.

It’s all about control while they live in 12,000 beachfront mansions and fly private jets.

From Scientific American: "Simply put, the warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which can mean more snow as long as temperatures remain cold enough; average snow amounts are actually expected to decrease with warming by 2100, but the most extreme snows won't drop off quite as quickly."
Higher crop yields and longer growing seasons.
What could be worse?

From Scientific American: "Simply put, the warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which can mean more snow as long as temperatures remain cold enough; average snow amounts are actually expected to decrease with warming by 2100, but the most extreme snows won't drop off quite as quickly."
From Scientific American: "Simply put, the warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which can mean more snow as long as temperatures remain cold enough; average snow amounts are actually expected to decrease with warming by 2100, but the most extreme snows won't drop off quite as quickly."

Fewer deaths from cold, higher crop yields, longer growing seasons.
Vet their sources? How about just naming some sources? How about a few links supporting those numbers? And, since you failed to mention it, how about some discussion of the regionality of the MWP, the LIA, the RWP and the DACP?
You mean sort of like the basis of an honest discussion? From a non-denying denier? Are you new here, Citizen?
As you've been told on many occasions, there are no proofs in the natural sciences but do you believe that climate scientists are unqualified to judge facts or evidence about climate?

I'm going to say "no".​

Do you believe that YOU are more qualified to make such judgement than are they, en masse?

I'm again going to say "no"​

Why then do you advocate that we reject their experience, intelligence and judgement and replace it with yours?

You know, I've been studying this a very long time. I keep asking the same basic question: show us the expected temperature increase by controlling for CO2. We're talking about 120PPM variance over 150 years, which is allegedly all manmade. Assume you're right (and you're not right that it's all manmade) show us the money shot!

I believe climate scientists need to have humility and healthy skepticism, instead they are fanatics who insist on their righteousness and act like Climatic Jihadists.

Moreover we have the bizarre, inconsistent solution that always exempts the planets supposed biggest emitter of CO2, China
From Scientific American: "Simply put, the warmer atmosphere holds more moisture, which can mean more snow as long as temperatures remain cold enough; average snow amounts are actually expected to decrease with warming by 2100, but the most extreme snows won't drop off quite as quickly."

That's BS! We are assured by climate "scientists" that moisture (H2O) is perfectly consistent and has no effect on temperature
Being that your posts are science and math free, you’ve wasted a lot of time making up a shit.

That's because I keep asking for one repeatable experiment showing the heat trapping temperature raising ability of an IMMEDIATE addition of 120PPM of CO2 and I get called a DENIER in return
That's because I keep asking for one repeatable experiment showing the heat trapping temperature raising ability of an IMMEDIATE addition of 120PPM of CO2 and I get called a DENIER in return
You've seen it before and you will see it again. Read the text following In panel (b) down in the caption. The TEMPERATURE values in the upper right of this graphic ARE based on an impulse response function.

Hilarious. In the mean time, migration from the drought areas seem to be upsetting you denier malingerers.

It's true, we need to seal the border and deport 20 million illegal aliens.
When they apply for "asylum", do they claim climate change?
It's true, we need to seal the border and deport 20 million illegal aliens.
When they apply for "asylum", do they claim climate change?
Seal the boarder ? What stupidity. What with, wonder glue.Deport 20 million aliens ?
No wonder you bozos have led all those recessions.
That's because I keep asking for one repeatable experiment showing the heat trapping temperature raising ability of an IMMEDIATE addition of 120PPM of CO2 and I get called a DENIER in return
Sure, you can ask that question and more on line at 30,000 legitimate science websites. Knock yourself out.
That's because I keep asking for one repeatable experiment showing the heat trapping temperature raising ability of an IMMEDIATE addition of 120PPM of CO2 and I get called a DENIER in return
Seriously, why are you this ignorant ?
Fences, towers, mine fields, machine guns. Whatever it takes.
So, no immigrants at all with visas to be doctors in hospitals, pick your fruit of repair your roof . Cause that’s how MOST of the illegals got here. You say nothing about holding their employers responsible…..nothing. Immigrant deniers are brainless.
So, no immigrants at all with visas to be doctors in hospitals, pick your fruit of repair your roof . Cause that’s how MOST of the illegals got here. You say nothing about holding their employers responsible…..nothing. Immigrant deniers are brainless.

So, no immigrants at all with visas to be doctors in hospitals,

Doctors can't follow the rules to get legitimate visas?

pick your fruit of repair your roof .

Once we control the border and deport 20 million illegal aliens, to start,
we can determine the need for temporary work visas.

You say nothing about holding their employers responsible

E-Verify should be mandatory. We need to start fining and punishing employers of illegals.
We also need to deport illegals whenever they interact with government.

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