
And I am tired of spending trillions in war and half a trillion on the military every year! I'd rather spend that money on science, education and infrastructure.

Misdirection! MMGW is not supported, now that the MSM has been proven to be biased.
No such proof of "bias" exists.

If you think it does, then cite what it is that you think defeats climatologists around the world.

Sorry, that e-mail disaster proved it was all fixed. Why lie if you have truth on your side? A host of other reasons that I am sure you are aware of, but I am not gonna debate any longer with people totally out of power. Want your way? Convince enough people to vote for people who will return power to you. As of now, I can relax. Enjoy being out of power their greeny is the new red-)
Of course Global Climate Change exists.

And man has nothing to do with it.

In truth, climates frequently change.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer.

And sometimes it gets colder.

That's been going on for as long as the planet has been orbiting the Sun. Or, as long as it's had a climate, at least.

And man has never had the slightest influence on it.

Manmade Global Warming has no factual backing whatsoever.

The people who say you should pay more tax money to help "fight global warming", are the same people who say you should pay your money for this fine bottle of snake oil that will cure all your ills. They are merely liars, charlatans, and con artists.

And this poll shows that 2/3 of Americans know exactly what these con artists are, and ignore them with the contempt they deserve.

Even the leftist loons who scream about how we have to use government to change everything, go back to the stone age, etc., to prevent some unknown catastrophe, have never been able to come up with even ONE study or example that backs up their claims.

What's funny is that, when they do name some study, it invariably turns out to be nothing but a bunch of long-winded claims which, finally, refer to some other "study" for proof. And what is in that other "study"? You guessed it - more long-winded claims, and eventually a reference to yet another study. And you can guess what is in that one, too.

The leftist global-whatever loons have been insisting on impending doom, and the urgent need to give government massive powers to change every bit of our lives to "avoid" that doom, for at least 40 years by my count. Literally billions of dollars have changed hands - usually into their hands - all over the world. And they still haven't come up with one shred of proof that man has had the least bit of influence on the climate changes that happen regularly around us. Nor is there any proof that man can do anything to change it.

***40-PLUS YEARS*** of screaming, caterwauling, and doomsaying. All without the slightest proof. Just references to references to references, ad infinitum. And demands that they be given complete power over all of us, to change what they cannot change.

Why don't you leftist fanatics go recruit adherents from the Flat Earth Society? You will find people of your mindset, in great numbers there.
Last edited:
Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
Trump is NOT "Reagan Lite". He may be <something> lite, but he's done NOTHING to warrant the Reagan thing.

I don't know why you would be actually PROUD of defeating science. To me, that is just plain stupid.

No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
No, you've got nothing to support your nonsense about science being divided on this issue in any way that is meaningful.

And, nobody is profiting from this. Ask Miami Beach if they are profiting. Ask NOLA if they are profiting. Ask those behind the Chesapeake bay plan if sea rise is profitable. Ask Russia if they are ready to give up on their new Arctic land acquisition petition to the UN that is based on climate change - was that profitable for us? Ask farmers in the central valley of CA if they're profiting. Ask Syria if the multi-year drought there, clearly exacerbated by climate change, was profitable - vs. our national security analysis that shows that as a cause of war there.

I just don't see you thinking yet. Defeating science is not profitable. Ever.
And I am tired of spending trillions in war and half a trillion on the military every year! I'd rather spend that money on science, education and infrastructure.

Misdirection! MMGW is not supported, now that the MSM has been proven to be biased.
No such proof of "bias" exists.

If you think it does, then cite what it is that you think defeats climatologists around the world.

Sorry, that e-mail disaster proved it was all fixed. Why lie if you have truth on your side? A host of other reasons that I am sure you are aware of, but I am not gonna debate any longer with people totally out of power. Want your way? Convince enough people to vote for people who will return power to you. As of now, I can relax. Enjoy being out of power their greeny is the new red-)
The issues in those emails were grossly misinterpreted by idiots with a political objective, and the claims based on them were long since proven to be total BS.
Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
My, are you two fellows stupid. Even if the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents go full Lysenkoism, the other nations will be reporting on the climate. And those scientists that are studying the climate in this nation would be welcome, at comparable or better, salaries in many other nations. We Citizens have the net to keep in touch, as well as our own observations on things such as glaciers, storms, and temperatures.
4-5 feet of sea level rise in southern Florida would make most of southern florida be gone. Considering it is rising twice as fast as the globe...

Well, that wouldn't be hard..

So would a giant volcanic explosion. So would an asteroid smashing into the everglades. So would a massive earthquake taking out California cause Florida problems. So would a terrorist nuclear bomb set off in Miami harbor.

IOW, you worry about ice bergs melting on your own dollar. I am sick of paying science labs and universities and green jobs and solyndras all kinds of tax payer money to work on a problem that is as nebulous as atheist thoughts. Forget it.
So you choose ignorance. Ah well.........
Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
My, are you two fellows stupid. Even if the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents go full Lysenkoism, the other nations will be reporting on the climate. And those scientists that are studying the climate in this nation would be welcome, at comparable or better, salaries in many other nations. We Citizens have the net to keep in touch, as well as our own observations on things such as glaciers, storms, and temperatures.

We hope you keep watch and tell us all about how the climate is changing, because we all know that IT IS an issue. When you come across 100%, verifiable proof it is all due to human activity, come back and talk to us. Until that time, be good little leftists, and just monitor what is natural, and wonder why!
Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
Trump is NOT "Reagan Lite". He may be <something> lite, but he's done NOTHING to warrant the Reagan thing.

I don't know why you would be actually PROUD of defeating science. To me, that is just plain stupid.

No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
Real scientists explaining the science. Not an anonymous internet poster.

Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
My, are you two fellows stupid. Even if the orange clown and his cabinet of incompetents go full Lysenkoism, the other nations will be reporting on the climate. And those scientists that are studying the climate in this nation would be welcome, at comparable or better, salaries in many other nations. We Citizens have the net to keep in touch, as well as our own observations on things such as glaciers, storms, and temperatures.

We hope you keep watch and tell us all about how the climate is changing, because we all know that IT IS an issue. When you come across 100%, verifiable proof it is all due to human activity, come back and talk to us. Until that time, be good little leftists, and just monitor what is natural, and wonder why!
Nobody has yet said that it is all due to human activity. What they have said that most of it is due to human activity. From the American Institute of Physics, the largest Scientific Society in the world.
The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
Trump is NOT "Reagan Lite". He may be <something> lite, but he's done NOTHING to warrant the Reagan thing.

I don't know why you would be actually PROUD of defeating science. To me, that is just plain stupid.

No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
No, you've got nothing to support your nonsense about science being divided on this issue in any way that is meaningful.

And, nobody is profiting from this. Ask Miami Beach if they are profiting. Ask NOLA if they are profiting. Ask those behind the Chesapeake bay plan if sea rise is profitable. Ask Russia if they are ready to give up on their new Arctic land acquisition petition to the UN that is based on climate change - was that profitable for us? Ask farmers in the central valley of CA if they're profiting. Ask Syria if the multi-year drought there, clearly exacerbated by climate change, was profitable - vs. our national security analysis that shows that as a cause of war there.

I just don't see you thinking yet. Defeating science is not profitable. Ever.

Give me a break. Your appeals to emotion show just how worthless your argument is. The fraudsters like Mann, Trenberth and Jones have all made millions for shit work. Work, that had they been in the private sector would have got them fired, indicted, and imprisoned. The only people who profit are the super wealthy bankers who are looking forward to making trillions of dollars for doing nothing more than flipping a sheet of paper from one side of the room to another, the politicians who get to force people to live like ants, and the supposed scientists who get to foist off crap work and have simpletons applaud them because they know nothing.

Ask yourself a simple question, if the threat was soooooooo grreat, why are there no draconian measures being pushed to control the global temps? Hmm? Why is the only plan to enact a carbon tax that allows you to keep on polluting, you just have to pay the wealthy elite for the privilege.

If you're so smart you tell me why that is a fact.
Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Man made global warming is a hoax and the left bought it hook, line, and sinker! :smile:
Your proof of which is what?
4-5 feet of sea level rise in southern Florida would make most of southern florida be gone. Considering it is rising twice as fast as the globe...

Well, that wouldn't be hard..

So would a giant volcanic explosion. So would an asteroid smashing into the everglades. So would a massive earthquake taking out California cause Florida problems. So would a terrorist nuclear bomb set off in Miami harbor.

IOW, you worry about ice bergs melting on your own dollar. I am sick of paying science labs and universities and green jobs and solyndras all kinds of tax payer money to work on a problem that is as nebulous as atheist thoughts. Forget it.
So you choose ignorance. Ah well.........

You could put it that way.

I look at it more like this. Compared to the dire issues humanity faces here and now where additional funds would greatly alleviate their suffering --- your idea of investing heavily into global warming fears and man-made global warming impact is a total waste of our limited tax payer money. (IMO)
Last edited:
Is around because of the electoral college.

I as a right winger couldnt make this shit up. The left is in complete meltdown

Everything is about power and short term goals, they are in for a really bad time unless they get their shit together.

The electoral college is thwarting our ability to battle global warming

Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
Trump is NOT "Reagan Lite". He may be <something> lite, but he's done NOTHING to warrant the Reagan thing.

I don't know why you would be actually PROUD of defeating science. To me, that is just plain stupid.

No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now I know from your past posts that you are going to claim that they are all on some shadowy organizations payroll and committing scientific fraud for money. From all these different nations and cultures. I think you have your little tin hat too tight.

Now Mr. Westwall claims to be a Phd Geologist. So, let us see what the pre-eminent Geological Scientific Societies in the US have to say. First, the American Geophysical Union;

Human‐Induced Climate Change Requires Urgent Action

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes. Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat‐trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human‐caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large‐scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long‐ understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human‐caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

Climate models predict that global temperatures will continue to rise, with the amount of warming primarily determined by the level of emissions. Higher emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to larger warming, and greater risks to society and ecosystems. Some additional warming is unavoidable due to past emissions. Climate Change Position Statement.pdf

Global Climate Change

Contributors: Mark Peters — Chair Sally Benson, Thure Cerling, Judith Curry, Yehouda Enzel, Jim Finley, Alan Gillespie, Mickey Glantz, Lynn Soreghan

Position Statement

The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports the scientific conclusions that Earth’s climate is changing; the climate changes are due in part to human activities; and the probable consequences of the climate changes will be significant and blind to geopolitical boundaries. Furthermore, the potential implications of global climate change and the time scale over which such changes will likely occur require active, effective, long-term planning. GSA also supports statements on the global climate change issue made by the joint national academies of science (June, 2005), American Geophysical Union (December, 2003), and American Chemical Society (2004). GSA strongly encourages that the following efforts be undertaken internationally: (1) adequately research climate change at all time scales, (2) develop thoughtful, science-based policy appropriate for the multifaceted issues of global climate change, (3) organize global planning to recognize, prepare for, and adapt to the causes and consequences of global climate change, and (4) organize and develop comprehensive, long-term strategies for sustainable energy, particularly focused on minimizing impacts on global climate.


The geologic record provides a direct measure of the frequency, range, and duration of significant global climate changes throughout Earth’s history. Natural phenomena and processes have caused significant alterations of Earth’s climate. Of significance to the issue of modern global climate change are the interpretations of the geologic record showing that the rate of change in atmospheric composition, especially with respect to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, is unprecedented in Earth’s recent history. Specifically, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the past 650,000 years, and probably higher than at any time in the past 30 million years. In addition, the geologic record shows that global climate change can have significant consequences to Earth’s life systems, with effects ranging from global modification of ecosystem distribution to large-scale extinctions. Because the geologic record provides the important archive of the consequences of global climate changes and harbors examples of icehouse-greenhouse transitions potentially analogous to modern climate change, the current nature and magnitude of global climate change should be evaluated in the context of Earth’s full geologic record.

Many earth-science disciplines contribute to the scientific and public understanding of the complex, global climate change issue, including sedimentary geology, Quaternary geology, geochemistry, paleontology, and paleohydrology, in addition to oceanography and atmospheric sciences. The understanding of the full spectrum of magnitudes and rates of climate change over geologic time provides boundary conditions for evaluating any human impacts on climate and for producing more reliable predictions of the extent of future climate change. In addition, understanding of active geologic processes provides invaluable information to better understand and monitor ongoing climate change and to develop approaches for adapting to the consequences of climate change. Earth scientists also contribute to research on carbon capture and storage — potential methods for preventing atmospheric carbon dioxide from building up as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and biomass and the production of cement and lime.
Trump is NOT "Reagan Lite". He may be <something> lite, but he's done NOTHING to warrant the Reagan thing.

I don't know why you would be actually PROUD of defeating science. To me, that is just plain stupid.

No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
No, you've got nothing to support your nonsense about science being divided on this issue in any way that is meaningful.

And, nobody is profiting from this. Ask Miami Beach if they are profiting. Ask NOLA if they are profiting. Ask those behind the Chesapeake bay plan if sea rise is profitable. Ask Russia if they are ready to give up on their new Arctic land acquisition petition to the UN that is based on climate change - was that profitable for us? Ask farmers in the central valley of CA if they're profiting. Ask Syria if the multi-year drought there, clearly exacerbated by climate change, was profitable - vs. our national security analysis that shows that as a cause of war there.

I just don't see you thinking yet. Defeating science is not profitable. Ever.
Ask yourself a simple question, if the threat was soooooooo grreat, why are there no draconian measures being pushed to control the global temps? Hmm? Why is the only plan to enact a carbon tax that allows you to keep on polluting, you just have to pay the wealthy elite for the privilege.

If you're so smart you tell me why that is a fact.
??? It's because we have IDIOTS in congress and Republicans everywhere wanting us to buy and use fossil fuel as fast as possible. BigOil, BigCoal, etc., are making billions on this, and they're working hard to protect their gigantic revenue being made from resources that belong to you and me as much as to them.

Taxes are one method America has for influencing behavior. We also have other methods, such as regulations, prohibitions, tort, etc.

Taxes don't go to the wealthy elite. A federal tax on fuel would undoubtedly go to the general fund, where it would offset taxes collected from our income - that is, we could lower income taxes at the same time we raise fuel taxes in a way that is revenue neutral.

In UK, for example, taxes on fuel are higher than the cost of the gas itself. But, that money offsets taxes that would be collected from income, so an individual who is careful of gas use will end up paying the government LESS tax overall.

Done correctly, taxes on carbon use are likely to be a significant reduction in impact on our climate while being as small as possible impact on our overall taxes.

Let's remember that essentially ALL other nations have fuel taxes that are MANY times as high as ours, yet their economies aren't dying.

These claims of carbon tax catastrophe are political BS.
No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
No, you've got nothing to support your nonsense about science being divided on this issue in any way that is meaningful.

And, nobody is profiting from this. Ask Miami Beach if they are profiting. Ask NOLA if they are profiting. Ask those behind the Chesapeake bay plan if sea rise is profitable. Ask Russia if they are ready to give up on their new Arctic land acquisition petition to the UN that is based on climate change - was that profitable for us? Ask farmers in the central valley of CA if they're profiting. Ask Syria if the multi-year drought there, clearly exacerbated by climate change, was profitable - vs. our national security analysis that shows that as a cause of war there.

I just don't see you thinking yet. Defeating science is not profitable. Ever.
Ask yourself a simple question, if the threat was soooooooo grreat, why are there no draconian measures being pushed to control the global temps? Hmm? Why is the only plan to enact a carbon tax that allows you to keep on polluting, you just have to pay the wealthy elite for the privilege.

If you're so smart you tell me why that is a fact.
??? It's because we have IDIOTS in congress and Republicans everywhere wanting us to buy and use fossil fuel as fast as possible. BigOil, BigCoal, etc., are making billions on this, and they're working hard to protect their gigantic revenue being made from resources that belong to you and me as much as to them.

Taxes are one method America has for influencing behavior. We also have other methods, such as regulations, prohibitions, tort, etc.

Taxes don't go to the wealthy elite. A federal tax on fuel would undoubtedly go to the general fund, where it would offset taxes collected from our income - that is, we could lower income taxes at the same time we raise fuel taxes in a way that is revenue neutral.

In UK, for example, taxes on fuel are higher than the cost of the gas itself. But, that money offsets taxes that would be collected from income, so an individual who is careful of gas use will end up paying the government LESS tax overall.

Done correctly, taxes on carbon use are likely to be a significant reduction in impact on our climate while being as small as possible impact on our overall taxes.

Let's remember that essentially ALL other nations have fuel taxes that are MANY times as high as ours, yet their economies aren't dying.

These claims of carbon tax catastrophe are political BS.
You're as fake as MMGW.....
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
No, you've got nothing to support your nonsense about science being divided on this issue in any way that is meaningful.

And, nobody is profiting from this. Ask Miami Beach if they are profiting. Ask NOLA if they are profiting. Ask those behind the Chesapeake bay plan if sea rise is profitable. Ask Russia if they are ready to give up on their new Arctic land acquisition petition to the UN that is based on climate change - was that profitable for us? Ask farmers in the central valley of CA if they're profiting. Ask Syria if the multi-year drought there, clearly exacerbated by climate change, was profitable - vs. our national security analysis that shows that as a cause of war there.

I just don't see you thinking yet. Defeating science is not profitable. Ever.
Ask yourself a simple question, if the threat was soooooooo grreat, why are there no draconian measures being pushed to control the global temps? Hmm? Why is the only plan to enact a carbon tax that allows you to keep on polluting, you just have to pay the wealthy elite for the privilege.

If you're so smart you tell me why that is a fact.
??? It's because we have IDIOTS in congress and Republicans everywhere wanting us to buy and use fossil fuel as fast as possible. BigOil, BigCoal, etc., are making billions on this, and they're working hard to protect their gigantic revenue being made from resources that belong to you and me as much as to them.

Taxes are one method America has for influencing behavior. We also have other methods, such as regulations, prohibitions, tort, etc.

Taxes don't go to the wealthy elite. A federal tax on fuel would undoubtedly go to the general fund, where it would offset taxes collected from our income - that is, we could lower income taxes at the same time we raise fuel taxes in a way that is revenue neutral.

In UK, for example, taxes on fuel are higher than the cost of the gas itself. But, that money offsets taxes that would be collected from income, so an individual who is careful of gas use will end up paying the government LESS tax overall.

Done correctly, taxes on carbon use are likely to be a significant reduction in impact on our climate while being as small as possible impact on our overall taxes.

Let's remember that essentially ALL other nations have fuel taxes that are MANY times as high as ours, yet their economies aren't dying.

These claims of carbon tax catastrophe are political BS.
You're as fake as MMGW.....

You're about as real as god is above.
Buckeye, I scanned your link and chuckled. MMGW is dead for the forseeable future, and the far leftists know it. The race is on my friend--------->what will happen 1st, Trump get the energy sector opened up which will have an effect on GREAT paying jobs along with the price of energy, or the midterms!

If he gets it open and expansion happens as regulations fall, the far left is done. Let me spell that for you leftists D-O-N-E!

They know this also. They can't let Reagan lite pull a Reagan, or all their rewriting of history will collapse, along with them regaining control of ANYTHING, any time soon. Expect a narrative shift every week from the left, to see what they can get to stick. Expect Trump to go to the people often as Reagan did, and if he handles it correctly, the left to become inconsequential rather quickly, certainly for 12 years as long as we stay out of war-)
Trump is NOT "Reagan Lite". He may be <something> lite, but he's done NOTHING to warrant the Reagan thing.

I don't know why you would be actually PROUD of defeating science. To me, that is just plain stupid.

No one is defeating science other than the frauds who are pushing AGW in an effort to enrich themselves and generate political control. When these clowns are gone science will recover quite nicely.
No, the methods being used against science don't have anything to do with science.

And, across the board, science is monumentally behind there being a significant human contribution to the climate change that is going on.

So, yes, you are gloating about defeating science.

Nope. You are absolutely wrong on that count. The 93% nonsense is a bullshit meme that has been proven false repeatedly. Only those who profit from the AGW fraud,and the willfully ignorant pay that claim any heed. And for the record I AM a scientist. Unlike you.
And every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University has policy statements that state that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Now I know from your past posts that you are going to claim that they are all on some shadowy organizations payroll and committing scientific fraud for money. From all these different nations and cultures. I think you have your little tin hat too tight.

Now Mr. Westwall claims to be a Phd Geologist. So, let us see what the pre-eminent Geological Scientific Societies in the US have to say. First, the American Geophysical Union;

Human‐Induced Climate Change Requires Urgent Action

Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes. Human activities are changing Earth’s climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat‐trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human‐caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8°C (1.5°F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

Extensive, independent observations confirm the reality of global warming. These observations show large‐scale increases in air and sea temperatures, sea level, and atmospheric water vapor; they document decreases in the extent of mountain glaciers, snow cover, permafrost, and Arctic sea ice. These changes are broadly consistent with long‐ understood physics and predictions of how the climate system is expected to respond to human‐caused increases in greenhouse gases. The changes are inconsistent with explanations of climate change that rely on known natural influences.

Climate models predict that global temperatures will continue to rise, with the amount of warming primarily determined by the level of emissions. Higher emissions of greenhouse gases will lead to larger warming, and greater risks to society and ecosystems. Some additional warming is unavoidable due to past emissions. Climate Change Position Statement.pdf

Global Climate Change

Contributors: Mark Peters — Chair Sally Benson, Thure Cerling, Judith Curry, Yehouda Enzel, Jim Finley, Alan Gillespie, Mickey Glantz, Lynn Soreghan

Position Statement

The Geological Society of America (GSA) supports the scientific conclusions that Earth’s climate is changing; the climate changes are due in part to human activities; and the probable consequences of the climate changes will be significant and blind to geopolitical boundaries. Furthermore, the potential implications of global climate change and the time scale over which such changes will likely occur require active, effective, long-term planning. GSA also supports statements on the global climate change issue made by the joint national academies of science (June, 2005), American Geophysical Union (December, 2003), and American Chemical Society (2004). GSA strongly encourages that the following efforts be undertaken internationally: (1) adequately research climate change at all time scales, (2) develop thoughtful, science-based policy appropriate for the multifaceted issues of global climate change, (3) organize global planning to recognize, prepare for, and adapt to the causes and consequences of global climate change, and (4) organize and develop comprehensive, long-term strategies for sustainable energy, particularly focused on minimizing impacts on global climate.


The geologic record provides a direct measure of the frequency, range, and duration of significant global climate changes throughout Earth’s history. Natural phenomena and processes have caused significant alterations of Earth’s climate. Of significance to the issue of modern global climate change are the interpretations of the geologic record showing that the rate of change in atmospheric composition, especially with respect to carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, is unprecedented in Earth’s recent history. Specifically, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the past 650,000 years, and probably higher than at any time in the past 30 million years. In addition, the geologic record shows that global climate change can have significant consequences to Earth’s life systems, with effects ranging from global modification of ecosystem distribution to large-scale extinctions. Because the geologic record provides the important archive of the consequences of global climate changes and harbors examples of icehouse-greenhouse transitions potentially analogous to modern climate change, the current nature and magnitude of global climate change should be evaluated in the context of Earth’s full geologic record.

Many earth-science disciplines contribute to the scientific and public understanding of the complex, global climate change issue, including sedimentary geology, Quaternary geology, geochemistry, paleontology, and paleohydrology, in addition to oceanography and atmospheric sciences. The understanding of the full spectrum of magnitudes and rates of climate change over geologic time provides boundary conditions for evaluating any human impacts on climate and for producing more reliable predictions of the extent of future climate change. In addition, understanding of active geologic processes provides invaluable information to better understand and monitor ongoing climate change and to develop approaches for adapting to the consequences of climate change. Earth scientists also contribute to research on carbon capture and storage — potential methods for preventing atmospheric carbon dioxide from building up as a result of the burning of fossil fuels and biomass and the production of cement and lime.

Look up APPEALS TO AUTHORITY as logic fails clown boy.

Below you will find the link to your sheer and utter bullpoo. Enjoy!

Appeal to Authority

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