Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

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a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Nice background music with the video
'There’s a saying that “the new racism is to deny that racism exists.” If that is the case, it may explain a study conducted by researchers from Tufts University’s School of Arts and Sciences and Harvard Business School. Their findings claim that self-described white Americans believe they have “replaced blacks” as the primary victims of racial discrimination in contemporary America.' :cuckoo:

Study Finds White Americans Believe They Experience More Racism Than African Americans Political Blind Spot
It's really hard being a white Republican, according to all the white Republicans claiming to be victims of "reverse racism." Stanford University researchers studied how people perceive this problem, in which people historically responsible for perpetrating racism supposedly get the tables turned on themselves. They found that the groups most likely to believe that they've been reverse discriminated against are conservative Caucasians and southern Evangelicals. :rofl::uhoh3::itsok:

Stanford research White Republicans Southern evangelicals most likely to claim reverse discrimination

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