Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit

a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

For some reason I believe that if someone started a thread all giddy with joy about the black population of the planet shrinking you and your fellow left wing racists would be in here screaming bloody murder.

I'm white and have 5 kids, I may get my wife pregnant again just to piss you off.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)
You are such a one trick hateful little pony and a racist and BIGOT to boot

You just have to wonder why he's still here. I can't see a board putting up with someone that is this consistently racist toward blacks. Yet it's acceptable racism toward whites.
Really????...if posts that were racist towards Black People resulted in banning, stupid shooter, penishead, messthew and you would be banned.
You are such a one trick hateful little pony and a racist and BIGOT to boot


Reporting of facts is racist?:cuckoo:

Well , let's test that hypothesis .

compare the percentage of crime committed by blacks compared to the percentage of crime committed by whites

FBI mdash Table 43

By percentage blacks commit FAR FAR FAR more crimes than whites.

Oh, one difference here Guano. You are taking great pleasure in believing that whites are about to go extinct, I am sad that blacks commit so many crimes.

Holy crap, it seems like it had been at least a couple of weeks since one of Guno's White Guilt/self loathing threads.

I was going through withdrawal!

a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

You are a fucking idiot. That video was made by the National Policy Institute which is a White Nationalist organization. You are giving free publicity to these white nationalists while accusing them of 'running scared"? roflmao

And NPI is using a data manipulation trick to build their case, lumping all blacks into one group despite the vast variety of their population, but splitting Orientals into two groups (East Asians and SE Asians) and splitting Caucasians into four groups (Europeans, Central Asian, Arabic and Mestizo who have always been considered Caucasian). Add all those Caucasian groups together and guess what? Caucasians will still be the largest racial group in 2060.

And on top of all that bullshit they pull, they simply assume that there wont be more plagues, wars and famine in subsahara Africa over the next 50 years, but that their population will grow the same for another five decades which is a stupid assumption.

Butt Guano, you are well establishing yourself as an asinine troll and a fool.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... an' den when dey ain't no white people left to run things...

... ever'thin' gonna go to hell inna handbasket."
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Racist retarded moron. Stfu

Your opinion won't change the facts of
Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit

Isn't my opinion, you are a racist retard.

Posting FACTS is racist?

Projected numbers are not FACTS you fucking retard.
Who really cares about this? I see more and more young white married couples choosing not to have kids. No big deal that's their choice

It'll be interesting, in an abstract sort of way, to see their fate when they're old and dependent on taxing a Hispanic working-age class to support them and how that will play out. Being a free-rider on society usually comes with some negative costs.

In a democracy that kind of shit does not last very long. Typically the working class demographics separate themselves from such burdens by whatever rationale is necessary.

But it will be mostly libtards killing off their own children while cultural conservatives will continue having kids and will eventually displace all the idiot libtards of whatever race they happen to be.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Racist retarded moron. Stfu

Your opinion won't change the facts of
Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit

Isn't my opinion, you are a racist retard.

Posting FACTS is racist?

Projected numbers are not FACTS you fucking retard.

The last days of a white world

98 per cent of the growth in the world's population by 2025 will occur in lesser developed regions, principally Africa and Asia. The most significant reason for this is lower birth rates in rich countries: in 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves.

In its World Population Profile 1998, the US Census Bureau predicted that by the second decade of this century all the net gain in world population will be in developing countries. 'The future of human population growth has been determined, and is being determined, in the world's poorer nations,' it said.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)

Meaning what exactly? Whites were never literally white. Caucasians are the race, not 'whites' and that race will be as numerous in 2060 as it is now.

I think that is probably the absolutely most asinine and ignorant post I have seen you make.
You are such a one trick hateful little pony and a racist and BIGOT to boot

You just have to wonder why he's still here. I can't see a board putting up with someone that is this consistently racist toward blacks. Yet it's acceptable racism toward whites.
It puts up with both.

Can't bitch there.

Answer is, don't feed the trolls, they'll go somewhere else.
Who really cares about this? I see more and more young white married couples choosing not to have kids. No big deal that's their choice

It'll be interesting, in an abstract sort of way, to see their fate when they're old and dependent on taxing a Hispanic working-age class to support them and how that will play out. Being a free-rider on society usually comes with some negative costs.

In a democracy that kind of shit does not last very long. Typically the working class demographics separate themselves from such burdens by whatever rationale is necessary.

But it will be mostly libtards killing off their own children while cultural conservatives will continue having kids and will eventually displace all the idiot libtards of whatever race they happen to be.

White deaths outnumber births for first time
White deaths outnumber births for first time - The Washington Post


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