Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit

I thought Whitey was already down to 8%. I guess it depends on who you include. We just don't breed like we used to. Some of my friends waited until 40 to have a kid.

Meanwhile, in every major European city, Turks and other ME-ers are cranking out the kids.

In China and India there's about a gazillion people, collectively.

So, what is the actual point of the OP? Is it to gloat? Is it to say good riddance to Whitey? Is it to say that the world is better off because some ethic groups start having kids as teenagers?
I thought Whitey was already down to 8%. I guess it depends on who you include. We just don't breed like we used to. Some of my friends waited until 40 to have a kid.

Meanwhile, in every major European city, Turks and other ME-ers are cranking out the kids.

In China and India there's about a gazillion people, collectively.

So, what is the actual point of the OP? Is it to gloat? Is it to say good riddance to Whitey? Is it to say that the world is better off because some ethic groups start having kids as teenagers?

It's possible they just enjoy third world misery. Ebola and the Kissing bug for everyone!!!!! Kinda like a chicken in every pot but with a decidedly different outcome.
Another thing that's worth noting, is that this video was posted on Youtube on March 31 2008.
This is not a "current event" and it just shows that the OP is simply searching for stories like this on the internet with the sole purpose to inflame.
The latest census numbers show:

  • The population younger than 5 stood at 49.9 percent minority in 2012.
  • For the first time in more than a century, the number of deaths now exceeds births among white Americans. This "natural decrease" occurred several years before the government's original projection, a sign of the white population decline soon to arrive. For now, the white population is still increasing slightly, due to immigration from Europe.
  • As a whole, the nonwhite population increased by 1.9 percent to 116 million, or 37 percent of the U.S. The fastest percentage growth is among multiracial Americans, followed by Asians and Hispanics. Non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent of the U.S.; Hispanics, 17 percent; blacks, 12.3 percent; Asians, 5 percent; and multiracial Americans, 2.4 percent.
  • About 353 of the nation's 3,143 counties, or 11 percent, are now "majority-minority." Six of those counties tipped to that status last year: Mecklenburg, N.C.; Cherokee, Okla.; Texas, Okla.; Bell, Texas; Hockley, Texas; and Terrell, Texas.

Census White majority in U.S. gone by 2043 - U.S. News
No, they drag us down while we're a majority, so imagine how miserable life will be when they become the majority. It would be like putting an elephant in charge of a small lifeboat. All the passengers will be doomed even if they're master mariners.

And so goes a once great nation, a colossus which bestrode the world now slowly turning into a has-been soon to be run by the people who made El Salvador the high point of their civilization.

A nation is its people. All we need do is look at what the people of Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador, etc have built for themselves and that is what we should expect for our future. The favellas of Brazil await us in our "American" future.
Who really cares about this? I see more and more young white married couples choosing not to have kids. No big deal that's their choice
Who really cares about this? I see more and more young white married couples choosing not to have kids. No big deal that's their choice

It'll be interesting, in an abstract sort of way, to see their fate when they're old and dependent on taxing a Hispanic working-age class to support them and how that will play out. Being a free-rider on society usually comes with some negative costs.
LOL....the OP has found a place to actually matter in the world!! An internet website in the nether-regions of the web!!

My brother has a great saying............."nigga's gonna nig"!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::funnyface:
White people are a reminder to guno that he and his mud people are failures
LOL. Not at all a problem. For centuries, we have considired anyone with 1/32nd colored blood, colored. So, reverse that, and consider anyone with 1/32nd white blood, white. See, the whites are now the majority again.

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