Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit

Racist retarded moron. Stfu

Your opinion won't change the facts of
Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit
Isn't my opinion, you are a racist retard.

Posting FACTS is racist?

Projected numbers are not FACTS you fucking retard.

The last days of a white world

98 per cent of the growth in the world's population by 2025 will occur in lesser developed regions, principally Africa and Asia. The most significant reason for this is lower birth rates in rich countries: in 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves.

In its World Population Profile 1998, the US Census Bureau predicted that by the second decade of this century all the net gain in world population will be in developing countries. 'The future of human population growth has been determined, and is being determined, in the world's poorer nations,' it said.

It never was a white world you dumb shit for brains. While Europeans dwindle in number that is no big deal as more will adopt the civilization that Europeans inherited from the ME and before them Egyptians.

lol, you are such a moron.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Why do you say this are you prepared for genocide of white people?

No, just let nature take its course

Let nature take its course? You mean like stop all the welfare, foreign aid and medical assistance we give to try and stop Ebola from decimating the African population? Sure, why not?


Do you stop and think about a damned thing you post on? There is no evidence to support such a belief.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)

Meaning what exactly? Whites were never literally white. Caucasians are the race, not 'whites' and that race will be as numerous in 2060 as it is now.

I think that is probably the absolutely most asinine and ignorant post I have seen you make.

"Meaning what?" and I'm the ignorant one? Mmkay.

Lotta people who think they're white aren't. Or not as white as they like to think. And vice-versa. A beautiful black woman had her ancestry checked without the genetic screening and discovered one of her great-great-something grandfathers was white. Just as many "white" people have black ancestors. Especially in the South where slavery was widespread, many whites have black slave ancestors and many blacks white slave owner ancestors.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

For some reason I believe that if someone started a thread all giddy with joy about the black population of the planet shrinking you and your fellow left wing racists would be in here screaming bloody murder.

I'm white and have 5 kids, I may get my wife pregnant again just to piss you off.

Hell, I may do it just to piss him off.

; - )
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Why do you say this are you prepared for genocide of white people?

No, just let nature take its course

Let nature take its course? You mean like stop all the welfare, foreign aid and medical assistance we give to try and stop Ebola from decimating the African population? Sure, why not?


Do you stop and think about a damned thing you post on? There is no evidence to support such a belief.


Racist retarded moron. Stfu

Your opinion won't change the facts of
Global White Population to Plummet to a Single Digit
Isn't my opinion, you are a racist retard.

Posting FACTS is racist?

Projected numbers are not FACTS you fucking retard.

The last days of a white world

98 per cent of the growth in the world's population by 2025 will occur in lesser developed regions, principally Africa and Asia. The most significant reason for this is lower birth rates in rich countries: in 61 countries, mainly the rich ones, people are no longer having enough babies to replace themselves.

In its World Population Profile 1998, the US Census Bureau predicted that by the second decade of this century all the net gain in world population will be in developing countries. 'The future of human population growth has been determined, and is being determined, in the world's poorer nations,' it said.
They will be gone if white people quit treating their Ebola outbreaks.

Don't forget that.
"Meaning what?" and I'm the ignorant one? Mmkay.

Yes, when you make an ambiguous post that appears to support a racist troll that is pretty fucking ignorant.

Lotta people who think they're white aren't. Or not as white as they like to think. And vice-versa. A beautiful black woman had her ancestry checked without the genetic screening and discovered one of her great-great-something grandfathers was white. Just as many "white" people have black ancestors. Especially in the South where slavery was widespread, many whites have black slave ancestors and many blacks white slave owner ancestors.

1. Racial categories are culturally defined and not defined by biology. While there are skeletal and other means of IDing most Caucasians as Caucasian, it isn't perfect. It is basically just a biological way of defining culturally set bounds.
2. A good number of people that think that they are race/ethnicity X really are not as X as they think, so you are correct. One day perhaps we will stop identifying everyone by race, but as long as the government enforces such racial categories by Affirmative Action laws, the division by race will have no chance of ending.
3. There is no such thing as a white race. You know that and could have pointed it out. You didn't but instead piled onto the anti-white hatefest Guano started.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)

Meaning what exactly? Whites were never literally white. Caucasians are the race, not 'whites' and that race will be as numerous in 2060 as it is now.

I think that is probably the absolutely most asinine and ignorant post I have seen you make.

"Meaning what?" and I'm the ignorant one? Mmkay.

Lotta people who think they're white aren't. Or not as white as they like to think. And vice-versa. A beautiful black woman had her ancestry checked without the genetic screening and discovered one of her great-great-something grandfathers was white. Just as many "white" people have black ancestors. Especially in the South where slavery was widespread, many whites have black slave ancestors and many blacks white slave owner ancestors.

Got a link to any reasonably priced testing?

Is NATGEO still running a testing program?

If I have some, it has to come from that damned French side.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)

Meaning what exactly? Whites were never literally white. Caucasians are the race, not 'whites' and that race will be as numerous in 2060 as it is now.

I think that is probably the absolutely most asinine and ignorant post I have seen you make.

"Meaning what?" and I'm the ignorant one? Mmkay.

Lotta people who think they're white aren't. Or not as white as they like to think. And vice-versa. A beautiful black woman had her ancestry checked without the genetic screening and discovered one of her great-great-something grandfathers was white. Just as many "white" people have black ancestors. Especially in the South where slavery was widespread, many whites have black slave ancestors and many blacks white slave owner ancestors.

And Jews weren't considered white until right before WWII

How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says About Race in America Karen Brodkin 9780813525907 Books
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)

Meaning what exactly? Whites were never literally white. Caucasians are the race, not 'whites' and that race will be as numerous in 2060 as it is now.

I think that is probably the absolutely most asinine and ignorant post I have seen you make.

"Meaning what?" and I'm the ignorant one? Mmkay.

Lotta people who think they're white aren't. Or not as white as they like to think. And vice-versa. A beautiful black woman had her ancestry checked without the genetic screening and discovered one of her great-great-something grandfathers was white. Just as many "white" people have black ancestors. Especially in the South where slavery was widespread, many whites have black slave ancestors and many blacks white slave owner ancestors.

Got a link to any reasonably priced testing?

Is NATGEO still running a testing program?

If I have some, it has to come from that damned French side.

How much it costs probably depends on what you're looking for. If ancestry, that'd probably be at the lower end of the spectrum than geneticly inherited diseases say.
Nazis went all the way to Tibet looking for aryan purity. In other words, no such perfectly pure people existed in Europe.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

Should make genetic screening mandatory at birth along with the dozen or so other things they do to newborns. Sorry Whitey you aint so white afterall. :)

Meaning what exactly? Whites were never literally white. Caucasians are the race, not 'whites' and that race will be as numerous in 2060 as it is now.

I think that is probably the absolutely most asinine and ignorant post I have seen you make.

"Meaning what?" and I'm the ignorant one? Mmkay.

Lotta people who think they're white aren't. Or not as white as they like to think. And vice-versa. A beautiful black woman had her ancestry checked without the genetic screening and discovered one of her great-great-something grandfathers was white. Just as many "white" people have black ancestors. Especially in the South where slavery was widespread, many whites have black slave ancestors and many blacks white slave owner ancestors.

And Jews weren't considered white until right before WWII

Because 'white' is even more of a made up social construct than Caucasian is.

Once Jews became middle class main stream the racists like you decided that they were whit enough.
a new world coming, Progressives have no problem an are looking forward to it,it's the regressives who are running scared

I guess the blacks will be screwed who will support all the baby moma's, if the whites become the minority? The baby daddy's sure as hell not supporting them.

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