Globalists using environmentalism to push eugenics population control


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
I get the question often, though one would think it’s obvious – Who are these “globalists” we refer to so much in the liberty movement?
Globalists Using Environmentalism to Push Eugenics, Population Control

Globalist the only ones who stand clueless to this day are the Anti-American haters which of course ='s Trump haters--white haters ( whites who hate being white) , the confused ......................
Think- "read my lips no new taxes" to see/hear a globalist-

That said, technology has made the world a much smaller place and our economy has helped raise the poverty level world wide= global.
Anti- America? Not me- I'm anti-establishment in the US and the world- I despise what the US (America) has devolved to- is that due to globalist or just weak politicians? The American Establishment, represented by corrupt empty suits in DC, (and abroad), has used us against ourselves and will continue to as long as we let them- yeah, it's easy for me to say since me and mine haven't been threatened by an alphabet agency actor- or a POTUS rep- maybe I'm mistaken and I hope someone can point out to me where, but I don't believe the founders had in mind what we have as representatives- in fact, I think they said we'd only be successful (in their way of thinking) IF virtuous men were elected- and I'm pretty sure their original intent was to help ensure one didn't have a legal advantage over another- boy! Talk about a failure-

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