GloBULL warming facts the left hates.

2018 had a record low tornado count and predictions released this week say we will have even FEWER in 2019

Bout the time the left moves 9nto gloBULL cooling the cycle will change yet again. Just as it always has since the earths formation
You forget, everything that is not about warming, is about climate change. Since climate is always changing, they can always look at anything and proclaim CLIMATE CHANGE!

Saaaay, remember that thing about the "hole in the ozone" which led to THE global warming? Well, turned out that was a myth.

yes, it is a myth that the hole in the ozone led to global warming.

it is a myth that anyone ever made that claim.
This liar now of course claims that the left never claimed the hole in the ozone would lead to the melting of the ice caps and global warming.

He must think his jedi mind trick would work on me as though I was not alive to experience the leftists claims about that mythical hole.
Naive impressionable minds fall for this crap. What's more important than saving the world?

2018 had a record low tornado count and predictions released this week say we will have even FEWER in 2019

Bout the time the left moves 9nto gloBULL cooling the cycle will change yet again. Just as it always has since the earths formation

A link to the home page of the Washington Post (for who knows what reason) and a non-sensible rambling about tornado's and global warming.

Yup, it sounds like someone who doesn't have any background or education in climate science yet feels the need to tell us his opinion. Well done.
It's funny to watch a bunch of people who clearly aren't educated and at best wear a name tag to work try to act like they understand the first thing about climate science or even what the difference is between climate and weather.

It would be like me trying to tell you about who the best Nascar driver is or which microwaveable mac-n-cheez is the best.
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Let's say he's not as if you would understand it.

I am not a scientist (though my job often carries the title of data scientist) , so I would never attempt to explain science to anyone.

I gave links that simplify it for him.
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming

You don't expect him to actually read any of that, do you? He just wanted to sound smarts in front of his internet friends with his question full of big words.
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
Do you support the left's agenda of Climate Change?

2018 had a record low tornado count and predictions released this week say we will have even FEWER in 2019

Bout the time the left moves 9nto gloBULL cooling the cycle will change yet again. Just as it always has since the earths formation
You forget, everything that is not about warming, is about climate change. Since climate is always changing, they can always look at anything and proclaim CLIMATE CHANGE!

Saaaay, remember that thing about the "hole in the ozone" which led to THE global warming? Well, turned out that was a myth.

yes, it is a myth that the hole in the ozone led to global warming.

it is a myth that anyone ever made that claim.
This liar now of course claims that the left never claimed the hole in the ozone would lead to the melting of the ice caps and global warming.

He must think his jedi mind trick would work on me as though I was not alive to experience the leftists claims about that mythical hole.

links please. If that was claimed, it would be simple to prove it.

like this one...

Is There a Connection Between the Ozone Hole and Global Warming?

"Ozone (O3) depletion does not cause global warming,..."

or like this one...

Climate Q&A - Are the ozone hole and global warming related?

The ozone hole and global warming are not the same thing, and neither is the main cause of the other.
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and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
Do you support the left's agenda of Climate Change?

No, I do not support the left's agenda on climate change. I do not think it is a thing that can be "fixed" at the current level of technology. What I support is preparing for the coming changes. I work in the Ag industry and I use them as an example. Farmers in the mid-west have been adding irrigation and better drainage as fast as they can afford to due to the changing rain patterns. Many of these areas are not getting less rain (or nto much less) but they are getting it all in 1/2 the amount of days, with much more coming at once and longer between rains. So, they have adjusted as well as they can. that is one example.
Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
Do you support the left's agenda of Climate Change?

No, I do not support the left's agenda on climate change. I do not think it is a thing that can be "fixed" at the current level of technology. What I support is preparing for the coming changes. I work in the Ag industry and I use them as an example. Farmers in the mid-west have been adding irrigation and better drainage as fast as they can afford to due to the changing rain patterns. Many of these areas are not getting less rain (or nto much less) but they are getting it all in 1/2 the amount of days, with much more coming at once and longer between rains. So, they have adjusted as well as they can. that is one example.
Okay. So you do believe the climate is changing, though.
That's what is is Gramps....bull. But see, you can blame everything on glowarm. From earthquakes to the increased tilt of the earth. Never mind that many of our planets are undergoing rapid changes in their atmosphere, heating, increased perturbations, etc. But those are just coincidences. Lol. Yeah.
another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
Do you support the left's agenda of Climate Change?

No, I do not support the left's agenda on climate change. I do not think it is a thing that can be "fixed" at the current level of technology. What I support is preparing for the coming changes. I work in the Ag industry and I use them as an example. Farmers in the mid-west have been adding irrigation and better drainage as fast as they can afford to due to the changing rain patterns. Many of these areas are not getting less rain (or nto much less) but they are getting it all in 1/2 the amount of days, with much more coming at once and longer between rains. So, they have adjusted as well as they can. that is one example.
Okay. So you do believe the climate is changing, though.

Well, yes I do because it is. That is not even up for debate. The only debate is the cause.

I believe it because I have read a lot of the subject from scientific journals and industry publications.

Even more than that I do so because while working on my Masters, for a class project I downloaded the data set for climate change; temps, solar activity, volcanic activity, CO2 levels. Then I ran the data through SPSS to see which variable had the most impact on the temperatures. CO2 was the clear winner of the analysis.
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Let's say he's not as if you would understand it.
1. The laws of thermodynamics say it can not happen.
2. Ocean thermoclines say it can not happen..

Yet some how you "believe".... Priceless....
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
Do you support the left's agenda of Climate Change?

No, I do not support the left's agenda on climate change. I do not think it is a thing that can be "fixed" at the current level of technology. What I support is preparing for the coming changes. I work in the Ag industry and I use them as an example. Farmers in the mid-west have been adding irrigation and better drainage as fast as they can afford to due to the changing rain patterns. Many of these areas are not getting less rain (or nto much less) but they are getting it all in 1/2 the amount of days, with much more coming at once and longer between rains. So, they have adjusted as well as they can. that is one example.
Okay. So you do believe the climate is changing, though.

Well, yes I do because it is. That is not even up for debate. The only debate is the cause.

I believe it because I have read a lot of the subject from scientific journals and industry publications.

Even more than that I do so because while working on my Masters, for a class project I downloaded the data set for climate change; temps, solar activity, volcanic activity, CO2 levels. Then I ran the data through SPSS to see which variable had the most impact on the temperatures. CO2 was the clear winner of the analysis.
Okay. So you believe man is responsible, correct?
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Let's say he's not as if you would understand it.
1. The laws of thermodynamics say it can not happen.
2. Ocean thermoclines say it can not happen..

Yet some how you "believe".... Priceless....


like you know a damn fucking thing about the laws of thermodynamics, except Sean Hannity has told you to say
and your point is? how does that impact climate change?

Warming = Global Warming
Cooler = Climate Change
Consensus = Moonbat

another lemming that gets their science from FoxNews and Infowars
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Let's say he's not as if you would understand it.
1. The laws of thermodynamics say it can not happen.
2. Ocean thermoclines say it can not happen..

Yet some how you "believe".... Priceless....

Where did you get your degree in thermodynamics?
Can you provide us the scientific explanation for both the amount of additional heat generated by increasing CO2 from 280 to 400 PPM and explain how atmospheric CO2 heats the deep ocean???

Here is a good start for you. Enjoy!

Disrupting the deep: Ocean warming reaches the abyss

Climate Change: Ocean Heat Content | NOAA

The Ocean’s Carbon Balance

Ocean Warming
Do you support the left's agenda of Climate Change?

No, I do not support the left's agenda on climate change. I do not think it is a thing that can be "fixed" at the current level of technology. What I support is preparing for the coming changes. I work in the Ag industry and I use them as an example. Farmers in the mid-west have been adding irrigation and better drainage as fast as they can afford to due to the changing rain patterns. Many of these areas are not getting less rain (or nto much less) but they are getting it all in 1/2 the amount of days, with much more coming at once and longer between rains. So, they have adjusted as well as they can. that is one example.
Okay. So you do believe the climate is changing, though.

Well, yes I do because it is. That is not even up for debate. The only debate is the cause.

I believe it because I have read a lot of the subject from scientific journals and industry publications.

Even more than that I do so because while working on my Masters, for a class project I downloaded the data set for climate change; temps, solar activity, volcanic activity, CO2 levels. Then I ran the data through SPSS to see which variable had the most impact on the temperatures. CO2 was the clear winner of the analysis.
The same modeling program the IPCC uses... and it failed empirical review over 297 times as GCM's were evaluated.

How many predictive failures do you need before your hypothesis is shown failed?
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