Go Ahead and Build the Wall and They Will Build The Tunnels:

100 billion dollars a year?????? Why do you lie?

Because you believe the truth that its $1 dollar a year moron.

Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 - What do illegal immigrants cost the United States economy? That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration ...

  1. "Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level… The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117...Apr 2, 2015
    Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America ...

Yeah right....................The estimate came from FAIR........ why not make 200 billions?

Then why don't you actually refute the information by providing actual PROOF to the contrary? Oh...you cannot...got it!
Yeah right....................The estimate came from FAIR........ why not make 200 billions?
Stop cherry picking illegal you know you saw ABC news link in there as well. Adios when Trump deport you.
Cherry picking.......... Okay I will generalize it for you.
The 113 billions estimate is just full of crap and stupid. The wall is just crap and stupid. Is that sounds better?
Now you are talking deportation. I was born in Miami then grew up in San Diego.
Adolf Hitler was able to rounded the Jews during WW2 the easy way.
Let Adolf Trump do that in Mexican barrios and will see what happen. Courtesy of 2nd amendment.
US agents just busted one of the longest narco tunnels ever, operating 'in full view of the world'

Drug-tunnel robots are latest border security gizmo

Border Wall Tunnels - Bing News

View attachment 72772

I have read by many of you that believe that building the wall will help detour Illegal Immigration from Mexico to the United States, but the reality is all it will do is allow the Cartel to build tunnels that will allow them to control the Illegal Immigration traffic and drug traffic even more.

I am not against trying to fix the massive mess that we see with Illegal Immigration but the wall will not even slow it and it will put more power in the hands of the cartel.

Also let me explain something those that are illegally here can use the marriage laws to skirt around the deportation problem and get to stay here. I know many of you will laugh at this but I have seen many immigrants use the Marriage Laws to convert their status here in the states, so your deportation might affect a few illegals but a good majority of them will find ways around.

Also many of you need to remember states like California will deny the Federal Government and have before, so as you plan on teaching all these illegals a lesson the best solution is bring the illegals out of the dark with work visas that sunset in five years and change the marriage laws to prevent the loophole that many use, and work with Mexico to improve their economy.

I know those are ideas that will be laughed at and many of you will chant " Build the wall " and deport those illegals, but alas I am a realist and know how the real world works when it come to the illegal immigration and the Cartels power...

No one ever said it would stop them completely, but at least it will help stop the huge influx every year. The harder it is for them to come over, the more expensive it will be, and less people will go.

I don't believe we need a physical wall on the entire border, but it all should be manned and monitored.

What made you think the WALL will stop the huge influx of illegals entering the Texas border?
100 billion dollars a year?????? Why do you lie?

Because you believe the truth that its $1 dollar a year moron.

Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 - What do illegal immigrants cost the United States economy? That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration ...

  1. "Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level… The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117...Apr 2, 2015
    Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America ...

Yeah right....................The estimate came from FAIR........ why not make 200 billions?

Then why don't you actually refute the information by providing actual PROOF to the contrary? Oh...you cannot...got it!

Coming from anti immigration estimate? Try again.
Mine the tunnels when you find them, then lay dog until you see them tripped.....rinse and repeat. Word gets out that we're playing rough (hey, it's suicide not homicide, right?) and we'll see who wants to crawl through one.
Mine the tunnels when you find them, then lay dog until you see them tripped.....rinse and repeat. Word gets out that we're playing rough (hey, it's suicide not homicide, right?) and we'll see who wants to crawl through one.

That should also stop those pesky children from playing in them.
Mine the tunnels when you find them, then lay dog until you see them tripped.....rinse and repeat. Word gets out that we're playing rough (hey, it's suicide not homicide, right?) and we'll see who wants to crawl through one.

That should also stop those pesky children from playing in them.

Children playing in drug cartel smuggling tunnels? :eusa_hand:

Well, the cartels have "no children allowed" signs on them, but in Spanish, so you are really only talking about killing American children who were too lazy to learn Spanish. No big lose.
Mine the tunnels when you find them, then lay dog until you see them tripped.....rinse and repeat. Word gets out that we're playing rough (hey, it's suicide not homicide, right?) and we'll see who wants to crawl through one.

That should also stop those pesky children from playing in them.

Children playing in drug cartel smuggling tunnels? :eusa_hand:

Well, the cartels have "no children allowed" signs on them, but in Spanish, so you are really only talking about killing American children who were too lazy to learn Spanish. No big lose.

I don't think you understand what type of tunnels these are......they're HIDDEN (secret). Otherwise they'd be bulldozed over......comprende?
Mine the tunnels when you find them, then lay dog until you see them tripped.....rinse and repeat. Word gets out that we're playing rough (hey, it's suicide not homicide, right?) and we'll see who wants to crawl through one.

That should also stop those pesky children from playing in them.

Children playing in drug cartel smuggling tunnels? :eusa_hand:

Well, the cartels have "no children allowed" signs on them, but in Spanish, so you are really only talking about killing American children who were too lazy to learn Spanish. No big lose.

I don't think you understand what type of tunnels these are......they're HIDDEN (secret). Otherwise they'd be bulldozed over......comprende?

Tom, I think that you take your posts too seriously. Nobody else does. Any time someone starts posting that we should protect our border using the same tactics as the East Germans used to use, people "get it" that you are just blowing smoke.
Tom, I think that you take your posts too seriously. Nobody else does. Any time someone starts posting that we should protect our border using the same tactics as the East Germans used to use, people "get it" that you are just blowing smoke.

So you speak for every person here? Your "blowing smoke" phrase is hilarious in this context. BTW, we trapped the tunnels at Cu Chi, the result being NLF officers wouldn't use them. It works...all it takes is the will to do it, something you leftists are sorely lacking.
Tom, I think that you take your posts too seriously. Nobody else does. Any time someone starts posting that we should protect our border using the same tactics as the East Germans used to use, people "get it" that you are just blowing smoke.

So you speak for every person here? Your "blowing smoke" phrase is hilarious in this context. BTW, we trapped the tunnels at Cu Chi, the result being NLF officers wouldn't use them. It works...all it takes is the will to do it, something you leftists are sorely lacking.

Oh. Sorry, Tom. I did not realize that you trust your government so much that you would give them the right to violate people's constitutional rights, and serve as a judge, jury, and executioner, without due process of law....
I find it amusing that some here are so overly anxious to sputter. BUT, BUT, BUT they can dig under a fence. Yep, and there is technology which will locate tunnels.

Mexico gets their panties in a twist about a fence being put across their Northern border. However, what do they have across their...SOUTHERN border. A strong, stout fence. What happens if you illegally enter into Mexico? Even accidentally.

The Pope has told us to build bridges instead of fences. That's curious, there is a 40-foot high fence surrounding the Vatican.

Too, the fence between East and West Berlin seemed to be extremely effective.

How do you have a Nation if you have no borders?
Oh. Sorry, Tom. I did not realize that you trust your government so much that you would give them the right to violate people's constitutional rights, and serve as a judge, jury, and executioner, without due process of law....

Now invaders coming across our southern border have Constitutional rights? Please...when is enough enough with the 12-15M already here stealing our jobs and resources and killing 3K of us a year? And your understanding of our system is frightening if you believe we don't have the right to shoot dead any foreign national coming across our border with unknown intent. I don't advocate that but I do support lethal intervention is that subject willing walks or crawls through a tunnel after being warned. And again, people don't "wander" into cartel tunnels...they are well-hidden and guarded on both sides.
Oh. Sorry, Tom. I did not realize that you trust your government so much that you would give them the right to violate people's constitutional rights, and serve as a judge, jury, and executioner, without due process of law....

Now invaders coming across our southern border have Constitutional rights? Please...when is enough enough with the 12-15M already here stealing our jobs and resources and killing 3K of us a year? And your understanding of our system is frightening if you believe we don't have the right to shoot dead any foreign national coming across our border with unknown intent. I don't advocate that but I do support lethal intervention is that subject willing walks or crawls through a tunnel after being warned. And again, people don't "wander" into cartel tunnels...they are well-hidden and guarded on both sides.

I understand, Tom. You want to repeal the Constitution, because Trump has got your bowels in an uproar, I will give that the respect that it deserves.... Of course, there is always the possibility that you don't understand constitutional law, but I find that hard to believe, because we are talking about 8th grade Civics class stuff, here. The truth is, Tom, that people like me have been protecting your rights for decades, while people like you would give them up in a heartbeat.
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Mine the tunnels when you find them, then lay dog until you see them tripped.....rinse and repeat. Word gets out that we're playing rough (hey, it's suicide not homicide, right?) and we'll see who wants to crawl through one.

That should also stop those pesky children from playing in them.

Children playing in drug cartel smuggling tunnels? :eusa_hand:

Well, the cartels have "no children allowed" signs on them, but in Spanish, so you are really only talking about killing American children who were too lazy to learn Spanish. No big lose.
NO ONE! enters ANY tunnel on the mexican side unless the Cartel allows them to. That includes children you stupid asshole!
GOD ALMIGHTY! How fucking old are you? Every one of your posts has the basic logic of a 6 year old.
Fucking go away already!
Oh. Sorry, Tom. I did not realize that you trust your government so much that you would give them the right to violate people's constitutional rights, and serve as a judge, jury, and executioner, without due process of law....

Now invaders coming across our southern border have Constitutional rights? Please...when is enough enough with the 12-15M already here stealing our jobs and resources and killing 3K of us a year? And your understanding of our system is frightening if you believe we don't have the right to shoot dead any foreign national coming across our border with unknown intent. I don't advocate that but I do support lethal intervention is that subject willing walks or crawls through a tunnel after being warned. And again, people don't "wander" into cartel tunnels...they are well-hidden and guarded on both sides.

I understand, Tom. You want to repeal the Constitution, because Trump has got your bowels in an uproar, I will give that the respect that it deserves.... Of course, there is always the possibility that you don't understand constitutional law, but I find that hard to believe, because we are talking about 8th grade Civics class stuff, here. The truth is, Tom, that people like me have been protecting your rights for decades, while people like you would give them up in a heartbeat.
Detail which 'constitutional rights' anyone who has entered the US illegally has.
You can't asshole! Because they have NO constitutional rights!
Ok. So....apparently the world's most powerful nation and fighting forces of ALL TIME....cant stop peasants with shovels and ladders. Hmmmm.

So....how many bad ass A10 Warthog planes does our National Guard have??? They're known as brutal, overwhelmingly powerful air to ground planes. Islamic fighters in the ME are absolutely terrified of them.

Can't A10s just do runs up and down the border and eliminate any unlawful invasion or tunnel opening?

Of course they can.

Put up a huge ladder???? Ok.....we can take out a ladder and a tunnel quite easily....


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