Go Ahead and Build the Wall and They Will Build The Tunnels:

Yup get ready to not only build, maintain, and patrol a 2,000 mile wall for the rest of time; we're also going to need to create some entity that finds, monitors, and collapses tunnels. How do we do all that? Maybe an all new agency? The Department of Border Security? Let's grow that government!

National Guard.

Oops!!!! Problem immediately solved. Use high tech ground mapping radar to find tunnels. When found.....gas em. Or flood em. Or burn em. Or park a fucking tank in it and blast away.

We defeated the Nazis and Japanese global conquest. But we can't stop Rico Rodriquez and his Mexican gang from invading in a god damn tunnel???? Please.

Our government does not want to stop them.

And THAT is the truest statement. Our government...both sides...dont want to stop them. Trump does.

God damn dirt tunnels???? The world's most powerful military...ever...cant stop an invasion of peasants digging tunnels??? Bullshit.

We just don't want to do it.

Activate the National Guard. All of it. Shut it down.

Common dude...... You should know better. If the wall is 30' high.......... Do you know how easy it is to build 31' ladder?
In July 2014 Gov. Perry of Texas dispatched 1,000 National Guard to the border................ Did it help stops the flow of unaccompanied children coming from CA countries? Heck no.

Perry sending National Guard troops to border - CNNPolitics.com
Yup get ready to not only build, maintain, and patrol a 2,000 mile wall for the rest of time; we're also going to need to create some entity that finds, monitors, and collapses tunnels. How do we do all that? Maybe an all new agency? The Department of Border Security? Let's grow that government!

National Guard.

Oops!!!! Problem immediately solved. Use high tech ground mapping radar to find tunnels. When found.....gas em. Or flood em. Or burn em. Or park a fucking tank in it and blast away.

We defeated the Nazis and Japanese global conquest. But we can't stop Rico Rodriquez and his Mexican gang from invading in a god damn tunnel???? Please.

Our government does not want to stop them.

And THAT is the truest statement. Our government...both sides...dont want to stop them. Trump does.

God damn dirt tunnels???? The world's most powerful military...ever...cant stop an invasion of peasants digging tunnels??? Bullshit.

We just don't want to do it.

Activate the National Guard. All of it. Shut it down.

Common dude...... You should know better. If the wall is 30' high.......... Do you know how easy it is to build 31' ladder?
In July 2014 Gov. Perry of Texas dispatched 1,000 National Guard to the border................ Did it help stops the flow of unaccompanied children coming from CA countries? Heck no.

Perry sending National Guard troops to border - CNNPolitics.com

They will not build a ladder but instead tunnel under like they have at other fences.
We know where the tunnels are. There are many ways of locating tunnels. My objection is, we just seal them.

Dynamite them without regard of who might be in there.
We know where the tunnels are. There are many ways of locating tunnels. My objection is, we just seal them.

Dynamite them without regard of who might be in there.

Opps! There goes a couple of Narcs who were in the tunnel looking for contraband. Oh, well. Shit happens....
US agents just busted one of the longest narco tunnels ever, operating 'in full view of the world'

Drug-tunnel robots are latest border security gizmo

Border Wall Tunnels - Bing News

View attachment 72772

I have read by many of you that believe that building the wall will help detour Illegal Immigration from Mexico to the United States, but the reality is all it will do is allow the Cartel to build tunnels that will allow them to control the Illegal Immigration traffic and drug traffic even more.

I am not against trying to fix the massive mess that we see with Illegal Immigration but the wall will not even slow it and it will put more power in the hands of the cartel.

Also let me explain something those that are illegally here can use the marriage laws to skirt around the deportation problem and get to stay here. I know many of you will laugh at this but I have seen many immigrants use the Marriage Laws to convert their status here in the states, so your deportation might affect a few illegals but a good majority of them will find ways around.

Also many of you need to remember states like California will deny the Federal Government and have before, so as you plan on teaching all these illegals a lesson the best solution is bring the illegals out of the dark with work visas that sunset in five years and change the marriage laws to prevent the loophole that many use, and work with Mexico to improve their economy.

I know those are ideas that will be laughed at and many of you will chant " Build the wall " and deport those illegals, but alas I am a realist and know how the real world works when it come to the illegal immigration and the Cartels power...

And they will die in the tunnels.
I'm amazed at 2 things.

1. Liberal who almost act like cheerleaders for this invasion. "Oh you build you're damn wall....we'll just....err..I mean....they'll just build tunnels and ladders!!"
2. How little confidence they have that our nation....most powerful ever...of all time....cant stop some peasants with shovels and ladders from invading our Southern border.

The left is so desperate to un-Americanize our nation. So desperate to unwhiten it. It's pathetic.
I'm amazed at 2 things.

1. Liberal who almost act like cheerleaders for this invasion. "Oh you build you're damn wall....we'll just....err..I mean....they'll just build tunnels and ladders!!"
2. How little confidence they have that our nation....most powerful ever...of all time....cant stop some peasants with shovels and ladders from invading our Southern border.

The left is so desperate to un-Americanize our nation. So desperate to unwhiten it. It's pathetic.

A wall is only as good as the people who defend it. Genghis Khan
I'm amazed at 2 things.

1. Liberal who almost act like cheerleaders for this invasion. "Oh you build you're damn wall....we'll just....err..I mean....they'll just build tunnels and ladders!!"
2. How little confidence they have that our nation....most powerful ever...of all time....cant stop some peasants with shovels and ladders from invading our Southern border.

The left is so desperate to un-Americanize our nation. So desperate to unwhiten it. It's pathetic.
Many of us aren't white so what do we, err, they care?
The new walls building built in Israel have 'dry wells' drilled down three hundred feet.
Basically the schedule #80 drill pipe used to drill the well is left in the hole.
The dry wells are drilled about every 1000 feet along the length of the wall on the inside of the wall.
These steel walled wells are connected in series to about 50,000 Watt/1000Amp energy sources.
Think of an electric field existing between the dry wells. That amount of Watts combined with Amps electrocutes everyone within 500 yards.
Ever watch people who harvest worms? They stick a metal rod connected to a battery charger into the lawn at one end and another connected to the battery charger about twenty feet away and flip the switch and within a minute the lawn is crawling with worms trying to escape the electric current in the ground. Amplify this by a factor of a thousand and you get the point.
I'm pretty sure President Trump knows the phone number of the company who is currently building these new deterrents to tunneling along the Gaza strip.
We know where the tunnels are. There are many ways of locating tunnels. My objection is, we just seal them.

Dynamite them without regard of who might be in there.

Opps! There goes a couple of Narcs who were in the tunnel looking for contraband. Oh, well. Shit happens....

Since there is no way for American authorities to communicate with one another I guess they will be buried alive. If only there were some method of being able to talk to one another.
Yup get ready to not only build, maintain, and patrol a 2,000 mile wall for the rest of time; we're also going to need to create some entity that finds, monitors, and collapses tunnels. How do we do all that? Maybe an all new agency? The Department of Border Security? Let's grow that government!

This is terrible logic. It's like not installing virus software on your PC because someone will find another way to hijack your PC. Of course you still need the wall. Then you go from there.
100 billion dollars a year?????? Why do you lie?

Because you believe the truth that its $1 dollar a year moron.

Illegal Immigrants Cost U.S. $100 Billion per Year ...
May 21, 2010 - What do illegal immigrants cost the United States economy? That's what it seems to come down to in the most recent flare-up of the immigration ...

  1. "Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the federal, state and local level… The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount per native-headed household of $1,117...Apr 2, 2015
    Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America ...

Yeah right....................The estimate came from FAIR........ why not make 200 billions?
Yup get ready to not only build, maintain, and patrol a 2,000 mile wall for the rest of time; we're also going to need to create some entity that finds, monitors, and collapses tunnels. How do we do all that? Maybe an all new agency? The Department of Border Security? Let's grow that government!

The easier way is going after the Employer that employees illegals and making it impossible for them to get away with hiring illegals.

If the Jobs dry up then many of the illegals will return to their homeland or not venture to come here anymore.

The idea of the wall is cute to me because I very well know and have known about the tunnel system that runs under the walls we ( The U.S. ) already has and the Cartel control those walls.

So with a built wall the Border Patrol will be easier to buy off by the Cartels and yeah they will show one tunnel a year being found but the millions more will be ignored and the Cartel will be making more money.

I know what the hell do I know and just chant " Build the wall " and " Deport those Illegals ".

100% agree about the employers. Absolutely pound them with fines. As for growing the govrenment, we need not do that. Just start treating them better. Hire some more and let then do something radical, patrol the border. I know it's a weird idea, but it will work. And when they detain illegals, don't put them up in nice comfy facilities, toss their ass in County jail until they are sent back to their third world crap hole.

Hiring and training the Border Patrol is the first step at the front lines. I never mentioned opening a new agency because the U.S. has too many agencies and it would just cause conflict between agencies.

Using the National Guard is one idea but again they have to be trained to handle the border problem.

As for the detention of Illegals, Mules, Coyotes and Cartel members, well there should be special facilities in New Mexico and Arizona to hold them and those that are just illegal should be deported one time to their home country and the second time to somewhere like Syria so that it will be a lot harder for them to get back.

As for the Mules, Coyotes and Cartel Members, well our country should offer to run facilities in countries like Mexico to detain those criminals so that corruption will be smaller and those criminals will be held in Prison on Mexico soil and not here.

As for the employer there should be a three strike rule and first offense is massive fine, the second offensive will be a bigger fine and loss of business license for five years and third offense is jail time along with massive fine and lifetime ban from having a business license.

The stricter the U.S. is with the Business community the better because it will cause owners of companies from hiring illegals no matter from Mexico, China or the Philippines.

Yup. Ask an illegal from Guatemala what Mexican border cops do to them when they are in Mexico illegally.

Mexico tough law doesn't mean a didly shit........... Just one example. The 32k unaccompanied children that cross Texas border recently............... Did Mexican government stop the flow of illegals coming from CA countries? No.
Yup get ready to not only build, maintain, and patrol a 2,000 mile wall for the rest of time; we're also going to need to create some entity that finds, monitors, and collapses tunnels. How do we do all that? Maybe an all new agency? The Department of Border Security? Let's grow that government!

The easier way is going after the Employer that employees illegals and making it impossible for them to get away with hiring illegals.

If the Jobs dry up then many of the illegals will return to their homeland or not venture to come here anymore.

The idea of the wall is cute to me because I very well know and have known about the tunnel system that runs under the walls we ( The U.S. ) already has and the Cartel control those walls.

So with a built wall the Border Patrol will be easier to buy off by the Cartels and yeah they will show one tunnel a year being found but the millions more will be ignored and the Cartel will be making more money.

I know what the hell do I know and just chant " Build the wall " and " Deport those Illegals ".

100% agree about the employers. Absolutely pound them with fines. As for growing the govrenment, we need not do that. Just start treating them better. Hire some more and let then do something radical, patrol the border. I know it's a weird idea, but it will work. And when they detain illegals, don't put them up in nice comfy facilities, toss their ass in County jail until they are sent back to their third world crap hole.

Hiring and training the Border Patrol is the first step at the front lines. I never mentioned opening a new agency because the U.S. has too many agencies and it would just cause conflict between agencies.

Using the National Guard is one idea but again they have to be trained to handle the border problem.

As for the detention of Illegals, Mules, Coyotes and Cartel members, well there should be special facilities in New Mexico and Arizona to hold them and those that are just illegal should be deported one time to their home country and the second time to somewhere like Syria so that it will be a lot harder for them to get back.

As for the Mules, Coyotes and Cartel Members, well our country should offer to run facilities in countries like Mexico to detain those criminals so that corruption will be smaller and those criminals will be held in Prison on Mexico soil and not here.

As for the employer there should be a three strike rule and first offense is massive fine, the second offensive will be a bigger fine and loss of business license for five years and third offense is jail time along with massive fine and lifetime ban from having a business license.

The stricter the U.S. is with the Business community the better because it will cause owners of companies from hiring illegals no matter from Mexico, China or the Philippines.

Yup. Ask an illegal from Guatemala what Mexican border cops do to them when they are in Mexico illegally.

If you are illegally in Mexico then after the brutal beating and even possible rape you will have to have your family pay for your release.

America is heaven compare to Mexican Jails...

Since when Mexican government detained illegals entering their country? Then tell me, how did those thousands of children from CA countries reached our Texas border?
Yup get ready to not only build, maintain, and patrol a 2,000 mile wall for the rest of time; we're also going to need to create some entity that finds, monitors, and collapses tunnels. How do we do all that? Maybe an all new agency? The Department of Border Security? Let's grow that government!

National Guard.

Oops!!!! Problem immediately solved. Use high tech ground mapping radar to find tunnels. When found.....gas em. Or flood em. Or burn em. Or park a fucking tank in it and blast away.

We defeated the Nazis and Japanese global conquest. But we can't stop Rico Rodriquez and his Mexican gang from invading in a god damn tunnel???? Please.

Our government does not want to stop them.

And THAT is the truest statement. Our government...both sides...dont want to stop them. Trump does.

God damn dirt tunnels???? The world's most powerful military...ever...cant stop an invasion of peasants digging tunnels??? Bullshit.

We just don't want to do it.

Activate the National Guard. All of it. Shut it down.

Common dude...... You should know better. If the wall is 30' high.......... Do you know how easy it is to build 31' ladder?
In July 2014 Gov. Perry of Texas dispatched 1,000 National Guard to the border................ Did it help stops the flow of unaccompanied children coming from CA countries? Heck no.

Perry sending National Guard troops to border - CNNPolitics.com

They will not build a ladder but instead tunnel under like they have at other fences.

Ladder is a lot easier because of mobility and lot cheaper than tunnel.
The easier way is going after the Employer that employees illegals and making it impossible for them to get away with hiring illegals.

If the Jobs dry up then many of the illegals will return to their homeland or not venture to come here anymore.

The idea of the wall is cute to me because I very well know and have known about the tunnel system that runs under the walls we ( The U.S. ) already has and the Cartel control those walls.

So with a built wall the Border Patrol will be easier to buy off by the Cartels and yeah they will show one tunnel a year being found but the millions more will be ignored and the Cartel will be making more money.

I know what the hell do I know and just chant " Build the wall " and " Deport those Illegals ".

100% agree about the employers. Absolutely pound them with fines. As for growing the govrenment, we need not do that. Just start treating them better. Hire some more and let then do something radical, patrol the border. I know it's a weird idea, but it will work. And when they detain illegals, don't put them up in nice comfy facilities, toss their ass in County jail until they are sent back to their third world crap hole.

Hiring and training the Border Patrol is the first step at the front lines. I never mentioned opening a new agency because the U.S. has too many agencies and it would just cause conflict between agencies.

Using the National Guard is one idea but again they have to be trained to handle the border problem.

As for the detention of Illegals, Mules, Coyotes and Cartel members, well there should be special facilities in New Mexico and Arizona to hold them and those that are just illegal should be deported one time to their home country and the second time to somewhere like Syria so that it will be a lot harder for them to get back.

As for the Mules, Coyotes and Cartel Members, well our country should offer to run facilities in countries like Mexico to detain those criminals so that corruption will be smaller and those criminals will be held in Prison on Mexico soil and not here.

As for the employer there should be a three strike rule and first offense is massive fine, the second offensive will be a bigger fine and loss of business license for five years and third offense is jail time along with massive fine and lifetime ban from having a business license.

The stricter the U.S. is with the Business community the better because it will cause owners of companies from hiring illegals no matter from Mexico, China or the Philippines.

Yup. Ask an illegal from Guatemala what Mexican border cops do to them when they are in Mexico illegally.

If you are illegally in Mexico then after the brutal beating and even possible rape you will have to have your family pay for your release.

America is heaven compare to Mexican Jails...

Since when Mexican government detained illegals entering their country? Then tell me, how did those thousands of children from CA countries reached our Texas border?

I am not a good explainer. But pretty much, unless the mexican border cops think they are sticking around they will tend to take a bribe in cash or ass be it from a kid or a woman. The men if they can't pay will typically catch a beating before being sent back.
Speaking of the wall, I think this is my favorite Trumpism so far, at 13:19--

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I'm amazed at 2 things.

1. Liberal who almost act like cheerleaders for this invasion. "Oh you build you're damn wall....we'll just....err..I mean....they'll just build tunnels and ladders!!"
2. How little confidence they have that our nation....most powerful ever...of all time....cant stop some peasants with shovels and ladders from invading our Southern border.

The left is so desperate to un-Americanize our nation. So desperate to unwhiten it. It's pathetic.

1. Wall is just a waste.
2. We are disagreeing with you that doesn't mean we are unamerican.
3. You don't know jack shit.
Last edited:
The new walls building built in Israel have 'dry wells' drilled down three hundred feet.
Basically the schedule #80 drill pipe used to drill the well is left in the hole.
The dry wells are drilled about every 1000 feet along the length of the wall on the inside of the wall.
These steel walled wells are connected in series to about 50,000 Watt/1000Amp energy sources.
Think of an electric field existing between the dry wells. That amount of Watts combined with Amps electrocutes everyone within 500 yards.
Ever watch people who harvest worms? They stick a metal rod connected to a battery charger into the lawn at one end and another connected to the battery charger about twenty feet away and flip the switch and within a minute the lawn is crawling with worms trying to escape the electric current in the ground. Amplify this by a factor of a thousand and you get the point.
I'm pretty sure President Trump knows the phone number of the company who is currently building these new deterrents to tunneling along the Gaza strip.

Do you have anything to back up your worthless opinion meth boy?
100% agree about the employers. Absolutely pound them with fines. As for growing the govrenment, we need not do that. Just start treating them better. Hire some more and let then do something radical, patrol the border. I know it's a weird idea, but it will work. And when they detain illegals, don't put them up in nice comfy facilities, toss their ass in County jail until they are sent back to their third world crap hole.

Hiring and training the Border Patrol is the first step at the front lines. I never mentioned opening a new agency because the U.S. has too many agencies and it would just cause conflict between agencies.

Using the National Guard is one idea but again they have to be trained to handle the border problem.

As for the detention of Illegals, Mules, Coyotes and Cartel members, well there should be special facilities in New Mexico and Arizona to hold them and those that are just illegal should be deported one time to their home country and the second time to somewhere like Syria so that it will be a lot harder for them to get back.

As for the Mules, Coyotes and Cartel Members, well our country should offer to run facilities in countries like Mexico to detain those criminals so that corruption will be smaller and those criminals will be held in Prison on Mexico soil and not here.

As for the employer there should be a three strike rule and first offense is massive fine, the second offensive will be a bigger fine and loss of business license for five years and third offense is jail time along with massive fine and lifetime ban from having a business license.

The stricter the U.S. is with the Business community the better because it will cause owners of companies from hiring illegals no matter from Mexico, China or the Philippines.

Yup. Ask an illegal from Guatemala what Mexican border cops do to them when they are in Mexico illegally.

If you are illegally in Mexico then after the brutal beating and even possible rape you will have to have your family pay for your release.

America is heaven compare to Mexican Jails...

Since when Mexican government detained illegals entering their country? Then tell me, how did those thousands of children from CA countries reached our Texas border?

I am not a good explainer. But pretty much, unless the mexican border cops think they are sticking around they will tend to take a bribe in cash or ass be it from a kid or a woman. The men if they can't pay will typically catch a beating before being sent back.

Mexican authorities do not detained or deport illegals.

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