Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.

Stunning how I managed to acquire all of those healthcare services throughout my entire life without ever ONCE having to go to Planned Parenthood. It's like there are other doctors in this country, or some shit like that.
Its all about you...if you did not need PP then that is the end of the story right there...No one else needs PP...I am betting you are a privileged white Republican...the only "real Americans" ...teee heee
All your concern for the poor, murdered babies.....

Typical hypocrisy.
They have no such concern...they support war in all of its manifestations...these "fetus purist" do not mind us invading Iraq on a pretext and killing big time ..
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Their anti abortion fetish shields them from their moral failures ....they hate the poor...they hate programs that support the lives of poor people..the anti abortionist are some of the most horrible and abominable people on Earth.. they pretend to be more moral than thou based on their anti abortion views...I have contempt for the lot of them
Most women I know, and being in the medical profession, I know many more than most people, I don't know one that isn't totally disgusted by PP's actions. Women have no love for PP. You can tell yourself that they do all you want to.
what are you a witch Doctor...those are your opinion not facts....

You can tell yourself that all you want to.
so can you

What are you 10 years old? Go play in the street.
what kind of trite over used snark is that ....you should be shamed smegma
Is it the idiot left's assumption that American women care about selling harvested body parts from babies? Has the American left gone insane? Why should taxpayer funds be used to support a criminal enterprise?
There is no such criminal enterprise...no one is selling body parts least of all PP... you have been the victim of an "agit prop" operation that is all....
All your concern for the poor, murdered babies.....

Typical hypocrisy.
They have no such concern...they support war in all of its manifestations...these "fetus purist" do not mind us invading Iraq on a pretext and killing big time ..
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Their anti abortion fetish shields them from their moral failures ....they hate the poor...they hate programs that support the lives of poor people..the anti abortionist are some of the most horrible and abominable people on Earth.. they pretend to be more moral than thou based on their anti abortion views...I have contempt for the lot of them

Just to correct your HYPERBOLE "Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
How many died in Iraq How many lives did the Iraq war save

Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.31.20 AM.png

But of course YOUR hyperbolic STATEMENT can't be proven can it?
In January 2008, a poll of Iraqis confirmed that the number dead is likely to be over a million. The prestigious British polling firm, Opinion Research Business, estimated that 1,033,000 Iraqis had been killed violently since the U.S. invasion as of August 2007.
NOW the really really BIG QUESTION!!!!
HOW MANY of your PHONY baloney 1,455,590 DEATHS were directly at the hands of US TROOPS as you so hysterically claim all the USA fault???

Now if you took a little time as I did to research your phony 1,455,590 you'd find:

PAGE 29 of this STUDY: almost 74% religiously motivated fighters, (TERRORISTS)!!!!

This is also reflected in a February 2011 study carried out by IBC founders John A. Sloboda and Hamit Dardagan together with Michael Spagat and Madelyn Hsiao-Rei Hicks – the fiercest opponents of the Lancet study.
It was an analysis of violent deaths categorized by perpetrator, weapon, time, and location.
But among the events recorded in the IBC database, only 12.4% of the cases named the occupation troops (so-called “coalition forces”) as the perpetrators;
10.7% were registered as civilians killed in attacks by the Iraqi resistance (“anti-coalition forces”) against occupation troops
73.9% were victims of assault by non- identifiable perpetrators;
only 0.6% were attributed to the Iraqi police and military.

According to the authors, the unknown perpetrators were by and large religiously motivated fighters, resistance groups, or criminals.
However, half of those killed by unknown perpetrators were victims of executions and small arms (with suicide attacks accounting for 18%).
Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 6.48.57 AM.png

When will you people grow up and understand That the ONLY force for good in this world are countries like USA, England,Canada,etc. the WESTERN CIVILIZED world!


When will you people grow up and understand That the ONLY force for good in this world are countries like USA, England,Canada,etc. the WESTERN CIVILIZED world!

Grow the fk up..No the US is not a force for good neither is the UK
The Empire:

* Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.

* Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

* Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

* Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.

* Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries, according to Chapter 18 of his book Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower.

All of the people killed...each and everyone were killed by the illegal US invasion of Iraq

Robert H. Jackson, stated:

To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.
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When will you people grow up and understand That the ONLY force for good in this world are countries like USA, England,Canada,etc. the WESTERN CIVILIZED world!

Grow the fk up..No the US is not a force for good neither is the UK
All of the people killed...each and everyone were killed by the illegal US invasion of Iraq

Robert H. Jackson, stated:

To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.
AND you are a f...king LIAR because YOU have NO proof!
At least I submitted some sources if YOU were smart enough to follow up but you can't do it can you?
Not only are you too f..king stupid but if YOU for once opened your stupid closed brain that contains little but cliched inaccurate information which YOU'VE proven
to be the case as YOU can't document ANY of your hyperbolic statements!
Most women I know, and being in the medical profession, I know many more than most people, I don't know one that isn't totally disgusted by PP's actions. Women have no love for PP. You can tell yourself that they do all you want to.
what are you a witch Doctor...those are your opinion not facts....

You can tell yourself that all you want to.
so can you

What are you 10 years old? Go play in the street.
what kind of trite over used snark is that ....you should be shamed smegma

Wow... haven't heard the "smegma" name calling since oh, junior high!
AND you are a f...king LIAR because YOU have NO proof!
At least I submitted some sources if YOU were smart enough to follow up but you can't do it can you?
Not only are you too f..king stupid but if YOU for once opened your stupid closed brain that contains little but cliched inaccurate information which YOU'VE proven
to be the case as YOU can't document ANY of your hyperbolic statements!

You are a mouth breathing idiot.... I subvmitted sources too...the US militaery did not allow an accounting of how many Iraqis we were Killing
This is what you wrote to me "YOU can't document ANY of your hyperbolic statements!" you know who made hyperbol;ic statements thart could not be proved and in fact were proved wroing

Condi Rice" we don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"

Rumsfeld who said "we know where they are [WMD] in Tikrit North and east"

Now those were the true Hyperbolic statements were they Not? and you have no trouble with those statements event hought they led to the murders of hundreds of thousands of INNOCENT IRAQIS
what are you a witch Doctor...those are your opinion not facts....

You can tell yourself that all you want to.
so can you

What are you 10 years old? Go play in the street.
what kind of trite over used snark is that ....you should be shamed smegma

Wow... haven't heard the "smegma" name calling since oh, junior high!
No whining on the threads

When will you people grow up and understand That the ONLY force for good in this world are countries like USA, England,Canada,etc. the WESTERN CIVILIZED world!

Grow the fk up..No the US is not a force for good neither is the UK
The Empire:

* Attempted to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, most of which were democratically-elected.

* Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.

* Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

* Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.

* Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries, according to Chapter 18 of his book Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower.

All of the people killed...each and everyone were killed by the illegal US invasion of Iraq

Robert H. Jackson, stated:

To initiate a war of aggression, therefore, is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.

Saddam Hussein killed more than half a million of his own people.
But you don't want to see what tyrants do to their own people and that is much worse.
Saddam Hussein killed more than half a million of his own people.
But you don't want to see what tyrants do to their own people and that is much worse.

Was it this particular Saddam Hussein or another: Please take note that this was in 1984 when Saddam was using the gas we gave him to use OK
When will you people grow up and understand That the ONLY force for good in this world are countries like USA, England,Canada,etc. the WESTERN CIVILIZED world!

Grow up you little exceptional boy

Gallup International’s poll of 68 countries for 2014 found the US as the greatest threat to peace in the world,voted three times more dangerous to world peace than the next country.

And wow... isn't that something that

The US was the overwhelming choice (24% of respondents)
for the country that represents the greatest threat to peace in the world today.
This was followed by Pakistan (8%), China (6%), North Korea, Israel and Iran (5%).
Respondents in Russia (54%), China (49%) and Bosnia (49%) were the most fearful of the US as a threat.

These results show that although the US is widely regarded as posing the greatest threat to peace, it is, paradoxically, still the most desired country to live in.
This could show that for many of the people surveyed across the globe it appears that the notion of the ‘American Dream’ is still alive.

Global Results End of Year survey George gallup WIN WIN Gallup International Gallup International
And by the way... this poll was DONE during the Peace Prize winner, Obama's REIGN!
Saddam Hussein killed more than half a million of his own people.
But you don't want to see what tyrants do to their own people and that is much worse.

Was it this particular Saddam Hussein or another: Please take note that this was in 1984 when Saddam was using the gas we gave him to use OK

Yup! No question Saddam WAS AN ALLY! WE TRUSTED Saddam! RIGHT!!!

So where is the lesson learned by Obama with IRAN? Dumb f...k!!!

You'd think the "smartest" president would have learned a lesson or two!
BUT no this idiot is going to give $100 billion versus what GWB which was saving 1.2 million children from starvation which is what the NYT indicated would happen!
In 1995 as many as 576,000 Iraqi children may have died since the end of the Persian Gulf war because of economic sanctions imposed by the Security Council, according to two scientists who surveyed the country for the Food and Agriculture Organization.
Iraq Sanctions Kill Children U.N. Reports - NYTimes.com

Would you want to see from 2003 to today 12 years another 115,000 a year kids starved or 1.3 million kids starving.... and you would still want Saddam in power??
The world does not think of us the way some of you wing nuts think of us...the world knows all about us LOL and how dangerous ruthless and bloodthirsty we are...you have a wing nut clown Scott Walker saying from day one he is going to be looking to go to War...he is going to use the money from the Social safety net to fight those wars ...that means say goodby to Medicare and SS...you all do know if we go to war against Iran a lot of Iranian children and pregnant women will be killed...do you want abortions done with Military weapons

Yes _____

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Would you want to see from 2003 to today 12 years another 115,000 a year kids starved or 1.3 million kids starving.... and you would still want Saddam in power??
My guess is you want to see children bombed and killed and amputated and burnt in a war against Iran...I know you Christians anti Abortion fetus fetish nasty pieces of work love the Fetus but hate the humans...there is not one of you who have an iota of morality.
Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.
I know you thought you were being clever here, but it isn't exactly a secret the GOP is pro-life. Defunding Planned Parenthood is entirely consistent with that position, and the GOP makes it very clear every election they would overturn Roe v. Wade if they could.

Half of America is pro-life, and two thirds of America is opposed to second trimester abortions.

So much for your "gotcha" moment.

332-206....did you enjoy the last "gotcha" moment?
Wow, so in rdean's world women can't exist without publicly funded abortion mills. Good to know how rderp really feels about women.
There is no publicly funded abortion...........

“No taxpayer funding for abortion.” It’s an all-too-recognizable battle cry from the anti-choice community, and one that has forced reproductive health advocates to operate on the defensive. Planned Parenthood constantly needs to reiterate that it doesn’t use federal dollars to fund abortion procedures, and clings to the fact that abortion represents “just three percent” of its total health services. An amendment forced into the Affordable Care Act prevents federal subsidies from covering abortion directly, and has given abortion opponents an opportunity to enact state-level legislation that restricts insurance coverage of the procedure even further.

At nearly every turn, pro-choice lawmakers must reassure their conservative colleagues that they’re working to ensure that taxpayer dollars can’t be funneled toward abortion — and it’s still not enough for Republicans in Congress who continue pushing to make the distinctions even clearer.

It's a lie the GOP tells over and over again.
It's a lie the GOP tells over and over again.
As far as I am concerned lies delusion willful ignorance and sincere stupid is the stock i trade of the conservatives...I have utter contempt for the 3 Fs Fetus Fetish Fools...
Oddly enough the same folks twisting their necks to pat themselves in the back about how moral they are because they oppose choice in female health care are the same war chanting idiots who support an attack on Iran and they are the same gang of Poltroons who want to shred the Social safety net which after all supports life for the poor...

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