Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.

Just before a presidential election Republicans destroy Planned Parenthood and replaces it with nothing. I think it's a great idea. Go ahead GOP, teach America what you stand for. It matches their concern for the "born" and how the GOP plans to help them.

Someone else posted a GOP "platform" where they cared about Medicare and Medicaid and a whole host of things. The problem here is GOP candidates like Jeb Bush saying he wanted to phase out Medicare. Oops.

GOP debates are one thing. Can't wait for the real debates. How will Republicans convince America to vote for them. What are their "selling points"?

Please...Rand Paul was on the morning show here in Chicago, Amy and Dan...and pointed out there are 9,000 health clinics already paid for by tax money that can do the same thing as the murder mill planned parenthood......there are only 700 planned parenthood murder mills in the country.....

get real......
I am fascinated by the incredible psychological compartmentalization required to murder 50 million babies and then believe you are a lifesaver as you harvest healthy organs from the healthy corpses you just murdered.

That these people's brains do not explode from cognitive dissonance simply amazes me.
what the hell are you talking about ...50 million babies ...ok name some...name where they were murdered ...are there mass graves...you are using the language of agit-propaganda...no one refers to a fetus as a corpse...a fetus under law is not a human being...there are laws that govern the handling and disposal of human remains and there are a different sets of laws and regulations that govern the handling and disposal of fetal tissue...Why ? because these are two different and distinct categories ...How come you never see fertilized eggs labeled as "chicken" ?
Is it safe to eat fertilized eggs? : Ask Dr. Gourmet...now fertilized eggs are certainly sold but not as though they were CHICKEN...

Well, I hope you're happy. I laughed so hard at what an ignorant, useless douchewad waste of oxygen that you are that I spit soda all over my keyboard.

Do the world a favor and stop pretending you're a person who deserves to exist.
libs are losers who lie to themselves

but i will say this; it's comical watching these idiots delude themselves thinking the Left has a winner on this issue

even people on the Left are outraged over this

and women of all political stances

Says the guy that wants to do away with all welfare and throw granny onto the street. lol
Court is not necessary for the Senate to defund Planned Parenthood.
Well, I hope you're happy. I laughed so hard ....... that I spit soda all over my keyboard.

Do the world a favor and stop pretending you're a person who deserves to exist.
I hope you did not "blow" a fuse.... yes I am happy ....mucho happy..very happy...any happier and I would have to go outside and smoke a cig........

He needs to go. And Boner. And the rest of the GOP, good old boy, establishment old white cronies.
the GOP period followed by the DNC....send both and anyone sucking on their collective asses to the cornfield....
Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.
I know you thought you were being clever here, but it isn't exactly a secret the GOP is pro-life. Defunding Planned Parenthood is entirely consistent with that position, and the GOP makes it very clear every election they would overturn Roe v. Wade if they could.

Half of America is pro-life, and two thirds of America is opposed to second trimester abortions.

So much for your "gotcha" moment.
thats "i cant back up what i say about you" dean for you....just more dean talk....

but whining that the Right doesnt apply that logic to other organizations

they still admit it is FUNGIBLE though


GOP: Money Is Fungible For Planned Parenthood, But Not ...
Apr 14, 2011 - Their argument is that money is “fungible,” meaning that every dollar the government gives Planned Parenthood for family planning services, ...

BZZZT Wrong!

If you read the entire article you would have discovered that it exposed rightwing hypocrisy over fungibility instead.

um i did read it leftard; and the comparison they use about 3/4 the way down is a false one

try again

Thank you for admitting that your link refuted your position.

oh noseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

they are going to trot out the WAR on womeeeeeeen folks again IF you do

well shocking . losers what else do you have to run BUT FEAR mongering and lies

I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson
Yep. PP has outlived it's usefulness... Just like the rest of the free clinics that have been closing down.

but whining that the Right doesnt apply that logic to other organizations

they still admit it is FUNGIBLE though


GOP: Money Is Fungible For Planned Parenthood, But Not ...
Apr 14, 2011 - Their argument is that money is “fungible,” meaning that every dollar the government gives Planned Parenthood for family planning services, ...

You know you keep saying, "fungible" as though the left-twat you're addressing is actually going to know what it means, right?
oh noseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

they are going to trot out the WAR on womeeeeeeen folks again IF you do

well shocking . losers what else do you have to run BUT FEAR mongering and lies

I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for
Most women I know, and being in the medical profession, I know many more than most people, I don't know one that isn't totally disgusted by PP's actions. Women have no love for PP. You can tell yourself that they do all you want to.
Most women I know, and being in the medical profession, I know many more than most people, I don't know one that isn't totally disgusted by PP's actions. Women have no love for PP. You can tell yourself that they do all you want to.

I'll agree with that. My sister is a RN and she told me the vast majority of her colleagues are disgusted with it
I thought that they were supposed to be able to get all those things based on Obamacare. Why do we need Planned Parenthood? Ben Carson

The AHC is not universal.
I am fascinated by the incredible psychological compartmentalization required to murder 50 million babies and then believe you are a lifesaver as you harvest healthy organs from the healthy corpses you just murdered.

That these people's brains do not explode from cognitive dissonance simply amazes me.

It would be incredible if it were happening. 50 million babies have not been murdered.
oh noseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

they are going to trot out the WAR on womeeeeeeen folks again IF you do

well shocking . losers what else do you have to run BUT FEAR mongering and lies

I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

I have a pretty good education, but I wouldn't be comfortable saying that I'm smarter than the founders of our country. It's flattering that you think so though. PP's financial records are easily available, and as soon as someone shows that federal money is being spent on abortions, you might have something. Why hasn't some right wing group come out with that yet? Is it because they can't? Please present any readily available PP records that you think might prove your claim.
Most women I know, and being in the medical profession, I know many more than most people, I don't know one that isn't totally disgusted by PP's actions. Women have no love for PP. You can tell yourself that they do all you want to.

The people who work there are rude and talk to the girls who walk in for information like shit. Haven't met one yet that found PP helpful.
oh noseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

they are going to trot out the WAR on womeeeeeeen folks again IF you do

well shocking . losers what else do you have to run BUT FEAR mongering and lies

I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

I have a pretty good education, but I wouldn't be comfortable saying that I'm smarter than the founders of our country. It's flattering that you think so though. PP's financial records are easily available, and as soon as someone shows that federal money is being spent on abortions, you might have something. Why hasn't some right wing group come out with that yet? Is it because they can't? Please present any readily available PP records that you think might prove your claim.

Well does PP show their books that the electric bill for the abortion clinics is paid with out federal funds?
That's called "co-mingling" and unless there was a LAW by congress that stipulated when you perform an abortion the entire expenses are paid directly from
NON-FEDERAL funds that would NEVER happen and as a result that is why we've never seen this segregation of tax dollars and non tax dollar expenditures.
Show me their direct outlays for expenses like utilities that were used exclusively for abortions and the funds used to pay the utilities came from NON-TAX revenue.
That is my point! We never will know because that stipulation was never included in funding...for CAUSE!
Prove I'm wrong and I'll be happy to admit that...but until you or other nazi defenders of these abortionists that trade in baby flesh you are suspect.

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