Go ahead GOP. Defund Planned Parenthood. Show American women how much you care.


Huckabee Will Not Rule Out Using Federal Troops To Stop Abortions :dig:
Obamacare covers all of it, PP is not needed. Close them down

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood in Fetal Tissue Investigation
Source: Newsweek

The state of Indiana on Thursday cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing in the handling of fetal tissue.

A July 16 investigation ordered by Indiana Governor Mike Pence found no evidence of any laws being broken and no evidence that Planned Parenthood facilities in Indianapolis, Bloomington and Merrillville had sold tissue from aborted fetuses, the Associated Press reported.

At least 12 other states have launched investigations into Planned Parenthood after videos surfaced earlier this month in which Planned Parenthood executives appeared to suggest that the organization was selling the tissues of aborted fetuses. Legislators in other states have also called for investigations.


Read more: http://www.newsweek.com/indiana-clears-planned-parenthood-fetal-tissue-investigation-358678
If nothing else at least I found one liberal that agrees the little thug Treyvons death was justified.
If nothing else at least I found one liberal that agrees the little thug Treyvons death was justified.
You are struggling....
Not at all, but thanks for your concern.
maybe we can start a thread and discuss the benefits to killing thugs like Trevon, we have him, that thug in Fergusun that deserved to die and the one in Baltimore that the rest of the thugs rioted over, I think we can agree they should have died too.
Its like we can be thug killer buddies or something.
Always nice to find a fellow American that believes the courts can never be wrong.
I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

I have a pretty good education, but I wouldn't be comfortable saying that I'm smarter than the founders of our country. It's flattering that you think so though. PP's financial records are easily available, and as soon as someone shows that federal money is being spent on abortions, you might have something. Why hasn't some right wing group come out with that yet? Is it because they can't? Please present any readily available PP records that you think might prove your claim.

Well does PP show their books that the electric bill for the abortion clinics is paid with out federal funds?
That's called "co-mingling" and unless there was a LAW by congress that stipulated when you perform an abortion the entire expenses are paid directly from
NON-FEDERAL funds that would NEVER happen and as a result that is why we've never seen this segregation of tax dollars and non tax dollar expenditures.
Show me their direct outlays for expenses like utilities that were used exclusively for abortions and the funds used to pay the utilities came from NON-TAX revenue.
That is my point! We never will know because that stipulation was never included in funding...for CAUSE!
Prove I'm wrong and I'll be happy to admit that...but until you or other nazi defenders of these abortionists that trade in baby flesh you are suspect.

I'm not an accountant, but I'm sure PP uses standard accounting practices. Some enterprising anti abortion accountant could make a name for himself by showing that hey use substandard practices to hide that information. That's what you will need to prove your case. Sorry, but a bad feeling by someone who doesn't really know any of the specifics might convince someone who already wants to believe what you say, but in the real world, a bad feeling doesn't really count as proof.
oh noseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

they are going to trot out the WAR on womeeeeeeen folks again IF you do

well shocking . losers what else do you have to run BUT FEAR mongering and lies

I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

Sorry, I'm just curious as to what you consider a "spelling error" in the Constitution.

The idea of taking the accounting fiction of "separated funds" seriously is just laughable. It doesn't matter whether you just dump everything in one fund, or if you keep it in separate funds and then have more money to spend on abortions because you're spending less of your money on the electric bill: funding PP is funding abortions. Period.

I guess that makes sense if you aren't an accountant. Separation of funds, and proof of that separation is a really important part of almost every business's record keeping. I'm not qualified to give lessons on it, but find someone who is. That is not really an uncommon subject for people who deal with records on a regular basis.
I guess the DNC could publish a link to all of your posts. That way, everybody could see just how dumb, hateful and crazy right wingers can really be. If anyone thinks Trumps statements are hurting the GOP, a peak inside of your mind, by way of your posts, would make their head explode.

Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

Sorry, I'm just curious as to what you consider a "spelling error" in the Constitution.

The idea of taking the accounting fiction of "separated funds" seriously is just laughable. It doesn't matter whether you just dump everything in one fund, or if you keep it in separate funds and then have more money to spend on abortions because you're spending less of your money on the electric bill: funding PP is funding abortions. Period.

I guess that makes sense if you aren't an accountant. Separation of funds, and proof of that separation is a really important part of almost every business's record keeping. I'm not qualified to give lessons on it, but find someone who is. That is not really an uncommon subject for people who deal with records on a regular basis.
The best answer is just to stop funding them from taxpayer dollar.
Reason I don't believe a word you write is you don't seem to care about what you write. Careless... "peak"???? The word is "peek"!
Also where is there a "war on women"? I don't understand how taking my tax money to pay for abortions for women who according to these statistics are too stupid
to keep from getting pregnant! Sterilize them!

The nation’s largest abortion provider maintained its infamous title, performing 333,964 abortions—
a record for the organization that received 45 percent of its revenues from taxpayer-funded government sources during the 2011–2012 fiscal year.
According to analysis by the Susan B. Anthony List, Planned Parenthood has performed almost 1 million abortions in the past three years alone.
Planned Parenthood Sets Record for Abortions and Government Funding

Now with the FACTS that of the 333,964 abortions planned parenthood was involved in..

36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
8.1% [were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
44.7% or nearly half by women having abortions have one or more previously.

Facts About Abortion U.S. Abortion Statistics

How f...king dumb are people LIKE YOU and these women to keep getting pregnant after having one or more abortions!
How stupid are people LIKE you that support such stupidity!
Hell yes there is a war on stupid women for sure that can't seem to be smart enough to know they are killing themselves with multiple abortions PAID with
my tax money! Then they go and have expensive hospital services...again paid by those of us with money!
All because idiots like you can't comprehend simple facts.
Stupid women that have already had an abortion ARE encouraged to have more abortions as Planned Parenthood needs these babies to sell parts!

Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

Sorry, I'm just curious as to what you consider a "spelling error" in the Constitution.

The idea of taking the accounting fiction of "separated funds" seriously is just laughable. It doesn't matter whether you just dump everything in one fund, or if you keep it in separate funds and then have more money to spend on abortions because you're spending less of your money on the electric bill: funding PP is funding abortions. Period.

I guess that makes sense if you aren't an accountant. Separation of funds, and proof of that separation is a really important part of almost every business's record keeping. I'm not qualified to give lessons on it, but find someone who is. That is not really an uncommon subject for people who deal with records on a regular basis.
The best answer is just to stop funding them from taxpayer dollar.

Obviously that is your opinion, and I'm sure many fruitcakes and religious nuts agree with you.
I was waiting to see what Stemcell had to say in this mess. The answer is they are now trying to stop the release of the videos.

Actually, fetal tissue hasn't created any cures....adult stem cells have created all the cures....fetal stem cells are too unstable and become cancerous..........

that add is a lie.....


Stem cells, including those obtained with adult donors, can develop into a variety of tissues in the lab. The European researchers in the Parkinson's study and others hope to learn enough to use them someday for transplant tissue. Experts say stem cells have already substituted for fetal tissue for some purposes, but that scientists still need fetal tissue to learn basic information about how organs form, or help them simulate certain diseases in the test tube.
Human fetal tissue long used for variety of medical studies - US News

Actually, fetal tissue hasn't created any cures....adult stem cells have created all the cures....fetal stem cells are too unstable and become cancerous..........

that add is a lie.....


Stem cells, including those obtained with adult donors, can develop into a variety of tissues in the lab. The European researchers in the Parkinson's study and others hope to learn enough to use them someday for transplant tissue. Experts say stem cells have already substituted for fetal tissue for some purposes, but that scientists still need fetal tissue to learn basic information about how organs form, or help them simulate certain diseases in the test tube.
Human fetal tissue long used for variety of medical studies - US News

No cures....all cures are from adult stem cells.....

Actually, fetal tissue hasn't created any cures....adult stem cells have created all the cures....fetal stem cells are too unstable and become cancerous..........

that add is a lie.....


Stem cells, including those obtained with adult donors, can develop into a variety of tissues in the lab. The European researchers in the Parkinson's study and others hope to learn enough to use them someday for transplant tissue. Experts say stem cells have already substituted for fetal tissue for some purposes, but that scientists still need fetal tissue to learn basic information about how organs form, or help them simulate certain diseases in the test tube.
Human fetal tissue long used for variety of medical studies - US News

Yeah....from your own link......not one mention of cures.....

Human fetal tissue long used for variety of medical studies - US News
Last edited:
Oh my. I misspelled a word. If misspelled words mean the writer doesn't care about what he writes, then you must have a real problem with the misspellings in our constitution (look it up)
Federal funding for abortions was banned decades ago dumbass, but I guess rush forgot to mention that.
Yup Constitution does have spelling errors...they have an excuse! You are suppose to be more educated. Have more access to tools. Fewer excuses for your
stupid ignorance including comments about FEDERAL Funding for abortions! The issue is $500 million of Federal Funds goes into PP general revenues.
OUT of the general revenues expenses are PAID!
Tell me you understand that and then if you maybe you could explain to me from accounting procedures how PP keeps co-mingled funds to pay utilities used for

Sorry, I'm just curious as to what you consider a "spelling error" in the Constitution.

The idea of taking the accounting fiction of "separated funds" seriously is just laughable. It doesn't matter whether you just dump everything in one fund, or if you keep it in separate funds and then have more money to spend on abortions because you're spending less of your money on the electric bill: funding PP is funding abortions. Period.

I guess that makes sense if you aren't an accountant. Separation of funds, and proof of that separation is a really important part of almost every business's record keeping. I'm not qualified to give lessons on it, but find someone who is. That is not really an uncommon subject for people who deal with records on a regular basis.
The best answer is just to stop funding them from taxpayer dollar.

Obviously that is your opinion, and I'm sure many fruitcakes and religious nuts agree with you.
obviously you dont have enough concern for this issue to donate your money to them for abortions, but as long as taxpayer dollar is being spent to fund the murder of children, I think that those actually paying the tax should be the ones with the say.
Since the government does not fund abortions, at PP or anywhere else,

cutting off funds for Planned Parenthood won't cut off any funds going to abortion.

Amen, George!

Right! So womb to tomb. No personal responsibility. Don't want the baby! Abort!
Do YOU really believe we have achieved the societal successes in this world totally by depending on the womb to tomb mentality?
The majority of successful people in this world NOT all you idiots but most... did it through hard work. Education. Responsible behavior.
Biography after bio of successful people will tell you they didn't become contributors to society's improvement by depending totally on the womb to tomb mentality!
Thank goodness there are still a few of us that recognize the simple adage that Carlin and you womb to tomb advocates forget:

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
You and the carlin womb to tomb advocates are the ones obviously that have yet to learn how to fish!
Totally dependent on other people which is so grossly sad in that you will always be pissed at the people you are dependent! Angry that you can't be self sufficient! And that's why you find people like yourself and Carlin always angry at something! Never happy because YOU depend on US!
Sad you never learned the value of being independent!
Since the government does not fund abortions, at PP or anywhere else,

cutting off funds for Planned Parenthood won't cut off any funds going to abortion.

So you've seen the PP books. You can assure me 100% that ALL the money PP collects including tax funds aren't commingled.
You can assure me that the electric bill at the abortion clinic is paid strictly out of the non-tax payer revenue!
How do you do that? Prove to me that not ONE single tax payer dollar is used to cover any expenses associated with abortions!
Prove it! Show me the books where abortion related expense are paid strictly from non-tax funds!
I've tried to find out if abortions are performed at Planned Parenthood centers as well as the other services PP offers.
But their web site is :
Our normal site is currently undergoing maintenance.
Wonder why???

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