Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

14th shall any state deprive any person on life. ABORTION is a life is the ARGUMENT. Thanks for proving my point.

Then the Mississippi law is clearly against the Constitution as the baby in the womb is no less a life at 6 weeks than at 16 weeks or even at 2 weeks.

Also, the Mississippi law does not treat an abortion at 16 weeks like any other taking of life, thus they are again violating the Constitution.
Then the Mississippi law is clearly against the Constitution as the baby in the womb is no less a life at 6 weeks than at 16 weeks or even at 2 weeks.

Also, the Mississippi law does not treat an abortion at 16 weeks like any other taking of life, thus they are again violating the Constitution.
Well as babies have been born at those weeks and had lives because of modern medicine, that is the debate and why the 15 weeks was chosen.
I understand what is coming. The Gov't is loving this. As it turns those who are against these vaccine mandates against each other again over abortion.

But the babies can't speak for themselves.
We can’t speak for ourselves either. The US Govt is becoming more and more totalitarian. Only thing stopping it from going full batshit is the 2nd amendment.
Late term abortions are exceedingly rare, usually for the mother’s health or severe fetal abnormality.

Unfortunately, anti abortion laws, like the one in Texas, rob women of their voice.

Where does it say she can’t?

The Fourteenth Amendment protects fundamental rights to control one’s body, start a family, have (or not have) children.
The Texas law does not ban abortion.

The 14th amendment does no such thing. Have you ever read it?
It was the excuse they were looking for to take control and it’s happening in Europe and Australia at a much higher rate as those citizens can’t protect themselves.
It's everywhere. Full Totalitarian all over the planet. Yes. This was done on purpose.
It's always been about when does life begin. And the standard has been at how many weeks can a baby be born and survive.

So, you do not think it is a "life" prior to being able to be born and survive?
Not true. I said the STANDARD for the LAW is set at that point.

you are just all over the place. Earlier it was all about if I agreed with the 15 weeks or not, now all of a sudden agreeing with is not important at all when it comes to you.
you are just all over the place. Earlier it was all about if I agreed with the 15 weeks or not, now all of a sudden agreeing with is not important at all when it comes to you.
The law is about 15 weeks. You are trying to twist the conversation by shifting the question. I'm not proposing the law. I agree with the law proposed. But I think life may be earlier than that.

It's called a compromise.
If there’s a mistake being made with ones stance on abortion, I’m quite comfortable with that mistake being on the side of life and protecting unborn babies.
Sure he can. They just bail.

Yes they do.

By the millions every day.

Men walk away from their own flesh and blood everyday in our nation and our society has no problem with it.

My sister became pregnant at the end of her marriage.

She had the baby but her ex husband claimed in the divorce papers that my sister miscarried and there was no child.

She had to go to Texas to court with my nice to prove there was no miscarriage.

The Texas court awarded her child support.

Her ex never paid one penny of that child support ever.

Sure courts award child support but getting it paid, especially in a red state, is impossible.

I know countless women and children who have never received a penny of the child support the court said they were supposed to get.

It's a nice idea but if it's not enforced by the state, it's useless.
Where's your evidence the "majority" are again st abortion?
I say they're not and that is your opinion only and an ignorant one at that.

You misread my post.

I never said the majority are against abortion.

I said the majority supports abortion.
Well as babies have been born at those weeks and had lives because of modern medicine, that is the debate and why the 15 weeks was chosen.
You dumb piece of shit. Originally 24 weeks was chosen because at that time, that was when a fetus was viable out of the womb. Today, that number has decreased to 22 weeks due to improvements in medicine. Even with those improvements, children born extremely prematurely have lifelong health or developmental challenges such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, visual impairment or underdeveloped lungs.

The 15 weeks number in MS was completely arbitrary. The number itself didnt matter to them or had any medical purpose. The law was made specifically to challenge Roe. And you're a dumb piece of shit thinking a fetus can live outside the womb at 15 weeks. How ANYONE could think a fetus less than 4 months old could survive is just beyond stupidity.
And, yet, you put your tail between your legs and run away instead of addressing the point being made...

What if it's not a woman? What if it's a little girl?

You're too fucking chickenshit to address that...

I see. So the pregnancy shouldn't be terminated because the woman/girl won't forget that she was raped?

What a diseased fuck you are...

Wow... "The kid can be taken away".

I hope to God you're not a breeder...
I've done nothing of the sort you fucking coward. Go kill some more defenseless babies.
You dumb piece of shit. Originally 24 weeks was chosen because at that time, that was when a fetus was viable out of the womb. Today, that number has decreased to 22 weeks due to improvements in medicine. Even with those improvements, children born extremely prematurely have lifelong health or developmental challenges such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, visual impairment or underdeveloped lungs.

The 15 weeks number in MS was completely arbitrary. The number itself didnt matter to them or had any medical purpose. The law was made specifically to challenge Roe. And you're a dumb piece of shit thinking a fetus can live outside the womb at 15 weeks. How ANYONE could think a fetus less than 4 months old could survive is just beyond stupidity.
You can't make up your mind to abort in 4 weeks.


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