Go Ahead, Remove Roe V. Wade

Yawn. What is on trial is 15 weeks. That is Mississippi law and it was challenged.
You are too shortsighted.

What is on trial is the legitimacy of the SCOTUS. Whether they are above petty partisanship or not.
The biggest result will be a governmental institution will control a woman's body roughly from the age of 12 to 50. If people think this will not galvanize non voting women, you've got another thing coming. Which brings us to point 2. If Roe is overturned, you will not see another Republican in the White House for 100+ years.

Your hyperbole does not really help the discussion.
You are too shortsighted.

What is on trial is the legitimacy of the SCOTUS. Whether they are above petty partisanship or not.
The LAW is on trial. Not your feelings. You admitted that the 15 weeks is fine. Now you are crawfishing.
The LAW is on trial. Not your feelings. You admitted that the 15 weeks is fine. Now you are crawfishing.

It is not about my feelings, if it were then the 15 weeks would be all that matter, like with you.

It is about more than just this one case. IF SCOTUS overturns RvW based on nothing more than the fact the make the court changed, then SCTOUS looses legitimacy as they were designed to be above partisanship. If their rulings are now only good till there is a new justice put on the bench, what is the point of having them?
It is not about my feelings, if it were then the 15 weeks would be all that matter, like with you.

It is about more than just this one case. IF SCOTUS overturns RvW based on nothing more than the fact the make the court changed, then SCTOUS looses legitimacy as they were designed to be above partisanship. If their rulings are now only good till there is a new justice put on the bench, what is the point of having them?
So you ignore the wishes of Mississippi for a 15 week law on WHAT IF and NOT THE LAW ITSELF.

If another law is added it too can be challenged. That is how it is supposed to work. Not a one size fits' all.
So you ignore the wishes of Mississippi for a 15 week law on WHAT IF and NOT THE LAW ITSELF.

If another law is added it too can be challenged. That is how it is supposed to work. Not a one size fits' all.

The law itself goes against RvW, there is no debating that. The state admits that this is a fact. They did it in purpose to challenge RvW.

Nothing has changed in the 50 years since RvW that would give the court a reason to ignore their own 50 years of precedent, except for the make up of the court. If the court overturns RvW it is based upon nothing but partisanship...and this is bad. But you cannot see the damage this will do because you are led by nothing but your feelings.
The law itself goes against RvW, there is no debating that. The state admits that this is a fact. They did it in purpose to challenge RvW.

Nothing has changed in the 50 years since RvW that would give the court a reason to ignore their own 50 years of precedent, except for the make up of the court. If the court overturns RvW it is based upon nothing but partisanship...and this is bad. But you cannot see the damage this will do because you are led by nothing but your feelings.
Is 15 weeks reasonable or not.?
Since when should they judge on OPINION rather than the LAW? That is not the job description. Is the law proposed in Mississippi legal or not?

Based upon 50 years of SCTOUS precedent, no it is not.
Since when should they judge on OPINION rather than the LAW? That is not the job description. Is the law proposed in Mississippi legal or not?

I should point out that everything they do is OPINION, it is their very job description. That is why their rulings are called "opinions".
I should point out that everything they do is OPINION, it is their very job description. That is why their rulings are called "opinions".
OPINIONS based on the LAW. Currently that LAW is Mississippi Law. 15 weeks. Doesn't deny ANY ABORTIONS before 15 weeks.

Which part of the CONSTITUTION does that violate?
You are yappin' about Rape. Less than 1% of Beby Murders are a result of Rape. Proven FACT.

So what?

Is the percentage being so small a good enough reason to force some 13 year old rape victim to carry a pregnancy to term?

You guys are some sick fucks.

I find abortion an abhorrent practice and wish it didn't have to exist. I just don't happen to believe that it's the government's job to get involved. But cretins like you are why, unfortunately, it has to exist. You would ruin the life of a child just to get your way...
OPINIONS based on the LAW. Currently that LAW is Mississippi Law. 15 weeks. Doesn't deny ANY ABORTIONS before 15 weeks.

Which part of the CONSTITUTION does that violate?

Based on RvW and 50 years of precedent it violates the 14th amendment.
99.9 % of Baby Murders are for "Convenience". Maybe these Feminazies should learn to use CONDOMS. Or better yet ,stop being promiscuous.

Again, what of a 13 year old CHILD who's raped and gets pregnant?

Would you consider her "promiscuous"? Are you one of those pieces of shit who believe that rape victims are just "asking for it"?
Based on RvW and 50 years of precedent it violates the 14th amendment.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

14th shall any state deprive any person on life. ABORTION is a life is the ARGUMENT. Thanks for proving my point.
That possibly might be right on the issue, but not on a bady who has no voice. 50 million abortions since Roe v Wade. At some point it needs to stop. It doesn't prevent an abortion, it says you need to make up your mind early while we assess whether or not you are taking the life of a child.
Not how the media will portray it. Not the time to die on this hill.
Again, what of a 13 year old CHILD who's raped and gets pregnant?

Would you consider her "promiscuous"? Are you one of those pieces of shit who believe that rape victims are just "asking for it"?
^^^THIS^^^ the media will state this is not 1% of cases but 95%. Dumb hill for the GOP to die on.
Not how the media will portray it. Not the time to die on this hill.
I understand what is coming. The Gov't is loving this. As it turns those who are against these vaccine mandates against each other again over abortion.

But the babies can't speak for themselves.

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