"Go back to your home country"

(If some other member has already posted this news , please combine my thread with his/hers. THANKS)


An Asian man, his wife, and daughter were walking in a suburb of Los Angeles.

A woman came up and told them, "Go back to your home country."

The man explained that he and his wife were born in the States.

The couple started to record the incident. (The Facebook video has had more than 440,000 views so far.)

The woman has been identified as a college professor.

She has told a local TV station the following: "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European Americans , then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."

Los Angeles Times, print edition for March 7, 2018.
She is right.

Unfortunately she is in the wrong state to make a difference now.

Unless you are 100% Native American, the same could be said to you.
I'm 100% NA
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
    "a native of Montreal"
She meant their ancestral country. Using the right terms always helps get your point across.

And why should she tell them that? They are as much Americans as she is.
It’s just what she meant. As long as the Asians stay in Chinatown, I don’t care.

As American citizens, they can live where ever they can afford. This idea that the country belongs to European-Americans and the rest need to stay in their place is nonsense. This couple is raising a family in Long Beach CA. They are free citizens of the USA.
People need to respect that this country was built by white Europeans. I'm not feeling the love these days.

This country was built by all sorts of people.
with white leadership/brains/etc
..the NAs were not advancing to the point where they could build a great country like America
...the blacks were not advanced/advancing where they could build a great America
They aren't European.

They aren't Libertarian leaning(in even the most BASIC sense)

That is more than enough.

White Americans used to have very high graduation rates btw. It is the egalitarian bullshit and the endless rebellion against societal norms that has caused the low graduation rates.
I don’t care.I love the diversity of heritage we Americans have :)
Every western country that is stupid enough to go the route we have has the same "diversity of heritage".

Funny how we don't actually have a culture anymore....

The problem is, you are so angry about the blacks and hispanics, you want to try and lump the asians in with them. Sorry asshole, that just doesn't fly.

You better get used to a diverse population. It isn't going to change.
The problem is that you are idiot reactionary who doesn't understand anything other than the dogma presented to you.

It is not about "lumping" anyone into anywhere, it is about avoid further racial bloodshed instead of rushing it along.

I understand things quite well. I do not buy into the idea that people are who they are because of the color of their skin. I have known too many fine, upstanding people of many races, as well as ignorant scum of many races.

If there is racial bloodshed, you don't seem interested in preventing it.
Again, you are simply reacting to what you think I believe.

I could care less if race determines your personality or intelligence level etc, I just know that race causes more than enough permanent division to destroy nations and eventually cause genocide, and the west is purposefully ignoring or exacerbating these divisions to the detriment of everyone.
If race doesn't matter and we're all the same, then how does ethnic diversity make us stronger?
They will never even try to answer this question.

Race and ethnicity don't matter. I enjoy being exposed to other cultures because I enjoy learning. But it is the individual that counts, not their ethnicity.
You are an old fart who is simply trying to gain something from a cultural and demographic invasion that won't have that much of an effect on your life. It is entirely disingenuous to pretend your experiences today will be similar to a white kid growing up in an America where they aren't even exposed to the cultures of their own ancestors.

Being "exposed" to other cultures pretty means encroachment, which means resistance and resentment from people who actually have a healthy sense of awareness. The only non-European culture I give a damn about is modern Japanese culture, and that is because the Japanese people are proud of their culture AND they don't try to force it on anyone else. If the Japanese would have acted like the Indians or the Arabs, or the Mexicans or even some African groups in the US, I never would have even tried to learn anything about them.
The Land of the Rising Sun

I was there (Misawa) on R&R in 1967. Amazing people. Even though they were very poor at the time, they worked as hard as if they were getting $100 an hour. They didn't loaf around whining and drugging themselves into a stupor on welfare money.
(If some other member has already posted this news , please combine my thread with his/hers. THANKS)


An Asian man, his wife, and daughter were walking in a suburb of Los Angeles.

A woman came up and told them, "Go back to your home country."

The man explained that he and his wife were born in the States.

The couple started to record the incident. (The Facebook video has had more than 440,000 views so far.)

The woman has been identified as a college professor.

She has told a local TV station the following: "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European Americans , then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."

Los Angeles Times, print edition for March 7, 2018.
She is right.

Unfortunately she is in the wrong state to make a difference now.

Unless you are 100% Native American, the same could be said to you.

No. Being born in America makes a person a native American. All so called "Native Americans" living today were born into a predominately white America. Not a matter of race; but a place of birth.
Not really the Native Americans are born in their own sovereign nation in the USA..

So? I was born in the State of Tennessee which is at least as sovereign as any American Indian nation. I am a native American and will not concede my status to any single race. Just another bullspit PC wannabe language change.
Was you born in Hawkins county?
If race doesn't matter and we're all the same, then how does ethnic diversity make us stronger?
They will never even try to answer this question.

Race and ethnicity don't matter. I enjoy being exposed to other cultures because I enjoy learning. But it is the individual that counts, not their ethnicity.
You are an old fart who is simply trying to gain something from a cultural and demographic invasion that won't have that much of an effect on your life. It is entirely disingenuous to pretend your experiences today will be similar to a white kid growing up in an America where they aren't even exposed to the cultures of their own ancestors.

Being "exposed" to other cultures pretty means encroachment, which means resistance and resentment from people who actually have a healthy sense of awareness. The only non-European culture I give a damn about is modern Japanese culture, and that is because the Japanese people are proud of their culture AND they don't try to force it on anyone else. If the Japanese would have acted like the Indians or the Arabs, or the Mexicans or even some African groups in the US, I never would have even tried to learn anything about them.
The Land of the Rising Sun

I was there (Misawa) on R&R in 1967. Amazing people. Even though they were very poor at the time, they worked as hard as if they were getting $100 an hour. They didn't loaf around whining and drugging themselves into a stupor on welfare money.
Welfare money don't pay enough to be doped all the time..
yes they do come for welfare

they don't come to work hard....like their great great grandparents did in the late 1880s or early 1900s ....when they decided to come to America

unike their grand parents ........these lazy scumbags come for money only.....

yuck disgusting

The couple that are the actual topic of this thread did not COME here. They were BORN here. Why is that so hard to grasp? Then some ignorant bitch told them to "go back to their home country". They ARE in their home country.

the couple of this thread? lol ok

what about all the millions of others who come for money?

C,mon wake up

I guess you should start a thread about all those people.

Meanwhile, you should be pissed that some entitled bitch made obnoxious remarks to natural born American citizens.

It's not safe to walk down the street in my typical urban neighborhood thanks to black people and hispanics. When you're white like me, you learn to cross to the other side of the street when you see a bunch of them up ahead unless you like being harassed and threatened. My experiences working retail in this area are hilariously ghetto. Is anyone going to get pissed on my behalf? Or do I deserve to be harassed because of the things I say online?

You’re a fucking coward
You are an idiot.

What he is saying is the reality for many white people in urban areas.

Would you rather he fight back and get arrested for a hate crime?
This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

So if someone may want you to do something later, it is acceptable for force them to do that thing now? Or is that only true of married couples?

Say, chances are my spouse will be hungry later. Is it OK for me to force feed them now, even if they don't want to eat?

The chances are my spouse will want to drink alcohol later. Is it OK for me to force them to drink liquor now, even if they do not want to?

It's odd that you say others don't understand basic legal terms, then admit less than half an hour later that it is, in fact, legally rape for a person to force their spouse to have sex against their will. I would also submit that your understanding of human psychology is flawed.
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The couple that are the actual topic of this thread did not COME here. They were BORN here. Why is that so hard to grasp? Then some ignorant bitch told them to "go back to their home country". They ARE in their home country.

the couple of this thread? lol ok

what about all the millions of others who come for money?

C,mon wake up

I guess you should start a thread about all those people.

Meanwhile, you should be pissed that some entitled bitch made obnoxious remarks to natural born American citizens.

It's not safe to walk down the street in my typical urban neighborhood thanks to black people and hispanics. When you're white like me, you learn to cross to the other side of the street when you see a bunch of them up ahead unless you like being harassed and threatened. My experiences working retail in this area are hilariously ghetto. Is anyone going to get pissed on my behalf? Or do I deserve to be harassed because of the things I say online?

You’re a fucking coward
You are an idiot.

What he is saying is the reality for many white people in urban areas.

Would you rather he fight back and get arrested for a hate crime?

More likely I'd just end up another statistic. Not taking precautions to avoid trouble is not brave, it's stupid. Walking alone on these streets is an invitation for trouble.
Sounds like that women needs to get a life and mind her own business.
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

So if someone may want you to do something later, it is acceptable for force them to do that thing now? Or is that only true of married couples?

Say, chances are my spouse will be hungry later. Is it OK for me to force feed them now, even if they don't want to eat?

The chances are my spouse will want to drink alcohol later. Is it OK for me to force them to drink liquor now, even if they do not want to?

It's odd that you say others don't understand basic legal terms, then admit less than half an hour later that it is, in fact, rape for a person to force their spouse to have sex against their will. I would also submit that your understanding of human psychology is flawed.
You still fail to understand what "rape" actually is. You also just lied, because I did not "admit" that "marital rape" exists anywhere. Again, I never said that it is moral to force your spouse to do something, and I certainly never said that spousal abuse doesn't exist. It is certainly possible to assault your spouse, and that is indeed a crime, but "rape" is all about intent and power, and marriage negates both of those things.

If I decide to rape some stranger because they won't give me the time of day, the chances of me of actually achieving consensual sex with that person at any point is practically zero(baring some apocalypse), even if I decide not to rape them.

"Marital rape" would be comparable to your examples if you had an STD and you forcibly infected your spouse when they were stupid enough to marry someone with an STD(or stay married to someone who cheated on them and contracted an STD by doing so), because both of your examples have potential negatives beyond simply forcing your spouse to do something that they normally do but don't want to do at the moment, but a husband or wife violating the trust and/or privacy of their spouse in a purely sexual manner is not a crime.
Bullshit. White graduation rates dropped because their parents weren't around and they were raised by after school care workers making minimum wage, and because they weren't taught to work for what they wanted. The "egalitarian bullshit and the endless rebellion against societal norms" are just excuses. Oh, and some of the rebellions were righteous. The idea that women couldn't have their own credit cards or that blacks had to remain separate but equal are NOT libertarian ideals either. And neither is sending our young men & women to die in foreign lands to fund the Military Industrial Complex. And before you try that "YOu libtard leftist" nonsense, we were warned about that by an actual conservative republican president.

The fact that Asians are not European is not even close to a reason. If you want to live in an exclusively European culture, go to Europe.
"Their parents" are the rebels I am talking about, moron. Baby boomers fucked everything up with their mindless counter-culture nonsense.
Segregation was supposed to be a temporary measure until the "back to Africa" movement picked up steam, but instead that entire movement turned into merely trying to preserve segregation until they fell completely.
Women also couldn't vote at one point because they weren't the drivers of the economy and they weren't learned or educate enough at that time to make decisions outside of the household.

Learn about the demographic replacement of indigenous Europeans(who aren't afforded the status of indigenous peoples)before claiming I can go to Europe to live in an exclusively European culture.

The separate but equal was about keeping blacks in their place. That is why they had dogs set on them and fire hoses turned on them when trying to get people registered to vote. Or why people were murdered by cowards when they tried to get people registered to vote.

And if you are going to try and chastise me for not knowing, at least actually read what I post. I didn't say anything about women voting. I was referring to more recent things women were denied.

Like the fact that the US Supreme court ruled in 1974 that states could not exclude women from juries.

It was also 1974 that the Equal Opportunity Credit Act meant women could apply for a credit card without their husband's name on the bill.

And the first time the courts recognized sexual harassment in the workplace was 1975.

It was in the 1970s that the courts allowed that women could refuse to have sex with their husbands. Before that there was no such law in most states against marital rape.

So, like I said, some of those "rebellions against the norm" were actually justice in action.
The separate but equal thing was about preserving segregation so that blacks could eventually be sent back. The dogs and fire houses and political lynchings came out of desperation to preserve even the possibility of sending blacks back.

Women's suffrage has to do with all of the later women's rights events. Women originally were not needed to do anything but keep up the home.

Marital rape is a nonsensical idea to everyone but the dumbest of the dumb. You can't rape your spouse when sex is an unspoken condition of marriage.

I guess if the blacks wanted to go back to Africa that would make sense. They didn't. They wanted to be treated equally in the nation that they, their parents, their grandparents, and their great-grandparents helped to build. They wanted their constitutional rights. They wanted to vote on the leaders that would determine the direction of their nation.

If a woman wants to be a homemaker, I have no problem with it. But t o tell her she HAS to do that, or that she only has what her husband gives her is simply wrong.

Marital rape is not nonsense. Marriage does not guarantee a husband that he will get sex anytime he wants, even if she doesn't want it. She is an American citizen, not her husband's property.
It isn't about what the blacks wanted. It is about what the abolitionists wanted(pretty much all of them were opposed to integration). Lincoln wanted blacks to go back as well. Without the abolitionists the blacks would have been slaves for much longer.

It is not any more unfair to the woman than it is to the man who has to use his masculine mind and body to make money to support the family, instead of staying at home.

Sticking your penis in your wife's vagina when she isn't up for sex at the time isn't rape. It may be grounds for divorce and possibly legal action like a restraining order or something, but it isn't rape. Physically harming your spouse and/or forcing them to perform actions that are harmful to them is very different from pouncing on your wife when she has a mental chastity belt on.
Lincoln Was the Sex Slave of a Richgirl; That's All You Need to Know About His Politics

The Abolitionists were upper-class snobs; they expressed their fear and hatred for Whites stuck in the classes below them by becoming race traitors. After Emancipation, hardly any of them went to what Liberals pretend would be the next step: supporting labor unions. In fact, one of the most prominent Abos, whose sister wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, had this to say about the White working class, "If a man can't live on bread and water, he doesn't deserve to live." He was also a sexual predator, but that's neither here nor there, so I am told.
This ^^^^^^^ is off-topic trolling, and the worthless spittle of the lowest kind of pathetic weakling scum. No real man believes that ^^^^^^ kind of bullshit, and no weakling loser would ever say it in the presence of a real man (or real woman for that matter).
Tell me little sissy, do you honestly think it is "rape" for a wife to grab her husband's penis when he doesn't feel in the mood to have sex or thinks he doesn't have the time or energy?

No real man believes that his wife can decide on a whim that their lovemaking wasn't consensual, or even is some kind of sexual attack against her.

Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

The problems in South Africa stems from decades of outright oppression. Nothing more and nothing less.

If a woman does not want to have sex, and she is forced to have sex, that is rape. The marriage certificate does not change that. And yes, sticking your penis in her when she does not want it is rape.

No, I think you have the same rights every other citizen of this country has. The problem is, you want the rest of the races gone. It is not going to happen. You think you are special because you share the same skin color with people who DID things that are special and brave. That is not the case. You are what you do. But rather than live a happy life, you blame others for your failures, for the way your children turn out ect.

Your children are terrorized? By what? Perhaps because they have been taught that all blacks will kill or rape them?

And just to clarify, the topic is the unwarranted harassment of two American citizens by a spiteful bitch. If you agree with what that woman said to natural born Americans, you are part of the problem.
The problems stem from the double standard between global support of systemic racism, discrimination and genocidal levels of violence(FAR more numerous than anything any non-white group has had to deal with in this country btw) against a powerless white minority that is largely responsible for all the infrastructure in the country which they reside vs the outright condemnation and sanctioning of a white nation taking measures to make sure it stays white with no intention of subjugating anyone.

Except you don't think that. You are just reciting a bullshit progressive platitude that "progressives" typically violate minutes after they themselves recite it. You disregard or even encourage racism against whites because you believe that is the natural order of things. You think I am a "failure" because I reject your laughably stupid logic about life.

My children don't exist yet, but my nieces and nephews will indeed be terrorized as they enter their teenage years and America and the rest of the western world edge closer to becoming another South Africa.

I do not disregard or encourage racism at all. Your attempt to make this claim is ridiculous.
Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

If a woman, or a man for that matter, says they do not want to have sex at that moment, forcing them to have sex is rape. That is the truth and the law. Whether they will want to have sex later is irrelevant. If she says no, then you stop. Period.
It is the law thanks to morally bankrupt Democrats and the useful idiots who voted them in. Just like it is now the law for minors to be able to abort babies without having to tell their parents in some states.

It is much easier to assume that people were simply backwards before the "progressive era" than to actually think and do some research to understand the mindsets of those people and the variables involved.

No connection, to abortion, but thanks for playing.

If there is anyone who is morally bankrupt, it is someone who contends that a man shold be allowed to rape a woman if he marries her first. No. Just no. If she does not want to have sex then forcing her to do so is rape.
(If some other member has already posted this news , please combine my thread with his/hers. THANKS)


An Asian man, his wife, and daughter were walking in a suburb of Los Angeles.

A woman came up and told them, "Go back to your home country."

The man explained that he and his wife were born in the States.

The couple started to record the incident. (The Facebook video has had more than 440,000 views so far.)

The woman has been identified as a college professor.

She has told a local TV station the following: "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European Americans , then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."

Los Angeles Times, print edition for March 7, 2018.
She is right.

Unfortunately she is in the wrong state to make a difference now.

Unless you are 100% Native American, the same could be said to you.
I'm 100% NA
  1. 1.
    a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.
    "a native of Montreal"

Then you should be defending the couple and condemning the woman who told them to "go back to your home country".
  • Thanks
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I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

If a woman, or a man for that matter, says they do not want to have sex at that moment, forcing them to have sex is rape. That is the truth and the law. Whether they will want to have sex later is irrelevant. If she says no, then you stop. Period.
It is the law thanks to morally bankrupt Democrats and the useful idiots who voted them in. Just like it is now the law for minors to be able to abort babies without having to tell their parents in some states.

It is much easier to assume that people were simply backwards before the "progressive era" than to actually think and do some research to understand the mindsets of those people and the variables involved.

No connection, to abortion, but thanks for playing.

If there is anyone who is morally bankrupt, it is someone who contends that a man shold be allowed to rape a woman if he marries her first. No. Just no. If she does not want to have sex then forcing her to do so is rape.
No, moron, "rape" is a crime.

If my future wife tried to have sex with me when I didn't feel like it over and over again, eventually I would just divorce her because her faults outweigh any positives I might have seen initially. I wouldn't try to have her arrested because she kept trying to force me to do something we just did a couple of hours ago.
She is right.

Unfortunately she is in the wrong state to make a difference now.

Unless you are 100% Native American, the same could be said to you.

No. Being born in America makes a person a native American. All so called "Native Americans" living today were born into a predominately white America. Not a matter of race; but a place of birth.
Not really the Native Americans are born in their own sovereign nation in the USA..

So? I was born in the State of Tennessee which is at least as sovereign as any American Indian nation. I am a native American and will not concede my status to any single race. Just another bullspit PC wannabe language change.
Was you born in Hawkins county?
No. Why?
Your posts on this thread speak volumes about you.

You think people who are not white should be forced to leave, regardless of their value to the community and nation, regardless of whether they are immigrants (legal or illegal), and regardless of what they do. You want them gone because they are not of European descent.

You think women become the husband's property when they marry. You think a marriage license entitles a man to sex when he wants, regardless of whether his wife wants it or not. And if he forces her to have sex, it is not rape.

In other words, you think by being born a white male, you are entitled to decide who goes and who stays, and that you own your spouse. While I find it amusing, it is certainly sick. It must be frustrating to think all that is owed to you without you having to earn a single bit of it.
I simply understand the real history of this country and reject the knee-jerk reactions against ethno-nationalism. I also understand that absolute racial separation is the only way to avoid absolute genocide down the road. Idiots like you are the reason why racial war zones like South Africa(and Western Europe) happen.

I understand what "rape" actually is and reject this disgusting society's attempt at neutering males. Violating the trust and/or privacy of your spouse in a sexual manner never has been and never will be rape. I never said that males could have sex when they want without consequences, I am saying that he can't rape his wife because he isn't committing a felony by sticking his penis in her when she doesn't feel like it at the moment, dipshit.

You think that because I am a white male that I have no rights and that I am inclined to just sit back and watch as my heritage is destroyed and my children, nieces and nephews are terrorized because that is how you have been conditioned to think, and you lack the cognitive ability to understand that.

If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

So if someone may want you to do something later, it is acceptable for force them to do that thing now? Or is that only true of married couples?

Say, chances are my spouse will be hungry later. Is it OK for me to force feed them now, even if they don't want to eat?

The chances are my spouse will want to drink alcohol later. Is it OK for me to force them to drink liquor now, even if they do not want to?

It's odd that you say others don't understand basic legal terms, then admit less than half an hour later that it is, in fact, rape for a person to force their spouse to have sex against their will. I would also submit that your understanding of human psychology is flawed.
You still fail to understand what "rape" actually is. You also just lied, because I did not "admit" that "marital rape" exists anywhere. Again, I never said that it is moral to force your spouse to do something, and I certainly never said that spousal abuse doesn't exist. It is certainly possible to assault your spouse, and that is indeed a crime, but "rape" is all about intent and power, and marriage negates both of those things.

If I decide to rape some stranger because they won't give me the time of day, the chances of me of actually achieving consensual sex with that person at any point is practically zero(baring some apocalypse), even if I decide not to rape them.

"Marital rape" would be comparable to your examples if you had an STD and you forcibly infected your spouse when they were stupid enough to marry someone with an STD(or stay married to someone who cheated on them and contracted an STD by doing so), because both of your examples have potential negatives beyond simply forcing your spouse to do something that they normally do but don't want to do at the moment, but a husband or wife violating the trust and/or privacy of their spouse in a purely sexual manner is not a crime.

You admitted it is legally rape to force a person to have sex against their will, regardless of if they may want to have sex later, which was your argument for why spousal rape cannot occur:
It is the law thanks to morally bankrupt Democrats and the useful idiots who voted them in.
That was in response to WinterBorn saying that it is rape to force a man or woman to have sex when they do not want to, regardless of whether they may want to later.

I do not fail to understand what rape is. You do. Rape is forcing someone to have sex without their consent. It does not matter if that person is a spouse, it is still rape to force them to have sex if they do not want to. While I admit there are some grey areas, it is not true that rape is impossible between spouses. You can make up excuses about how a spouse will eventually want to have sex and so it is not rape, but that is all they are: excuses. Legally, rape has been possible within marriage for decades. The first case in which the legal system acknowledged the possibility of spousal rape may have occurred in 1979, and the first conviction for spousal rape was later that year. When Spousal Rape First Became a Crime in the U.S.

Spousal rape has been illegal, from what I can gather, in every part of the US since 1993. Aspects Of American Law Still Enforce Rape Culture
Marital rape (United States law) - Wikipedia
21 Amazing Spousal Rape Statistics - HRFnd

Personally, I find it fairly disgusting that there was a time in my life where it was not possible for a person to rape their spouse, legally, as though marriage gives someone carte blanche to force their spouse to have sex whenever they wish. As it is now, and has been for decades, however, rape is absolutely possible within marriage.

Whether a person might eventually choose to have sex with a person has no bearing on whether they can force that person to have sex now. Whether a person is known to an individual or not has no bearing on whether they can force that person to have sex. In fact, most rapes are committed by an attacker who knows their victim: Perpetrators of Sexual Violence: Statistics | RAINN .

There do not have to be "potential negatives beyond" the act of rape in order for it to be rape. Spousal rape is absolutely a crime, as I have shown.

You may not consider spousal rape to actually be rape based on your personal moral code, but it is rape in the legal system of the United States.
If it isn't rape for a man to have sex with his wife when she does not want it, when is it rape? Isn't making someone have sex with you when they don't want to the very definition of rape?

Who is going to experience genocide without absolute racial separation? For that matter, how are you defining genocide?
It is never rape when involving your spouse because chances are they will want to have sex with you the very same day you would have "raped" them. The problem is that you all don't understand human psychology and basic legal terms.

Whoever gets the short end of the stick when it comes to "multiculturalism". So far that is people of European descent.

If a woman, or a man for that matter, says they do not want to have sex at that moment, forcing them to have sex is rape. That is the truth and the law. Whether they will want to have sex later is irrelevant. If she says no, then you stop. Period.
It is the law thanks to morally bankrupt Democrats and the useful idiots who voted them in. Just like it is now the law for minors to be able to abort babies without having to tell their parents in some states.

It is much easier to assume that people were simply backwards before the "progressive era" than to actually think and do some research to understand the mindsets of those people and the variables involved.

No connection, to abortion, but thanks for playing.

If there is anyone who is morally bankrupt, it is someone who contends that a man shold be allowed to rape a woman if he marries her first. No. Just no. If she does not want to have sex then forcing her to do so is rape.
No, moron, "rape" is a crime.

If my future wife tried to have sex with me when I didn't feel like it over and over again, eventually I would just divorce her because her faults outweigh any positives I might have seen initially. I wouldn't try to have her arrested because she kept trying to force me to do something we just did a couple of hours ago.

I don't give a damn that yuo call me a moron. In fact, if you think someone who believes that when someone says No, forcing them to have sex is rape, then I am proud to be a moron in your book.

The certificate does not entitle you to sex whenever you want. If she says 'No' the answer is no. Forcing someone to have sex when they do not want to is the definition of rape. Marrying them does not change that.
(If some other member has already posted this news , please combine my thread with his/hers. THANKS)


An Asian man, his wife, and daughter were walking in a suburb of Los Angeles.

A woman came up and told them, "Go back to your home country."

The man explained that he and his wife were born in the States.

The couple started to record the incident. (The Facebook video has had more than 440,000 views so far.)

The woman has been identified as a college professor.

She has told a local TV station the following: "If you would like to have a full normal interview about the displacement of European Americans , then I gladly am available to enlighten the public."

Los Angeles Times, print edition for March 7, 2018.

Sadly, there are still stupid shits like this out there.

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