Go Middle-East, kick Israel's ass!

I'm not exactly sure why I'm pulling for the Palestinians to beat Israel for once in their lives but I surely am. Maybe it's the underdog thing, maybe it's Israel's brutal arrogance, who knows anyways... Go Gaza!

Anyone else feel the same?

Medical crisis in Gaza as conflict endures - CNN.com

So you're actually cheering for genocide?

I'm cheering for an even fight. We should quit supporting Israel and see how good fighters they actually are without Uncle Sam propping them up. Ok?

More far left propaganda and talking points that do not fit the facts..

So you going to take away "money" that supports Hamas?


The $7 billion to $10 billion that the Palestinian Authority has received since 1993 has come from the European Union, the U.N., the U.S., Saudi Arabia and other Arab League countries. France alone has sent more than $3 billion. This influx of cash has done little to advance the development of a viable Palestinian state or of peace in the region. Rather, it has helped to fuel the Palestinian leadership’s terrorist agenda, and kept the Palestinian people oppressed and disenfranchised.

Where Hamas Gets Its Money - Forbes
I'm not exactly sure why I'm pulling for the Palestinians to beat Israel for once in their lives but I surely am. Maybe it's the underdog thing, maybe it's Israel's brutal arrogance, who knows anyways... Go Gaza!

Anyone else feel the same?

Medical crisis in Gaza as conflict endures - CNN.com

Oh lookie, a JOOOOOOOOOOOOO hating Communist.

How unique... :yawn:

Crawl back to StormFront or Common Dreams, you pile of shit.
Fuck you you ignorant piece of shit
True, but Israel has never stated the intention of wiping the Palestinians off the face of the Earth.

they don't need to. the palestinians aren't a threat to their existence.

That's the exact same mistake that America made when Bin Laden declared war on the United States.. Isn't it? Even AFTER Al Queda had repeatedly attacked us..

I agree, Israel was attacked, Israel has a right to protect Israel.
No. They should stop firing rockets into Israel. Recognize Israel and peacefully demand a contiguous state in the West Bank. Israel should remove the Settlements and pay just compensation to the families who lost their land and homes in the 1948 war.

Unicorn farts will begin to power the world when that happens........ Just sayin.

I'm not exactly sure why I'm pulling for the Palestinians to beat Israel for once in their lives but I surely am. Maybe it's the underdog thing, maybe it's Israel's brutal arrogance, who knows anyways... Go Gaza!

Anyone else feel the same?

Medical crisis in Gaza as conflict endures - CNN.com

Jerusalem (CNN) -- The option of an Israeli ground invasion into Gaza remained on the table Friday, as Hamas militants fired rockets into Israel for another day.

But the conflict has had an uneven toll: Israel's airstrikes on Gaza in response to the rocket attacks have left more than 100 dead and have pushed medical facilities there to the brink, Palestinian officials said.

That's the smartest thing you've ever said.

they don't need to. the palestinians aren't a threat to their existence.

That's the exact same mistake that America made when Bin Laden declared war on the United States.. Isn't it? Even AFTER Al Queda had repeatedly attacked us..

I agree, Israel was attacked, Israel has a right to protect Israel.

The Palestinians haven't been attacked? Do they have no rights? Since monday more than 100 palestinians have been killed with over 800 injured. Israel has had two soldiers lightly injured.
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Dr. Ghada Karmi’s latest book Married to Another Man: Israel’s Dilemma in Palestine opens with the problem European Zionists faced over a century ago when they first mooted the idea of a Jewish state in Palestine. They found then that there was already a well-established Palestinian society existing in the land they wished to claim as their own. Hence the message sent back to Vienna by the two rabbis who made the discovery: “The bride is beautiful, but she is married to another man.”

MORE: Book review: "Married to Another Man" | The Electronic Intifada

Nutanyahoo is an arrogant bully who keeps expanding settlements on stolen land.

More proof that the far left does not care about history, just wants to spout talking points and propaganda..

Here is some more history for you:

A Synopsis of the Israel/Palestine Conflict

At first, this immigration created no problems. However, as more and more Zionists immigrated to Palestine – many with the express wish of taking over the land for a Jewish state – the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed. Eventually, fighting broke out, with escalating waves of violence.

They skipped a bunch of history here. Like the Arab riot of 1921 that killed 47 Jews. Or the riots of 1929 that killed 133. They couldn't rely on the British to protect them so they formed their own protection. Fact is most had immigrated legally and were attacked because of rumors about the Jews ulterior motive after the Balfour Declaration was made public.

The Balfour Declaration - Israel & Judaism Studies
You're a nazi.

It's your nature to hate jews.

Heil Obama!!

You do know that Nazi's are true r-wing extremists.

Socialist are right wing when did happen?

National Socialist Program

National Socialist Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Far right and far left are the same things, just that the far left can not separate the two as they still need their bogie man.

Not quite. Far right people are the far from nazis.

Far left bed wetters are even worse than nazis as far as I'm concerned, and nazi's are pretty far left of anyone I have any respect for.

I'm not exactly sure why I'm pulling for the Palestinians to beat Israel for once in their lives but I surely am. Maybe it's the underdog thing, maybe it's Israel's brutal arrogance, who knows anyways... Go Gaza!

Anyone else feel the same?

Medical crisis in Gaza as conflict endures - CNN.com

So you're actually cheering for genocide?

I'm cheering for an even fight. We should quit supporting Israel and see how good fighters they actually are without Uncle Sam propping them up. Ok?

I have a better idea. Why don't you join the ISIL and then you can have a good old time murdering innocent people while you help them attain the new Worldwide Caliphate. They will give you a medal for being such a good Dhimmi.
You do know that Nazi's are true r-wing extremists.

Socialist are right wing when did happen?

National Socialist Program

National Socialist Program - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Far right and far left are the same things, just that the far left can not separate the two as they still need their bogie man.

Not quite. Far right people are the far from nazis.

Far left bed wetters are even worse than nazis as far as I'm concerned, and nazi's are pretty far left of anyone I have any respect for.


I like this illustration even better.

So you're actually cheering for genocide?

I'm cheering for an even fight. We should quit supporting Israel and see how good fighters they actually are without Uncle Sam propping them up. Ok?

I have a better idea. Why don't you join the ISIL and then you can have a good old time murdering innocent people while you help them attain the new Worldwide Caliphate. They will give you a medal for being such a good Dhimmi.

kidrocks would likely be beheaded or stoned to death.

All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher of hate | Mail Online
I'm cheering for an even fight. We should quit supporting Israel and see how good fighters they actually are without Uncle Sam propping them up. Ok?

I have a better idea. Why don't you join the ISIL and then you can have a good old time murdering innocent people while you help them attain the new Worldwide Caliphate. They will give you a medal for being such a good Dhimmi.

kidrocks would likely be beheaded or stoned to death.

All homosexuals should be stoned to death, says Muslim preacher of hate | Mail Online

With his knowledge base he wouldn't notice the beheading.

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