Go Woke, Go Broke: Families Cancel Disney over their Leftist Hogwash

There will be very little loss to Disney because people don't vote with their feet like they should.

This SHOULD have bankrupted Mickey, but you can bet your ass it will do nothing because that's exactly what "conservatives" will do...NOTHING.

I agree it's unlikely conservatives will make a quick impact. It will happen over time as Disney continues to erase their past they will appeal to less and less people.
Well, we will see the Left crow because stock prices will probably rise a little.

What, why?

Because Disney stock was in the tank as was the whole leisure industry because of COVID lockdowns. If I remember correctly, Disneyworld was even shut down for a period of time during the year the pandemic started.

But, the proof will be in their attendance and prices. If attendance falls below what is expected and they are forced to start discounting, then you know SOMETHING is affecting them. If not? Well then any woke corporation can say whatever they want without fear of repercussions from 1/2 of the population.
Disneys stock went down around 120.00 or so around the lockdowns. Went up to 170.00. And then back down after the last Disney scandal. It has pretty much stayed in the toilet for the last year. And this new Disney flub isn’t going to help their stock any.
Disney wants to do business all over the world...even in countries that kill gay people and make gay relationships and marriage illegal....Disney is full of shit...that is very evident...check their streaming Disney plus...a huge drop in subscriptions has already begun....
Disney let a bunch of ivy league twenty somethings in the front office get out in front of their skies...and when the land it is going to hurt....

Disneys stock went down around 120.00 or so around the lockdowns. Went up to 170.00. And then back down after the last Disney scandal. It has pretty much stayed in the toilet for the last year. And this new Disney flub isn’t going to help their stock any.
My daughter and I who has two young kids dumped Disney plus...so has her friends she works with...my sister dumped it and so has my brother's family...
The only way to fight back against the destruction that Disney and other “woke” corporations are waging on decent families with good values is to hit them where it hurts: the pocketbook. Looks like it’s starting.

Somehow, I think Disney will survive.

But it occurs to me that all this boycott cancel culture hogwash really does is to further polarize society by creating political divisions in otherwise apolitical commerce. We're getting to the point where we need separate theme parks for liberals and conservatives, separate social media platforms, separate movie theaters playing separate movies, separate restaurants, and the list goes on and on. There have even been dating apps in resent years catering to particular sides of the political spectrum.
The only way to fight back against the destruction that Disney and other “woke” corporations are waging on decent families with good values is to hit them where it hurts: the pocketbook. Looks like it’s starting.

Who the hell is going to want to take their kids to Disney anymore knowing that half of the staff are eyeing the kids for sexual encounters?
My daughter and I who has two young kids dumped Disney plus...so has her friends she works with...my sister dumped it and so has my brother's family...
Uh-oh.... This is bigger than I thought.
I figured it was just people like me.
Looks like they fucked up big time.
No pun intended.
Somehow, I think Disney will survive.

But it occurs to me that all this boycott cancel culture hogwash really does is to further polarize society by creating political divisions in otherwise apolitical commerce. We're getting to the point where we need separate theme parks for liberals and conservatives, separate social media platforms, separate movie theaters playing separate movies, separate restaurants, and the list goes on and on. There have even been dating apps in resent years catering to particular sides of the political spectrum.
Well yeah.... I get what you're saying but what else can you do? 50 years ago some guy walking around with his dick hanging out would have been arrested.
Now they tie a ribbon on it and tell him to move along. People are going to avoid places like that and they're going to go to places that don't let pedo perverts proselytize on site.
Cancel culture is alive and well it seems.
I thought cancel culture was supposed to be a lib thing.

I guess that was bullshit too huh?

Lotta unhappy kids out there (which means unhappy parents).

I can't see right wingers winning this one
Well yeah.... I get what you're saying but what else can you do? 50 years ago some guy walking around with his dick hanging out would have been arrested.
Now they tie a ribbon on it and tell him to move along. People are going to avoid places like that and they're going to go to places that don't let pedo perverts proselytize on site.
Dude...you live in Russia. Watta you takin about...
I thought cancel culture was supposed to be a lib thing.

I guess that was bullshit too huh?

Lotta unhappy kids out there (which means unhappy parents).

I can't see right wingers winning this one

I am sort of amused by people that punish themselves and their families and think they are making some kind of point.
I see you people love cancel culture.
Totally different...
They're not campaigning against Disney just make a personal choice.

Cancel culture would be when they start going after the businesses that deal with Disney. Not gonna happen.

It's ok..

Now they can have anatomically correct dysphoria-bots! A new niche market!
Yea...watch out for Mickey Mouse huh Boris?
Hey...big bird did time. Besides Disney has such an enormous viewer base I'm sure the people who are leaving only constitute a small percentage.

Might as well. They no longer have family friendly shows.
Well.... They're family friendly but in a new kind of way ...wink wink!

Hi my name is Bruce I'm a park attendant! Say....why don't I take your kids to the playground while you folks enjoy the ride????

Oh! And new Merchandise too! The
Kenbie action/non action figurine.

Comes complete with interchangeable skin color and snap on genitals for the quick change!

Buy two and get a free gay wedding cake thrown in! With a complete list of acceptable pronouns!

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