Go Woke, Go Broke: Families Cancel Disney over their Leftist Hogwash

People cancel Disney subscriptions because they don’t like the integrity of the company or the product they are producing. Same thing.

It is not the same thing. It is like the people that quit eating at Chick Fil A. They did not do it because they no longer liked the food, they did it because of the words of one man.

Just stupid.
People cancel Disney subscriptions because they don’t like the integrity of the company or the product they are producing. Same thing.
Why would someone buy a product they don't like? Makes no sense. If I don't like the product being produced why would someone continue to use said product?
People cancel Disney subscriptions because they don’t like the integrity of the company or the product they are producing. Same thing.
It's weird because even before all of this happened or I heard anything about it I was looking at doing it but I just kept procrastinating. I was going through the same thing with them that I went with through with the local cable company.... prices creeping up services creeping down at the same time. I'm so busy doing other stuff I often time don't even think about little details like this until I'm made to focus on them. Lol.

And sure as hell this made me focus.

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I have done all of those things because I did not like the product. I have never done with a product I liked just because of what someone associated with the product might have said
It's about what he's going to do. He's going to change the programming. Do you agree with the changes?
I have done all of those things because I did not like the product. I have never done with a product I liked just because of what someone associated with the product might have said
Get off your high horse. It’s done all the time, and mostly by you leftists. Remember how you intolerant libs tried to take down Chickfilet because the owner though……shudder……marriage should be between a man and a woman? And now you have a problem with people who don’t want to go to Disney because they are pushing sexuality onto children and have jumped on the anti-white bias?
Disney World is a great place to go with the kids. We have tons of wonderful memories. With that said, I have no idea why any company would weigh in on politics and social issues. Just be a destination for people of all walks of like to enjoy themselves.
It's about what he's going to do. He's going to change the programming. Do you agree with the changes?

I have not seen any changes yet. If it happens I will let you know and if I do not I will get rid of it. But I am hooked for as long as Moon Knight last. Was one of my very favorite comics growing up.
It is not the same thing. It is like the people that quit eating at Chick Fil A. They did not do it because they no longer liked the food, they did it because of the words of one man.

Just stupid.
To show you the class of Chick Fil A. During the boycott in the town I live in, the manager brought out waters for all the protesters. Same with the church I attend. They adhere to what the Bible says without changing its meaning to appease the the leftists. Local left groups got all upset, and were marching with their signs yelling, and the church brought them coffee and donuts.
Lots of marvel actors got Disney Plused.

If Disney cancels you like Gina Carano (I know her and her whole family personally btw) does that mean you got....Disney Minused?
I have not seen any changes yet. If it happens I will let you know and if I do not I will get rid of it. But I am hooked for as long as Moon Knight last. Was one of my very favorite comics growing up.
That's fine, but it's not about just meaningless words. He told us what he's going to do.
Get off your high horse. It’s done all the time, and mostly by you leftists. Remember how you intolerant libs tried to take down Chickfilet because the owner though……shudder……marriage should be between a man and a woman? And now you have a problem with people who don’t want to go to Disney because they are pushing sexuality onto children and have jumped on the anti-white bias?

Yes, the Libs did that and now you are doing the exact same thing to Disney yet you somehow think you are different! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

If you bothered to read my post you would see I have a problem with both.

I did not agree with the the CEO of Chick Fil A said, but I damn sure did not stop eating it if I was near one. Love their chicken and fries.
Oh, I don't know about that one. What happened to Target? What about MSNBC? CBS anyone? ABC? How has Facebook faired? Is Twitter as strong as it was? What happened in Virginia when Leftists messed with the kids?

Maybe you are correct, but we shall see in the not to distant future for sure. Also--------->What about Disney trying to get into the Middle East, which has been reported extensively! Those people kill gays, or at the very least hate them, yet Disney wants in. Would anyone say that is a cohesive policy stand to take?

Like I said, we shall see.
I haven't been in a target store since they opened their women restrooms to men
To show you the class of Chick Fil A. During the boycott in the town I live in, the manager brought out waters for all the protesters. Same with the church I attend. They adhere to what the Bible says without changing its meaning to appease the the leftists. Local left groups got all upset, and were marching with their signs yelling, and the church brought them coffee and donuts.

Chick Fil A is a class act. One of my nieces has been with them for about 20 years now.
It is not the same thing. It is like the people that quit eating at Chick Fil A. They did not do it because they no longer liked the food, they did it because of the words of one man.

Just stupid.
People are free to not buy Chick Fil A. Gays stopped due to it being a Christian company. I did it when they came out in support of BLM. We are not required to buy their product just because we liked it at one time. Plenty of other restaurants sell chicken sandwiches.

Disney hired a bunch of woke activists that insist on inserting their feminist, political and sexual agendas into their content. Their choice. Disney supports it.

I’m not interested in their low quality,preachy propaganda. And I’m not required to pay for it because I subscribed 10 years ago when I actually liked it.

Doesn’t work that way.
Get off your high horse. It’s done all the time, and mostly by you leftists. Remember how you intolerant libs tried to take down Chickfilet because the owner though……shudder……marriage should be between a man and a woman? And now you have a problem with people who don’t want to go to Disney because they are pushing sexuality onto children and have jumped on the anti-white bias?
Yeah.... Not a very smart marketing strategy. Oddly with Chick-fil-A it worked the other way.... they had a business boom.
People are free to not buy Chick Fil A. Gays stopped due to it being a Christian company. I did it when they came out in support of BLM. We are not required to buy their product just because we liked it at one time. Plenty of other restaurants sell chicken sandwiches.

Disney hired a bunch of woke activists that insist on inserting their feminist, political and sexual agendas into their content. Their choice. Disney supports it.

I’m not interested in their low quality,preachy propaganda. And I’m not required to pay for it because I subscribed 10 years ago when I actually liked it.

Doesn’t work that way.
Yeah the gay guys now call and have it delivered incognito. Lol... They answer the door wearing sunglasses and anxiously looking around to make sure the neighbors don't see.

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