Go Woke, Go Broke: Families Cancel Disney over their Leftist Hogwash

People are free to not buy Chick Fil A. Gays stopped due to it being a Christian company. I did it when they came out in support of BLM. We are not required to buy their product just because we liked it at one time. Plenty of other restaurants sell chicken sandwiches.

Disney hired a bunch of woke activists that insist on inserting their feminist, political and sexual agendas into their content. Their choice. Disney supports it.

I’m not interested in their low quality,preachy propaganda. And I’m not required to pay for it because I subscribed 10 years ago when I actually liked it.

Doesn’t work that way.

I never said anyone was required to do anything.

I said I am amused at people who punish themselves because it makes them feel good about yourself.
Well yeah.... I get what you're saying but what else can you do? 50 years ago some guy walking around with his dick hanging out would have been arrested.
Now they tie a ribbon on it and tell him to move along. People are going to avoid places like that and they're going to go to places that don't let pedo perverts proselytize on site.
they even let them defecate without cleaning up on the sidewalks.
Borrowing a page from the worst marketing idea ever, Disney does New Coke one better!

Disney is converting their ENTIRE PLATFORM to New Disney

Get off your high horse. It’s done all the time, and mostly by you leftists. Remember how you intolerant libs tried to take down Chickfilet because the owner though……shudder……marriage should be between a man and a woman? And now you have a problem with people who don’t want to go to Disney because they are pushing sexuality onto children and have jumped on the anti-white bias?
Lefties also Boycotted Papa Johns. Somehow it’s always different when they do it…
Good food. Excellent service. Well mannered respectful employees.

All true. There was a meme going around during COVID that if we let them handle the vaccinations the whole country would have been done in a month. :cool:
Lefties also Boycotted Papa Johns. Somehow it’s always different when they do it…

Just like it is different when you all do it.

But it is not, you all are mirror images of each other. Two sides, same coin sort of thing.

Too damn funny
This would be a wonderful thing if it were real and not just bloviating by trump trash....Disney parks would truly be "The Happiest Place on Earth" without crowds of screeching right wing Karens.
keep your whiny karens
People are free to not buy Chick Fil A. Gays stopped due to it being a Christian company. I did it when they came out in support of BLM. We are not required to buy their product just because we liked it at one time. Plenty of other restaurants sell chicken sandwiches.

Disney hired a bunch of woke activists that insist on inserting their feminist, political and sexual agendas into their content. Their choice. Disney supports it.

I’m not interested in their low quality,preachy propaganda. And I’m not required to pay for it because I subscribed 10 years ago when I actually liked it.

Doesn’t work that way.
This would be a wonderful thing if it were real and not just bloviating by trump trash....Disney parks would truly be "The Happiest Place on Earth" without crowds of screeching right wing Karens.
Dressed in thongs and smacking their boyfriends hairy ass with a leather paddle in front of 5 year old kids. That's what you and your friends call a vacation?
Just like it is different when you all do it.

But it is not, you all are mirror images of each other. Two sides, same coin sort of thing.

Too damn funny
Stop pretending you aren’t a total lefty, everyone knows you are. Hell …the libertarian you “ allegedly” backed is a huge supporter of CRT ( which Is basically Marxism). You are in no way a moderate.

I don’t buy a lot of things I used to. And not because of “ boycotts”. I dumped Disney several years ago btw. And it was due to the direct actions of their employees spewing hate on social media directed at the fans of Star Wars/ Marvel and Disney ( you know…their consumers). I am not required to give companies that openly hate me my money.

Get over it already.

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