GObP doesn't know what they want?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Congressman Stutzman: He Has No Idea What the GOP Wants | TIME.com

“We’re not going to be disrespected,” said Congressman Stutzman during an interview with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday. “We have to get something out of this. And I don’t know what that even is.”

Read more: Congressman Stutzman: He Has No Idea What the GOP Wants | TIME.com

I'm SHOCKED I tell you.

Just shocked.

But, whatever it is they want, they're willing to screw over the most needy in our country in order to get it.
And preibus is on MSNBC right now - making an ass of himself. He refuses to answer even one question and has lied several times.

Aside from anything else, is Reince Preibus the very best the GObP could find for that position? Thinking about others that might be available for his job, I would say he is.
And, idiot Bachmann just said the Rs are "the happiest I've seen in a long time".

These people are criminals. They are traitors and should be on the unemployment line.
Reince is calling ObamaCare, the ACA -- He keeps calling it a "bill".

Why does the right keep getting this wrong?
Well, they want Obamacare repealed, and seem to be shocked that that ain't gonna happen.

Their problem now is Obama seems unmoved to even give them anything on the debt ceiling. I just don't see him giving them anything fiscal, because they are unable to give him anything fiscal. Perhaps the keystone would be enough, but the teaparty will scream if they do that deal.
Luddly quoting and posting more Luddly four times in a row.

Somebody kick this douche-nozzle to the curb
The far right is fucked and they are realizing that with the president and the entire democratic party standing firm and telling the GOP to go fuck themselves.

They likely will keep dragging things out as long as they can until the public outlash against the GOP is so strong they will have no choice but to grow up and pass the original bill like they should have in the first place.
The far right screwed themselves and they are starting to realize that with the president and the entire democratic party standing firm and telling the GOP to go fuck themselves.

They likely will keep dragging things out as long as they can until the public outlash against the GOP is so strong they will have no choice but to grow up and pass the original bill like they should have in the first place.
The far right screwed themselves and they are starting to realize that with the president and the entire democratic party standing firm and telling the GOP to go fuck themselves.

They likely will keep dragging things out as long as they can until the public outlash against the GOP is so strong they will have no choice but to grow up and pass the original bill like they should have in the first place.

What Obama has to force the gop to acknowledge is they're gonna have to pass a bill that has less spending cuts than they could have gotten pre-Cruzathon. It's been personal with the GOP for a long time, but now Obama has to literally break Cruz to find a gop to negotiate with over more significant things that even a govt shutdown. Obama is a lot of things, but he's never been a guy like Truman or LBJ who'd get his opponent down and stomp him.

It won't end well.
The Rs want this.
They want it a lot more than they will ever care about our country.
President Obama cannot teach them anything because they would rather go with the radical right like Cruz than actually do their job.

I agree this won't end well but, as usual, its the poorest among us who will pay for the reckless indifference from the right.
The Rs want this.
They want it a lot more than they will ever care about our country.
President Obama cannot teach them anything because they would rather go with the radical right like Cruz than actually do their job.

I agree this won't end well but, as usual, its the poorest among us who will pay for the reckless indifference from the right.

Yes, the poorest will pay the stiffist price, which is really what I meant, though I think the congress as an institution will be harmed, perhaps temporarily. The potus too. I suppose the dems could also say it's about protecting those to whom obamacare delivers coverage, but the merits, or demerits, of the particular law that the govt is held hostage over is really irrelevant.

Obama can't cave though. It's literally an 1863 emancipation procliamtion time. Lincoln said he'd no longer negotiate a peace, or even negotiate with the opposition ... no matter how many lives it cost. The difference is Lincoln took us somewhere that Jefferson never envisioned, while Obama is refusing to let us go away from Jefferson's view of a majority is enough. I'd wish for a stronger leader than obama, but sometimes weak potus's rise to the occassion.
The Rs want this.
They want it a lot more than they will ever care about our country.
President Obama cannot teach them anything because they would rather go with the radical right like Cruz than actually do their job.

I agree this won't end well but, as usual, its the poorest among us who will pay for the reckless indifference from the right.

If the decision is mandated, why do they vote?
The Rs want this.
They want it a lot more than they will ever care about our country.
President Obama cannot teach them anything because they would rather go with the radical right like Cruz than actually do their job.

I agree this won't end well but, as usual, its the poorest among us who will pay for the reckless indifference from the right.

If the decision is mandated, why do they vote?

For the same reason they call the ACA a "bill" rather than a law?
Luddly quoting and posting more Luddly four times in a row.

Somebody kick this douche-nozzle to the curb

I did not quote myself. I posted this way rather than start new threads for each comment.

You are always free to not read my posts but if you do, I would really appreciate it if you could stick to the facts instead of your usual lies.

Thanks very much.




I hope Obama will stand strong and not cave. And yes, yes, if the republicans are unhappy with that they can vote him out in the next election.
The Rs want this.
They want it a lot more than they will ever care about our country.
President Obama cannot teach them anything because they would rather go with the radical right like Cruz than actually do their job.

I agree this won't end well but, as usual, its the poorest among us who will pay for the reckless indifference from the right.

If the decision is mandated, why do they vote?

For the same reason they call the ACA a "bill" rather than a law?

A "law" that several groups have waivers for. Gee, what a just "law" that must be.

Its a social program that we have no money for. But, rabid shitbag liberals like yourself don't care that there is no way to fund this "law". You just want us to borrow another trillion dollars, regardless of the consequences of driving our national debt even higher.

But, asshats like you don't give a damn about $17 trillion of debt. You can't even admit that the GOP/Tea Party won HUGE in the House last election, and that they represent at least half the country.
If the decision is mandated, why do they vote?

For the same reason they call the ACA a "bill" rather than a law?

A "law" that several groups have waivers for. Gee, what a just "law" that must be.

Its a social program that we have no money for. But, rabid shitbag liberals like yourself don't care that there is no way to fund this "law". You just want us to borrow another trillion dollars, regardless of the consequences of driving our national debt even higher.

But, asshats like you don't give a damn about $17 trillion of debt. You can't even admit that the GOP/Tea Party won HUGE in the House last election, and that they represent at least half the country.

Nah, in the last election it was shown that wingnut dickheads such as yourself as actually a minority. Unfortunately, a minority that has managed to hold power to one house of Congress.

Not to worry, though. Your Teahad heroes did a great job of creating lots of safe seats for the nutbags to keep being nutbags.
For the same reason they call the ACA a "bill" rather than a law?

A "law" that several groups have waivers for. Gee, what a just "law" that must be.

Its a social program that we have no money for. But, rabid shitbag liberals like yourself don't care that there is no way to fund this "law". You just want us to borrow another trillion dollars, regardless of the consequences of driving our national debt even higher.

But, asshats like you don't give a damn about $17 trillion of debt. You can't even admit that the GOP/Tea Party won HUGE in the House last election, and that they represent at least half the country.

Nah, in the last election it was shown that wingnut dickheads such as yourself as actually a minority. Unfortunately, a minority that has managed to hold power to one house of Congress.

Not to worry, though. Your Teahad heroes did a great job of creating lots of safe seats for the nutbags to keep being nutbags.

The entire House is up for election every two years. How can a minority possibly hold a majority of the House? The last election showed that the country is pretty much divided 50/50.

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