God and American Exceptionalism


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.In the book of Exodus, we find Moses up on Mount Sinai, when he sees a bush, on fire, yet not being consumed by the flames. Moses has a colloquy with himself, commenting on the incident…actually saying ‘Look at that great thing!’ Only after he comments on the event does God call to him…and he replies ‘Here I am.” The explanation of that passage is that God wanted him to notice the remarkable occurrence.

2. On his recent radio show, in honor of the Fourth of July, Michael Medved discussed his belief that God not only had a special plan for the United States of America, but that He has often played a role in our history.

The following are some of the remarkable occurrences of which Americans should take note.

3. The 50th anniversary of independence (1776) was anticipated by the people of this nation,...it was the 'Golden Anniversary'!

On that day, July 4th, 1826, remarkably, both John Adams, 90 years old, and Thomas Jefferson, 83, were alive.
That, in itself, was remarkable.

And what are the odds that these men, having lived to see the 50th anniversary of independence would both die on that day?

The people of America recognized that remarkable occurrence as the Hand of God at work.
The founders commented on our biblical connection in many ways.....
One of the most poignant connections between the Exodus story and American history lies in the tale of the two images on the Great Seal of the United States.

a. After declaring independence on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress charged Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin with recommending a design for the new nation’s seal. For the reverse of the Great Seal they agreed on a scene from the Exodus—Moses’ arm outstretched over the Red Sea, the Israelites crossing through the parted waters protected by a divine pillar of fire, and Pharaoh’s drowning army. They also chose the motto which Jefferson believed was associated with one of the regicides during the English Civil Wars: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."

4.And, another.....certainly remarkable.
Prior to the Pilgrims landing, visits by other Europeans resulted in plague that wiped out most of the indigenous inhabitants. In fact, the Pilgrims found empty villages. But one of the residents had remained. This solitary Indian was invaluable to the Pilgrims, teaching them how to plant, hunt, and survive. What made him remain? What are the odds..... Sqanto....And he was there, waiting. And he spoke English! What are the odds?

a. "Hardly four months after the Mayflower reached Plymouth Rock.... an Indian reaches your outpost... he opens his mouth. He speaks English! More amazing, he does so with a British accent and the demeanor of someone who had lived and worked among England’s elite.... a Patuxet Indian, associated with the Wampanoag... lured ...onto [a British] ship, ostensibly to discuss the beaver trade. Instead, as MayflowerHistory.com explains, Hunt kidnapped them to sell them into slavery....“most dishonestly, and inhumanely, for their kind usage of me and all our men, carried them with him to Malaga, and there for a little private gain sold those silly savages for rials of eight.”

... However, local friars sabotaged his scheme. They gained custody of, freed, and Catholicized the remaining Indians, including Squanto. Squanto somehow talked his way to London... Squanto soon found himself bound for Newfoundland,... In 1619, ... Squanto crossed the Atlantic yet again. Destination: Plymouth. To Squanto’s horror, a suspected smallpox outbreak had annihilated his village. Squanto moved in with the nearby Wampanoag, including its leaders, Massasoit and Squanto’s brother Quadequina. Squanto, the Worldly Indian Who Dazzled the Pilgrims | National Review Online
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I know the Latter Day Saints believe that God was instrumental in the creation of the USA and the Constitution, that in fact it is a Mormon-style document in principles. One of the Mormon prophets claimed that all the spirits of the former presidents of the United States appeared in a vision to him in one of the Latter Day temples and requested that their baptisms, anointing, ordinations, and sealings into the LDS church be done by proxy. I gather the Mormons happily did this for them.
The story of Squanto is beyond amazing.

He almost single handedly saved the pilgrims form starvation and certain death. .. :cool:


As if Neil Armstrong started to say "That's one small step for man....

....and a Starbuck's barista walked over with a Frappuccino.....
1.In the book of Exodus, we find Moses up on Mount Sinai, when he sees a bush, on fire, yet not being consumed by the flames. Moses has a colloquy with himself, commenting on the incident…actually saying ‘Look at that great thing!’ Only after he comments on the event does God call to him…and he replies ‘Here I am.” The explanation of that passage is that God wanted him to notice the remarkable occurrence.

2. On his recent radio show, in honor of the Fourth of July, Michael Medved discussed his belief that God not only had a special plan for the United States of America, but that He has often played a role in our history.

The following are some of the remarkable occurrences of which Americans should take note.

3. The 50th anniversary of independence (1776) was anticipated by the people of this nation,...it was the 'Golden Anniversary'!

On that day, July 4th, 1826, remarkably, both Samuel Adams, 90 years old, and Thomas Jefferson, 83, were alive.
That, in itself, was remarkable.

And what are the odds that these men, having lived to see the 50th anniversary of independence would both die on that day?

The people of America recognized that remarkable occurrence as the Hand of God at work.
The founders commented on our biblical connection in many ways.....
One of the most poignant connections between the Exodus story and American history lies in the tale of the two images on the Great Seal of the United States.

a. After declaring independence on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress charged Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, and Benjamin Franklin with recommending a design for the new nation’s seal. For the reverse of the Great Seal they agreed on a scene from the Exodus—Moses’ arm outstretched over the Red Sea, the Israelites crossing through the parted waters protected by a divine pillar of fire, and Pharaoh’s drowning army. They also chose the motto which Jefferson believed was associated with one of the regicides during the English Civil Wars: "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."

4.And, another.....certainly remarkable.
Prior to the Pilgrims landing, visits by other Europeans resulted in plague that wiped out most of the indigenous inhabitants. In fact, the Pilgrims found empty villages. But one of the residents had remained. This solitary Indian was invaluable to the Pilgrims, teaching them how to plant, hunt, and survive. What made him remain? What are the odds..... Sqanto....And he was there, waiting. And he spoke English! What are the odds?

a. "Hardly four months after the Mayflower reached Plymouth Rock.... an Indian reaches your outpost... he opens his mouth. He speaks English! More amazing, he does so with a British accent and the demeanor of someone who had lived and worked among England’s elite.... a Patuxet Indian, associated with the Wampanoag... lured ...onto [a British] ship, ostensibly to discuss the beaver trade. Instead, as MayflowerHistory.com explains, Hunt kidnapped them to sell them into slavery....“most dishonestly, and inhumanely, for their kind usage of me and all our men, carried them with him to Malaga, and there for a little private gain sold those silly savages for rials of eight.”

... However, local friars sabotaged his scheme. They gained custody of, freed, and Catholicized the remaining Indians, including Squanto. Squanto somehow talked his way to London... Squanto soon found himself bound for Newfoundland,... In 1619, ... Squanto crossed the Atlantic yet again. Destination: Plymouth. To Squanto’s horror, a suspected smallpox outbreak had annihilated his village. Squanto moved in with the nearby Wampanoag, including its leaders, Massasoit and Squanto’s brother Quadequina. Squanto, the Worldly Indian Who Dazzled the Pilgrims | National Review Online

God created everything but during this age, He caused a great delusion to deceive His people from the Truth and this thread is proof of that. Who cares about the past when God is working with His created servant today?
I know the Latter Day Saints believe that God was instrumental in the creation of the USA and the Constitution, that in fact it is a Mormon-style document in principles. One of the Mormon prophets claimed that all the spirits of the former presidents of the United States appeared in a vision to him in one of the Latter Day temples and requested that their baptisms, anointing, ordinations, and sealings into the LDS church be done by proxy. I gather the Mormons happily did this for them.

This country and the rest of the world is the extended Roman Empire, led by the "beast" of Christianity. All these things will be destroyed by our Creator soon.
I know the Latter Day Saints believe that God was instrumental in the creation of the USA and the Constitution, that in fact it is a Mormon-style document in principles. One of the Mormon prophets claimed that all the spirits of the former presidents of the United States appeared in a vision to him in one of the Latter Day temples and requested that their baptisms, anointing, ordinations, and sealings into the LDS church be done by proxy. I gather the Mormons happily did this for them.

This country and the rest of the world is the extended Roman Empire, led by the "beast" of Christianity. All these things will be destroyed by our Creator soon.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QklqKkegbfA]THIS IS FREEDOM by Justin Unger - YouTube[/ame]
The Lord's hand has been guiding the creation of this nation for a long time.

He inspired the reformation and the enlightenment.

His Spirit came upon Columbus and inspired him to sail west to "india".

The invention of the printing press and the preservation of Bible through the middle ages to make the press profitable.

His actions in preserving the knowledge of the classics in the Islamic Caliphates and then the Crusades for bringing that knowledge to Europe. Not to mention the introduction of Paper to Europe from China through the same means.

The countless battles during the Revolutionary war that were won solely with the aid of Divine Providence. The Founders were very much aware of how much Divine help they recieved in their quest for independence. The Siege of Boston, the Battle of Long Island, the Battles of Trenton and Princeton, Yorktown and who knows how many others had the Colonists surviving or winning because of Divine Providence.

The creation of our Constitution was an act of God. 55 people from various states and interests coming together to create one of the most effective governments in the history of the world.

Pretty amazing.
The Lord's hand has been guiding the creation of this nation for a long time.

His Spirit came upon Columbus and inspired him to sail west to "india".

did god inspire columbus to make the Indians slaves or was he jus freestyling at that point???

The invention of the printing press and the preservation of Bible through the middle ages to make the press profitable.

ok i know i am not so smart but didn't the middle ages end pretty much when the printing pres was invented??? and whos to say with all the translaters that its even the same book??
Columbus didn't make the Indians slaves.

The printing press was invented in Europe during the rennaisance. There was a printing press inventered earlier in Eastern Asia, however, it never caught on because there wasn't anything in high demand that caused the people to want to read.

In Europe it was a desire of the populace to read and understand the Bible that ended up promoting literacy and thus the propagation and profit from the printing press.

The effort it took to get the Bible to the people is another act of Divine Providence. but that's another story altogether.
Columbus didn't make the Indians slaves.

Christopher Columbus: The Untold Story

Columbus Day: American Holocaust and Slave Trader

Columbus, The Indians, and Human Progress

google has over 7 million more these r jus the first 3

how can a dummy like me know columbus made idians slaves an u dont???

The printing press was invented in Europe during the rennaisance.

was the renaissance before during or after the middle ages??? ur answer should be during if you was right about the printing pres and middle ages
Avatar is a great guy, Natalie, but his head is wooden when ideas opposite his feelings hit it.
It wasn't the priniing press, kiddies....it was MOVEABLE TYPE that made all the difference.

Western men had been PRESSING ETCHINGS for a hell of a long time.

And YES Columbus enslaved the very first Indians he met...the Caribs.
Sounds familiar...

"Generation after generation of our Volk will march on thus in our history, with this banner always in mind, this banner that places us under an obligation to our Volk, its honor, its freedom, and our community — to our truly National Socialist fraternity. They will then consider it only natural that this German Volk takes but the one path Providence has bade it take by giving these people a common language. We, therefore, go our way into the future with the deepest belief in God. Would all we have achieved been possible had Providence not helped us? I know that the fruits of human labor are hard-won and transitory if they are not blessed by the Omnipotent. Work such as ours which has received the blessings of the Omnipotent can never again be undone by mere mortals."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Regensburg City Hall (June 6, 1937)
Sounds familiar...

"Generation after generation of our Volk will march on thus in our history, with this banner always in mind, this banner that places us under an obligation to our Volk, its honor, its freedom, and our community — to our truly National Socialist fraternity. They will then consider it only natural that this German Volk takes but the one path Providence has bade it take by giving these people a common language. We, therefore, go our way into the future with the deepest belief in God. Would all we have achieved been possible had Providence not helped us? I know that the fruits of human labor are hard-won and transitory if they are not blessed by the Omnipotent. Work such as ours which has received the blessings of the Omnipotent can never again be undone by mere mortals."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Regensburg City Hall (June 6, 1937)

It's always.....amusing.....to note how few rocks one must turn over in order to find an American who is willing to find a comparison between the United States, and Nazi Germany......
Sounds familiar...

"Generation after generation of our Volk will march on thus in our history, with this banner always in mind, this banner that places us under an obligation to our Volk, its honor, its freedom, and our community — to our truly National Socialist fraternity. They will then consider it only natural that this German Volk takes but the one path Providence has bade it take by giving these people a common language. We, therefore, go our way into the future with the deepest belief in God. Would all we have achieved been possible had Providence not helped us? I know that the fruits of human labor are hard-won and transitory if they are not blessed by the Omnipotent. Work such as ours which has received the blessings of the Omnipotent can never again be undone by mere mortals."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Regensburg City Hall (June 6, 1937)

It's always.....amusing.....to note how few rocks one must turn over in order to find an American who is willing to find a comparison between the United States, and Nazi Germany......

Be honest, PC: between the Nazis and the far right social traditionalists who play the race card when they overplay the white euro-centric genesis of America.
Sounds familiar...

"Generation after generation of our Volk will march on thus in our history, with this banner always in mind, this banner that places us under an obligation to our Volk, its honor, its freedom, and our community — to our truly National Socialist fraternity. They will then consider it only natural that this German Volk takes but the one path Providence has bade it take by giving these people a common language. We, therefore, go our way into the future with the deepest belief in God. Would all we have achieved been possible had Providence not helped us? I know that the fruits of human labor are hard-won and transitory if they are not blessed by the Omnipotent. Work such as ours which has received the blessings of the Omnipotent can never again be undone by mere mortals."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech at Regensburg City Hall (June 6, 1937)

It's always.....amusing.....to note how few rocks one must turn over in order to find an American who is willing to find a comparison between the United States, and Nazi Germany......

Be honest, PC: between the Nazis and the far right social traditionalists who play the race card when they overplay the white euro-centric genesis of America.

1. I'm always honest.....speak for yourself.

2. " ....between the Nazis and the far right social traditionalists...."

You reveal an abysmal ignorance of history.
It was FDR and the New Dealers who associated and were aligned with the National Socialists and Mussolini's fascism.

Pick up a copy of "Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939" by Wolfgang Schivelbusch

3. "...overplay the white euro-centric genesis of America..."

Have you no education? None?

What, in your fevered imagination, do you see as the provenance of the United States?

Or...am I interrupting your celebration of your landing at Area 51?

"The Roswell UFO incident took place in the U.S. in 1947, when an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, on July 7, 1947.....
It's always.....amusing.....to note how few rocks one must turn over in order to find an American who is willing to find a comparison between the United States, and Nazi Germany......

Be honest, PC: between the Nazis and the far right social traditionalists who play the race card when they overplay the white euro-centric genesis of America.

1. I'm always honest.....speak for yourself.

2. " ....between the Nazis and the far right social traditionalists...."

You reveal an abysmal ignorance of history.
It was FDR and the New Dealers who associated and were aligned with the National Socialists and Mussolini's fascism.

Pick up a copy of "Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt's America, Mussolini's Italy, and Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939" by Wolfgang Schivelbusch

3. "...overplay the white euro-centric genesis of America..."

Have you no education? None?

What, in your fevered imagination, do you see as the provenance of the United States?

Or...am I interrupting your celebration of your landing at Area 51?

"The Roswell UFO incident took place in the U.S. in 1947, when an airborne object crashed on a ranch near Roswell, New Mexico, on July 7, 1947.....

That was a serious beat down :clap2:

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