God and American Exceptionalism

You little gnat.

You seem like nothing so much as the kite that thought it ruled the wind.

Although you seem ineducable....I'll give it another try: I never lie.

Sure: you'll never be more than a little gnat.
You continue to attack me instead of debating the point I made.

You're not only a liar, you're also a coward.
You little gnat.

You seem like nothing so much as the kite that thought it ruled the wind.

Although you seem ineducable....I'll give it another try: I never lie.

Sure: you'll never be more than a little gnat.
You continue to attack me instead of debating the point I made.

You're not only a liar, you're also a coward.

You fail to understand....

...I treat you in the manner you deserve to be treated.

Being neither articulate nor informed, yet desirous of making a forceful presentation, the lesser poster resorts to modes of operation:
a) vulgarity, and/or
b) the charge that the other side is lying.

In a few short lines I've composed your entire biography.

True, gnat?
PsychoChic is a coward, a liar, an incompetent writer, and desperately in search of reassurance.
You fail to understand....

...I treat you in the manner you deserve to be treated.

Being neither articulate nor informed, yet desirous of making a forceful presentation, the lesser poster resorts to modes of operation:
a) vulgarity, and/or
b) the charge that the other side is lying.

In a few short lines I've composed your entire biography.

True, gnat?
You can take that condescending attitude and shove it up your ass!

And I didn't just "charge" you with lying, I explained why you were lying. I also explained why you're a coward. That's a little more than the simple grade school name-calling you're demonstrating.

If you can't address the point I made earlier, then you're just a dumbass phoney who acts like she said something of substance, but really said nothing at all.
Why are droves of people trying to come to this country,many illegally, if the country is what you think of it ? PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO BREAK IN TO THE COUNTRY NOT BREAK OUT!
You don't know what I think of this country! You don't even know the point you were responding to. So if you don't know, why don't you ask, instead of jumping to ridiculous conclusions?

Yes this government seems to be anti GOD now.Those are the leaders that need to be removed from power.
How they feel about God has nothing to do with being members of the government. In this country, we separate church and state. If you want them combined, maybe you should go to Iran, they have a theocracy there.

Let me clear this up if you can't understand why I responded to your post. Comparing this country to nazi Germany should have been obvious to what I was responding to.

This B.S. of separation of church and state was totally misinterpreted. This little phrase, in a letter by Jefferson is why it's an issue. But lets ignore all the other speeches given concerning God and country.
You fail to understand....

...I treat you in the manner you deserve to be treated.

Being neither articulate nor informed, yet desirous of making a forceful presentation, the lesser poster resorts to modes of operation:
a) vulgarity, and/or
b) the charge that the other side is lying.

In a few short lines I've composed your entire biography.

True, gnat?
You can take that condescending attitude and shove it up your ass!

And I didn't just "charge" you with lying, I explained why you were lying. I also explained why you're a coward. That's a little more than the simple grade school name-calling you're demonstrating.

If you can't address the point I made earlier, then you're just a dumbass phoney who acts like she said something of substance, but really said nothing at all.

Is this a debating tactic ?
Let me clear this up if you can't understand why I responded to your post. Comparing this country to nazi Germany should have been obvious to what I was responding to.
Us going into Iraq was no different than the nazis going into Poland.

This B.S. of separation of church and state was totally misinterpreted. This little phrase, in a letter by Jefferson is why it's an issue. But lets ignore all the other speeches given concerning God and country.
Congress shall make no law respecting religion. Period.

How planer to you want it?
Let me clear this up if you can't understand why I responded to your post. Comparing this country to nazi Germany should have been obvious to what I was responding to.
Us going into Iraq was no different than the nazis going into Poland.

This B.S. of separation of church and state was totally misinterpreted. This little phrase, in a letter by Jefferson is why it's an issue. But lets ignore all the other speeches given concerning God and country.
Congress shall make no law respecting religion. Period.

How planer to you want it?

Nazi's wanted to dominate that is why they went in to Poland and all the other countries they invaded. Iraq was seen as a threat and had it coming. Iraq had a chance to avoid the invasion Poland did not.
Let me clear this up if you can't understand why I responded to your post. Comparing this country to nazi Germany should have been obvious to what I was responding to.
Us going into Iraq was no different than the nazis going into Poland.

This B.S. of separation of church and state was totally misinterpreted. This little phrase, in a letter by Jefferson is why it's an issue. But lets ignore all the other speeches given concerning God and country.
Congress shall make no law respecting religion. Period.

How planer to you want it?

Nazi's wanted to dominate that is why they went in to Poland and all the other countries they invaded. Iraq was seen as a threat and had it coming. Iraq had a chance to avoid the invasion Poland did not.

Uh... sorry clueless. Try studying the actual history.

Read up on something called the Versailles Treaty, Germany, and the term "annex".
Nazi's wanted to dominate that is why they went in to Poland and all the other countries they invaded. Iraq was seen as a threat and had it coming. Iraq had a chance to avoid the invasion Poland did not.
You can't be serious? Are you telling me, that a country with barely any running water or electricity, 9000 miles away with no navy, is a threat to a country with the most technologically advanced military the world has ever seen?

Anyone who say's Iraq was a threat, is either a fuckin' liar, or the biggest pussy on the planet.

The nazis going into Poland and the US going into Iraq are both un-provoked wars of aggression.

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