God and mass genocide

We have been here before.
You were probably hoping I wouldn’t be here today.
The metaphor of God’s laws do not nullify His laws.
We see how well that’s worked out, haven’t we?
Yes, we have all been here before...and here we go again...lol

btw, how many of you are there?

The deeper meaning that reflects divine wisdom does in fact nullify every other stupid interpretation just like the right way to follow an instruction nullifies the wrong way.

One cannot conform the the literal meaning of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of the exact same law because the teaching that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

The laws God handed Moses helped save them......well.....sort of.

For example, during the Black Plague it was found that the Jews did not suffer the same fate as others around them. This was because they followed the cleanly laws in the Torah. The populace then concluded that they must have made a deal with the devil and rounded them up to be killed.


From a medical stand point, many of these laws simply make sense. Don't drink blood, don't eat fat, and don't eat stuff that slithers around on the ground.

Oh, and just for you Left winged atheists, don't stick you head in a fan either.

I'm glad to be of assistance.
When Jesus said to a group of observant Jews that unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you what do you think he was referring to if not kosher law?

Cannibalism? Lunch? A ritual?

Isn't the promise for the righteous compliance with the divine commands eternal life?

Try to think deeply...

You can do it!
Thanks for admitting you don’t know what Kodesh means.
“Holy” is a ludicrous word.
Nonsense. You know what I meant. separate holy, whats the difference?

I just didn't feel like watching you squirming while you strained at a gnat.
Separate in mind or action?
Because being separate in mind alone apparently doesn’t work too well.
Madison was bit of a snot.
That doesn’t mean he was completely incorrect.

So let me get this straight, Madison was not correct about his commentary on the General Welfare clause that he wrote in the Constituion?

Madison writes a lot of stuff that is pretty harsh in regards to those not of the elite.
That why Jefferson thought Madison was a snob.

Ok, so Madison was a snob.

What does that have to do with the General Welfare clause?
Madison always assumed the worst from people.

So you assume the best?

Aren't you Jewish?

Oy vey! Any idea on the history of the persecution of the Jewish people?

It reads exactly like the litany of maledictions promised by Moses for setting aside the instruction in the divine commands...
So let me get this straight, Madison was not correct about his commentary on the General Welfare clause that he wrote in the Constituion?

Madison writes a lot of stuff that is pretty harsh in regards to those not of the elite.
That why Jefferson thought Madison was a snob.

Ok, so Madison was a snob.

What does that have to do with the General Welfare clause?
Madison always assumed the worst from people.

So you assume the best?

Aren't you Jewish?

Oy vey! Any idea on the history of the persecution of the Jewish people?

It reads exactly like the litany of maledictions promised by Moses for setting aside the instruction in the divine commands...
Which proves that the Jews are to observe God’s laws.
But many of them become “Allegorical” Jews.
Yes, we have all been here before...and here we go again...lol

btw, how many of you are there?

The deeper meaning that reflects divine wisdom does in fact nullify every other stupid interpretation just like the right way to follow an instruction nullifies the wrong way.

One cannot conform the the literal meaning of the law that prohibits eating the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate without violating the deeper implications of the exact same law because the teaching that a person can become holy as God is holy by eating or abstaining from certain food is the flesh of unclean creatures that do not ruminate.

The laws God handed Moses helped save them......well.....sort of.

For example, during the Black Plague it was found that the Jews did not suffer the same fate as others around them. This was because they followed the cleanly laws in the Torah. The populace then concluded that they must have made a deal with the devil and rounded them up to be killed.


From a medical stand point, many of these laws simply make sense. Don't drink blood, don't eat fat, and don't eat stuff that slithers around on the ground.

Oh, and just for you Left winged atheists, don't stick you head in a fan either.

I'm glad to be of assistance.
When Jesus said to a group of observant Jews that unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you what do you think he was referring to if not kosher law?

Cannibalism? Lunch? A ritual?

Isn't the promise for the righteous compliance with the divine commands eternal life?

Try to think deeply...

You can do it!
Thanks for admitting you don’t know what Kodesh means.
“Holy” is a ludicrous word.
Nonsense. You know what I meant. separate holy, whats the difference?

I just didn't feel like watching you squirming while you strained at a gnat.
Separate in mind or action?
Because being separate in mind alone apparently doesn’t work too well.

If you meditate and focus on Gods words like a frontlet between your eyes they will bind your hand, control your actions.

That is the sign of the faithful.

Its not about wearing a box on your head or strap on your hand.
The laws God handed Moses helped save them......well.....sort of.

For example, during the Black Plague it was found that the Jews did not suffer the same fate as others around them. This was because they followed the cleanly laws in the Torah. The populace then concluded that they must have made a deal with the devil and rounded them up to be killed.


From a medical stand point, many of these laws simply make sense. Don't drink blood, don't eat fat, and don't eat stuff that slithers around on the ground.

Oh, and just for you Left winged atheists, don't stick you head in a fan either.

I'm glad to be of assistance.
When Jesus said to a group of observant Jews that unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you what do you think he was referring to if not kosher law?

Cannibalism? Lunch? A ritual?

Isn't the promise for the righteous compliance with the divine commands eternal life?

Try to think deeply...

You can do it!
Thanks for admitting you don’t know what Kodesh means.
“Holy” is a ludicrous word.
Nonsense. You know what I meant. separate holy, whats the difference?

I just didn't feel like watching you squirming while you strained at a gnat.
Separate in mind or action?
Because being separate in mind alone apparently doesn’t work too well.

If you meditate and focus on Gods words like a frontlet between your eyes they will bind your hand, control your actions.

That is the sign of the faithful.

Its not about wearing a box on your head or strap on your hand.
That had got to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever read.
You don’t even know why Jews wear t’fillin.
Madison writes a lot of stuff that is pretty harsh in regards to those not of the elite.
That why Jefferson thought Madison was a snob.

Ok, so Madison was a snob.

What does that have to do with the General Welfare clause?
Madison always assumed the worst from people.

So you assume the best?

Aren't you Jewish?

Oy vey! Any idea on the history of the persecution of the Jewish people?

It reads exactly like the litany of maledictions promised by Moses for setting aside the instruction in the divine commands...
Which proves that the Jews are to observe God’s laws.
But many of them become “Allegorical” Jews.
If you fail to understand the instruction in kosher law to stand guard over the purity of your own mind and instead dick around over whats for dinner, you might as well go to church, get on your knees and worship an image of a bloodied half naked Jesus dying on a cross.

Your sins aren't somehow better than their sins.
When Jesus said to a group of observant Jews that unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you can have no life in you what do you think he was referring to if not kosher law?

Cannibalism? Lunch? A ritual?

Isn't the promise for the righteous compliance with the divine commands eternal life?

Try to think deeply...

You can do it!
Thanks for admitting you don’t know what Kodesh means.
“Holy” is a ludicrous word.
Nonsense. You know what I meant. separate holy, whats the difference?

I just didn't feel like watching you squirming while you strained at a gnat.
Separate in mind or action?
Because being separate in mind alone apparently doesn’t work too well.

If you meditate and focus on Gods words like a frontlet between your eyes they will bind your hand, control your actions.

That is the sign of the faithful.

Its not about wearing a box on your head or strap on your hand.
That had got to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever read.
You don’t even know why Jews wear t’fillin.

Of course I know.. You guys missed the point and God has a wicked sense of humor. I mean, how are intelligent people not supposed to make fun of that?
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Exodus 1:11 .......and they built garrison cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and Ramamses.

Exodus 1:12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased and spread out, so that the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites.
1:13 The Egyptians ruthlessly imposed upon the Israelites.

Most Egyptians were not as evil as Pharaoh, just as most Germans in the 1930's and 1940's were not as evil as Hitler. There are relatively few truly evil people in the world However, you don't need a great number of truly evil people to carry out massive evil. You only need:
1) Ordinary people who have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated by the truly evil:
2) People who benefit from the evil (to cite two obvious examples, during WW2, not only were 6 million Jews murdered, but their assets were stolen as well; and these assets enriched large numbers of Europeans;
3) A paucity of courageous good people
I am convinced courage is the rarest of all good traits. There are far more kind and honest people than there are courageous people. Unfortunately, however, in the battle against good and evil, all the good traits in the world amount to little when not accompanied by courage. Two verses later, the Torah depicts precisely this trait -- courage.
The truly evil are the ones that blindly follow orders from the cowards perceived as evil. If it wasn't for True Evil, Hitler would have died a cobbler...or gay stripper
So you are going to discard the entire Bible based upon the first two chapter of Genesis?

First off, I'm not a young earth creationist. Many who believe in the Bible are not as well. Secondly, the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden has real meaning and significance, much of which obviously has escaped you. The story revolves around Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge. Does that seem odd to you? Well it 's not if you consider the significance of the relationship between knowledge verses wisdom.

no, I disgard the Bible because most of the chapters that follow are equally dubious... talking donkeys, giants, an Omnipotent God who is foiled by Iron Chariots,

People have been trying to attach meaning to that myth for centuries and it really doesn't have any, other than reminding us the Hebrews thought their God was petty and cruel.

Knowledge without wisdom brings death. Just look at the world around us to see that. We have global warming, caused by the knowledge of being able to exploit fossil fuels for our benefit. We have weapons of mass destruction, all based upon the knowledge of how nuclear fission works and radiation works, etc. We even have the capability to genetically alter crops that can't reproduce, yet these same crops will sterilize other crops of a similar nature until none of these plants can reproduce.

Frightening, isn't it?

Meh... not really. You see, here's the thing. Nobody gets out of this world alive. Now, the reason why the religion scam works so well as most of you can't deal with the finite nature of your existence... So someone sells you a scam about if you just give them money and do what they say, you'll get to live forever with sunshine and puppies.

It's an awesome scam... wish I had thought of it first.
Exodus 1:11 .......and they built garrison cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and Ramamses.

Exodus 1:12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased and spread out, so that the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites.
1:13 The Egyptians ruthlessly imposed upon the Israelites.

Most Egyptians were not as evil as Pharaoh, just as most Germans in the 1930's and 1940's were not as evil as Hitler. There are relatively few truly evil people in the world However, you don't need a great number of truly evil people to carry out massive evil. You only need:
1) Ordinary people who have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated by the truly evil:
2) People who benefit from the evil (to cite two obvious examples, during WW2, not only were 6 million Jews murdered, but their assets were stolen as well; and these assets enriched large numbers of Europeans;
3) A paucity of courageous good people
I am convinced courage is the rarest of all good traits. There are far more kind and honest people than there are courageous people. Unfortunately, however, in the battle against good and evil, all the good traits in the world amount to little when not accompanied by courage. Two verses later, the Torah depicts precisely this trait -- courage.
The truly evil are the ones that blindly follow orders from the cowards perceived as evil. If it wasn't for True Evil, Hitler would have died a cobbler...or gay stripper

A gay stripper?


He did not have the legs for it.

Exodus 1:11 .......and they built garrison cities for Pharaoh: Pithom and Ramamses.

Exodus 1:12 But the more they were oppressed, the more they increased and spread out, so that the Egyptians came to dread the Israelites.
1:13 The Egyptians ruthlessly imposed upon the Israelites.

Most Egyptians were not as evil as Pharaoh, just as most Germans in the 1930's and 1940's were not as evil as Hitler. There are relatively few truly evil people in the world However, you don't need a great number of truly evil people to carry out massive evil. You only need:
1) Ordinary people who have allowed themselves to be indoctrinated by the truly evil:
2) People who benefit from the evil (to cite two obvious examples, during WW2, not only were 6 million Jews murdered, but their assets were stolen as well; and these assets enriched large numbers of Europeans;
3) A paucity of courageous good people
I am convinced courage is the rarest of all good traits. There are far more kind and honest people than there are courageous people. Unfortunately, however, in the battle against good and evil, all the good traits in the world amount to little when not accompanied by courage. Two verses later, the Torah depicts precisely this trait -- courage.
The truly evil are the ones that blindly follow orders from the cowards perceived as evil. If it wasn't for True Evil, Hitler would have died a cobbler...or gay stripper

A gay stripper?


He did not have the legs for it.


Stho peaches. What kind of legsth do you pwefer ? :11_2_1043:
Germanz must be complete idiots. If that runt told me what to do I'da tosses his scrawny ass in front of a bus.
Thanks for admitting you don’t know what Kodesh means.
“Holy” is a ludicrous word.
Nonsense. You know what I meant. separate holy, whats the difference?

I just didn't feel like watching you squirming while you strained at a gnat.
Separate in mind or action?
Because being separate in mind alone apparently doesn’t work too well.

If you meditate and focus on Gods words like a frontlet between your eyes they will bind your hand, control your actions.

That is the sign of the faithful.

Its not about wearing a box on your head or strap on your hand.
That had got to be one of the stupidest posts I have ever read.
You don’t even know why Jews wear t’fillin.

Of course I know.. You guys missed the point and God has a wicked sense of humor. I mean, how are intelligent people not supposed to make fun of that?
You have that a bit backwards. God has a wonderful sense of humor because by his spirit we can laugh at the wicked. Even those parts we ultimately are able to find in ourselves. Its actually pretty goofy what humans can come up with some times.

Who rules the hearts of men (hosts of heaven and earth)? Does the flesh world rule over the spiritual world? I think not but the flesh (carnal minded human) is unaware of that.

BTW, fish is talking about spiritual prosperity that comes by way of hosts of the heavenly Levites in both the old and the new. Do you have any clue what fins are? If not maybe a resident USMB Jew can tell you. If they cannot I will later.

Pork and Swine. Are they one in the same? Or is it just a matter of maturity of knowing the difference? I love that Bacon for somethings and even a smoked Pork Chop now. Even so I have been allowed by the spirit to see that holy heavenly realm. So you are correct for the in part but even so humans learn by doing and not eating Pork is a starting point for some until they learn what the spiritual food is. Pig actually is not really good for you anyhow unless it has been cured properly. It causes the blood to form clots and pigs can carry along a lot of parasites but if a man, woman or child and even a dog was starving even eating a little pig is better than nothing at at all wouldn't most agree about that whether Christian or Jew?

How many years have people been praying that it be in earth as in heaven? After a couple thousands years shouldn't many be able to start seeing that come to pass?

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