God approves of abortion. Proof inside

Christ was crucified to fullfill God's plan. In no way connected to abortion.

Mothers sacrifice their babies to fulfill their plans.

What's the difference? Both created the lives snuffed out...

Christ wasn't aborted. Sorry I'm not seeing any connection here
Argument fail. MURDER is MURDER right? There is literally no difference between what God allowed and what a mother getting an abortion allows. If anything God was more despicable because Jesus was grown.
He allowed it? He give us free will. That included the Romans. If he intervened it would ruin that right?
Hosea 9:11-16 Hosea prays for God’s intervention. “Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer. Give them, 0 Lord: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. . .Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.”

Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.”
(including pregnant women)

Psalms 137:9 Here god commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”.

I went to a Catholic School. Bible reading was a requirement. But most Republicans I've met, say they don't need to read the Bible. Their pastor tells them what it says. Getting Republicans to read the Bible is like getting them to read the Mueller report. Or even to read.

Christ was crucified to fullfill God's plan. In no way connected to abortion.

Mothers sacrifice their babies to fulfill their plans.

What's the difference? Both created the lives snuffed out...

Christ wasn't aborted. Sorry I'm not seeing any connection here

What difference does it make? A life is a life after all. Whether it;s a 30 year old virgin or an embryo.

As usual you're lost and trolling. Stop
Christ was crucified to fullfill God's plan. In no way connected to abortion.

Mothers sacrifice their babies to fulfill their plans.

What's the difference? Both created the lives snuffed out...

Christ wasn't aborted. Sorry I'm not seeing any connection here

What difference does it make? A life is a life after all. Whether it;s a 30 year old virgin or an embryo.

As usual you're lost and trolling. Stop

It's a serious question. Why does the age matter?
Christ was crucified to fullfill God's plan. In no way connected to abortion.

Mothers sacrifice their babies to fulfill their plans.

What's the difference? Both created the lives snuffed out...

Christ wasn't aborted. Sorry I'm not seeing any connection here
Argument fail. MURDER is MURDER right? There is literally no difference between what God allowed and what a mother getting an abortion allows. If anything God was more despicable because Jesus was grown.
He allowed it? He give us free will. That included the Romans. If he intervened it would ruin that right?
Hosea 9:11-16 Hosea prays for God’s intervention. “Ephraim shall bring forth his children to the murderer. Give them, 0 Lord: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts. . .Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.”

Numbers 31:17 (Moses) “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every women that hath known man by lying with him.”
(including pregnant women)

Psalms 137:9 Here god commands that infants should be “dashed upon the rocks”.

I went to a Catholic School. Bible reading was a requirement. But most Republicans I've met, say they don't need to read the Bible. Their pastor tells them what it says. Getting Republicans to read the Bible is like getting them to read the Mueller report. Or even to read.
Almost like there’s a war or something going on huh?
An all powerful being allowed his son to be murdered to pacify others.

Change a few words around and that EASILY describes any abortion.

More importantly you do not need to acknowledge fairy tales to have moral boundaries you will not cross.

This isn't ment as a troll thread. It is ment to show you that invoking your God only serves to marginalize your opinion to MANY.

While I appreciate the spirit of your effort, and agree religion is not required to acknowledge the human act of evil which is abortion, faith is something millions of people will never abandon nor should they have to in order for their argument against mass child murder to be qualified as acceptable or taken seriously. What's worse, abortion on demand has far and long exceeded ideology to become a postmodern religion unto itself; one its adherents have killed for again and again. Much like Christ is to Christianity, the Marquis de Sade is to the modern abortion movement. The difference? All Christians know the founder of their faith. Few abortionists can name the progenitor of theirs. Perhaps your motivation in making this thread was to provide anti-abortionists a possible tool for winning debate against the pro-death crowd. A good intention. Just remember the composition of the road to hell.
Dunno about abortion being approved per se, but there are several examples where children were killed by God Himself.

Read Exodus. The final plague (that made Pharoah finally free the Hebrews) was killing off the first born of all the families of Egypt. That is why they celebrate Passover.

Abraham was told to kill his firstborn and sacrifice him to God. Fortunately, God had a change of heart and sent a ram to be sacrificed instead.

Then..............there is the issue of God sending Jesus to earth to be killed for the sins of the world. Kind of a heavy trip for a kid, growing up with that knowledge.

And, by the way Bootney, you may wish to reconsider your stance on "dirty hippies" and "welfare queens". Jesus Himself wore sandals and had long hair and a beard, as well as was supported by people other than Himself. I believe it was the women that hung around that did the work and got the money so Jesus could do His ministry.
If anything, what God did was worse. He let his grown son die a painful death.
Fetuses aren't grown. Nor are they sons. Also, there is no proof they feel pain.
God is an asshole.
...This isn't meant as a troll thread. It is meant to show you that invoking your God only serves to marginalize your opinion to MANY.

That’s fine. You’re not the people that we are trying to convince of things. I agree this is a Moral issue, not a Religious one; and that Morality trumps Religion.

What I think you may be missing is thst Immorality and Atheism are not good cornerstones for a belief system; yet they seem to be the basic building blocks of the defense for Abortion in this country.
I highly doubt God supported abortion. Jesus was ALL about helping the least among us. The most vulnerable. Therefore he wasn't in support of the wealthy and he fully supported the poor, destitute, and I believe the unborn because they are the most vulnerable. Ever read the Bible?
I highly doubt God supported abortion. Jesus was ALL about helping the least among us. The most vulnerable. Therefore he wasn't in support of the wealthy and he fully supported the poor, destitute, and I believe the unborn because they are the most vulnerable. Ever read the Bible?
That is how the Son differs from the Father...
I have no use for abortion I can take care of what I create..I can see in certain cases utilizing it but not because frivolity of hedonistic passion( I mean I love the hell out of it), but wrap that rascal...make them gargle, paint they face, birth control.
Neither the son or the father is a fan of the wealthy. They are about the destitute and poor. No other way to look at it.

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