God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

John 2:11...
Every Tanna and Amora could also change substances using Hebrew.
Yeshua was an Amora.
Not a speciial sign to the educated Rabbis and their students.
John 2:13-25...
They would have executed Yeshua right there and then and based on the Talmud Yoma, everyone not serving in the Temple knew not to misbehave there or they would not leave the Temple alive.
John 2:13-25...
They would have executed Yeshua right there and then and based on the Talmud Yoma, everyone not serving in the Temple knew not to misbehave there or they would not leave the Temple alive.
You are a very angry Jew. I'm done with your nonsense.
What signs did Yeshua give.
According to Yeshua himself, he hasn't done anything yet.
John 2:13-25...
They would have executed Yeshua right there and then and based on the Talmud Yoma, everyone not serving in the Temple knew not to misbehave there or they would not leave the Temple alive.
You are a very angry Jew. I'm done with your nonsense.
If you believe in your religion, this verse by verse discussion shouldn't bother you in the least.
John 2:13-25...
They would have executed Yeshua right there and then and based on the Talmud Yoma, everyone not serving in the Temple knew not to misbehave there or they would not leave the Temple alive.
JESUS was the one "misbehaving"? What an ignorant fool you are in these matters
OK, Hebrew for regrets in Genesis 6:6 from KJV+ which references Strong's numbers in its Hebrew dictionary:

(KJV+) And it repentedH5162 the LORDH3068 thatH3588 he had madeH6213 (H853) manH120 on the earth,H776 and it grievedH6087 him atH413 his heart.H3820

A primitive root; properly to sigh, that is, breathe strongly; by implication to be sorry, that is, (in a favorable sense) to pity, console or (reflexively) rue; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself): - comfort (self), ease [one’s self], repent (-er, -ing, self).
Total KJV occurrences: 108

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew definitions:

BDB Definition:
1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort, be comforted
1a) (Niphal)
1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity, have compassion
1a2) to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent
1a3) to comfort oneself, be comforted
1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself
1b) (Piel) to comfort, console
1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled
1d) (Hithpael)
1d1) to be sorry, have compassion
1d2) to rue, repent of
1d3) to comfort oneself, be comforted
1d4) to ease oneself
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: a primitive root

5162 [e] 6
way·yin·nā·ḥem 6
3068 [e]
3588 [e]
6213 [e]
He had made
853 [e]
120 [e]
Art | N‑ms

776 [e]
on the earth
Prep‑b, Art | N‑fs
6087 [e]
and He was grieved
Conj‑w | V‑Hitpael‑ConsecImperf‑3ms
John 2:13-25...
They would have executed Yeshua right there and then and based on the Talmud Yoma, everyone not serving in the Temple knew not to misbehave there or they would not leave the Temple alive.
You are a very angry Jew. I'm done with your nonsense.
If you believe in your religion, this verse by verse discussion shouldn't bother you in the least.
"Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him"

After awhile you realize what you are dealing with and "discussion" becomes pointless. I dont proselytize
Last edited:
God created evil for his pleasure. Do you recognize the pleasure of creating and doing evil?

Rev 4;11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Some people have what has been termed, the problem of evil. Many cannot fathom why, if god is good, he would create evil. Yet the scriptures are clear that god created evil for his pleasure.

It may be due to my criminal mind and delinquent attitude, but I think I know why. I wondered if you ands others had also dithered out a reasonable answer to show why sin and evil are required for god’s plan and our mental and moral development.

This fact is likely why the ancient Christians determined that sin was necessary for our development. They sing that Adam furthered god’s plan by his sin.

To them, even as Christianity and I clash, and the intelligent position, is that to not sin or do evil, is to derail god’s plan.

In this, issue, I happen to agree with the scriptures and Christians who say the sin and evil is good and necessary to god’s plan.

Do you?


G-d hates evil,
He only created it to give humanity freedom of choice.

Scriptures say that god does not allow freedom of choice.

This link imbedded below shows that clearly.
Are non-believers doomed by Divine Design?

Scriptures say that God decides if a person will be a believer or non-believer. Those scriptures are shown in this link.

Those quotes seems to really screw up the free will notion that Christians say God gives us.

The free will that God offers is kind of a joke anyway given the number of people whose free will to live is ignored in the billions of adults, children and babies that God is shown to torture and murder in scriptures.

If the bible and Yahweh are to be believed, and as a non-believer, I, of course, cannot believe it, thanks to God, by God’s design and will against me, then why did God deny me belief or faith?

Even more important to believers, might be to answer the question of; did God make you a believer in things that you can only hope exists and can never confirm?

Are you happy with God ignoring or negating your free will to think as you please?

I have assumed that God’s work of creating both believers and non-believers is working. If that is so, and you believers must think it so, just as I as a non-believer cannot think it is working, --- and Jesus said that those with faith could do all he did and more, --- then there is not even one believer or person of faith that has ever existed.

Either the bible and Christianity is all a lie, or there must be some who can do what Jesus did.

What is your choice of those two options?

Is the bible and Christianity a lie, or is God just not creating any people with faith, --- which would make all Christians who say they have faith, --- liars.

I mean no insult here but someone is definitely lying, if we read what is written and look at reality and listen to Christians.

What do you think is the truth?

Is it just for God to create people doomed to hell even if they wanted to believe?

Strange that you think god would create a plan where he was forced to do something he did not like, especially given that quite that you have torn out of your bible, or choose to ignore.

Will you also ignore the many quotes in that link?

If so, why call yourself a Christian?


What scriptures and verse are You relying on?

Torah says: "This day, I call upon the heaven and the earth as witnesses [that I have warned] you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live;"

I gave the only quote I needed in the O.P.

As a Jew, if I read you right, I am surprised that you would be a literalist given what your wiser than Christian ancients thought. Heel, Christianity even took the androgyny out of Yahweh when they usurped him from Jewry and reversed the moral of the story of Eden from your Original Virtue to their silly Original Sin view.

When did you become a literalist? Rabbi Hillel would be shocked and disappointed in you.

I hope you can see how intelligent the ancients were as compared to the mental efforts that modern preachers and theists are using with the literal reading of myths.

What is God?

Bill Moyers Journal . Watch & Listen | PBS

Rabbi Hillel, the older contemporary of Jesus, said that when asked to sum up the whole of Jewish teaching, while he stood on one leg, said, "The Golden Rule. That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. And everything else is only commentary. Now, go and study it."

Please listen as to what is said about the literal reading of myths.

"Origen, the great second or third century Greek commentator on the Bible said that it is absolutely impossible to take these texts literally. You simply cannot do so. And he said, "God has put these sort of conundrums and paradoxes in so that we are forced to seek a deeper meaning."

Matt 7;12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

This is how early Gnostic Christians view the transition from reading myths properly to destructive literal reading and idol worship.


So when replying to a Jew with "scriptures say", what point is there to quote from NT?

Literalist or not, it has nothing to do with the question at hand.
If you can't prove it from the text then its simply irrelevant.

Let's look at it from another angle - when G-d commands Eve not to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, how could she do otherwise if there wasn't freedom of choice?

Don't send me to videos,
try explaining on your own using logic.

Yes, Adam and Eve had a choice to eat of the forbidden fruit or not to eat.

Also, if Jehovah knew she would eat of the fruit - the test of obedience would have been a sham.

That Jehovah did not know the wicked outcome is shown by His being hurt at heart when the wickedness had grown intolerably worse shortly before the flood - note:

Genesis 6:6
And Jehovah felt regrets+ that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart.+

Knew or not that's a whole other discussion.
G-d knows any of possible outcomes that free choice can lead to,
but gave humanity to decide what its due. Fact remains - there's freedom of choice

But what you're referring to in Genesis is not regret, that's mistranslated.
'Vayinahem' is from the root of consolation, sort of, for lack of better term in English.

Well, of course, Jehovah knew that Adam and Eve would die IF they ate the fruit. God's mercy is shown in the definition of "day" (Psalms 90:4) that He chose to use in carrying out the death sentence - Adam lived 930 years, just short of a 1,000 year long day. And we wouldn't be here if Jehovah had not shown them mercy in letting them live way longer than needed for them to have children.

As my mom used to say: "if" is a mighty big word!

On feeling regrets our literature goes into detail as to what this means in Biblical context. For example as to why Jehovah did not destroy Nineveh in 40 days as he had Jonah preach. [He felt sorry for them - see the end of the book of Jonah.]

Genesis 6:6 links feeling regrets to being hurt at heart. But those people were not repentant like the Ninevites were.

In my next post I will research the Hebrew word you referenced - translated feeling regrets:

Who said G-d's seventh day ended?

But let's return to "Vayinahem".
I think this example will make it easier - there're 2 kinds of prophecies those of Za'am (fury)
and those of Nehamah (consolation) - there're no prophecies of regret.

Nehamah and Vayinahem are of one root n-h-m.
Regret, Haratah, is of a totally different root h-r-t.

Hope that helps.
What signs did Yeshua give.
According to Yeshua himself, he hasn't done anything yet.
What is3:2????
It's called a chapter and a verse.
I presume you have read every chapter and every verse starting with Genesis 1:1.
"3:2" doesnt tell me what BOOK you are referring to. Dont be an idiot.

I'm done angry Jew boy
Ad hominem...have I expressed any personal against you or adherents to your religion?
It's called context...we have been discussing John and I even provided you with the Link.
I'm not perturbed until someone explicitly misquotes The Jewish Scriptures.
The NT is all yours.
OK, Hebrew for regrets in Genesis 6:6 from KJV+ which references Strong's numbers in its Hebrew dictionary:

(KJV+) And it repentedH5162 the LORDH3068 thatH3588 he had madeH6213 (H853) manH120 on the earth,H776 and it grievedH6087 him atH413 his heart.H3820

A primitive root; properly to sigh, that is, breathe strongly; by implication to be sorry, that is, (in a favorable sense) to pity, console or (reflexively) rue; or (unfavorably) to avenge (oneself): - comfort (self), ease [one’s self], repent (-er, -ing, self).
Total KJV occurrences: 108

Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew definitions:

BDB Definition:
1) to be sorry, console oneself, repent, regret, comfort, be comforted
1a) (Niphal)
1a1) to be sorry, be moved to pity, have compassion
1a2) to be sorry, rue, suffer grief, repent
1a3) to comfort oneself, be comforted
1a4) to comfort oneself, ease oneself
1b) (Piel) to comfort, console
1c) (Pual) to be comforted, be consoled
1d) (Hithpael)
1d1) to be sorry, have compassion
1d2) to rue, repent of
1d3) to comfort oneself, be comforted
1d4) to ease oneself
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: a primitive root


3068 [e]
3588 [e]
6213 [e]
He had made
853 [e]
120 [e]
Art | N‑ms

776 [e]
on the earth
Prep‑b, Art | N‑fs
6087 [e]
and He was grieved
Conj‑w | V‑Hitpael‑ConsecImperf‑3ms
It's sad that even Artscroll mistranslates the word to "regret" that should be "comforted".
God, unbound by time, knows humans will sin again, and God is so kind, He comforts himself by allowing mankind to continue.
An angry God would not have sought out a single human as a reason to continue giving kindness.
Of course, in Genesis 6:6 Jehovah 'felt sorry' in a negative sense, while in Jonah 4:2 Jehovah felt sorry in a favorable sense - see Jonah 4:11 "feel sorry" (H2347/chus/lit. "cover" [cp. cover over sins]/compassion/pity.

In Genesis 6:6, in the verses that follow, Jehovah then determines to destroy while in Jonah 4:2,11 Jehovah decides to "spare" from destruction.

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